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Self-regulated learning with the Internet or hypermedia requires not only cognitive learning strategies, but also specific and general meta-cognitive strategies. The purposes of the Study2000 project, carried out at the TU Dresden, were to develop and evaluate authoring tools that support teachers and students in web-based learning and instruction. This paper presents how the authoring tools of the Study2000 project can implement psychologically sound measures to promote (a) active and elaborated learning activities and (b) meta-cognitive activities in a web-based learning environment. Furthermore, it describes a study involving 72 university students in the use of such a web-based learning environment in a self-regulated learning setting at the university level. Results show that students spent almost 70% of their study time with texts, 11% with learning tasks and 12% with the active and elaborated learning tools, whereas meta-cognitive aids where hardly used (<1%).  相似文献   

This paper proposes the learning behavioral Petri nets (LBPN) to model learning behavior in web-based environments. Fully useful records of learning behaviors must contain their expended time and corresponding contents. Therefore, the LBPN extends the colored tokens of colored Petri nets to identify learners and learning contents, and raises the time variable to represent diverse learning times for individual learners. To verify the viability of the LBPN, this paper also proposes a LBPN-based learning behavioral model to simulate a situation in which many learners participate in an e-learning course, and then to generate their behavioral patterns. The experimental results illustrated in this paper confirm that (1) the generated behavioral pattern based on the LBPN-based model is very close to actual data, (2) the time and cost spent to verify the effectiveness of an ITS is substantially reduced, (3) adequate testing data for estimating the performance and accuracy of an ITS is easily acquired, and (4) the LBPN-based model can be built to recommend appropriate learning contents and to accomplish adaptive learning.  相似文献   

Personalized web-based learning has become an important learning form in the 21st century. To recommend appropriate online materials for a certain learner, several characteristics of the learner, such as his/her learning style, learning modality, cognitive style and competency, need to be considered. An earlier research result showed that a fuzzy knowledge extraction model can be established to extract personalized recommendation knowledge by discovering effective learning paths from past learning experiences through an ant colony optimization model. Though that results revealed the theoretical potential of the proposed method in discovering effective learning paths for learners, critical limitations arose when considering its applications in real world situations, such as the requirement of a large amount of learners and a long period of training cycles in order to discover good learning paths for learners. These practical issues motivate this research. In this paper, the aim is to resolve the aforementioned issues by devising more efficient algorithms that basically run on the same ant colony model yet requiring only a reasonable number of learners and training cycles to find satisfactory good results. The key approaches to resolving the practical issues include revising the global update policy, an adaptive search policy and a segmented-goal training strategy. Based on simulation results, it is shown that these new ingredients added to the original knowledge extraction algorithm result in more efficient ones that can be applied in practical situations.  相似文献   

Psychological studies have shown that personal beliefs about learning and environmental preferences affect learning behaviors. However, these learner characteristics have not been widely discussed in the web-based context. By developing questionnaires, this study attempted to detect learners’ web-based learning environmental preferences (WLEP) and beliefs about web-based learning (BWL). The scope of WLEP focused on the pedagogical dimension of the web-based learning environment, while BWL concerned the attributes and control factors of the web-based learning. There were about five hundreds of Taiwan university students participating in the study. Through factor analysis, the scales discussed in the study revealed a satisfactory validity and reliability in assessing students’ preferences and beliefs. Further analyses showed that university students preferred more of individual and structured instructional configurations while expected the outward mode of interaction. In general, students held a rather contextual belief about web-based learning, which was found to be correlated with their environmental preferences.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a qualitative study of students' engagement with a Web-based inquiry environment aimed at prompting student reflection in processes of scientific inquiry. In order to demonstrate how prompts become structuring resources for students' scientific inquiry, detailed analyses of students' interaction processes are conducted. The students' written responses to the reflection prompts indicated a widespread use of a 'copy and paste' strategy. The analyses of student interaction deepen this finding and show that instead of participating in reflection activities, the students make use of these 'copy and paste' strategies in order to come up with 'correct' answers to the prompts. Further, the analyses indicate that the students' employment of these strategies can be seen as a response to what can be termed the institutional practices of schooling embedded within the design of the prompts. These findings are discussed and explored in accordance with findings from previous studies on prompting students' reflection in Web-based inquiry environments. The study demonstrates the value of a socio-cultural perspective for gaining a deeper understanding of students' engagement with Web-based learning environments. Such a perspective can give valuable insight into how to (re)design prompts, and how prompts can be productive parts of students' learning.  相似文献   

Web-based learning tools (WBLTs), also known as learning objects, are online, interactive tools that support the learning of specific concepts by enhancing, amplifying, and/or guiding the cognitive processes of learners. Research examining the effectiveness of WBLTs is somewhat limited because sound, reliable, valid evaluation metrics are sparse, particularly in the K-12 environment. The purpose of the following study was to re-examine the Learning Object Evaluation Scale for students (LOES-S), originally developed by Kay and Knaack (2009), to assess three key constructs: learning, design, and engagement. Over 800 middle and secondary schools students participated in high quality, pre-designed lessons intended to accentuate the use of WBLTs. Data collected from the new WBLT Evaluation Scale demonstrated good internal reliability, construct validity, convergent validity and predictive validity.  相似文献   

