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桂林市临桂县义江边的两江古镇,是名副其实的风水宝地,古树参天,车水马龙,商贾如云。现在是桂林国际航空港,数百年前,是出入融安、融水、灵川、龙胜的交通要道,商贸交易辐射到湖南、广东。古往今来,繁华的集市,忙碌的商贩,朴实的居民,已打造出诸多远近闻名品牌,如:铁器加工、木材家俱、成品衣物……,同时,也推出颇具本地特色的各类小吃,如:牛血、松糕、汤圆、米豆腐、剔河螺、马蹄糕,其中名气最大当数远  相似文献   

公历是以耶苏诞生为公元元年,公元纪年是每年递加的不断延伸的自然正数系列,这是大家都熟悉的常识。但知道我国农历纪年方式的人就不如公历那未普遍,我国的农历纪年与公元纪年很大不同点是它不是由数字组成,而是由天干(甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、已、庚、辛、壬、癸)与地支(子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥)各一字依次组成干支年,这种变化就是十个天干与十二个地支的最小公倍,组成60个,是为一个周期,循环往复,以至无穷,因此,孤立的看农历纪年年号是不能判断距今的具体时间的,  相似文献   

海参的营养及药用功效海参的营养价值较高,每百克水发海参含蛋白质14.9g,脂肪0.9g,碳水化合物0.4g,钙357mg,硒256mg,磷12mg,铁2.4mg以及维生素B1、维生素B2、尼克酸等。海参含胆固醇极低,为一种典型的高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇食物。加上其肉质细嫩,易于消化,所以,非常适宜于老年人、儿童以及体质虚弱的人食用。故人们将海参当作高档名菜,用作烧、扒、烩、拌、汤等菜肴,如虾籽大乌参、红烧海参、扒海参、扒鸡腿海参、氽海参玉兰片、烩海参四丝、烩三丁、麻酱海参、蝴蝶海参、冰糖海参羹、海参猪肉木耳汤、海参羊肉淡菜汤等等。  相似文献   

李静  董同沅 《食品科学》1998,19(2):10-12
自七十年代以来,由美国,日本,俄罗斯,德国等国垄断的木质纤维素,作为高级助滤剂控制着包括我国在内的整个需求市场。进入九十年代,由我国研制成功的木质纤维素,不但在产品质量上领先于国外同类产品,而且在工业化生产能力上初具规模。该产品可广泛地应用于化工、电力、油品加工、冶金、化纤、乙烯、印染、啤酒、酒制品、医疗等行业,可开发应用的场所十分广泛,如:污水处理、海水淡化、味精、酱油、食糖、食用油、保健饮料精制、保健烟嘴等方面。由于它独特的性能,将会得到更加广泛的应用。木质纤维素是以木浆为原料,经过降解、提纯、烘干而成。产品色泽洁白、无毒、无味、无杂质、细腻、滑散、无结团,含水份5%~7%,纤维直径10~ ......  相似文献   

用好专件器材提高成纱质量   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对专件、器材的优选能进一步提高纱线质量的事实,采用跟踪试验法,从科学选型、精心制作进行了讨论,重点论述了胶辊、胶圈、上销、下销、压力棒、隔距块、钢领、钢丝圈、锭子的合理搭配、正确使用和创新管理,指出只有了解原料的各项性能指标,根据设备状况,结合专件、器材的特性,综合运用现有资源配置,扬长避短,着眼全局,制定出相应的工艺参数,才是稳定和提高产品质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

赖华万 《中国食品》2020,(9):126-127
中式面点具有悠久的历史,是中式烹调的重要组成部分,品种流派众多,制作工艺千变万化,讲究馅心、注重口味,不但深受中国人民的喜爱,在全球各国也有一定的声誉。中式面点的成型技法多样,造型美观,技术要求高、艺术性强,如:包、捏、卷、按、擀、叠、切、摊、剪、搓、抻、削、拨、钳花、滚沾、镶嵌、模具、挤注等操作均需要精湛技术和制作技巧。  相似文献   

