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Current K-12 students are considered digital learners because technology is as pervasive in their academic world as in their personal lives. Technology enthusiasts argue that these learners are the “digital natives” having sophisticated technology knowledge and skills that can be potentially harnessed for better learning engagement inside the classroom. This phenomenological study investigates how some current high school students as the digital learners engage with technology at home and school; and how these two types of engagement overlap in their learning inside the classroom. Data were gathered from phenomenological three series in-depth interviews with five participants and also field observation. Findings show that the overlap between the personal and educational digital engagement(s) of these students was not necessarily positive as portrayed by the prevalent discourses of technology enthusiasts. The overlapping had mixed roles – facilitative as well as obstructive. Pedagogical and future research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

《数学新课程标准》中指出初中数学课程的设计与执行应重视运用数字化教学模式,把数字化教学模式作为学生学习数学和解决问题的基本工具,主要要注意改变学生的学习模式,使学生将乐学并有更多的精力投入到现实的、创新性的数学学习中去。在日常教学中合理运用数字化技术以及网络技术,丰富课程资源,拓宽学生的视野,优化数学课堂教学,创设"探究、自主、协作"的课堂教学模式,提高数学课堂教学效率,实现与数字化技术的整合已成为我们当前数学教师必须掌握的一种教学模式。而如何将数字化技术有效的运用到数学教学中,如何将数字化技术与数学教学有效的整合起来等众多急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

Prior studies have focused on general technology use and technology use in domain-general applications and quantity of technology use. Recent evidence suggests that investigations should consider how technology is used in more contextually specific ways, including how technology is used for various cognitive tasks in specific classrooms. The purpose of this study was to examine the ways in which classroom content area and student goal orientation have a coordinated influence for how students used technology to support learning. The sample included high school students in a Midwestern state who were surveyed on their motivation and how they used technology to support learning. The study employed hierarchical linear modelling to examine how goal orientation and classroom content area predicted various levels of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. Students who adopted mastery-oriented goals were more likely to use technology for various cognitive tasks, especially those at higher levels of complexity. Lastly, the association between mastery goal orientation and some aspects of technology use was conditioned on content area, although effect sizes were small. This study showed that, overall, technology is used differentially across four core content areas. Students in mathematics classrooms used technology less, however much of technology use was evident at lower cognitive levels. Second, students' goal orientation, and in particular their mastery goals influence how technology is used across content areas, and this is marginally conditioned on content area. Technology use should match the instructional context to maximize technology use and students' goal orientation.  相似文献   

How do students learn expectations for “informal” online composition? This article details the results of a qualitative study that examines how students and writing consultants negotiate and define writing conventions for “low-stakes,” digital composition: that is, writing assignments that are composed for Blackboard discussion forums and receive only completion grades. Study results are based on both a survey of student experiences with digital composition and a writing center consultation case study at a large, southeastern, RU/VH university. Student anxiety about digital composition and classroom instruction have contributed to writing centers’ status as space for students to work out their fears and questions about new media. This study reports on how digital composition in writing classes has impacted the ways in which writing centers must address issues of audience, consider new methods for invention, and contend with a renewed focus on grammatical correctness. The article presents suggested pedagogy for emerging digital composition and poses questions to those in computers and composition about how we might best approach classroom instruction as digital composition genres evolve.  相似文献   

The wide use of digital technology for educational purposes opens up some issues regarding its integration within the school curriculum. Our research aims to contribute to the current discussion about how mobile/portable technology can be integrated into formal education. In this perspective, we consider digital technology and media as a potential integral part of school activity that could effectively support educational achievement. However, the way in which it is applied by teachers in a real context can substantially change its impact on effective achievements. In our research, we extensively investigated the role of the teacher in using digital technology for stimulating and prompting classroom activities in class in-line with the school curriculum. In this paper, we first present a model that illustrates the roles of teachers in transforming digital technology as a resource for developing skills as required in educational curricula. The teacher role in introducing technology at school—TRiTS—model has been conceived by combining relevant literature and findings from a case study that we have been running in a primary school over the last 4 years. We then discuss the influence of the different teacher roles on students (their attitude and level of participation), as emerged from our study.  相似文献   

