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A chemotyping and genotyping comprehensive approach may be useful for the analytical traceability of food ingredients. The interest for lupin (Lupinus spp.) is developing owing to the high protein percentage as well as the positive technological and nutraceutical properties. The objective was the development of innovative models for discerning between Lupinus albus and Lupinus angustifolius, the most used in human nutrition, by applying multivariate statistical analysis (Principal Component Analysis, PCA) and artificial intelligence (Self Organising Maps, SOMs) onto chemical parameters (proximate composition, alkaloids, tocopherols) or Random Polymorphic DNA fingerprints. The application of PCA to either chemical or genetic data permitted the effective discrimination between the two species, whereas the application of the SOM approach to both data-sets enabled clustering some cultivars. The possibility of discriminating L. albus from L. angustifolius is relevant for lupin traceability: the foreseen fields of application are refined flours or ingredients, where morphological analysis is not applicable.  相似文献   

In this study, inhibition of egg hatching and development of immature stages of the Indian meal moth and almond moth by irradiation in hazelnuts was investigated. Irradiation doses required to inhibit the development of eggs of Plodia interpunctella and Ephestia cautella were 450 and 300 Gy, respectively, and no adults of either species emerged from treated samples (all stages) at 1 kGy of radiation in large-scale tests. The low-dose irradiation treatment did not cause excessive oxidative deterioration and no significant differences were found in organoleptic studies at 0.5-3 kGy in decorticated hazelnuts. However, total tocopherol content decreased depending on irradiation dose.  相似文献   

Combining data from research herds may be advantageous, especially for difficult or expensive-to-measure traits (such as dry matter intake). Cows in research herds are often genotyped using low-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels. However, the precision of quantitative trait loci detection in genome-wide association studies and the accuracy of genomic selection may increase when the low-density genotypes are imputed to higher density. Genotype data were available from 10 research herds: 5 from Europe [Denmark, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (UK)], 2 from Australasia (Australia and New Zealand), and 3 from North America (Canada and the United States). Heifers from the Australian and New Zealand research herds were already genotyped at high density (approximately 700,000 SNP). The remaining genotypes were imputed from around 50,000 SNP to 700,000 using 2 reference populations. Although it was not possible to use a combined reference population, which would probably result in the highest accuracies of imputation, differences arising from using 2 high-density reference populations on imputing 50,000-marker genotypes of 583 animals (from the UK) were quantified. The European genotypes (n = 4,097) were imputed as 1 data set, using a reference population of 3,150 that included genotypes from 835 Australian and 1,053 New Zealand females, with the remainder being males. Imputation was undertaken using population-wide linkage disequilibrium with no family information exploited. The UK animals were also included in the North American data set (n = 1,579) that was imputed to high density using a reference population of 2,018 bulls. After editing, 591,213 genotypes on 5,999 animals from 10 research herds remained. The correlation between imputed allele frequencies of the 2 imputed data sets was high (>0.98) and even stronger (>0.99) for the UK animals that were part of each imputation data set. For the UK genotypes, 2.2% were imputed differently in the 2 high-density reference data sets used. Only 0.025% of these were homozygous switches. The number of discordant SNP was lower for animals that had sires that were genotyped. Discordant imputed SNP genotypes were most common when a large difference existed in allele frequency between the 2 imputed genotype data sets. For SNP that had ≥20% discordant genotypes, the difference between imputed data sets of allele frequencies of the UK (imputed) genotypes was 0.07, whereas the difference in allele frequencies of the (reference) high-density genotypes was 0.30. In fact, regions existed across the genome where the frequency of discordant SNP was higher. For example, on chromosome 10 (centered on 520,948 bp), 52 SNP (out of a total of 103 SNP) had ≥20% discordant SNP. Four hundred and eight SNP had more than 20% discordant genotypes and were removed from the final set of imputed genotypes. We concluded that both discordance of imputed SNP genotypes and differences in allele frequencies, after imputation using different reference data sets, may be used to identify and remove poorly imputed SNP.  相似文献   

