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A number of recent studies address systems of mobile autonomous robots from a distributed computing point of view. Although such systems employ robots that are relatively weak and simple (i.e., dimensionless, oblivious and anonymous), they are nevertheless expected to have strong fault tolerance capabilities as a group. This paper studies the partitioning problem, where n robots must divide themselves into k size-balanced groups, and examines the impact of common orientation on the solvability of this problem. First, deterministic crash-fault-tolerant algorithms are given for the problem in the asynchronous full-compass and semi-synchronous half-compass models, and a randomized algorithm is given for the semi-synchronous no-compass model. Next, the role of common orientation shared by the robots is examined. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the partitioning problem to be solvable are given in the different timing models. Finally, the problem is proved to be unsolvable in the no-compass synchronous model. 相似文献
Gerasimos G. Rigatos 《Expert systems with applications》2012,39(8):6767-6773
The paper studies computation models for tasks performed by autonomous mobile robots. Such tasks can be accomplished by reactive control algorithms. Reactive control systems can be described using different models of computation which have as distinguishing feature the abstraction level of time. Thus, three computation models are defined: the untimed model, the synchronous model and the timed model. It is shown that the clocked-synchronous model of computation is more appropriate for describing the controller for a parallel parking task. 相似文献
We propose a hybrid approach specifically adapted to deal with the autonomous-navigation problem of a mobile robot which is subjected to perform an emergency task in a partially-known environment. Such a navigation problem requires a method that is able to yield a fast execution time, under constraints on the capacity of the robot and on known/unknown obstacles, and that is sufficiently flexible to deal with errors in the known parts of the environment (unexpected obstacles). Our proposal includes an off-line task-independent preprocessing phase, which is applied just once for a given robot in a given environment. Its purpose is to build, within the known zones, a roadmap of near-time-optimal reference trajectories. The actual execution of the task is an online process that combines reactive navigation with trajectory tracking and that includes smooth transitions between these two modes of navigation. Controllers used are fuzzy-inference systems. Both simulation and experimental results are presented to test the performance of the proposed hybrid approach. Obtained results demonstrate the ability of our proposal to handle unexpected obstacles and to accomplish navigation tasks in relatively complex environments. The results also show that, thanks to its time-optimal-trajectory planning, our proposal is well adapted to emergency tasks as it is able to achieve shorter execution times, compared to other waypoint-navigation methods that rely on optimal-path planning. 相似文献
Sending mobile robots to accomplish planet exploration missions is scientifically promising and technologically challenging. We present in this paper a complete approach that encompasses the major aspects involved in the design of a robotic system for planetary exploration. It includes mission teleprogramming and supervision at a ground station, and autonomous mission execution by the remote mobile robot. We have partially implemented and validated these concepts. Experimental results illustrate the approach and the results. 相似文献