Through case studies of 2 working-class Latino middle school students (ages 12 and 14), we examine how the young people negotiated economic and cultural barriers to digital media and mobilized opportunities to use media in pursuit of their own interests. For the young people in our study, school assignments offered opportunities to use digital media tools and become 'content creators.' However, the nature of the assignments and the restrictions placed on technology use in the classroom stood in contrast to the interests that motivated the teens' participation in popular media culture outside of school. We argue that this disconnect limited the potential of media production assignments to connect to student interests and provide youth with meaningful access to new technology.  相似文献   

The digital divide has been largely theorized as a problem of access. Compositionists have attempted to move beyond a binary view of technology access in examining the digital divide and in doing so have raised important questions about the larger societal issues connected to issues of technological literacy and access. While much attention has been paid to students at risk of growing up without access to, and experience with, computers, attention also needs to be paid to students’ critical digital literacies. Additionally, we now face a new instantiation of the digital divide where students are often more technologically adept than their instructors. The problem is not so much providing access for Generation M students surrounded by technology but rather to effectively integrate technological literacy instruction into the composition classroom in meaningful ways. Compositionists should focus on incorporating into their pedagogy technologies that students are familiar with but do not think critically about: online social networking sites, podcasts, audio mash-ups, blogs, and wikis. To do so, however, instructors first need to familiarize themselves with these technologies. In essence, compositionists must catch up with the Generation M students who have left them behind.  相似文献   

Academic librarians have shared their experiences with tablet computers, but few examine how librarians use tablets in their instruction design. While the education literature provides technology integration models, the nature of library instruction requires adapting these models to the library classroom. After reviewing literature related to tablets in library instruction and a number of technology integration frameworks, this article demonstrates an application of the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition framework to analyze observations of an iPad-equipped classroom at a university library. Demonstrating this use of a framework provides an approach to technology integration and continues the discussion about tablets’ potential to promote innovative pedagogy.  相似文献   

An important purpose of integrating computer use into everyday classroom instruction is to help students approach technology as a learning tool. Effective classroom integration is dependent not only on access to computers but also teachers' implementation of computing into learning. Successful implementation, in turn, depends largely on teachers' beliefs about classroom computing. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a teacher-focused technology intervention on students' attitudes toward and use of computers as learning tools. Teachers' attitudes, anxiety, and classroom computer use are explored as mediators of this relationship. Data were collected during a technology intervention in fourth and fifth grade classrooms in an urban public school district. Results suggest that the technology intervention itself had a positive effect on students' attitudes toward and use of computers for educational purposes. There was no evidence, however, that teachers' use or attitudes had any mediating effect on this relationship. These results suggest that it is possible to increase students' attitudes toward computer use through intense interventions aimed at their teachers. Future research should further investigate the mechanisms through which this relationship exits.  相似文献   

This study examined the digital native–digital immigrant dichotomy based on the results of a study involving 1095 teachers from two states in the southeastern United States. The study focused on age as it relates to the relationship between the type of mobile phone they owned, their support for the use of mobile phones in the classroom, their perceptions of the benefits of specific mobile features for school-related work, and their perceptions of instructional barriers. The results indicated that the age of the teacher matters, however, not as suggested by Prensky (2001). There were no significant differences in the findings for the teachers who were less than 32 and the ones who were 33–49; however, they both significantly differed from those over 50 in mobile phone ownership and support for the use of mobile phones in the classroom as well as in their perceptions regarding the useful mobile features for school-related work and instructional barriers. In each instance, the older teachers were less likely to own smartphones, were less supportive on all items, were less enthusiastic about the features, and found the barriers to be more problematic.  相似文献   

