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本文提出求最优控制问题直接解的参数化不动点方法.它的基本思想是用参数化手段把最优控制问题转化为关于参数的有限维最优化问题,然后再把它归结为求一个映射的不动点问题.  相似文献   

孙怀民  梁群 《计算机学报》1993,16(3):161-170
程序自动综合中的一个难题是:系统怎样才能自动地发现并构造出所需的子程序.本文中我们提出一种基于部分二阶逻辑的机制,称之为假说演算.我们实现了一个基于此种机制的逻辑程序自动设计的实验系统ALP.当不能由背景知识直接构造出C_i~’S时,ALP能自动导出所需子程序的输入-输出实例并综合出所需子程序.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于图像提升小波变换和仿射不变特征点的零水印算法。首先对图像进行3级提升小波变换,然后在低频部分,利用Harris-Affine算子提取出图像的仿射不变特征点和仿射协变特征区域,利用这些特征区域来构造零水印信息。实验证明,该算法不仅对常规信号处理攻击和简单的几何攻击具有很强的鲁棒性,对于剪切、纵横比改变、行列去除,局部扭曲等较复杂的几何攻击也具有较强的抵抗能力。  相似文献   

多不动点约束下的网格变形算法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李环  周帅锋  覃征 《计算机工程》2009,35(10):25-26
提出一种多不动点约束下的网格变形算法,能直接对模型进行变形,在算法执行过程中不需要计算控制晶格,具有较低的计算代价。实验结果表明,该算法能够有效改善传统自由变形算法存在的局限性和复杂性问题。  相似文献   

We introduce a new iteration algorithm for solving the Ky Fan inequality over the fixed point set of a nonexpansive mapping, where the cost bifunction is monotone without Lipschitz-type continuity. The algorithm is based on the idea of the ergodic iteration method for solving multi-valued variational inequality which is proposed by Bruck [On the weak convergence of an ergodic iteration for the solution of variational inequalities for monotone operators in Hilbert space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 61 (1977), pp. 159–164] and the auxiliary problem principle for equilibrium problems P.N. Anh, T.N. Hai, and P.M. Tuan. [On ergodic algorithms for equilibrium problems, J. Glob. Optim. 64 (2016), pp. 179–195]. By choosing suitable regularization parameters, we also present the convergence analysis in detail for the algorithm and give some illustrative examples.  相似文献   

刘键 《计算机学报》2002,25(4):381-391
分布式状态机(DSM)是一个分布式计算模型,特别适用于反应系统,有广泛的用途,但一般其正确性证明与模型检验的复杂性却很高,不易实用。作者曾提出了一个DSM的代数模型及其模型检验算法,复杂较低,但模型推导过程有点问题。该文加强了对DSM模型检验问题的提法,研究了解的结构特征,证明了可将DSM模型检验问题归结为不动点计算问题,并将Cleaveland和Steffen求不动点的方法用于同步模型不动点计算过程,然后将Bertsekas关于欧氏空间上的异步收敛定理推广到完备格上,从而将求解异步DSM方程不动点问题转化为求解同步方程不动点问题,证明了在适当的条件下,有vgEA=vgES,vgES与vgEA分别是DSM同步方程与异步方程的大不同动点,该同步算法的复杂性为O(|S|log|TRAN|),S为状态集,TRAN为转移关系式集,利用本文结果,可以有效地克服了DSM进程之间的并发干扰所带来的各种困难,对分布式反应系统的可靠设计有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

Assume a partially ordered set (S, ≤) and a relation R on S. We consider various sets of conditions in order to determine whether they ensure the existence of a least reflexive point, that is, a least x such that xRx. This is a generalization of the problem of determining the least fixed point of a function and the conditions under which it exists. To motivate the investigation we first present a theorem by Cai and Paige giving conditions under which iterating R from the bottom element necessarily leads to a minimal reflexive point; the proof is by a concise relation-algebraic calculation. Then, we assume a complete lattice and exhibit sufficient conditions, depending on whether R is partial or not, for the existence of a least reflexive point. Further results concern the structure of the set of all reflexive points; among other results we give a sufficient condition that these form a complete lattice, thus generalizing Tarski’s classical result to the nondeterministic case.This research is supported by a grant from NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada).  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a class of neutral stochastic differential systems with variable delays and give sufficient conditions to ensure that the zero solution is asymptotically stable in the mean square by means of a generalisation of Banach's contraction principle. These conditions do not require the boundedness of delays, nor do they ask for a fixed sign on the coefficient functions. The results are shown to improve the previous globally stable results derived in the literature.  相似文献   