A hybrid navigation strategy is proposed in this paper for solving the navigation problem of multiple mobile robots. The proposed strategy integrates three algorithms that represent three different types of existing methods in a layered system. The bottom-up architecture of this system is the main contribution of this paper. This architecture pursues reliable low-level layers that can independently work in as much cases as possible, and the high-level layer is used only when it is necessary for guaranteeing convergence in complex situations. The simulation results show that the proposed strategy has well combined the algorithms of different types from the perspective of pursuing reactivity in the premise of ensuring convergence. Compared with the traditional top-down hybrid architecture, the bottom-up architecture proposed in this paper is more suitable for multi-robot navigation since it can better utilize the advantages of different algorithms to deal with different situations. The experiments on real robots have further verified the applicability of the proposed strategy. 相似文献
在非结构化环境,移动机器人行驶运动规划和自主导航是非常挑战性的问题。基于实时的动态栅格地图,提出了一个快速的而又实效的轨迹规划算法,实现机器人在室外环境的无碰撞运动导航。AMOR是自主研发的室外运动移动机器人,它在2007年欧洲C-ELROB大赛中赢得了野外自主侦察比赛的冠军。它装备了SICK的激光雷达,用来获取机器人运动前方的障碍物体信息,建立实时动态的环境地图。以A*框架为基础的改造算法,能够在众多的路径中快速地找到最佳的安全行驶路径,实现可靠的自主导航。所有的测试和比赛结果表明所提方案是可行的、有效的。 相似文献
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a popular method for solving the path planning problem of autonomous mobile robots in unknown environments. However, the primary difficulty faced by learning robots using the RL method is that they learn too slowly in obstacle-dense environments. To more efficiently solve the path planning problem of autonomous mobile robots in such environments, this paper presents a novel approach in which the robot’s learning process is divided into two phases. The first one is to accelerate the learning process for obtaining an optimal policy by developing the well-known Dyna-Q algorithm that trains the robot in learning actions for avoiding obstacles when following the vector direction. In this phase, the robot’s position is represented as a uniform grid. At each time step, the robot performs an action to move to one of its eight adjacent cells, so the path obtained from the optimal policy may be longer than the true shortest path. The second one is to train the robot in learning a collision-free smooth path for decreasing the number of the heading changes of the robot. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is efficient for the path planning problem of autonomous mobile robots in unknown environments with dense obstacles. 相似文献
Raja Chatila 《Robotics and Autonomous Systems》1995,16(2-4):197-211
This paper discusses issues related to the design of the control architectures for an autonomous mobile robot capable of performing tasks efficiently and intelligently, i.e. in a manner adapted to its environment, to its own state and to the execution status of its task. We present our developments and experimentations on mobile robot navigation and show how it is necessary to produce representations at several levels of abstraction, that are used by adequate processes for obstacle detection, target recognition, robot localization, and motion planning and control. We also show that deliberation is necessary for the robot in order to anticipate events, take efficient decisions, and react adequately to asynchronous events. We also discuss the organization of the system, i.e. the design of the control architecture. 相似文献
基于观测器的轮式移动机器人路径跟踪控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究基于状态观测器的轮式移动机器人的路径跟踪控制问题.首先简要回顾了基于状态反馈的移动机器人的路径跟踪控制问题;进而通过适当的状态变换将移动机器人模型转换为合适的形式,并在移动机器人的位置可以测量的情况下设计了一种可保证状态观测误差指数收敛的状态观测器;最后结合状态反馈路径跟踪控制器和所设计的观测器得到了一种基于观测器的路径跟踪控制器,该控制器可以保证移动机器人的运动轨迹指数收敛到期望路径上.仿真结果证实了所提出的基于观测器的路径跟踪控制器的有效性. 相似文献
运动协调是多移动机器人系统领域的主要研究热点之一。在阐述多机器人合作与运动协调两者关系的基础上,给出了多机器人系统运动协调的问题描述及其分类;从主要研究方法的角度,归纳总结了多机器人系统运动协调的国内外研究动态。最后,对运动协调在多移动机器人系统领域的前景和研究方向作出了展望。 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(7-8):791-816
—This paper presents a new idea for an obstacle recognition method for mobile robots by analyzing optical flow information acquired from dynamic images. First, the optical flow field is detected in image sequences from a camera on a moving observer and moving object candidates are extracted by using a normalized square residual error [focus of expansion (FOE) residual error] value that is calculated in the process of estimating the FOE. Next, the optical flow directions and intensity values are stored for the pixels involved in each candidate region to calculate the distribution width values around the principal axes of inertia and the direction of the principal axes. Finally, each candidate is classified into an object category that is expected to appear in the scene by comparing the proportion and the direction values with standard data ranges for the objects which are determined by preliminary experiments. Experimental results of car/bicycle/pedestrian recognition in real outdoor scenes have shown the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