The social cognitive perspective of self-regulated learning suggests that effective learning is determined by the interactions among personal, behavioral, and environmental influences; particularly, high self-regulated learners hold higher motivation (personal), apply better learning strategies (behavioral) and respond to environmental demand more appropriately (environmental). The study thus uses the social cognitive perspective to explore the role of self-efficacy (personal), student feedback behavior, use of learning strategies (behavioral), performance and receiving feedback (environmental) in Web-based learning. There were 76 university students participated in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were applied for data analysis. The results supported that self-efficacy predicted student use of learning strategies and related to elaborated feedback behavior (personal → behavioral). High self-efficacy students applied more high-level learning strategies, such as elaborative strategy and critical thinking. Students who provided elaborated feedback also had higher self-efficacy than those who did not. Moreover, receiving elaborative feedback significantly promoted student self-efficacy (environmental → personal), while receiving knowledge of correct response improved student performance. However, the results indicated that feedback behaviors did not predict academic performance, which may be interfered by modeling effects.  相似文献   

The present paper’s aim is to investigate how the participants of an online learning environment employed written language in a creative way through the spontaneous use of figurative language. The content analysis showed that figurative language was a means to express the social dimension either to refer to the self, feelings and emotions, or to conceptualize the components of the virtual learning setting. The research context was a 10-week course, delivered at a distance via a computer conferencing system, addressed to 57 student teachers. The analysis was carried out in the social and meta-cognitive reflection areas, those areas which are mainly related to the expression of the social dimension The study had three different purposes: to investigate the distribution of figurative language during the course length; to explore the relation between the participants’ educational background and their use of figurative language, and to examine the relation between figurative language and the structure of the communication threads. The results indicate that participants tended to use figurative language more when meaningful or critical events happened. The higher the emotional involvement was, the more metaphorical language was adopted. Further results suggest that the adoption of figurative language seems to be related more to individual attitude, than to other factors such as educational background. Finally, figurative language occurrences were not concentrated in specific kinds of postings or threads and did not encourage further use of figurative language.  相似文献   

汉语分词系统中的信息集成和最佳路径搜索方法   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
复杂的汉语分词系统中,各种信息的有效集成是系统实现的关键。本文介绍了分词系统SegTag中信息集成方法,并讨论了信息集成结构中的两种最佳路径搜索方法。最后,我们给出实验结果和结论。  相似文献   

With the advancement of Web 2.0 applications, this study aims to advocate that social bookmarking (SB) applications could support mutual exchange of finding information in a manner of collective information searching (CIS). A social bookmarking system, namely ‘WeShare,’ was developed, and conducted with 127 junior high school students for performing the given assignment in this study. The participants’ activities of collecting and reviewing relevant information were traced by log data for later analysis. To initially unveil the participants’ behaviors in the use of social bookmarking for co-exploring the Internet resources, this study proposed some quantitative indicators to represent students’ personal contributions (‘Bookmarks from the Internet,’ ‘Bookmarks from WeShare,’ ‘Annotations on personal bookmarks,’ ‘Comments on others’ bookmarks’) and peer feedback (‘The number of bookmarks collected by peers,’ ‘The number of bookmarks commented on by peers,’ ‘The number of comments from peers’). By the method of cluster analysis, some behavioral patterns regarding how participants collectively search the Internet by use of WeShare were identified. Furthermore, the findings suggest that personal contributions to citing and commenting on peers’ bookmarks are important to the advancement of collective information searching activities for finding quality information on the Internet.  相似文献   

Abstract. . Factors which help to integrate business and information systems strategy are identified, a linchpin being the identification of what might be termed an information strategy. Information is defined and the implications of this definition for Vie provision of a flexible information environment are identified. The use of soft systems methodology in identifying key information needs and flows is summarized and an extension of this approach, which utilizes the concept of developing alternative future scenarios and associated business strategies, is introduced.  相似文献   

针对Tri-training算法利用无标记样例时会引入噪声且限制无标记样例的利用率而导致分类性能下降的缺点,提出了AR-Tri-training(Tri-training with assistant and rich strategy)算法.提出辅助学习策略,结合富信息策略设计辅助学习器,并将辅助学习器应用在Tri-training训练以及说话声识别中.实验结果表明,辅助学习器在Tri-training训练的基础上不仅降低每次迭代可能产生的误标记样例数,而且能够充分地利用无标记样例以及在验证集上的错分样例信息.从实验结果可以得出,该算法能够弥补Tri-training算法的缺点,进一步提高测试率.  相似文献   

