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The transposition from painting to architecture from two-dimensional entity to a spatial structure, became the core idea of a project designed for the students of architecture to encourage them to examine the possibilities of abstract expression in the conceptualisation of architectural ideas and strategies. A series of tasks were created to enable them to identify full expression and physical presence of movement in an abstract painting as transferable into architecture. There were then other tasks oriented towards discovering, investigating and recording various types of spatial conditions as potentially architectural. Fundamental issues related to Jackson Pollock's philosophy of painting are now finding a new dimension in the digital domain of 3D modelling techniques, supplying them with the tool capable of not only projecting the release of pure energy in virtual space but also of recording endless sequences of free gestures in time and space. These can then be rewritten in the form of a computer program as well as being controlled on a higher level of architectural design.  相似文献   

Site visits or field trips have been a tool utilized by construction educators to engage students in active learning, assist traditional lessons, and attain stronger and deeper student learning experiences. Nevertheless, site visits present major logistical and accessibility challenges for educational institutions and instructors, reducing the number of students that have access to the benefits of such a technique. The limitations for site visits have further broadened recently, as the reality of the COVID-19 public health concerns has forced educators to move to online course delivery quickly and the majority of site visits have been canceled. The research goal of this paper is to present construction students with opportunities to enable online location-independent site visits where contextualized learning is dangerous, unsafe, or impossible to achieve. In this project, a virtual online learning environment was created to offer the affordances that provide an in-depth learning experience through collaborative communication for a plan-reading activity in a virtual space that resembles a real-world site visit to a building facility. This virtual online learning environment helped students to experience the physical and social aspects of the site visit while getting a collaborative opportunity to practice their plan-reading skills. A comparative study with a business-as-usual condition (online delivery through Zoom®) was conducted and the students’ plan-reading performance and their feedback on the sense of presence, social presence, fatigue, and system usability was reported. The outcome of the study shows that such virtual collaborative site visits present unique opportunities to enable online delivery of spatiotemporal contexts of sites and offer an effective remote alternative when these learning opportunities are not available.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality - Compared to traditional screen-based media, virtual reality (VR) generally leads to stronger feelings of presence. The current study aimed to investigate whether playing games in...  相似文献   

Positioned in the context of situated learning theory, the EcoMOBILE project combines an augmented reality (AR) experience with use of environmental probeware during a field trip to a local pond environment. Activities combining these two technologies were designed to address ecosystem science learning goals for middle school students, and aid in their understanding and interpretation of water quality measurements. The intervention was conducted with five classes of sixth graders from a northeastern school district as a pilot study for the larger EcoMOBILE project, and included pre-field trip training, a field trip to a local pond environment, and post-field trip discussions in the classroom.During the field experience, students used mobile wireless devices with FreshAiR™, an augmented reality application, to navigate the pond environment and to observe virtual media and information overlaid on the physical pond. This AR experience was combined with probeware, in that students collected water quality measurements at designated AR hotspots during the experience. We studied the characteristics of learning and instruction using measures of student attitudes, content learning gains, and opinions teachers provided via written and verbal feedback. We observed gains in student affective measures and content understanding following the intervention. Teachers reported that the combined technologies promoted student interaction with the pond and with classmates in a format that was student-centered rather than teacher-directed. Teachers also reported that students demonstrated deeper understanding of the principles of water quality measurement than was typical on prior field trips without these technologies and that students had expanded opportunities to engage in activities that resemble scientific practice. Overall, results of the students' surveys and teacher feedback suggest that there are multiple benefits to using this suite of technologies for teaching and for learning.  相似文献   

Presence is usually assessed via a variety of subjective and objective measures. However, constraints often result in subjective measurements using questionnaires as a key method of data collection. In this paper we present a study of 44 participants of a collaborative augmented reality game known as TimeWarp which used both subjective and objective behavioral measures. Behavior as coded from video recordings of one scene of the game and self-reports about feelings of presence were compared. Our findings indicate that pointing behavior and verbal responses to the virtual content are correlated negatively to sense of presence. We further investigated the influence of subjectively perceived interactivity on perceived presence. We found that the interaction possibilities perceived by the participants predicted their experience of social presence with the virtual characters in the game. Furthermore, playing together with another person did not result in decreased social presence of the virtual characters. Implications for presence research are discussed.  相似文献   