This study investigates the current trends and patterns of teachers’ concerns and teaching behavior with respect to technology integration. The following concerns of English teachers are addressed: teaching practice, perceive barriers of technology integration in the English instruction and the technology deployed in the classroom. Participants in this study were 332 junior and senior high school English teachers from Taipei and Kaohsiung Cities. The study found that despite pressure on schools to increase the application of technology, the adoption of teaching and learning practices using new technologies has been limited in terms of teachers’ SoCQ (The Stages of Concerns Questionnaire), their teaching behavior as well as their use of technology. Teachers’ concerns are generally oriented toward Personal and informational issues. English teachers’ technology-mediated English teaching behaviors are modest, and most teachers used technology to prepare their teaching activities instead of structuring higher levels of usage. As identified in the literature, higher levels of computer training, computer literacy, well-supported school environment, creative teaching practices and positive beliefs about technology integration among teachers result in higher task intensity, impact concerns and more technology-mediated teaching behaviors in the classroom. In terms of the difficulties affecting teachers’ technology integration into English instruction, this study identified significant relationships between first and second-order barriers. Implications for teachers’ technology integration are proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine if digital divide exists between elementary school aged children with learning disabilities (LD) and their nondisabled peers in Taiwan. A self-reported questionnaire regarding information and communication technology (ICT) access and ICT competency, Scale of Digital Participation of Elementary School Students, designed by the authors, was used to collect data. Totally, 117 students with LD and 117 peers without disabilities were recruited in this investigation and were conducted with the questionnaire. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in the opportunities to access computers and the Internet at home and at school between children with and without LD. However, there was a significant difference found in ICT competencies between children with and without LD. Moreover, students without LD enhanced their computer competency gradually year by year, but students with LD eventually did not. The findings of this study supported the notion that mere provision of ICT access is not sufficient for children with LD to master ICT skills. A specific designed ICT instruction programs should be provided to children with LD. Finally, suggestions for future studies were also discussed.  相似文献   

In this case study of forms 7–9 in a Swedish school, the subject conceptions of and teaching practices in art subjects of schoolteachers and pupils are studied, in particular with regard to digital media. How the core content of a subject is conceived is compared to the importance of digital media in the teaching practice. For three years a class was followed whose teachers taught the pupils in both the art subject and in a local optional subject called Media. The method of triangulation involving participant observations, focus talks, interviews and questionnaires was employed in order to study the role of digital media in different subjects and their actual use by pupils. The results show that the school subject paradigm in the subject of art is chiefly connected to image production for developing aesthetic-practical skills. Traditional manual production is encouraged, thereby contributing to the limited use of digital media in the subject of art. Frame factors such as time and material also contribute to the limited use of digital media in the subject of art. Unlike the subject of art, the optional subject of media is conceived of more as a communication subject, and digital technology for image production is encouraged. In general, the use of digital media in the school is mainly guaranteed by the school's media plan. The role of the art subject is not prominent in this plan, but its teachers are active in implementing digital media in other contexts than within the framework of the art subject. In this study the representatives of the subject of art hardly used digital image processing at all in their teaching, but did so to a great extent in the optional subject of media. This made it clear that digital media in the subject of art in this school are not regarded as a prioritised media-specific competence. Offering and being able to provide a larger repertoire of digital media in the teaching of art could contribute to a change of the subject paradigm in a more clearly communicative than aesthetic-practical direction.  相似文献   

The ‘will, skill, tool’ model is a well-established theoretical framework that elucidates the conditions under which teachers are most likely to employ information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom. Past studies have shown that these three factors explain a very high degree of variance in the frequency of classroom ICT use. The present study replicates past findings using a different set of measures and hones in on possible subfactors. Furthermore, the study examines teacher affiliation for constructivist-style teaching, which is often considered to facilitate the pedagogical use of digital media. The study’s survey of 357 Swiss secondary school teachers reveals significant positive correlations between will, skill, and tool variables and the combined frequency and diversity of technology use in teaching. A multiple linear regression model was used to identify relevant subfactors. Five factors account for a total of 60% of the explained variance in the intensity of classroom ICT use. Computer and Internet applications are more often used by teachers in the classroom when: (1) teachers consider themselves to be more competent in using ICT for teaching; (2) more computers are readily available; (3) the teacher is a form teacher and responsible for the class; (4) the teacher is more convinced that computers improve student learning; and (5) the teacher more often employs constructivist forms of teaching and learning. The impact of constructivist teaching was small, however.  相似文献   