In all parts of organisations there flourish developments of different new subsystems in areas of knowledge and learning. Over recent decades, new systems for classification of jobs have emerged both at the level of organisations and at a macro-labour market level. Recent developments in job evaluation systems make it possible to cope with the new demands for equity at work (between, for example, genders, races, physical abilities). Other systems have emerged to describe job requirements in terms of skills, knowledge and competence. Systems for learning at work and web-based learning have created a demand for new ways to classify and to understand the process of learning. Often these new systems have been taken from other areas of the organisation not directly concerned with facilitating workplace learning. All these new systems are of course closely interrelated but, in most organisations, a major problem is the severe lack of cohesion and compatibility between the different subsystems. The aim of this paper is to propose a basis for how different human resource systems can be integrated into the business development of an organisation. We discuss this problem and develop proposals alternative to integrated macro-systems. A key element in our proposition is a structure for classification of knowledge and skill to be used in all parts of the process. This structure should be used as an added dimension or an overlay on all other subsystems of the total process. This will facilitate a continued use of all existing systems within different organisations. We develop Burge's (personal communication) model for learning to show that learning is not a successive linear process, but rather an iterative process. In this way we emphasise the need for greater involvement of learners in the development of learning systems towards increased usability in a networked system. This paper is divided into two parts which are closely related. The first part gives an overview of the lack of compatibility between the different subsystems. In this first part we note two paradoxes which impact learning and for which we propose solutions. The second part deals with 'usability' aspects of these competency-related systems; in particular, usability in e-learning systems. In this second part we describe an example of a new organisational structure. We conclude by discussing four key concepts that are necessary conditions for organisations to address when developing their human capital. Establishing these conditions helps ensure compatibility and usability in e-learning systems.  相似文献   

Due to increasing demand for education and training in the information age, online learning and teaching is becoming a necessity in our future. However, lack of research goals to understand impact of online learning environments on students is a problem in research on online learning environments. We identified four main research goals to pursue in online learning environments based on their impact on learner achievement, engagement, and retention (opposite of attrition). Those goals are (a) enhancing learner engagement & collaboration, (b) promoting effective facilitation, (c) developing assessment techniques, and (d) designing faculty development programs. Current promising work in those areas is presented. Four methods that are common in the instructional technology literature are recommended to pursue those goals. Formative research and developmental research are relevant for all four. Although appropriate for any of the goals, experimental research is a better fit for goals b and c, and activity theory is useful for goals a and b.  相似文献   

Web-based communication via social networking sites has become an integral method of communication, raising the question of whether the well-established Attachment Theory remains applicable to modern relationships. This communication shift is also likely to affect the information dissemination dynamic; i.e., how internal attachment working models relate to virtual modes of communication. Three studies (354 participants in total, median age 27) examined the applicability of Attachment Theory to web-based social network communications. Using self- report measures (Study 1) and an experimental simulation (Study 2), the results indicate that attachment security level predicts an individual’s number of social ties and willingness to initiate web-based relationships. Secure individuals emerged as best situated to become social hubs. Study 3 reveals that a decrease in avoidance scores predicts an increased willingness to deliver information to others. Anxious participants exhibited less willingness to deliver highly threatening information but more willingness to deliver neutral information to others.These findings support the applicability of attachment internal working models to predicting web-based social network communication, and suggest that Attachment Theory can be a predictor of the dynamics of web-based dissemination of information.  相似文献   

在如何从海量的数据中提取有用的信息上提出了一种新的SVM的增量学习算法.该算法基于KKT条件,通过研究支持向量分布特点,分析了新样本加入训练集后,支持向量集的变化情况,提出等势训练集的观点.能对训练数据进行有效的遗忘淘汰,使得学习对象的知识得到了积累.在理论分析和对旅游信息分类的应用结果表明,该算法能在保持分类精度的同时,有效得提高训练速度.  相似文献   

Algorithms for the analysis of graph sequences are proposed in this paper. In particular, we study the problem of recovering missing information and predicting the occurrence of nodes and edges in time series of graphs. Two different recovery schemes are developed. The first scheme uses reference patterns that are extracted from a training set of graph sequences, while the second method is based on decision tree induction. Our work is motivated by applications in computer network analysis. However, the proposed recovery and prediction schemes are generic and can be applied in other domains as well.  相似文献   

In the mobile wireless computing environment of the future, a large number of users, equipped with low-powered palmtop machines, will query databases over wireless communication channels. Palmtop-based units will often be disconnected for prolonged periods of time, due to battery power saving measures; palmtops also will frequently relocate between different cells, and will connect to different data servers at different times. Caching of frequently accessed data items will be an important technique that will reduce contention on the narrow-bandwidth, wireless channel. However, cache individualization strategies will be severely affected by the disconnection and mobility of the clients. The server may no longer know which clients are currently residing under its cell, and which of them are currently on. We propose a taxonomy of different cache invalidation strategies, and study the impact of clients' disconnection times on their performance. We study ways to improve further the efficiency of the invalidation techniques described. We also describe how our techniques can be implemented over different network environments.  相似文献   

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