在我国,烹调是一种技能,也是一种艺术,甚至可以说也是物质文明和精神文明相结合的产物。"中国菜好吃",这已是各国友人在宴席之上,餐厅之外异口同声的赞誉。"中国菜好吃"奥妙在哪里呢?1.技法多样:中国菜的烹调技法多达数十种,如炒、爆、烹、炸、溜、烩、煎、贴、烧、焖、扒、蒸、烤、涮、汆、炖、煨、酱、卤、熏、拌、炝、煮、熬以及甜菜的拔丝、蜜汁、挂霜等,各种技法各有各的独特风味。2.花样多:中国菜的花样没有精确统计过,但至少在万种以上。仅以山东、四川、湖南、江苏、广东五大风味菜系来看,就有名菜数千种,如同百花争艳,美不胜收。有些国际友人说:"吃中国菜是一种令人难忘的  相似文献   

从颜色辨别:绿色植物与地面距离接近,吸收地面湿气,故而性偏寒,如绿豆、绿色蔬菜等。颜色偏红的植物,如辣椒、胡椒、枣、石榴等,虽与地面接近生长,但果实能吸收较多的阳光,故而性偏热。从味道上辨别:味甜、味辛的食品,由于接受阳光照射的时间较多,所以性热,如大蒜、柿子、石榴等。而那些味苦、味酸的食品,大多偏寒,如苦瓜、苦菜、芋头、梅子、木瓜等。  相似文献   

“山川之美,古来共谈(”陶弘景《答谢中书书》)。这是因为秀美的山河在为人类提供丰富的物质资源和良好的生活环境的同时,还能给他们带来心灵的慰藉、思想的启迪和审美的愉悦。中国地域广阔,历史悠久,山水名胜资源十分丰富。其中名山除了“五岳”——泰山、华山、嵩山、衡山、恒山之外,庐山之秀,黄山之奇,五台、峨眉的佛影,武当的道迹,无不令人向往;大川则除了长江、黄河、大运河、黑龙江、淮河、珠江、雅鲁藏布江之外,鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖和青海湖等也名闻遐迩。至于高原、盆地、沙漠、草原、岛屿、洞穴、峡谷、溪涧、池潭、瀑布、泉流、…  相似文献   

一般来说,味道重的食物,其中令人担心的主要是盐(包括其他成味调味品)、糖、增味剂和油脂过多的问题。浓味有时也涉及到辣、麻、酸等方面的味道,但相比而言,没有前面的问题严重。大部分情况下,味道重的食物含盐量很高,所谓“好厨师一把盐”,盐多,再配合一些增味剂和其他调味品,就容易给食客留下深刻印象。盐就是氯化钠,它是一种防腐物质,具有一定的毒性。除了盐之外,味精、鸡精等增鲜产品,以及酱油、黄酱、豆酱、日本酱、沙茶酱、豆瓣酱、辣椒酱、腐乳、豆豉、蚝油、虾酱、鱼露等所有成味调味品也都含有大量的钠。过多的钠会增加肾脏负担,促进水肿,升高血压,造成组织脱水,增加胃癌风险,加剧经前期不适,还会增加尿钙流失,不利干预防骨质疏松等等。  相似文献   

The content of ash, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr and Ni was determined in four species of brassicas: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and green and white cauliflowers. The investigation covered the raw material, the material blanched or cooked before freezing and frozen products after 12 months of refrigerated storage and prepared for consumption. Frozen products were obtained by the traditional method of freezing the blanched material or by the modified method of freezing the cooked material. The processing of vegetables before freezing (washing, grinding, blanching or cooking) caused statistically significant decreases in most constituents analysed. Blanching did not basically change the content of sodium and calcium; or that of chromium in both types of cauliflower; copper and nickel in white cauliflower; and nickel and phosphorus in Brussels sprouts. Cooking in brine, however, caused increases in the content of ash, sodium and calcium in white cauliflower, decreases in the content of potassium and iron and, in some species, of the remaining constituents. In comparison with the traditional method, a greater content of most analysed elements was found in frozen products obtained by the modified technology and prepared for consumption. However, no significant differences were noted in the level of chromium in all the samples; in the level of calcium in broccoli and green cauliflower; of nickel in broccoli; of nickel, copper and zinc in white cauliflower; and of copper in green cauliflower.  相似文献   