Few studies have been carried out to examine the relation between postural stability and subjective reports or feelings of motion sickness. Two views seem to exist on the relation between immersion in a virtual reality (VR) environment and subjective feelings of motion sickness. One predicts that the immersion induces both postural instability and motion sickness. Another view is that preimmersion postural instability predisposes people to motion sickness. However, these views are not supported by empirical research. Longer immersions in a VR environment may induce higher levels of postural instability and symptoms of motion sickness. In this study, effects of long-hours immersion in a VR environment on postural stability were examined to approach the underlying mechanism of postural instability and motion sickness using force platform measurement and self-reported questionnaire on motion sickness. As a result, it was suggested that longer immersion in a VR environment induced postural instability and symptoms of motion sickness.  相似文献   

Virtual reality-based neuropsychological assessment has unique features that have the potential to increase the level of ecological validity of test results. Based on findings from the literature on the task difficulty of cognitive tasks embedded into virtual environments, we aimed to explore the task difficulty hypothesis of virtual reality in memory assessment. Our main objective was to test for differences or equivalences between performance on explicit and on implicit memory tasks in three learning environments: a computerized measure, a 3D desktop environment, and a 3D virtual environment. Seventy-seven healthy participants, aged between 19 and 39 years old, enrolled in the study and were randomly assigned to the learning conditions and responded to typical virtual reality measures. Outcomes of explicit and implicit memory resulted after applying Process Dissociation Procedure. One-way analysis of variance did not reveal a significant main effect of learning environment on explicit memory performance and equivalence testing showed similar performance on implicit memory across the learning conditions. In our study, both controlled and automatic memory processes were not influenced by the learning environment.  相似文献   

随着虚拟现实(VR)技术的发展,沉浸式学习环境在教育教学领域应用前景日趋广阔,如物理实验仿真教学.然而,现有虚拟学习环境大多只能提供视觉与听觉的交互,不支持力触觉交互,存在弊端.项目组将力反馈技术应用于虚拟学习环境,描述一个支持力反馈的沉浸式物理学习环境的总体框架和开发流程.使用Touch力反馈设备,借助Unity3D...  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术主要是指以计算机技术为核心,采用现代高科学技术制作出栩栩如生的触觉、听觉、视觉一体化的虚拟环境,用户借助相应的工具(如特制的鞋、手套、头盔和服装)以自然方式与虚拟客体进行相互影响、交互作用,从而产生身临其境、感同身受的体验和感受。本文通过对虚拟现实技术的概念、特点进行介绍,从而分析了其在计算机通信中的应用技术。  相似文献   

Computer programming knowledge can be classified into five levels of abstraction: objective, conceptual, functional, logical, and physical. An experiment was carried out to determine whether the mastering of knowledge at different levels of abstraction changed with the level of skill. Ten experts and ten novices in C computer programming participated in the experiment. The subjects' knowledge at the five levels of abstraction was tested through 20 multiple-choice questions. The experimental results indicated that knowledge differences between experts and novices at an abstract level or a concrete level depended on what abstract or concrete knowledge was implied. Experts had better abstract knowledge than novices at the conceptual and functional levels but not at the objective level. Experts had better concrete knowledge than novices at the physical level but not at the logical level. The classification of computer programming knowledge in levels of abstraction and the experimental results helped in clarifying a general finding from previous studies that experts had better abstract knowledge than novices.  相似文献   

Physical objects and virtual information are used as teaching aids in classrooms everywhere, and until recently, merging these two worlds has been difficult at best. Augmented reality offers the combination of physical and virtual, drawing on the strengths of each. We consider this technology in the realm of the mathematics classroom, and offer theoretical underpinnings for understanding the benefits and limitations of AR learning experiences. The paper presents a framework for understanding AR learning from three perspectives: physical, cognitive, and contextual. On the physical dimension, we argue that physical manipulation affords natural interactions, thus encouraging the creation of embodied representations for educational concepts. On the cognitive dimension, we discuss how spatiotemporal alignment of information through AR experiences can aid student's symbolic understanding by scaffolding the progression of learning, resulting in improved understanding of abstract concepts. Finally, on the contextual dimension, we argue that AR creates possibilities for collaborative learning around virtual content and in non-traditional environments, ultimately facilitating personally meaningful experiences. In the process of discussing these dimensions, we discuss examples from existing AR applications and provide guidelines for future AR learning experiences, while considering the pragmatic and technological concerns facing the widespread implementation of augmented reality inside and outside the classroom.  相似文献   