European perch (Perca fluviatilis) harvested from three lakes of Central Italy were studied in different seasonal periods of a year to evaluate their nutritional quality and some safety aspects related to the pollution of the aquatic environment. The lakes considered, located in the Latium region, differed with respect to their volcanic (Bolsena and Bracciano Lakes) or artificial (Salto Lake) origin. Fillets of fish caught in the three lakes were characterised by good protein (17–19%) and mineral contents and low lipid levels (0.6–1.2%) throughout the year. Total lipids were characterised by low cholesterol levels (41.9–74.7 mg/100 g) and high percentages of total n − 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (27.7–33.8% of total fatty acids), in particular docosahexaenoic acid (14.2–25.3% of total fatty acids). The qualitative analysis of the stomach content of perch confirmed their predatory feeding behaviour. The chemical and nutritional profiles of perch from the three lakes were comparable except for rubidium and cesium levels, which were higher in the muscle tissues of perch from the volcanic lakes. These minerals may represent elements of traceability of the origin of fish. Low levels of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls, well below the Italian and European action limits, were detected in the muscle tissue of perch from all three lakes.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the usefulness of three chemical parameters (compositions on tocopherols, sterols and fatty acids) as a tool to discriminate three varietal olive oils (Cvs. Cobrançosa, Madural and Verdeal Transmontana), which are permitted cultivars for the production of “Trás-os-Montes olive oil”, a Portuguese protected designation of origin (PDO) product. The olives were collected during the year crop 2000/2001 from the same orchard, in order to eliminate the geographical and climatic influences. Lots with different maturation indices were prepared to allow the evaluation of the ripening stage on the characteristics of varietal olive oils produced from each cultivar. Statistical methods such as multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis were used to evaluate significant differences on the studied parameters. Regarding the results, the three cultivars were clearly discriminated.  相似文献   

Judged by quality and taste, the European sole (Solea solea) is considered one of the finest flatfish and is, thus, of considerable commercial value. In the present work, a specific fast real-time PCR was developed for the authentication of S. solea, i.e. to distinguish it from other related species and avoid substitution of this species, either deliberately or unintentionally. The method is based on a species-specific set of primers and MGB Taqman probe which amplifies a 116-bp fragment of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS 1) ribosomal DNA region. This assay combines the high specificity and sensitivity of real-time PCR with the rapidity of the fast mode, allowing the detection of S. solea in a short period of time. The present methodology was validated for application to all types of manufactured products for the presence of S. solea, with successful results. Subsequently, the method was applied to 40 commercial samples to determine whether correct labeling had been employed in the market. It was demonstrated that the assay is a useful tool in monitoring and verifying food labeling regulations.  相似文献   

1H HRMAS NMR spectroscopy has been applied to investigate differences at a metabolic level between “flavor varieties” of high quality tomatoes marketed as Protected Geographical Indication from Almería (Spain). The varieties studied include the non-hybrid Raf tomato, one of the most tasteful commercial tomatoes that is traditionally grown in this Spanish region, together with other two hybrid varieties of commercial names Rambo and Zayno. Standard quality parameters were poorly reliable for establishing specific correlations with a given variety. In contrast, 1H HRMAS NMR spectroscopy, in combination with principal component analysis (PCA) and assigned signal analysis (ASA) provided a clear differentiation between varieties as a function of the ripening process and revealed the existence of variety-dependent relationships between external appearance and metabolic content. ??-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is envisioned as a good marker for monitoring the ripening process. The content in other taste-relevant metabolites (fructose and organic acids) proved to be variety-dependent. The results show a preferential accumulation of citric acid and fructose in Rambo and Raf varieties, respectively. Raf fruits are characterized by high fructose to glucose and fructose to citric acid ratios. The content of malic acid during ripening also remains high for Raf tomato. These combined features are responsible of the unique characteristic and exceptional taste of this traditional line of tomato.  相似文献   


