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The New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary is subject to significant contamination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from numerous sources, including the historically contaminated Upper Hudson River, stormwater runoff and sewer overflows, and atmospheric deposition from PCBs originating from the surrounding urban area. However, the relative importance of these sources to the estuary's food web is not fully understood. Sources of PCBs to the estuary were apportioned using chiral signatures of PCBs in air, water, total suspended matter, phytoplankton, and sediment. PCBs 91, 95, 136, and 149 were racemic in the atmosphere of the estuary. However, the other phases contained nonracemic PCB 95 and to a lesser extent PCB 149. Thus, the predominant atmospheric source of these congeners is likely unweathered local pollution and not volatilization from the estuary. The similarity in chiral signatures in the other phases is consistent with dynamic contaminant exchange among them. Chiral signatures in the dissolved phase and total suspended matter were correlated with Upper Hudson discharge, suggesting thatthe delivery of nonracemic contaminated sediment from the Upper Hudson, not the atmosphere, controls phytoplankton uptake of some PCBs. Thus, measures to control PCB contamination in the Upper Hudson should be effective in reducing loadings to the estuary's aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured at urban/industrial, suburban, coastal, and rural areas in New Jersey as part of the New Jersey Atmospheric Deposition Network. Concentrations of 36 PAH compounds were measured in the gas and particle phases in air and in precipitation at nine sites at regular intervals from October 1997 through May 2001. Gas-phase and particle-phase sigma36PAH concentrations ranged from 0.45 to 118 ng m(-3) and from 0.046 to 172 ng m(-3), respectively, and precipitation concentrations ranged from 11 to 16200 ng L(-1). PAH concentrations vary spatially across the region, with the highest concentrations occurring at the most heavily urban and industrial locations. Average gas absorption deposition ranged from 0.004 (naphthacene) to 5040 (methylphenanthrenes) ng m(-2) d(-1), and dry particle deposition PAH fluxes ranged from 0.11 (naphthacene) to 300 (benzo[b+k]fluoranthene) ng m(-2) d(-1) at the nine sites. Average atmospheric wet deposition PAH fluxes at the seven sites ranged from 0.40 (cyclopenta[cd]pyrene) to 140 (methylphenanthrenes) ng m(-2) d(-1). These represent the first comprehensive estimates of PAH deposition to New Jersey and the Mid-Atlantic East Coast.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to measure atmospheric concentrations of PAHs and PCBs and estimate their fluxes between air and water in the northern San Francisco Estuary. Ambient air samples were collected once every 12 days at a single sampling site in Concord, CA, from June to November 2000, using a modified high-volume air-sampling device equipped with glass fiber filters and polyurethane foam. Concentrations of total PAHs and PCBs ranged from 5.7 to 56 and 0.17 to 0.32 ng/m3, respectively. PAHs and PCBs in the ambient air were predominantly in the vapor phase (83-99%). Gaseous fluxes of PAHs in the estuary showed high seasonal variation, ranging from 110 ng x m(-2) x day(-1) efflux in August to 1,050 ng x m(-2) x day(-1) influx in November. Gaseous PCBs showed consistent net volatilization 12.2-24 ng x m(-1) x day(-1)) for this period. Particle settling contributed estimated net deposition fluxes of 45-960 ng x m(-2) day(-1) for PAHs and 0.39-2.1 ng x m(m(-2) x day(-1) for PCBs. Combining these fluxes, PAHs were either deposited to or lost from the estuary via the atmosphere, depending on the month. In contrast, there consistently was net emission of PCBs from the estuary to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

This study represents the first time that a micrometeorological technique, using turbulent transport measurements, has been used to determine the direction and magnitude of air-water exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The study was conducted during July 2008 on the Hudson River estuary near the Tappan Zee Bridge, which is the site of some of the most serious PCB contamination in the world. Gas-phase ΣPCB concentrations measured at two heights above the water column averaged 1.1 ng m(-3), and concentrations were usually lower in the upper air sample, indicating net transport of PCBs from the water column to the air. Volatilization PCB fluxes were calculated using the modified Thornthwaite-Holzman equation. Values of friction velocity and atmospheric stability were calculated using the Aerodynamic Gradient and Eddy Correlation techniques. The PCB fluxes were corrected for changes in atmospheric stability using the atmospheric stability factor of water vapor (?(w)) calculated from empirical formulations which ranged from 1.0 to 3.2 (neutral to stable atmospheric boundary layer conditions). Vertical ΣPCB fluxes ranged from +0.5 μg m(-2) d (-1) to +13 μg m(-2) d (-1). Mono- through tri-homologues accounted for about half of ΣPCB fluxes, with tetra- through hexa-homologue accounting for the other half. This work demonstrates the utility of a micrometeorological approach to measuring the air-water exchange of organic contaminants.  相似文献   

