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MoS_2-Zr复合薄膜的摩擦磨损特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用中频磁控溅射技术及多弧离子镀相结合的复合镀膜工艺,在硬质合金YT14基体上制备了MoS2-Zr复合薄膜.采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了MoS2-Zr复合薄膜表面及截面形貌,利用多功能材料表面性能试验仪测试了薄膜的厚度、结合力,利用显微硬度计测试薄膜的显微硬度,在高速环块磨损试验机进行了摩擦磨损试验,并分析了薄膜的摩擦磨损机制.结果表明:制备的MoS2-Zr复合薄膜结构致密,薄膜的厚度、结合力、显微硬度等性能参数明显优于MoS2薄膜,摩擦磨损性能有较大改善.薄膜的摩擦磨损过程主要是薄膜的剥落和转移的过程,复合薄膜由于结合力和硬度的提高,能够延缓薄膜的剥落及转移,降低薄膜的磨损率,提高薄膜的摩擦磨损特性,延长薄膜的作用时间.  相似文献   

采用非平衡磁控溅射沉积技术制备MoS2-Ti复合薄膜,研究了沉积温度对薄膜的结构和性能的影响。利用SEM、XRF和XRD分析薄膜的形貌、成分和晶相结构,用CSEM薄膜综合性能测试仪测试薄膜的硬度和与基底间的附着力,用球-盘摩擦试验机和真空环模系统评价薄膜的真空摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:沉积温度升高薄膜中S和Mo原子比从1.72升高至1.76,Ti质量分数从8.2%降低至6.7%,薄膜从明显的(002)基面优势取向向多晶态转变,晶粒尺寸变大,棱面膜含量增多;薄膜的硬度、与基底间的附着力都随沉积温度的升高而降低,沉积温度为200℃时薄膜性能降低明显,硬度从4GPa降至2GPa,薄膜与基底间附着力从80mN以上降至35mN;薄膜在真空环境中的减摩作用不受沉积温度影响,摩擦因数平均值为0.02,波动范围为0.01~0.04,薄膜耐磨寿命随沉积温度升高而降低,50℃和100℃薄膜耐磨寿命相差不多,200℃薄膜样品耐磨寿命很差,是50℃和100℃薄膜样品的1/8~1/7。  相似文献   

采用非平衡磁控溅射沉积技术制备MoS2-Ti复合薄膜,研究了沉积压力对薄膜的结构和性能的影响.利用XRF、轮廓仪和XRD分析测试薄膜的成分、厚度和晶相结构,用CSEM薄膜综合性能测试仪测试薄膜的硬度和与基底间的附着力,用球-盘摩擦试验机和真空环模系统评价薄膜的真空摩擦磨损性能.结果表明:降低沉积压力使溅射粒子的平均自由程变大,薄膜沉积过程中再溅射作用加强,对薄膜的结构和性能产生较大的影响.沉积压力升高,薄膜中S和Mo原子比和Ti质量分数随之增大,变化范围分别为1.50~1.77和5.8%~8.1%,薄膜沉积厚度先增大后减小,薄膜晶相结构从明显的(002)基面优势取向向准晶态转变;薄膜的硬度、与基底间的附着力都随沉积压力的升高而降低,薄膜硬度变化范围是5.7~3.5 GPa,薄膜与基底间附着力变化范围是100~75 mN;薄膜在真空环境中的减摩性能不受工作压力变化影响,摩擦因数平均值为0.02,波动范围为0.01~0.04,薄膜耐磨寿命随沉积压力升高依次为9 000,21 500,28 000,18 000 m ,工作压力低时再溅射作用破坏了MoS2分子层间的滑移能力从而使其耐磨寿命降低.  相似文献   

磁控溅射MoS2薄膜的结构和微观摩擦磨损特性   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用磁控溅射法制取了MoS2薄膜,通过X光电子能谱、X射线衍射和AFM/FFM方法对薄膜的表面形貌、成分、化学价态、结构和微观摩擦磨损性能进行了研究。实验结果表明:MoS2薄膜表面呈蠕虫状,微观结构为(100)面平行于基面的非晶态,表面膜由MoS2和少量的MoO3组成。在微观摩擦磨损过程中,MoS2薄膜的摩擦系数较大,且而磨性能高;微摩擦过程中没有磨合阶段,不存在摩擦机理的转变。  相似文献   