一类有序化多移动机器人群集运动控制系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
群集运动控制(flocking control)是一种新型的多移动机器人运动协调控制, 目前的研究多集中于无leader模式下群集运动控制器的设计. 为此, 本文阐述了一类多移动机器人有序化群集运动系统控制方案及其性能评价方法. 首先, 在前人的研究基础上, 本文介绍了基于Agent的有序化编队控制机制; 然后, 运用非完整约束下移动机器人的动力学原理, 设计了由Agent到移动机器人的控制转化方法; 并进一步提出了基于“最小稳定时间”的群集运动分析法, 可对有序化群集运动系统进行分析; 最后, 运用仿真实例, 描述了多移动机器人有序化群集运动的控制及分析过程. 实验结果验证了此控制方案的有效性. 相似文献
机器人在对于一些气味源、声源、平衡位置等目标搜索时,为了精确定位,一般采用变步长的算法。根据S函数,设计出了一种新型步长调整算法。与传统的最陡下降法相比,其步长调整速度快,适应外部环境能力强,并且包含了方向信息。实验证明该方法是一种有效的移动机器人步长调整算法。 相似文献
This paper presents a stable switching control strategy for the parking problem of non-holonomic mobile robots. First, it is proposed a positioning-orientation switching controller for the parking problem. With this strategy robot backwards motions are avoided and the robot heading is always in the direction of the goal point facilitating the obstacle handling. Second, the avoidance of unexpected obstacles is considered in a reactive way by following the contour of the obstacles. Next, the stability of the switching parking/obstacle-avoider controller is analyzed showing stability under reasonable conditions. Finally, the good performance and the feasibility of this approach are shown through several experimental results. 相似文献
研究了基于行为动力学方法的移动机器人轨迹追踪。在总结行为动力学理论的基础上,根据轨迹追踪任务要求,确定航向角和速度作为行为变量,同时构建了接近吸引子动力学方程,并在考虑机器人与路径期望点之间距离这一间接耦合参数基础上,建立了速度动力学方程,并分析了该动力系统的收敛性。最后的仿真结果表明该方法正确、可行,且机器人能有效地完成追踪任务。 相似文献
Yan YangAuthor Vitae Samia SouissiAuthor VitaeXavier DéfagoAuthor Vitae Makoto TakizawaAuthor Vitae 《Journal of Systems and Software》2011,84(1):29-36
Consider a system composed of mobile robots that move on the plane, each of which independently executing its own instance of an algorithm. Given a desired geometric pattern, the flocking problem consists in ensuring that the robots form this pattern and maintain it while moving together on the plane. In this paper, we explore flocking in the presence of faulty robots, where the desired pattern is a regular polygon. We propose a distributed fault tolerant flocking algorithm assuming a semi-synchronous model with a k-bounded scheduler, in the sense that no robot is activated no more than k times between any two consecutive activations of any other robot.The algorithm is composed of three parts: failure detector, ranking assignment, and flocking algorithm. The role of the rank assignment is to provide a persistent and unique ranking for the robots. The failure detector identifies the set of currently correct robots in the system. Finally, the flocking algorithm handles the movement and reconfiguration of the flock, while maintaining the desired shape. The difficulty of the problem comes from the combination of the three parts, together with the necessity to prevent collisions and allow the rotation of the flock. We formally prove the correctness of our proposed solution. 相似文献
基于视觉显著性的移动机器人动态环境建模 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文采用视觉显著性提出了一种移动机器人动态环境建模方法.该方法利用提出的视觉显著性模型,对连续的2帧图像中匹配的加速稳健特征点(SURF)利用其位置关系并采用多重随机抽样一致(multi-RANSAC)算法实现了环境中动态物体显著性检测.采用投影方法和快速均值漂移算法构建了动态环境的栅格模型,利用得到的动态显著性物体的位置更新环境地图中的栅格占据值以及动态物体的影响区域.动态环境显著图构建实验和动态环境的栅格模型构建实验的结果证明了上述方法是可行的. 相似文献
High-speed laser localization for mobile robots 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This paper describes a novel, laser-based approach for tracking the pose of a high-speed mobile robot. The algorithm is outstanding in terms of accuracy and computation time. The efficiency is achieved by a closed-form solution for the matching of two laser scans, the use of natural scan features and fast linear filters. The implemented algorithm is evaluated with the high-speed robot Kurt3D (4 m/s), and compared to standard scan matching methods in indoor and outdoor environments. 相似文献