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This study aims to find out factors of media characteristic which are considered to influence flow in learning through virtual worlds. One hundred ninety eight elementary students who are eleven to twelve years old participated in this study. After the exploratory factor analysis, to extract media characteristics of virtual worlds, seventy-eight elementary students who are eleven years old were used in the analysis of exploring relationships between factors influencing flow.  相似文献   

Avatar creation has become common for people to participate and interact in virtual worlds. Using an online survey (N = 244), we investigated both the behavioral characteristics and major motivations for avatar creation in virtual worlds. Our results suggest that a majority of the participants had multiple avatars; these avatars’ appearance did not merely resemble the human players; and their personality did not necessarily mirror the player’s real personality. Furthermore, participants on average spent over 20 h per week and often interacting with others in the virtual worlds. Our exploratory factor analysis yielded four major motivations: virtual exploration, social navigation, contextual adaptation, and identity representation.  相似文献   

Social virtual worlds (SVWs) have become important environments for social interaction. At the same time, the supply and demand of virtual goods and services is rapidly increasing. For SVWs to be economically sustainable, retaining existing users and turning them into consumers are paramount challenges. This requires an understanding of the underlying reasons why users continuously engage in SVWs and purchase virtual items. This study builds upon Technology Acceptance Model, motivational model and theory of network externalities to examine continuous usage and purchase intention and it empirically tests the model with data collected from 2481 Habbo users. The results reveal a strong relationship between continuous usage and purchasing. Further, the results demonstrate the importance of the presence of other users in predicting the purchase behavior in the SVW. Continuous SVW usage in turn is predicted directly by perceived enjoyment and usefulness while the effect of attitude is marginal. Finally, perceived network externalities exert a significant influence of perceived enjoyment and usefulness of the SVW but do not have a direct effect on the continuous usage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to investigate user goals in social virtual worlds; second, to introduce a methodological alternative (i.e., a means-end chain approach) for analyzing user goals in cyberspaces. The data were acquired from a web survey, and were analyzed by means-end chain analysis (MECA), which produces users’ goal structure in reference to a hierarchical system of interrelated goals (Olson & Reynolds, 1983). The results show that people come to social virtual worlds to satisfy their social and hedonic needs, and to escape from real world constraints, as do virtual community members and virtual gamers; they also pursue unique activities, such as creating virtual objects and selling them. On the other hand, by clarifying relations among users’ goals, MECA provides a richer explanation for user goals than prior research which only offers separate user goals for cyberspace users without explanation of relationship among goals.  相似文献   

Sound and, specifically, music is a medium that is used for a wide range of purposes in different situations in very different ways. Ways for music selection and consumption range from completely passive, almost unnoticed perception of background sound environments to the very specific selection of a particular recording of a piece of music with a specific orchestra and conductor at a certain event. Different systems and interfaces exist for the broad range of needs in music consumption. Locating a particular recording is well supported by traditional search interfaces via metadata. Other interfaces support the automatic creation of playlists via artist or album selection, up to more artistic installations of sound environments that users can navigate through. In this paper we present a set of systems that support the creation of as well as the navigation in musical spaces, both in the real world as well as in virtual environments. We show common principles and point out further directions for a more direct coupling of the various spaces and interaction methods, creating ambient sound environments and providing organic interaction with music for different purposes.
Andreas RauberEmail:

