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With increased commoditisation of traditional services, telecommunications service providers are exploiting their core network-centric strengths and targeting increased revenues from ICT-based services. Aimed at enterprise-scale customers, these services range from the provision of IP-VPNs to full IT outsourcing, and span the range of infrastructure domains from desktop to data centre. The primary challenge lies not in the ICT infrastructure itself, but in the increasing demands placed upon the operational support systems (OSS) to deliver services holistically across the range of ICT operations. Based on BT’s experience with corporate and government customers, this paper presents a detailed study of the ICT challenges on the OSS in achieving an end-to-end view of ICT service management. It proposes an architectural route forward and highlights BT’s work on policy-based service management solutions.  相似文献   

A pricing mechanism to mediate (and allocate resources) between conflicting user and network objectives has been recently proposed by the authors in a single-cell system. Here, we extend the results to a multicell system, where the autonomous base station assignment and power control are formulated as a noncooperative game among users. The network prices the resources using two strategies: global pricing that maximizes the revenue, and minimax pricing that trades off the revenue for a more even resource allocation.  相似文献   

路佩佩 《电子测试》2014,(22):14-15
为了便于高校运动会中信息的管理,提出了基于RFID高校运动会的信息管理系统。本文分析了高校运动会信息管理系统的需求,设计了基于RFID运动会信息管理的整体系统,并详细设计了识别系统即RFID系统。  相似文献   

Policy management is an all-encompassing term that describes how the QoS policies applied to a network would be managed. This paper illustrates the complexity of policy management, and goes on to explain how the end result of installing a new network policy only happens after a range of both business and network rules are followed. Business rules check that the requested policy is permitted under the customer’s agreed service package and other non-network variables such as the time of day, while network rules include access control functions that check the network has sufficient free capacity before admitting the new policy. Various examples illustrate the importance of co-ordinating policies across the network and that the most appropriate policy is installed in the first place. Poor policy management may result in a next generation network appearing to offer a worse quality of service than the completely best-effort network it is replacing.  相似文献   

The delivery of next generation IT and communications services to corporate customers is a principal part of BT’s growth strategy. These services range from IP virtual private networks, to hosted applications, through to fully managed solutions spanning complex IT and network infrastructures. The cost and flexibility of such services is increasingly dependent on the operational support systems (OSS), which automate activities such as provisioning, change, billing, and incident management. However, the OSS challenges for the service provider have never been so great — not only to support a wide-ranging portfolio of legacy products, but also a new generation of convergent products, while at the same time trying to deliver both improved service and cost savings. Moreover, in the corporate sector, large contracts are typically won in partnerships, and through outsourcing. The OSS must therefore interwork seamlessly with the counterpart OSS in each of the partner’s operations, pulling together to deliver a single managed service to the customer. This paper outlines BT’s solution to these complex OSS challenges, the application of its systems capability matrix to corporate customers, the relationship to its alliance with HP, the importance of standards such as ITIL, and how BT is levering its research and venturing capabilities to deliver a competitive edge through OSS.  相似文献   

本文通过运用现代管理学理论五大基本职能的观点.对无线电管理机构开展实际工作进行有针对性的分析,探讨了在现代管理学的基本理论指导下提高管理效能、做好无线电管理机构建设工作的各项举措和方法。  相似文献   

文章主要针对ICT项目进行分析,在分析其特点的基础上解析项目建设内容,最后对ICT项目管理模式进行分析。  相似文献   

邬贺铨 《世界电信》2012,(3):37-42,6
2012年,电信业的转型已经到了需要认真思考的时候,是互联网融合进电信网,还是电信网融合进互联网?在全球各领域面临深层次变革的今天,电信业的发展充满挑战,也充满想象。  相似文献   

The convergence of computing, communications and consumer electronics brings enormous opportunity for industrial growth, for efficiency generally in the management of complexity, and for creativity in social and entertainment pursuits. It also beings confusion, uncertainty and ambiguity, which can be debilitating for users and expensive in waste and in the churn of obsolescent products. The Digital Audio-Visual Council (DAVIC) is one of few global and cross-industrial organisations which is succeeding in managing convergence. DAVIC is about to publish the second (backwards compatible) revision to its Specifications, DAVIC 1.2. The Specifications were created to reduce uncertainty, to reduce the costs of technology and to support the interoperability of high-quality, real-time interactive multimedia services around the world  相似文献   

张鹏 《电讯技术》2014,54(5):689-694
E-2"鹰眼"系列预警机作为关键的C4ISR节点,一直在美国海军中扮演着极其重要的角色。日益复杂的网络中心战环境对预警机提出了更高的要求,而基础技术的不断发展也为进一步提高预警机性能,进而使其可以承担更多的任务奠定了基础。在介绍美国海军最新一代预警机——E-2D"先进鹰眼"航空电子系统的基础上,重点论述了其在网络中心战环境中发挥的作用,并对其关键技术及未来发展进行了探讨。有关信息可为工程技术人员提供参考。  相似文献   