目的建立一种气相色谱内标标准曲线法测定鱼肉中7种指示性多氯联苯不确定度的分析方法。方法依据JJF 1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》,通过建立测量结果数学模型,系统分析实验过程的不确定度影响因素,对各不确定度来源进行了量化与合成,最终得到气相色谱内标标准曲线法测定鱼肉中多氯联苯不确定度的关键影响因素。结果标准曲线拟合、标准溶液配制、样品重复性测定以及样品中内标物的加入是鱼肉中多氯联苯测量不确定度的关键影响因素。结论本研究为水产品中多氯联苯不确定度分析提供了较为详尽的参考依据,更加有利于多氯联苯测量结果的科学评价和广泛应用。  相似文献   

The atmospheric transport of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was compared by measuring concentrations in air and deposition on an island located in the central basin of the Baltic Sea. Median sigmaPBDE and sigmaPCB concentrations (gaseous + particle) were 8.6 and 7.4 pg m(-3), respectively. Airborne PCBs were mainly found in the gaseous phase, while most of the PBDEs were detected on particles, which agrees with predicted particle/gas distributions. SigmaPBDE levels were dominated by the decabrominated BDE209 followed bythe tetrabrominated BDE47 and pentabrominated BDE99. BDE209 is a marker for the environmental distribution of the commercial deca-BDE formulation (>99.5% BDE209), whereas BDE47 and BDE99 are markers for the commercial penta-BDE mixture. General correlations between PBDEs and PCBs suggested similarities in sources and transport mechanism, while more detailed examination of the data identified notable behaviors and exceptions. Differences in regression slopes among tetra-, penta-, and decabrominated PBDEs may reflect different transport processes and the change in usage pattern. Tetra- and pentabrominated PBDEs may originate from secondary sources such as air surface exchange in a manner similar to that of the PCBs, while the deca-BDE209 formulation still has primary sources. The tribrominated BDE17 was also detected and is proposed to be a breakdown product due to atmospheric debromination processes. PBDEs had higher washout ratios than PCBs, explaining their higher concentrations compared to PCBs in precipitation (median of 6.0 and 0.5 ng L(-1) for sigmaBDE and sigmaPCB concentrations ("dissolved" + particle), respectively) than in air. The calculated yearly deposition of PBDEs and PCBs indicated that the atmospheric input of PBDEs to the Baltic Proper is currently exceeding that of the PCBs by a factor of 40, while that of the PCBs is decreasing.  相似文献   

Concentrations of organochlorine (OC) pesticides and coplanar (dioxin-like) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in bulk deposition were measured at the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve (MPMNR) and A Chau, which are both important habitats for waterbirds in Hong Kong. OC pesticides exempted from the Stockholm Convention were present in greater concentrations than those that have been restricted for use in the region. Among the OC pesticides, HCB, sigmaDDTs, and sigmaHCHs were detected. Concentrations of HCB were greater at MPMNR than at A Chau, and this finding suggests short-range transport of this compound, which is different from the other OC pesticides. Several environmental factors including seasonal variations in temperature, particulate matter, and rainfall may influence the flux of OC pesticides. Since sources of HCB often coexist with sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (dioxins and furans), the presence of HCB may be a useful surrogate for monitoring airborne dioxins and for understanding their deposition potential. The contribution of atmospheric deposition to the OC pesticide input to the two study sites was small. Concentrations of most OC pesticides in surface waters were greater than would be predicted based on the inputs from atmospheric deposition and sedimentation. The mass balance calculation suggests a net flux of OC pesticides from bottom sediments to the overlying water column.  相似文献   