We present a systematic construction of a variadic, applicative-order, multiple fixed-point combinator in Scheme. The resulting Scheme procedure is a variadic extension of the n-ary version of Curry's fixed-point combinator. It can be used to create mutually-recursive procedures, and expand letrec-expressions.  相似文献   

本文定义了一个多context逻辑结构。MCO在几个方面推广了传统的一阶逻辑:每个context相关一个理论;Context间存在outer关系;  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种在微机上实现的印制板自动布线方法──多级线探索法及其编程方法。这种方法是基于完备布线算法的概念,通过分析李氏算法和传统线探索法的不足之处而得到的。虽然它也是一种线探索法,但有较传统线探索法更强的探索能力,不需要结合李氏算法而能单独完成布线任务,是一种较理想的算法,通过实验获得了较为满意的效果。  相似文献   

Ergonomics research on worker lifting in industry, and the many tools and methods that have resulted from it, have most often concentrated on the maximum amount of weight that a worker is capable and willing to lift in a given situation. In most psychophysical research on lifting, the frequency is one of a number of controlled variables along with container size, lift range, etc. Most of the relatively few studies that have investigated frequency as the response variable have used relatively heavy loads. In the study reported here, the focus was on the lifting of light weights and the subject acceptance of maximum frequency of lift for a two-handed lifting task. The lift range was set at approximately knuckle to shoulder height and was intended to simulate industrial jobs where the worker is tasked with either loading or unloading relatively light weight items to or from a processing line operation. Twelve college-age male subjects were used. Two conditions of weight, 0.7 kg (1.5 lb.) and 4.45 kg (10 lb.) were used and the subject adjusted his frequency of lift by communicating with the researcher, who adjusted a metronome to pace the task. The subjects were instructed to work at as fast a rate as they could for an hour period without becoming overheated, overly tired, out of breath or in pain. Measurements of oxygen consumption and heart rate were taken to supplement the psychophysical measure of lift frequency. Two replications of each weight condition were performed. At the conclusion of the metronome-paced sessions, an additional session for each weight condition was performed where the subject was instructed to lift as fast and consistently as they could with no external cuing device. The mean frequencies of lift identified in the experiment were 31.21 lifts per minute and 23.50 lifts per minute for the 0.7 kg and 4.5 kg lift weights respectively. The two weight conditions were significantly different from each other in their effects on subject metabolic energy expenditure with the subjects tending to work significantly harder physiologically at the heavier weight.  相似文献   

引进了一种离散化方法对分数阶时滞微分方程进行离散化求解。首先考察Wright分数阶时滞微分方程;其次分析相应具有分段常数变元的Wright分数阶时滞微分方程,并应用离散化过程对模型进行数值求解;然后根据不动点理论讨论该合成动力系统不动点的稳定性;最后借助MATLAB对模型进行数值仿真,并结合Lyapunov指数、相图、时间序列图、分岔图探讨模型更多复杂的动力学现象。结果显示,提出方法成功对Wright分数阶时滞微分方程进行离散。  相似文献   

非负矩阵最大特征值的新界值   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
§1.引 言 非负矩阵理论作为一种基本工具,被广泛地应用于数值分析、图论、计算机科学、管理科学等领域中.对非负矩阵最大特征值进行估计,又是该理论的核心问题之一.如果上下界能表示为矩阵元素的易于计算的函数,那么这种估计的价值更高.最著名且用得最多的当算G.Frobenius[1]界值. Frobenius界值定理.设r是n阶非负矩阵A的最大特征值,ri(i=1,2,…,n)为A的i行行和,则 minri≤r≤maxri(1.1) i i   对于A的i列列和Ci(i=1,2,…,n),有相同的结论. 对于有非零行和的非负矩阵A,H.Minc[2]把(1.1)式改进为(1.2)  相似文献   

课件在当前的教学中扮演着重要的角色,为了实现课件的自动化生成,文章从知识点研究出发,提出了一种新型的课件自动生成技术.首先根据知识点内容的作用将知识点进行分类,续而提出了知识点模式的概念,由此建立了知识点的规则库.根据规则库就可以利用计算机对教材中的知识点进行自动处理,处理后的知识点放入知识点库中,最后根据知识点库来自动生成课件.另外,文中还介绍了知识点库的存储结构.  相似文献   

论文研究的目的是使数据挖掘的理论更完善,术语更准确。许多关联规则挖掘的文献中,出现了"最大频繁项目集(最大频繁模式)"这一术语。文中利用"序关系"这一基本数学理论,论证了"最大频繁项目集(最大频繁模式)"这一术语的提法是欠妥的,甚至是谬误。并依据这一基本理论,对相关概念给予正确定义。  相似文献   

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