红车轴草不同部位中异黄酮含量的测定   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用反相高效液相色谱法对红车轴草不同部位(花、茎和叶)中四种主要异黄酮(鸡豆黄素A、芒柄花黄素、染料木素和大豆黄素)的含量进行了测定,结果表明:以占干物质计,4种异黄酮总量,叶中含量最高(0.856%),茎次之(0.403%),花中含量较低(0.258%)。鸡豆黄素A和芒柄花黄素是红车轴草中两种最主要的异黄酮,主要分布在叶中,其次是茎,花中含量较低。染料木素和大豆黄素,无论是花、茎还是叶,含量均较低。  相似文献   

为掌握云烟97在我国不同生态区烟叶的主要品质性状差异,系统分析了云南曲靖(清香型烟区)、贵州毕节(中偏清香型烟区)和重庆武隆(中间香型烟区)3个烤烟种植生态区云烟97烟叶的外观质量、化学成分、风格特征和烟气品质。结果表明,贵州毕节烟叶烟气品质综合得分最高,中部叶干草香香韵、香气质、香气量和透发性得分显著高于云南和重庆,还原糖含量和烟气浓度显著高于重庆;云南曲靖烟叶外观质量最好,中部叶总氮含量、氮碱比值以及烟气飘逸感得分均显著高于贵州和重庆,烟气浓度和劲头得分居中,清香型特点显著;重庆武隆烟叶外观质量居中,中部叶总植物碱含量、烟气刺激性、干燥感和悬浮感得分均显著高于云南和贵州,而糖碱比和余味得分则显著低于云南和贵州,中间香型特点显著。由云南经贵州向重庆方向,云烟97烟叶清甜香韵和烟气飘逸感逐渐减弱,木香香韵和烟气悬浮感逐渐加强。  相似文献   

Effects of duration of grain feeding on the concentration of endotoxic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in digesta throughout the digestive tract and on acute phase proteins and LPS in peripheral blood were determined in Holstein yearling calves. Twenty-five Holstein yearling steer calves received either a forage-based diet containing 92% hay and 8% of a mineral and vitamin pellet on a dry matter basis (CON) or a moderate-grain diet, obtained by replacing 41.5% of the hay in the forage-based diet with barley grain, for 3 (MG3), 7 (MG7), 14 (MG14), or 21 d (MG21) before slaughter. Immediately before slaughter, blood samples were collected from the jugular vein. Immediately after slaughter, digesta samples were collected from the rumen, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, and rectum. Rumen liquid digesta, digesta from the intestines, and peripheral blood plasma were analyzed for LPS. Peripheral blood plasma and serum were analyzed for the acute phase proteins amyloid A, haptoglobin, and LPS-binding protein. Feeding the grain diet increased the LPS concentration in rumen fluid linearly from 15,488 endotoxin units (EU)/mL for CON to 70,146 EU/mL for MG7. Concentrations of LPS in rumen fluid in MG14 and MG21 were 61,944 and 56,234 EU/mL, respectively, and did not differ. The LPS concentrations in jejunal digesta were much lower than that in digesta elsewhere in the digestive tract, which suggests that ruminal LPS is broken down in the abomasum or proximal jejunum. The concentration of digesta LPS in the ileum was higher than that of digesta elsewhere in the intestines and similar to that in rumen fluid. The duration of grain feeding increased the LPS concentration in digesta in the ileum and cecum and tended to increase that in the colon cubically. Concentrations of LPS in this part of the digestive tract were highest in the MG3 and MG21 groups. The highest concentrations of LPS in digesta in the cecum, colon, and rectum were 3.7, 3.8, and 5.6 times higher than that in CON, respectively. Grain feeding and the increase in LPS in digesta were not accompanied by an acute phase response or a detectable concentration of LPS in peripheral blood. The absence of LPS in peripheral blood and the lack of increase in acute phase proteins indicated that the grain feeding protocol used in the current study and the accompanying changes in LPS concentrations of the digesta did not result in systemic inflammation.  相似文献   