Hens’ eggs collected in home-producing farms located in different areas of the Campania region of southern Italy were analysed for six NDL-polychlorobiphenyls (PCB indicators), 17 polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), and 12 congeners of dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs). In the investigated area, waste from civil, industrial and hospital activities was illegally dumped and in many cases burned, so the area is called the ‘Land of fire’. This illicit practice has been considered the main source of pollution in this territory and the cause of the persistent organic pollutants’ (POPs) contamination in the neighbouring lands intended for agricultural use and livestock. The results, which were obtained from the analysis of 56 samples of eggs, showed levels of contamination by dioxins and PCBs that have often exceeded the action levels set by European Union Recommendation 711/2013 and sometimes even exceeded the maximum levels set by Commission Regulation (EU) 1259/2011. The median PCDD/Fs was 0.41 pg TEQ g?1 fat (range = 0.01–6.18 pg TEQ g?1 fat) and the median concentration of DL-PCBs was 0.70 pg TEQ g?1 fat (range = 0.01–14.60 pg TEQ g?1 fat), whereas NDL-PCBs median was 7.35 ng g?1 fat (range = 0.48–67.55 ng g?1 fat). Nevertheless, the estimated weekly intake (EWI) calculated for consumers of eggs home produced in Campania is lower than the tolerable weekly intake (TWI) established by the European Union Scientific Committee on Food (SCF).  相似文献   

The wax ester composition of six monovarietal olive oils (Arbequina, Benizal, Cornicabra, Cuquillo, Manzanilla, and Picual) from Designation of Origin (DO) “Campos de Hellin” (Spain) were analysed, to obtain a more complete characterisation of these varietal oils. The analyses were carried out by on-line liquid chromatography–gas chromatography (LC–GC) using the Through Oven Transfer Adsorption Desorption (TOTAD) interface. The oil made with Arbequina variety had the highest content of total wax ester (84.4 ± 4.3 mg/kg) and Picual oil the lowest (35.5 ± 3.7 mg/kg). The data obtained were analysed statistically; significant differences in C40, C44, C46 and total wax esters were found, with a level of confidence of 95%.  相似文献   

The potential and real qualities of virgin olive oils, from the designation of origin (DO) “Aceite Montes de Alcaraz”, were evaluated. The regulated physicochemical and sensory parameters, the stability parameters and the fatty acid, sterol and triterpenic dialcohol compositions were analysed. The results of the regulated parameters in the potential quality study classified all the analysed oils into the “extra virgin” category. The varieties Picual and Cornicabra showed remarkably high stability, due to their high total polyphenol content. The fatty acid contents fell within the intervals required by the EU regulations in all the analysed samples. The distribution of fatty acid composition covered the normal range expected for olive oil. Oleic and linoleic acids were the most useful fatty acids used to discriminate the varieties Picual and Cornicabra from the others. The variety Cornicabra stood out due to its high campesterol content. All the analysed samples in the real quality study were classified into the “extra virgin” category according to the regulated physicochemical parameters, but only 67% of them qualified if the sensory parameters were also taken into account. The predominance of the variety Picual in the study area was mainly responsible for the high oil stability and reflects the fatty acid and sterol composition of the oils from the oil mills in the potential quality study.  相似文献   

