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我国硫矿资源极其丰富 ,类型齐全 ,对其成因分类和分布规律的研究 ,将有助于提高地质理论水平和扩大找矿远景。笔者通过多年的潜心研究 ,并综合前人资料 ,按成因分类将硫矿床分为自然硫矿床和硫铁矿矿床两大类型。自然硫矿床 ,从成因上讲又可分为火山型和沉积型两类。火山型自然硫矿床多富集于熔岩和火山凝灰质堆积物的裂隙或孔穴中 ,有的沉积于火山湖内。矿质来源于近代火山喷发。主要分布在太平洋东西两岸的近代火山活动发育区 ,整个含硫成矿带延伸超过 30 0 0km ,有几百个火山型自然硫矿床。其中 ,储量较大的分布在智利、日本、菲律宾…  相似文献   

朱勇 《四川水泥》2020,(3):347-347
浪都板石矿床矿体赋存于图姆沟组第二段(T3t^2),岩性主要为含深灰至灰黑色板岩、砂质板岩夹砂岩,矿体与围岩产状一致,呈层状产出,矿石类型为黑板石,矿床为晚三叠世沉积的一套泥质岩、泥质粉砂岩和中酸性凝灰岩,沉积成岩后受变质岩作用的影响发生变质并最终成矿。  相似文献   

芒硝在许多工业生产中作为一些化学物品的副产品产生,是一种在自然界中天然形成的一种矿产资源。芒硝矿主要包含芒硝、该芒硝和无水芒硝三种矿物质。据调查研究得知,在芒硝矿产资源中,占据比例最大的就是钙芒硝,约占全国芒硝资源总量的百分之九十左右。钙芒硝分布在我国的多个城市,其中以四川的钙芒硝分布含量最多。本文将围绕钙芒硝矿地质特征分析与该芒硝矿床的成因两个方面进行详细的分析和研究。  相似文献   

刚果盆地是低纬度重要的成盐盆地,主要由白垩系、新近系和第四系组成。含盐地层赋存于白垩纪地层中部,其下伏陆相碎屑岩沉积,上覆海相碎屑—碳酸盐岩沉积。盐层包括5种沉积层序,盐类矿物析出顺序是:硬石膏—石盐—光卤石—水氯镁石—溢晶石。研究区钾盐矿和石盐矿共生,钾盐矿层有20层,累计平均厚度259.61m,KCl品位大于15%。矿石类型主要为光卤石型,次为钾石盐型。矿石为滨海—泻湖相沉积蒸发岩,其沉积与大西洋裂谷的演化发展密切相关,是白垩纪裂谷发育期间,由初始浓缩沉积的富含卤化物海水运移至次级盆地进一步蒸发沉积形成。  相似文献   

对辽宁省北票市北塔子油页岩矿的地层、构造、岩浆岩等特征进行了研究,并提出了矿床成因类型及寻找油页岩矿床的方向。  相似文献   

唐嗣刚 《中国化工贸易》2013,(12):368-368,202
黔东南区大地构造位处华南褶皱带与扬子准地台接触带。区内矿产资源丰富,钒矿作为区内的主要矿产之一,产于震旦系与寒武系间跨时代地层之留茶坡组(Lc)顶部及寒武系九门冲组第一段地层中。  相似文献   

文章重点对辽宁省某区溶剂用石灰石矿的地层、构造、岩浆岩等特征进行了研究,并分析了矿床成因类型及寻找矿床的标志。  相似文献   

袁和  魏强  王泽蛟 《辽宁化工》2013,42(1):53-55,60
主要论述了辽宁省喀左县公营子镇铁匠沟高镁石灰岩矿的赋存层位,矿体形态、产状及规模,矿石的物质组成、化学成分,矿石的自然类型及质量等特征以及矿床成因类型.  相似文献   

硫铁矿渣湿法制备氧化铁红   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以武汉天力集团的硫铁矿渣为原料,采用湿法工艺制备中间产品绿矾和最终产品氧化铁红。根据矿渣样品中杂质含量较大的特点,采取了多次过滤、加入除杂剂、重结晶等操作方法来提高产品纯度,使其达到国标规定要求,为其工业化提出了可行的建议。  相似文献   

灵山矿区的地质特征和各种类型矿石的选矿结果有密切关系。该矿区黄铁矿可浮性好,而混合带矿石的铜、铅、锌选别分离难度大。因此应采用以回收硫为主,铜硫矿石、锌硫矿石分采分选的原则流程。细磨是提高精矿质量、降低其中杂质的关键措施。  相似文献   