As more attention is placed on designing digital educational games to align with schools' academic aims (e.g., Common Core), questions arise regarding how professional development (PD) may support teachers' using games for instruction and how such integration might impact students' achievement. This study seeks to (a) understand how teachers use PD resources (e.g., technology personnel and game‐use workshops) for integration; (b) determine how teachers integrate games into their instruction; and (c) examine how those teaching practices are associated with student achievement. This mixed method study used survey and interview responses from elementary school teachers (n = 863) with access to PD resources for implementing a math game intervention and standardized math‐test scores from their second‐ through sixth‐grade students (n = 10,715). Findings showed few teachers sought PD assistance for integration, but many desired such support. Some reported using integrative practices (i.e., referencing game and using game‐generated progress reports) to identify struggling students, whereas several found integration challenging. Teachers' reordering of game objectives to align with lessons and viewing of game‐based PD videos were associated with increased student math achievement in our OLS‐analysis. However, this result was no longer statistically significant within a school fixed‐effects model, suggesting school differences may influence how strongly teachers' practices are associated with student achievement.  相似文献   

Organizations that fail to innovate become disrupted by those that do. Digital technology makes corporate entrepreneurship increasingly potent and prolific but simultaneously blurs the link between entrepreneurial processes and innovation outcomes. Our understanding of how corporate entrepreneurship with digital technology unfolds in organizations is thus limited. We develop a framework that captures four tactics that digital entrepreneurs may use to generate innovation potential. Specifically, we report how these tactics helped employees at a Norwegian hospital to develop and scale an application for time planning and resource analytics. Our study shows that managing digital entrepreneurship strategically requires organizations to harness the multiplicity in information systems (IS) use that increasingly malleable digital technology affords.  相似文献   

Interest in using digital games for formal education has steadily increased in the past decades. When it comes to actual use, however, the uptake of games in the classroom remains limited. Using a contextual approach, the possible influence of factors on a school (N = 60) and teacher (N = 409) level are analyzed. Findings indicate that there is no effect of factors on the school level whereas on a teacher level, a model is tested, explaining 68% of the variance in behavioral intention, in which curriculum-relatedness and previous experience function as crucial determinants of the adoption intention. These findings add to previous research on adoption determinants related to digital games in formal education. Furthermore, they provide insight into the relations between different adoption determinants and their association with behavioral intention.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2004,42(2):111-131
Recent findings have shown that at-risk students in grades k-12 are being deprived of challenges and of the chance to use complex thinking skills. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect that the level of computer technology use in the classroom has on at-risk students' grades and attendance. A teacher technology survey is used to measure teacher use, student use and overall use of technology in the classrooms. The sample for this study consists of teachers from a Northwest Ohio high school. Results of the study indicate that teachers' technology use, students' technology use, and overall technology use have no significant positive effect on the grades and attendance of at-risk students. In addition the study finds that technology use is low among the teachers in the sample. These results suggest that for technology to be effective and make changes in at-risk students' grades and attendance, schools must be prepared for technology use in the classroom. Leaders need to develop a model that would include a shared vision, entire school community involvement, specific training for staff and time for the training, a full time technology director and time for the staff to communicate and share among peers for technology to be an effective tool in the classroom curriculum.  相似文献   

Although scholars from multiple fields, including rhetoric and composition, have studied and theorized how computer users can construct empowered subject positions with digital writing technologies, we have yet to articulate a rhetorical process for composing digital subjectivities. Past work has presented some unrealistic expectations related to digital empowerment and subjectivity. As compositionists and as digital rhetoricians, we need to develop and articulate rhetorical strategies that may lead to instructor empowerment. Here I examine rhetorical situations experienced by instructors, and I explore how they might use writing technologies to rhetorically position themselves in the classroom. To not only successfully revise their subjectivity, but also to teach students how to compose digital subjectivities, instructors should consider the ideologies that define the rhetorical situation, their knowledge of the technologies, and the ideologies that the computer industries have written into the technology.  相似文献   

Writing teachers have always had to contend with plagiarism. However, the technology of the Internet and the thorny issues of copyright law complicate how we teach legal and ethical use of others’ materials in the networked classroom. Our pedagogy and curriculum choices and our students’ writing practices are shaped by a legal infrastructure that includes the fair use doctrine. Our understanding and knowledge of the fair use doctrine should become second nature to us. Critical awareness of fair use, the four-factor test, and how to conduct appropriate analyses when using others’ materials must become part of the everyday digital writing/new media classroom curriculum. To this end, the author summarizes the salient points of law and practice of fair use and demonstrates, in small ways, how the fair use doctrine can inform the teaching of writing in digital contexts. As teachers, researchers, and experts of writing, the discourse of fair use must be considered in addition to the discourse of plagiarism.  相似文献   

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