Jakob Frank   is a Research Assistant at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). He received his Bachelor in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 2006. His research focus is on music information retrieval, especially on mobile devices and multi-user audio interaction. He was co-organizer of the ISMIR 2007 conference and served as co-reviewer for several major international conferences. Thomas Lidy   is a Research Assistant at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). He received his MSc in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 2007. His research focus is on music information retrieval, in particular feature extraction methods for digital audio, music classification, and clustering and visualization of digital music libraries. He participates actively in the annual MIREX benchmarking campaign and was co-organizer of the ISMIR 2007 conference. He is author of numerous papers in refereed international conferences and workshops and served as co-reviewer for several major international conferences. In 2007, he was awarded the Distinguished Young Alumnus Award and also received a Microsoft Sponsorship Award. Ewald Peiszer   is a freelance web application and software developer with a strong scientific background. He received his MSc degree in Computer Science from Vienna University of Technology in 2007 with a master’s thesis on automatic audio segmentation. Working towards combining Music Information Retrieval (MIR) techniques with Virtual Reality infrastructure he completed an internship at the Center for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Ewha Womans University (Seoul). Occasionally, he (co-)authors articles on MIR topics which is also a focus of his freelance projects. Ronald Genswaider   graduated as Master of Economics in 2008 at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) as well as Master of Arts in the Department of Digital Arts at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. He is working in Vienna as a free digital artist, Web developer and researcher. Currently he is working in various research projects in the R&D department at bwin and taking part in the exhibition “YOU_ser—Century of the consumer” at the ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany. Andreas Rauber   is Associate Professor at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). He received his MSc and PhD in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 1997 and 2000, respectively. He is actively involved in several research projects in the field of Digital Libraries, focusing on text and music information retrieval, the organization and exploration of large information spaces, as well as Web archiving and digital preservation. He has published numerous papers in refereed journals and international conferences and served as PC member and reviewer for several major journals, conferences and workshops. He also co-organized the ECDL 2005 and ISMIR 2007 conferences.   相似文献   

There has been an increase in student achievement testing focusing on content and not underlying student cognition. This is of concern as student cognition provided for a more generalizable analysis of learning. Through a cognitive diagnostic approach, the authors model the propagation of cognitive attributes related to science learning using Serious Educational Games. One-way to increase the focus on the cognitive aspects of learning that are additional to content learning is through the use cognitive attribute task-based assessments (Cognitive Diagnostics) using an Artificial Neural Network. Results of this study provide a means to examine underlying cognition which, influences successful task completion within science themed SEGs. Results of this study also suggest it is possible to define, measure, and produce a hierarchical model of latent cognitive attributes using a Q-matrix relating virtual SEGs tasks, which are similar to real-life tasks aiding in the modeling of transference.  相似文献   

ExploreNet is an experimental environment for creating and delivering networked “virtual worlds.” This system's style of user interaction was inspired by the concept of a “habitat” as first articulated in the LucasFilm's Habitat system. Players enter and interact in a habitat via their animated alter egos, called “avatars.” Habitats may be created for many purposes, including social interaction, entertainment and education. Our focus has been to facilitate the creation of habitats in which virtual communities of learners and mentors interact. This paper presents details of the current ExploreNet system, including its user interface, the means it provides for creating complex behaviors, details of its implementation, the outcomes of several experiments using this system, and our plans for its natural migration to a World Wide Web-based system.  相似文献   

Past research suggests that “situatedness”, i.e. the context, as well as the social interaction that occurs within it, play an important role in cognitive processes such as learning and decision-making. Thus far, IT tools have been limited in the level and type of situatedness they facilitate. The advent of virtual worlds has changed this. Virtual worlds provide open, three-dimensional platforms for creating and designing real life-like spaces; they also allow for interaction between users in the form of “avatars” in that space. This research study focuses on virtual worlds as platforms for learning and decision-making. We propose a model that explains how individuals in a group learn and make decisions through a process that is influenced by the two unique characteristics of virtual worlds that enable situatedness: the facilitation for designing real life-like spaces, and the facilitation of rich many-to-many interactions.We draw on theories of situated cognition, social cognition, and flow to explicate the influence of these characteristics on the process of learning and decision-making. Data was collected by means of a quasi-experiment in Second Life (SL). Results from this study extend and validate the predictions of situated theories of decision-making within the context of a virtual world environment and suggest guidelines for practitioners who wish to use such environments to support organizational learning and decision-making. Perhaps the most compelling of these is to focus on maximizing the immersion of the individual in the activity by stimulating his or her perceptions of others and activity-related cues in the environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to understand consumer goals for virtual consumption in social virtual worlds. Using a means-end chain approach, interviews with 93 users were analyzed to produce a hierarchical goal map, revealing that virtual consumption enables a diversity of goals beyond the previously identified experiential goals. The article's theoretical contributions include: (1) extending our understanding of user goals/goal relationships for virtual activities and (2) developing virtual liminoid theory, which describes transitions between users’ real-world and virtual identities and virtual consumption as a transition catalyst. The study illustrates the value of a goal focus for future research on user behavior in virtual worlds.  相似文献   