从铁棍山药中提取黏液质,选取不同酶(胰蛋白酶、纤维素酶、复合蛋白酶)对其进行酶解,得到不同酶解产物,采用红外光谱和扫描电子显微镜技术,对黏液质及其酶解物的微观结构进行分析,同时采用体外细胞培养和实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应方法,研究黏液质及其酶解物对脾淋巴细胞增殖转化及细胞因子mRNA相对表达量的影响。结果显示:黏液质及其酶解物,在微观结构上呈现很大差别;黏液质及其酶解物均能促进脾淋巴细胞增殖转化,但酶解物的促进作用强于黏液质;黏液质及其酶解物对Th1族细胞因子的mRNA表达促进作用显著高于对Th2族细胞因子的mRNA表达促进作用,使细胞中Th1/Th2平衡向Th1方向偏移。  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analyses have been found to be powerful molecular methods for differentiating isolates of a given bacterial species. When applied to Listeria monocytogenes, both methods have been found highly effective in tracking isolates involved in food borne outbreaks of listeriosis and in identifying routes of contamination in food processing plants. Among the two methods, PFGE is considered somewhat superior in discriminatory power. However, the use of two or more independent random primers with RAPD is considered to result in a level of discrimination equal to that of PFGE. When results from both methods are combined, a maximum level of discrimination that exceeds that obtained with both methods independently can be achieved. Individually, both methods far exceed the discriminatory power of serotyping and phage typing of L. monocytogenes strains in that serotypes 1/2a, 1/2b, and 4b, represent over 90% of all human isolates, and phage typing at times has allowed typing of no more than about 50% of isolates. In addition, both RAPD and PFGE on occasion have been found to be superior to ribotyping, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, and restriction enzyme analysis of L. monocytogenes isolates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the impact of genotyping cows with reliable phenotypes for direct health traits on annual monetary genetic gain (AMGG) and discounted profit. The calculations were based on a deterministic approach using ZPLAN software (University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany). It was assumed that increases in reliability of the total merit index (TMI) of 5, 15, and 25 percentage points were achieved through genotyping 5,000, 25,000, and 50,000 cows, respectively. Costs for phenotyping, genotyping, and genomic estimated breeding values vary between €150 and €20 per cow. The gain in genotyping cows for traits with medium to high heritability is more than for direct health traits with low heritability. The AMGG is increased by 1.5% if the reliability of TMI is 5 percentage points higher (i.e., 5,000 cows genotyped) and 6.53% higher AMGG can be expected when the reliability of TMI is increased by 25 percentage points (i.e., 50,000 cows genotyped). The discounted profit depends not only on the costs of genotyping but also on the population size. This study indicates that genotyping cows with reliable phenotypes is feasible to speed up the availability of genomic estimated breeding values for direct health traits. But, because of the huge amount of valid phenotypes and genotypes needed to establish an efficient genomic evaluation, it is likely that financial constraints will be the main limiting factor for implementation into breeding program such as Fleckvieh Austria.  相似文献   

Irradiation and cooking effects were investigated in beans. Determinations of iron and antinutrients and the “in vitro” dialysis of iron were carried out. Cooking caused a decrease in all parameters except for phytate and iron availability. Tannins were inversely correlated with applied irradiation doses. The same thing happened to the dialyzed iron. The 6-kGy-dose irradiation presented positive effects regarding the iron availability and its use is recommended.  相似文献   

The lipid composition and oxidative stability of mullet (Mugilcephalus) raw roes and cured products (bottarga) from two different fishing areas have been studied and compared to find lipid modifications due to manufacturing procedures. Moreover, n-3 PUFA oxidation in raw roes and cured products was monitored during storage at −20 °C, and in grated sample of bottarga at room temperature. Oxidative degradation of n-3 PUFA was evaluated by conjugated dienes fatty acids hydroperoxides determination. The treatments on mullet roe did not affect the lipid level (fatty alcohols and acids, cholesterol) and the amount of hydroperoxides. No significant difference is observed between n-3 PUFA levels during processing and at different storage conditions. The order of oxidative stability, as calculated by the hydroperoxides determination was: grated bottarga < whole bottarga < raw roe.  相似文献   

This work was carried out to assess the influence of two extration methods (two-phase centrifugation and pressure) on oil quality from four olive varieties cultivated at Traslasierra Valley, Córdoba, Argentina. Analysis of the effect of the extraction system, on the values of analytical determinations, revealed statistically significant differences in some parameters, mainly in free fatty acid and phenol contents, and K270 values. Oxidative stability showed a significant positive correlation with phenol content. Most of the quality indices and fatty acid compositions showed significant variations among olive varieties. Nevadillo variety had the highest values of oleic acid, whereas Manzanilla was noteworthy for its higher content of phenolic compounds. Accordingly, pressure-extracted oil from the Manzanilla variety presented better oxidative stability.  相似文献   

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