Androgenic steroids always exist in different animal tissues at trace level, with significant numbers of interfering compounds, which makes their determination difficult. To solve some of the problems in quantification of the natural steroids in those tissues, a new GC-MS method was developed in this study. By using a surrogate analyte approach, which was developed in the authors’ previous studies, and extensive sample preparation procedure, which successfully eliminates many of the interfering compounds and resulting in a cleaner extract, accuracy, precision, sensitivity and selectivity of the method for the determination of steroids in complex matrices such as meat, liver and testis were improved. By aid of this method, the levels of androgens in different tissues of Iranian native cross-breed bulls and male sheep were determined. According to the results obtained in the present study, although the androgenic profile (contents and ratios of precursors and metabolites to the main hormones) is similar between the same tissues of both animals, the total androgenic content of each tissue is higher in the bull than the same tissue in male sheep. In addition, in both animals higher amount of androgens were found in liver in comparison with meat and testis.  相似文献   

This study determined the distribution of drugs to different milk fractions according to their physicochemical properties. Hydrophilic drugs tend to concentrate in skim milk, whereas lipophilic drugs tend to concentrate in cream. The concentration of a drug in casein is related to its degree of binding to milk proteins. Thus, we aimed to determine whether withdrawal time in whole milk differs from that in cream, casein, and skim milk. Amoxicillin and tylosin were selected as prototype hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs, respectively. The study was conducted in vitro and in vivo to determine whether in vitro conditions reflect the distribution of drugs in the different milk fractions in vivo. The in vivo study was conducted using a crossover design on 6 healthy Holstein dairy cattle. First, amoxicillin (i.m., single dose, 14 mg/kg) was administered to cows. Following a 1-wk washout period, tylosin (i.m., single dose, 15 mg/kg) was administered. Concentrations of amoxicillin and tylosin in milk and milk fractions were measured using HPLC-UV. In the in vitro study, 0.04 to 400 μg/g of amoxicillin and 0.05 to 50 μg/g of tylosin were spiked to drug-free milk and the concentrations in milk and milk fractions were measured. In addition, the percentage of total protein in milk and milk fractions was determined. Amoxicillin accumulated more in skim milk than in cream and casein, both in vitro (92%) and in vivo (73%, skim milk-to-whole milk ratio). The distribution of tylosin in whole and skim milk was similar to that of amoxicillin in the in vitro study, in contrast to the accumulation of tylosin in cream seen in vivo. However, the accumulation ratio of tylosin in cream was lower than expected. By either method, tylosin was less concentrated in casein than in skim milk and cream. The percentage of total protein was similar in skim milk and whole milk and higher than in cream. Thus, amoxicillin accumulates less in cream and casein, suggesting that these fractions would pose a lower risk to the consumer. Tylosin was still present at the maximum residue limit (50 μg/kg) 24 h after injection in the casein fraction and 48 h after injection in the cream fraction.  相似文献   