对云浮硫铁矿烧渣磨矿-弱磁选-阴离子反浮选试验流程、设备、工艺条件和试验结果作了介绍。在磨矿细度-200目88.48%、原烧渣含铁品位45.87%的条件下,经磁-浮流程分选,获得综合铁精矿品位55.44%,回收率77.91%的指标。综合的尾矿品位含铁28.50%.  相似文献   

云浮硫铁矿采场边坡管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了加强采场边坡的稳定性,有效地防治边坡的塌陷和下滑,该矿在边坡管理方面采取了一系列切实可行的技术管理措施,如片石砼墙体,水泥浆喷抹,骨架砌体,抗滑桩、植草种树等。  相似文献   

The desulfurization of pyrite during the coking process leads to the formation of phases of varying size, shape and composition. The phases are represented mostly by Fe and S-bearing associations, which can be divided into two categories: those represented only by of Fe-S phases (three varieties), and aggregates containing both sulfides and almost pure iron. There are also Fe-O and Fe-S-O phases, which were probably formed after the coke was pushed from the coke oven. It is suggested that the formation of Fe and S-bearing associations can cause the appearance of cracks and cavities in the coke matrix, which, together with the pressure of the released SO2 gas, will detract from the strength of the coke. Large grains of pyrite can create weaker spots than do smaller ones, and the incomplete decomposition of pyrite will cause migration of the remaining part of the sulfur to the blast furnace, affecting the reactions there. This may be more common in cokes of relatively low porosity and small pore size and in those made from coals with large pyrite grains.  相似文献   

云浮硫铁矿酸性水防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云浮硫铁矿矿区酸性水具有量大,点多,酸性强的特点,自80年代起就已进行酸性水处理工业试验,介绍了目前采用的中和法处理工艺及其效果。  相似文献   

从硫铁矿烧渣用于炼铁这一角度探讨了烧渣利用的价值和意义。研究发现,用选矿方法处理硫铁矿烧渣.既不经济也不可行。可行的办法是将硫铁矿精矿品位精选到46%以上.从而使制酸烧渣的TFe含量大于60%,达到炼铁要求。  相似文献   

针对云浮硫铁矿现有的碎磨工艺当前只能生产耗能多的单一产品的问题,提出了改进意见,即采用具品位分级功能的粗碎-开路自磨工艺生产多种品级的矿石产品。  相似文献   

《Fuel Processing Technology》1997,50(2-3):225-234
The kinetics of the chlorination of pyrite in two Turkish lignites in water and water-carbon tetrachloride media at ambient pressure ( 610 mm Hg) are investigated. The effects of speed of stirring (5–20 s−1), particle size (74–88, 150–180 and 250–425 μm), temperature (13–70°C) and reaction time (0–18 000 s) were studied. The experimental data were analyzed on the basis of the unreacted shrinking core model. The fine pyrite particles are assumed to be embedded inside the coal particles. The rate-controlling step was found to be diffusion of chlorine through the ash (the coal matrix). The activation energies were calculated as 25.1 kJ mol−1 for Dada i coal in water medium and 25.0 kJ mol−1 for Mengen coal in water-carbon tetrachloride medium.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical characteristics of six types of pyrite isolated from ores and coals as well as the mechanism of their oxidation by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans were investigated. The effect of monocrystallinity, orientation of crystals, and microaggregation on the oxidation degree of polish rock section was clearly revealed.

The investigation of the surface of powdered pyrite particles showed the ratio S2−/Fe2+ of pyrite to be equal to 2.7. This indicates that the surface of the pyrite particles was deficient in metal or redundant in sulfur. This ratio holds in the coarse of pyrite oxidation by T. ferrooxidans, indicating that Fe2+ and S2− are oxidized simultaneously. In the presence of S. thermosulfidooxidans the ratio S2−/Fe2+ is reduced to 1.0 for some types of pyrite indicating preferential oxidation of S2−. The kinetics and mechanism of bacterial oxidation of pyrites are discussed.  相似文献   

为了适应国际市场的需要,进行了生产高硫低硅优质硫精矿的试验,确定了磨矿细度、药剂制度和工艺流程的最佳方案。在工业性试验中取得了硫精矿品位52.28%,含SiO_20.44%的指标。  相似文献   

The reaction of natural pyrite and lithium was investigated in solvent-free, polymer electrolytes at medium temperature (90 °C). In such a system the full capacity of pyrite is accessed in the first discharge-charge cycle, however, the system is affected by a substantial capacity fading especially in low rate discharges. The capacity fading observed is attributed to the irreversible reaction of the sulfur formed at the end of charge step and the polymer in the electrolyte. The investigation showed that the irreversible process occurring at 1.3 V is not the cause of the capacity fading but it is resulting from the reduction of the above mentioned oxidation products.  相似文献   

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