Earth science learning in SMALLab: A design experiment for mixed reality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conversational technologies such as email, chat rooms, and blogs have made the transition from novel communication technologies to powerful tools for learning. Currently virtual worlds are undergoing the same transition. We argue that the next wave of innovation is at the level of the computer interface, and that mixed-reality environments offer important advantages over prior technologies. Thus, mixed reality is positioned to have a broad impact on the future of K-12 collaborative learning. We propose three design imperatives that arise from our ongoing work in this area grounded in research from the learning sciences and human-computer interaction. By way of example, we present one such platform, the Situated Multimedia Arts Learning Lab [SMALLab]. SMALLab is a mixed-reality environment that affords face-to-face interaction by colocated participants within a mediated space. We present a recent design experiment that involved the development of a new SMALLab learning scenario and a collaborative student participation framework for a 3-day intervention for 72 high school earth science students. We analyzed student and teacher exchanges from classroom sessions both during the intervention and during regular classroom instruction and found significant increases in the number of student-driven exchanges within SMALLab. We also found that students made significant achievement gains. We conclude that mixed reality can have a positive impact on collaborative learning and that it is poised for broad dissemination into mainstream K-12 contexts.  相似文献   

Does the immersive design of an educational gaming environment affect learners’ virtual presence and how much do they learn? Does virtual presence affect learning? This study tries to answer these questions by examining the differences in virtual presence and learning outcomes in two different computer-based multimedia environments: a gaming environment with high immersive design vs. hypertext learning environment with low immersive design. As the main focus, the effect of virtual presence on learning is also explained and tested. By identifying virtual presence as a variable that may determine learning, it is argued that computer gaming environments present a new challenge for researchers to investigate, particularly, the effects of virtual presence on the immersive design of games in order to help designers to predict which instructional configurations will maximize learning performance. In general, results revealed that the high-immersive gaming environment leads to the strongest form of virtual presence but also decreased learning. Although regression analyses indicate that virtual presence positively influences trivial- and non-trivial learning outcomes, learners who learned in a low-immersive environment outperformed the gaming group. A mediation analysis showed that the relation between virtual presence and non-trivial learning outcomes is partly mediated through increased cognitive load.  相似文献   

Immersive virtual reality (VR) has attracted the attention of many researchers and educators who predicted that VR would considerably affect how learning and teaching are conducted. The research presented here aims to investigate how an interactive immersive virtual learning environment affects conceptual learning, specifically learning of fractions in mathematics. A virtual environment (VE) designed to simulate a playground was created and evaluated through empirical studies with 60 primary school students between the ages of 8 and 12. Results suggest that children who fully interacted with the VE were able to problem-solve but that there was no strong evidence of the expected conceptual change. Rather, it was the passive VR environment, where a virtual robot guided activity, that seemed to support student reflection and recall, leading to indications of sustained conceptual change.  相似文献   

Video game goals are important features of video games. Player’s interaction with goals can not only shape the gaming experience by evoking cognitive and affective reactions in players, but also lead to learning outcomes. However, there are few empirical studies on the effects of interacting with game goals, and no previous research has manipulated goal setting. In two experimental studies, participants were randomly assigned to one of the following five conditions: self-set goal repetitive play, assigned goal repetitive play, no-set goal repetitive play, no-set goal single play, and no play. Results show that playing earthquake preparedness video games generates significant learning outcomes; playing repeatedly with self-set goals yields greater learning compared to playing once with no-set goals or not playing; and cognitive reactions mediates the relation between goal interaction and learning. Implications of the results for the design and evaluation of future video games for learning are explored.  相似文献   

律睿慜  杨帆  陆菁  陈伟 《计算机应用》2019,39(8):2456-2461
当前的研究普遍关注于运用游戏化来提高学习的参与度,但对于色彩教育这样的特定领域的游戏化研究还不充分,而且缺少对游戏化要素及学习效果影响因素的分析。针对这一问题,设计了一款用于训练色彩辨识能力的游戏模型。首先设计了核心玩法相同、但交互方式不同的两种玩法;然后在这两种玩法中都加入了相同的虚拟奖励;最后分别比较在有或无虚拟奖励的情况下两种玩法对训练效果的影响,以及在相同玩法下有无虚拟奖励对训练效果的影响。结果显示,玩法设计影响学习效率,而虚拟奖励显著影响参与度。  相似文献   