The element composition of water leached from a perennial ryegrass pasture to which isonitrogenous quantities of sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulphate fertilisers had been applied in an experiment lasting 2 years is described. The experimental design also allowed a comparison of the immediate effects of sodium nitrate in the grazing season in which the fertiliser was applied with the residual effects of applying it in the previous year. Applying sodium fertiliser in either 1992 or 1993, but not both years, increased the concentrations of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and cobalt and reduced those of phosphorus and molybdenum in leachate. The application of sulphur fertiliser reduced the concentrations of zinc, copper, iron and molybdenum in leachate. It also reduced the concentrations of sodium, potassium and magnesium, but only when sodium fertiliser was applied in 1992, and not when it was applied in 1993. It is concluded that sulphur fertiliser reduces the leaching of trace elements from the soil and that, in the long term, sodium fertiliser can amplify the effect of applying sulphur fertiliser. Sodium fertiliser in moderate quantities increased the leaching of the major divalent cations but reduced the phosphorus and molybdenum concentrations in leachate. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

食品中铝含量及其危害研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
当前食品中铝含量问题已经引起了社会的广泛关注。如何解决食品中铝含量对人体健康影响已是食品安全领域十分关注的重要课题之一。本文介绍了近年来食品中铝研究技术的现状,主要从食品中的铝长期高水平摄入可能对人体产生危害对人体引起的各种毒性及食品中铝含量分析趋势研究等方面进行了综述。通过对食品中铝含量的分析研究,表明铝常常出现在面粉、馒头、油条、面条、麻花、油饼、炸糕、面包、粉条、膨化食品等其他面制品中。了解目前铝对人体健康的危害程度和相关的应对措施,减少我国人群,尤其是儿童铝的摄入量是目前需要解决的问题之一,对面制食品中铝含量的控制是改善我国铝摄入状况的有效途径,为进一步研究食品中铝的风险监测与评估具有一定参考性。  相似文献   

目的 分析评价云南小草坝新鲜天麻中9种金属元素含量水平。方法 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法检测云南小草坝新鲜天麻中铁Fe、铜Cu、钴Co、锰Mn、镍Ni、硒Se、砷As、铅Pb、汞Hg的含量, 并使用食品安全指数IFS法进行重金属污染评价。结果 云南小草坝新鲜天麻中各元素均检出, 参照《现行药用植物及制剂进出口绿色行业标准》及《中国药典》2015年版中重金属限量值判定, 54份天麻中Cu、Pb、As、Hg的含量均没有样品超过限量指标。按照GB 2762-2012食品标准进行判定, Pb有40.7%的超标率, As、Hg均未出现超标样品。小草坝产区新鲜天麻中As、Pb、Hg的IFS值均小于1。结论 云南小草坝新鲜天麻中微量元素丰富, 食品安全风险整体上在可接受范围, 但仍需关注可能存在的铅污染水平。  相似文献   

The impact of lighting on minimally processed broccoli and cauliflower packaged in four different film types (PVC and three P-Plus) has been measured and compared. The effect on the sensory quality of storage at 4 °C in darkness and under lighting was evaluated. The gas concentration in the packages, pH, mesophilic counts and weight loss was also determined.Neither the type of film used for packaging nor the storage conditions led to changes in the evolution of pH or the microorganism count in broccoli and cauliflower. However, exposure to light stimulated stomatic opening facilitate the exchange of gases between the plant tissue and the atmosphere within the packaging. Thus, a considerable loss of water vapor was observed in the packages of both vegetables stored in the presence of illumination. Moreover, exposure to light stimulated respiratory activity so that for the cauliflower, the composition of the atmosphere within the packages varied depending on the permeability of the packaging film used and the storage conditions. However, in the case of the broccoli, the increase in respiratory activity due to the lighting was compensated by the photosynthetic activity which took place in these conditions, in such a way that the composition of the atmosphere inside the packs solely depended on the permeability of the film.This difference in the physiological response conditioned the most suitable kind of packaging film in each case. For cauliflower, in conditions of darkness, P-Plus 120 film proved the most suitable for preserving its sensory qualities, while under conditions of lighting, this film did not prove suitable due to its low permeability. However, in broccoli the different packaging films tested behaved in a very similar way whether stored under lighting or in the dark.  相似文献   

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