Despite the growth and commercial potential of virtual worlds, relatively little is known about what drives users’ motivations to engage in virtual worlds. This paper proposes and empirically tests a conceptual model aimed at filling this research gap. Given the multipurpose nature of virtual words the model integrates extrinsic and intrinsic motivation as behavioral determinants. By making use of the literature on information system value and motivation theory four important system-specific virtual world characteristics (economic value, ease of use, escapism, visual attractiveness) are added as motivational drivers. Using structural equation modeling on a sample of 846 users of the virtual world Second Life the hypotheses were tested. The results support the model; they confirm the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation as behavioral determinants and show how and to what extent the four system-specific elements function as motivational basis. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Web-based education and training provides a new paradigm for imparting knowledge; students can access the learning material anytime by operating remotely from any location. Web3D open standards, such as X3D and VRML, support Web-based delivery of Educational Virtual Environments (EVEs). EVEs have a great potential for learning and training purposes, by allowing one to circumvent physical, safety, and cost constraints. Unfortunately, EVEs often leave to the user the onus of taking the initiative both in exploring the environment and interacting with its parts. A possible solution to this problem is the exploitation of virtual humans acting as informal coaches or more formal instructors. For example, virtual humans can be employed to show and explain maintenance procedures, allowing learners to receive more practical explanations which are easier to understand. However, virtual humans are rarely used in Web3D EVEs, since the programming effort to develop and re-use them in different environments can be considerable. In this paper, we present a general architecture that allows content creators to easily integrate virtual humans into Web3D EVEs. To test the generality of our solution, we present two practical examples showing how the proposed architecture has been used in different educational contexts.  相似文献   

Virtual worlds, where thousands of people can interact simultaneously within the same three-dimensional environment, represent a frontier in social computing with critical implications for business, education, social sciences, and our society at large. In this paper, we first trace the history of virtual worlds back to its antecedents in electronic gaming and on-line social networking. We then provide an overview of extant virtual worlds, including education-focused, theme-based, community-specific, children-focused, and self-determined worlds – and we analyze the relationship among these worlds according to an initial taxonomy for the area. Recognizing the apparent leadership of Second Life among today's self-determined virtual worlds, we present a detailed case study of this environment, including surveys of 138 residents regarding how they perceive and utilize the environment. Lastly, we provide a literature review of existing virtual world research, with a focus on business research, and a condensed summary of research issues in education, social sciences, and humanities.  相似文献   

Virtual Worlds evolution is breaking the barriers of virtual isolation, thus allowing users to participate in geographically dispersed and culturally diverse places. At the same time, mobile agents have been established as a solid programming method for heterogeneous networking and computing environments. Our work focuses on the definition of a distributed Virtual World reference platform for enhanced users' experience. Towards interconnecting virtual worlds with mobile agents, we have further enriched the concept of a human‐like appearance avatar. We propose two distributed virtual world architectures, namely loose and tight. In parallel, we present a relevant implementation scheme along with experimental results that prove the performance enhancements achieved against the classic client/server model. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scientific research involves mathematical modelling in the context of an interactive balance between theory, experiment and computation. However, computational methods and tools are still far from being appropriately integrated in the high school and university curricula in science and mathematics. In this paper, it is discussed the relevance of mathematical modelling and illustrated how a computer modelling tool (Modellus, a free tool available on the Internet and developed at FCTUNL) can be used to embed modelling in high school and undergraduate courses. Modellus allows students to create and explore mathematical models using functions, differential and iterative equations, and visualize the behaviour of mathematical objects.  相似文献   