This study examined how desktop virtual reality (VR) enhances learning and not merely does desktop VR influence learning. Various relevant constructs and their measurement factors were identified to examine how desktop VR enhances learning and the fit of the hypothesized model was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results supported the indirect effect of VR features to the learning outcomes, which was mediated by the interaction experience and the learning experience. Learning experience which was individually measured by the psychological factors, that is, presence, motivation, cognitive benefits, control and active learning, and reflective thinking took central stage in affecting the learning outcomes in the desktop VR-based learning environment. The moderating effect of student characteristics such as spatial ability and learning style was also examined. The results show instructional designers and VR software developers how to improve the learning effectiveness and further strengthen their desktop VR-based learning implementation. Through this research, an initial theoretical model of the determinants of learning effectiveness in a desktop VR-based learning environment is contributed.  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) allows users to explore and experience a computer-simulated virtual environment so that VR users can be immersed in a totally artificial virtual world and interact with arbitrary virtual objects. However, the limited physical tracking space usually restricts the exploration of large virtual spaces, and VR users have to use special locomotion techniques to move from one location to another. Among these techniques, redirected walking (RDW) is one of the most natural locomotion techniques to solve the problem based on near-natural walking experiences. The core idea of the RDW technique is to imperceptibly guide users on virtual paths, which might vary from the paths they physically walk in the real world. In a similar way, some RDW algorithms imperceptibly change the structure and layout of the virtual environment such that the virtual environment fits into the tracking space. In this survey, we first present a taxonomy of existing RDW work. Based on this taxonomy, we compare and analyze both contributions and shortcomings of the existing methods in detail, and find view manipulation methods offer satisfactory visual effect but the experience can be interrupted when users reach the physical boundaries, while virtual environment manipulation methods can provide users with consistent movement but have limited application scenarios. Finally, we discuss possible future research directions, indicating combining artificial intelligence with this area will be effective and intriguing.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality technology, the complex environment can be a simulated, traditional sports courses at the stadium, equipment, it is due to limitations such as safety, to provide scientific and accurate teaching and learning's, a complex by visualizing the theoretical knowledge in the abstract sport, you can get more technical knowledge. Compared to the traditional physical education activities, simulate sports scene only by generating VR panoramas that cannot be virtual reality technology. Based on this, you can improve the enthusiasm and athletic ability of students effectively. Because of immaturity and high-priced equipment of VR technology, at present, people that education is using unpopular making, carefully virtual reality technology. In this context, we can apply virtual reality technology to sports training, which can obtain more effective training effect. In the first part of this paper, we talk about the research of virtual reality panorama, the second part about the research of virtual reality video, the third part about the application of virtual reality in physical education teaching, and the fourth part is the conclusion and investigation process. In the study, VR, as a new technology, found that you have the prospect of a wide range of applications. As long as it has been used in scientific and rational, you can VR is to promote the level of improvement and sports greatly sports scene. Users can increase users' interest; it can be immersed in a variety of preset virtual locations. Therefore, in the VR device, which allows the user to improve the experience of the VR device, you can interact well in a virtual scene.  相似文献   

Immersion in a digital virtual environment (DVE) increases the likelihood that individuals will feel present in the DVE and hence respond as they would in a similar physically grounded environment. Previous research utilizing high-fidelity technology has demonstrated that by starting a virtual experience in a virtual replica of the immediate physical environment, presence is increased. The purpose of this study was to determine whether utilizing such a transitional environment to increase presence could be replicated on a significantly less immersive system—a 2D desktop monitor with mouse and keyboard for navigation. Participants began their DVE experience either in a “preamble” DVE made to look like the surrounding physical laboratory space, or in a novel DVE (i.e., a house). Then, they were given verbal instructions to leave their respective environments and told to go up a set of stairs to explore a museum. Afterward, they reported levels of immersion and presence in the latter DVE. Results demonstrated that entering a target DVE via a familiar “preamble” environment increased perceptions of reality judgment of the virtual experience, perceptions of possibility to act, and levels of presence. These results suggest that incorporating a familiar digital preamble environment as a prelude to the target DVE enables DVE designers and enthusiasts to increase presence without having to invest in more expensive hardware, but it could also augment existing immersive technology. Their efficacy may be because they offer a gradual transition into the virtual world, such that the familiarity eases users into the novel experience.  相似文献   

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