The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in rain samples collected from a semiurban and a marine background site of the eastern Mediterranean. The concentration of sigmaPCB (sum of 54 PCB congeners) in the city of Heraklion (2.9 +/- 1.9 ng L(-1)) was not significantly higher than the corresponding concentration measured at the background sampling station of Finokalia (1.9 +/- 0.9 ng L(-1)). In both sites, the sum of tri- and tetrachlorinated congeners accounted for more than 55% of sigmaPCB in rainwater. For all samples, the percentage of particle-bound PCBs ranged between 6.6% and 63.8%, providing an average value of 31 +/- 18%. The washout ratios of particulate PCBs (WP) were constant for individual congeners regardless the degree of chlorination. Average WP values ranged between 1.9 x 10(5) and 5.2 x 10(5) while a value of 2.7(+/- 1.3) x 10(5) was deduced for sigmaPCB. The corresponding washout ratios for gaseous PCBs were substantially lower and ranged between 7 x 10(3) (PCB 99) and 1.3 x 10(5) (PCB 180). Washout ratios of gaseous PCBs were also calculated based on Henry's law, and they were found to be 30-920 times lower than those obtained from field measurements. On the basis of our data, the wet deposition flux of sigmaPCB in the eastern Mediterranean should approach 820 ng m(-2) yr(-1). This flux is similar with the values recently reported for several background sites of the United States and Europe, but it is 1 order of magnitude lower than the flux of PCBs measured in the western Mediterranean 16 yr ago.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the contribution made by atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition to the total N input to 10 estuaries on the east coast of the United States. We estimated the amount of N fixed by human activities in the watersheds (N fertilization, biotic N2fixation by legumes and pastures, atmospheric N deposition, and net food and feed import of N) of these 10 estuaries and used a land-use specific approach to estimate the N available for transport to the estuary from different watershed N sources (runoff from agriculture, urban areas and upland forests, point sources, and atmospheric deposition). Total atmospheric N inputs (watershed runoff plus direct deposition to the surface of estuary) accounted for 15-42% of the total N inputs to these 10 estuaries. Direct deposition to the surface of the estuary was an important atmospheric N source for four estuaries, accounting for 35-50% of the total atmospheric N inputs. Simulated reductions of atmospheric N deposition by 25% and 50% of current deposition rates reduced the contribution made by atmospheric N deposition to the total N loads by 1-6% and 2-11%, respectively. Largest reductions occurred in estuaries with direct atmospheric N deposition contributions >35% of the total atmospheric N input. Results from our simulated reductions suggest that considerable reductions (>25%) in atmospheric N deposition will be needed to significantly reduce the contribution made by atmospheric N deposition to the total N loads to our study estuaries. In addition, reductions in atmospheric N deposition will first be detected in estuaries with relatively high direct deposition inputs of atmospheric N deposition.  相似文献   

The first long-term concurrent measurements of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in rainwater, in cloudwater, and in air (both gas and particle phase) are reported. Measurements were made weekly between June 1998 and April 2000 at a rural forested upland site in SE Scotland. Rainwater TCA concentration did not differ significantly between two elevations (602 and 275 m asl), with precipitation-weighted mean values of 0.77 and 0.70 microg L(-1), respectively (n > 75). The precipitation-weighted mean concentration of TCA in cloudwater at the highest elevation was 0.92 microg L(-1), yielding an average cloudwater enrichment factor of 1.2, considerably lower than for other inorganic ions measured. Rainwater and cloudwater TCA concentrations did not vary systematically with season. Since wet precipitation depth also did not vary systematically with season, the wet deposition fluxes of TCA were likewise invariant (annual fluxes at the highest elevation of 880 and 130 microg m(-2), respectively, for rain and cloud interception to spruce forest). Weekly integrated concentrations of TCA in air (gas and particle) were very low (median 25 pg m(-3), range < LOD-110 pg m(-3)). The estimated upper limit for annual dry deposition of TCA at this site was approximately 20 microg m(-2), assuming a deposition velocity of 2 cm s(-1). Concentrations of TCA in air correlated reasonably strongly with concentrations in rainwater, with a partition ratio approximately equal to the Henry's law coefficient. On average, only about 23% of TCA measured in Edinburgh air was associated with the particle phase. These measurements are consistent with the observed high scavenging ratio of TCA (ratio of concentration in air to concentration in rainwater). Overall, these data confirm that the atmosphere is an important source of TCA to the environment and that precipitation is the dominant transfer mechanism. In line with previous work, the atmospheric deposition flux is greater than expected from the current understanding of atmospheric production of TCA from anthropogenic precursors. It is suggested that aqueous-phase processes could lead to greater atmospheric conversion of chlorinated solvent precursors to TCA than is currently accepted.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the air and water over Raritan Bay and New York Harbor were taken in July 1998, allowing the first determinations of air-water exchange fluxes for this heavily impacted system. Average gas-phase concentrations of sigmaPCBs were 1.0 ng m(-3) above Raritan Bay and 3.1 ng m(-3) above New York Harbor. A similar gradient was observed for dissolved water concentrations (1.6 and 3.8 ng L(-1), respectively). Shallow slopes of log K(oc) vs log K(ow) plots indicated a colloidal contribution to the dissolved concentrations, and a three-phase partitioning model was therefore applied. PCBs associated with colloids ranged from 6% to 93% for trichloro- to nonachlorobiphenyls, respectively. Air-water gas exchange fluxes of sigmaPCBs exhibited net volatilization for both Raritan Bay at +400 ng m(-2) day(-1) and New York Harbor at +2100 ng m(-2) day(-1). The correction for the colloidal interactions decreased the volatilization flux of sigmaPCBs by about 15%. Net air-water exchange fluxes of PCBs are expected to remain positive throughout the year due to the large water-air fugacity gradient and relatively constant seasonal water concentrations. The volatilization fluxes are approximately 40 times greater than atmospheric deposition of PCBs via both wet and dry particle deposition, suggesting that the estuary acts as a net source of PCBs to the atmosphere year-round.  相似文献   