The long awaited cloud computing concept is a reality now due to the transformation of computer generations. However, security challenges have become the biggest obstacles for the advancement of this emerging technology. A well-established policy framework is defined in this paper to generate security policies which are compliant to requirements and capabilities. Moreover, a federated policy management schema is introduced based on the policy definition framework and a multi-level policy application to create and manage virtual clusters with identical or common security levels. The proposed model consists in the design of a well-established ontology according to security mechanisms, a procedure which classifies nodes with common policies into virtual clusters, a policy engine to enhance the process of mapping requests to a specific node as well as an associated cluster and matchmaker engine to eliminate inessential mapping processes. The suggested model has been evaluated according to performance and security parameters to prove the efficiency and reliability of this multi-layered engine in cloud computing environments during policy definition, application and mapping procedures.  相似文献   

自适应块大小运动估计(ABME)对于H.264/H.26L的高编码增益具有非常重要的作用,而其复杂的处理算法使其用于实时压缩编码受到很大的限制.本文提出一种在系统芯片(SoC)实现ABME的空间并行结构,其主要思想是将单个16(16宏块的匹配搜索分成并行16个4(4结构的处理单元,所有单元以相同步调同步搜索匹配块并计算每一步的SAD值,接着采用多个独立单元分别计算不同位置、不同数目的4(4子块所拼接成的块(16(8、8(16、8(8等等)对应的SAD及运动矢量,从而找出每种块结构所对应的最优匹配位置及匹配误差,编码器采用拉格朗日函数判据从中选择一种块结构作为编码时的运动估计单元.EDA软件仿真验证了本文算法的可行性及有效性.  相似文献   

In recent years, several case studies have appeared on how mobile telephones, SMS and the Internet had an impact on political activities. It has been widely argued that information and communication technology (ICT) is influencing democracy all over the world. However, few studies provide any analysis of how ICT expansion correlates with measures of democracy. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the global expansion of ICT and the level of democracy within nations. We analyze archival data on 133 countries from 1995 to 2003, which was the period-of-time of explosive ICT expansion. Some important findings of our study are: (a) there is a growing digital divide in democratic freedoms among countries; (b) in spite of rapid ICT expansion in some countries, Internet filtering is having a significant impact on democratic freedoms.  相似文献   

说明了软交换系统中策略管理的体系结构;详细介绍了软交换系统基于策略的网络管理协议和管理过程,包括消息格式、消息交换过程;举例说明了保证软交换系统中的服务质量的方法;最后给出该软件的设计、实现结构和相关部分等内容。  相似文献   

无线电对讲机是移动通信中的一个重要分支.它是一种无线的可在移动中使用的一点对多点进行通信的终端设备。无线电对讲机的通信方式和其他通信方式相比有很多不同的特点:即时沟通、一呼百应、经济实用.同时还具有组呼通播、系统呼叫、机密呼叫等功能。在处理紧急突发事件和调度指挥中.其作用是其他通信工具所无法替代的。  相似文献   

基于 STM32控制液晶的接口实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对STM32控制ILI9320型号的TFT-LCD液晶,设计了STM32控制液晶电路,并给出了与上位机通信的接口.对液晶的工作原理、系统硬件实现和软件实现做了详细介绍.通过STM32控制液晶,设计指令使上位机对整个液晶系统控制更加方便,使之成为一个液晶显示系统,具有操作简单、效率高等优点.  相似文献   

设计一款功率转换器并不简单,因为其中涉及多方面的技术知识。出色的功率转换器设计工程师必须对模拟及混合信号电路的设计、变压器绕组、电磁兼容性、封装及散热设计有一定的认识。由于电子产品的功率密度越来越大,加上不同的电源供应系统设计各有优缺点,因此工程师必须审慎考量,作出最适当的取舍,才可确保所采用的封装及散热设计能够满足电源管理系统的要求。部分电子产品需要传送大量数据,令系统结构越趋复杂,因此散热系统的设计越来越受到高度的关注。面对这种发展趋势,  相似文献   

This study contributes towards the relatively new but growing discipline of QoE management in content delivery systems. The study focuses on the development of a QoE-based management framework for the construction of QoE models for different types of multimedia contents delivered onto three typical mobile terminals—a mobile phone, PDA and a laptop. A statistical modelling technique is employed which, correlates QoS parameters with estimates of QoE perceptions. These correlations were found to be dependent on terminals and multimedia content types. The application of the framework and prediction models in QoE management strategies are demonstrated using examples. We find that significant resource savings can be achieved with our approach by contrast to conventional QoS solutions.  相似文献   

为鼓励更多年轻女性成为ICT技术领域的专业人才,ITU将今年"世界电信与信息社会日"的主题定为"信息通信与女性(Women and Girls in ICT)",并表示,期望世界各地的女性均能全面应用ICT,从信息和知识中获取力量,了解自身权利并把握数字机遇。  相似文献   

Remote access to networks has become a standard part of corporate networks worldwide, and one that is growing rapidly. How are network managers to respond to this growth without a corresponding increase in resources? © 1998 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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