This paper regards a comparative study which investigates in-service and pre-service Greek early childhood teachers’ views and intentions about integrating and using computers in early childhood settings. Views and intentions were investigated via a questionnaire administered to 240 in-service and 428 pre-service early childhood teachers. Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed that the one-factor structure of the questionnaire holds in both populations. Measurement partial invariance between the two populations was confirmed. Comparing the two populations with regard to the degree of adopting positive views–intentions and the level of computer self-efficacy, teachers expressed more positive views–intentions and students reported higher computer self-efficacy. Implications for teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this meta-analysis is to examine overall effect as well as the impact of selected instructional design principles in the context of virtual reality technology-based instruction (i.e. games, simulation, virtual worlds) in K-12 or higher education settings. A total of 13 studies (N = 3081) in the category of games, 29 studies (N = 2553) in the category of games, and 27 studies (N = 2798) in the category of virtual worlds were meta-analyzed. The key inclusion criteria were that the study came from K-12 or higher education settings, used experimental or quasi-experimental research designs, and used a learning outcome measure to evaluate the effects of the virtual reality-based instruction.Results suggest games (FEM = 0.77; REM = 0.51), simulations (FEM = 0.38; REM = 0.41), and virtual worlds (FEM = 0.36; REM = 0.41) were effective in improving learning outcome gains. The homogeneity analysis of the effect sizes was statistically significant, indicating that the studies were different from each other. Therefore, we conducted moderator analysis using 13 variables used to code the studies. Key findings included that: games show higher learning gains than simulations and virtual worlds. For simulation studies, elaborate explanation type feedback is more suitable for declarative tasks whereas knowledge of correct response is more appropriate for procedural tasks. Students performance is enhanced when they conduct the game play individually than in a group. In addition, we found an inverse relationship between number of treatment sessions learning gains for games.With regards to the virtual world, we found that if students were repeatedly measured it deteriorates their learning outcome gains. We discuss results to highlight the importance of considering instructional design principles when designing virtual reality-based instruction.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the instruction of visual design principles had an influence on pre-service teachers’ perception and analysis (interpretation) of visual materials. In addition, the relationships between pre-service teachers’ visual intelligence and their perception and analysis (interpretation) of visual materials were also explored. Participants were 86 pre-service teachers who took a one-credit required educational technology course at a mid-western university in the United States. Some participants were absent in the weeks when data were collected, resulting in a total of 59 responses included in data analysis. Findings implied that the instruction of visual design principles could possibly improve pre-service teachers’ visual literacy. Suggestions for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, the acceptance of e-learning by teachers of vocational secondary and professional higher education institutions (hereafter: VET teachers) in Estonia has been analysed. The analysis is based on questionnaire study, carried out in 2007. The theoretical framework of the article has been inspired by Everett Rogers’ innovation diffusion theory. It appears that there exists a statistically reliable difference between innovators and the remaining adopter categories among VET teachers. One can see that in the context of the VET teachers’ working environment, a multi-dimensional innovation gap appears, embracing gaps in the actual use of e-learning tools, different types of skills and competences, access and support indicators. The model of innovativeness constructed shows that the competences are predictors of innovativeness. The development of competences related to e-learning (ICT competence, e-learning competence, pedagogical competence) and innovativeness are closely related. It will be argued that while one of the challenges for the developers of e-learning is to provide teachers with relevant continuous training as well as making efforts in developing existing support structures, we can assume that for different adopter categories among teachers different strategies and support schemes should be applied, as the values and attitudes of different groups vary.  相似文献   

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