Air-water exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls in the Delaware River   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The air-water exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) often results in net volatilization, which is thought to be the most important loss process for PCBs in many systems. Previous investigations of the air-water exchange of PCBs have been hampered by difficulties in treatment of the uncertainty in the calculation of air/water fugacity ratios. This work presents a new framework for the treatment of uncertainty, where uncertainty in physical constants is handled differently from random measurement uncertainty associated with random samples, and it further investigates the sorption of PCBs to colloids (dissolved organic carbon). Simultaneous measurements of PCBs in the air and water of five water quality management zones of the Delaware River were taken in 2002 in support of the total maximum daily load (TMDL) process. Gas-phase concentrations of IPCBs ranged from 110 to 1350 pg m(-3), while dissolved water concentrations were between 420 and 1650 pg L(-1). Shallow slopes of log Koc vs. log Kow plots indicated a colloidal contribution to the apparent dissolved-phase concentrations, such that a three-phase partitioning model was applied. Fugacity ratios for individual congeners were calculated under the most conservative assumptions, and their values (log-transformed) were examined via a single-sample T-test to determine whether they were significantly less than 1 at the 95% confidence level. This method demonstrated that air-water exchange resulted in net volatilization in all zones over all cruises for all but seven high molecular weight congeners. Calculated net fluxes ranged from +360 to +3000 ng m(-2) d(-1) for sigma PCBs. The colloidal correction decreased the volatilization flux of sigma PCBs by approximately 30%. The decachlorinated congener (PCB 209), exhibited unusually high concentrations in the suspended solids, especially in the southern portions of the river, indicating that there is a distinct source of PCB 209 in the Delaware River.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were produced in the mid 1900s for industrial use. The term PCBs refers to 209 theoretically possible chlorinated compounds of the biphenyl molecule (congeners). The number and location of the chlorines govern both the environmental fate and toxicity of each congener. Changes in the distribution of congeners in river sediments can result from congener transformation and/or preferential congener transport. This study exploits the distribution of PCB congeners, specifically congeners that maintain a constant ratio relationship in the commercially manufactured PCB mixtures (Aroclors), to quantify the likelihood of congener distribution shifts in river sediment. By using relative abundances, the influence of total PCB bias is eliminated. Correlated congeners (tracker pairs) maintain a constant relative proportion in sequentially more-highly chlorinated Aroclors, thus there is no need to know the source contaminating Aroclors a priori. Using the Frame et al. database of Aroclor congener distributions, 276 pairs of correlated congeners, constructed from 95 individual congeners, are identified. A comparison study of Aroclors and Hudson River sediments included 218 of the 276 tracker pairs. Conclusive evidence of a shift in the congener proportions is found in 120 of the 218 cases, a much greater number than expected if no change in congener distribution had occurred.  相似文献   

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