为了改善传统MoS_2涂层的摩擦学性能,利用中频直流磁控溅射技术在硅片和304不锈钢上沉积Si/MoS_2和2种不同碳含量的C-Si/MoS_2复合薄膜,利用扫描电镜(SEM)配备的EDS设备对薄膜的成分及厚度进行表征,利用真空摩擦磨损试验机(CSM)测试不同湿度条件下Si/MoS_2和C-Si/MoS_2的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:2种不同碳含量的C-Si/MoS_2含有相似的Si含量,Si在薄膜中以单质的形式存在;Si/MoS_2薄膜随着湿度的增加,摩擦因数持续增加,同Si/MoS_2薄膜相比,掺碳量49.08%(原子分数)的C-Si/MoS_2薄膜摩擦性能得到优化,仅在24%湿度下摩擦因数高于纯Si/MoS_2薄膜;含碳量为49.08%的C-Si/MoS_2薄膜磨损程度最小,这是因为C在摩擦过程中易剪切滑移,与MoS_2耦合润滑,优化了薄膜的摩擦学性能;真空下,Si/MoS_2薄膜及C-Si/MoS_2薄膜的磨损机制为黏着磨损,而在不同湿度条件下,由于水蒸气和氧气的作用,Si/MoS_2薄膜及C-Si/MoS_2薄膜均会发生氧化磨损及磨粒磨损。  相似文献   

采用非平衡磁控溅射沉积技术制备纯MoS2和不同Ti掺杂量的MoS2-Ti复合薄膜。用SEM和XRD对薄膜的形貌和结构进行分析,用纳米划痕仪测试薄膜与基底间的附着力,用球-盘摩擦试验机评价薄膜在大气和真空环境中的摩擦学性能。研究结果表明:在溅射沉积MoS2薄膜过程中掺杂金属Ti,有效地阻断了MoS2疏松、多孔柱状晶的优势生长,从而生成组织结构致密、无定形态的薄膜,提高了其与基底间的附着力。掺Ti复合薄膜在大气和真空环境中的摩擦学性能都得到显著改善,真空环境中10%Ti含量的薄膜耐磨寿命最长,是纯MoS2膜的37倍,大气环境中20%Ti含量的薄膜耐磨寿命最长,是纯MoS2膜的67倍。  相似文献   

金属复合对CrN薄膜的结构及摩擦磨损性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用反应磁控溅射制备了CrN、Cr-Al-N与Cr-Ti-N复合薄膜;利用XRD与SEM表征了薄膜的结构及断面形貌;采用摩擦磨损实验机考察了薄膜的摩擦磨损性能;研究了金属复合对薄膜结构和摩擦磨损性能的影响.结果表明:所制备的复合薄膜中Al与Ti均以置换方式固溶于CrN中,取代了一部分Cr原子.形成固溶体的合金复合薄膜;合金复合后薄膜的结晶性变差,晶粒均出现细化;合金复合薄膜的摩擦磨损性能均有不同程度的提高.其中Cr-Al-N薄膜的耐磨性极大提高.  相似文献   

MoS_2基复合润滑薄膜的制备及其摩擦性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用磁控溅射法在不锈钢基体上制备了MoS2/Ni复合润滑薄膜,研究了添加DLC(类金刚石薄膜)中间层对于MoS2/Ni复合薄膜的影响,探讨了复合润滑薄膜的减摩机理;使用EDS与XRD测定了复合薄膜的主要成分和物相结构,使用多功能摩擦试验机测定了薄膜的摩擦因数.结果表明:复合薄膜的主要成分为MoS2和Ni;薄膜中主要晶面为平行于基面的(002)晶面;复合薄膜的摩擦因数在0.06~0.18之间变化,且在高速重载的环境下具有更低的摩擦因数和更高的摩擦稳定性;中间层的加入进一步降低了复合薄膜的摩擦因数,达到0.04左右.  相似文献   

多组元复合是提高润滑薄膜苛刻工况下服役性能的有效方法。采用“射频磁控溅射+低温离子渗硫”复合工艺,在9Cr18轴承钢表面制备了Mo/MoS2-Pb-PbS复合固体润滑薄膜;利用自主研制的MSTS-1型多功能真空摩擦磨损试验机研究了8×10-5 Pa真空条件下法向载荷和滑动速率对Mo/MoS2-Pb-PbS复合薄膜摩擦学性能的影响。结果表明,在所设定的5种滑动速率下,Mo/MoS2-Pb-PbS薄膜的摩擦因数随滑动速率的增大而缓慢减小,磨损率经一定周次的跑合后逐渐趋于稳定;在不同的法向载荷下,随着载荷的增大,薄膜的摩擦因数呈近似抛物线增大,变化范围在0.03~0.24之间;薄膜表面的磨痕宽度同样随着载荷的增大而增大。  相似文献   

利用热喷涂技术在45钢上制备了MoS2/PA(聚酰胺)复合涂层,考察了不同填料含量复合涂层的摩擦磨损性能,采用SEM分析涂层及对偶磨损表面形貌,并探讨了填料对复合涂层摩擦磨损性能的影响机制。结果表明:填料含量大于39/6时,虽然摩擦因数较小,但磨损率很大,且大于纯PA涂层的磨损率;当填料含量小于3%时,涂层摩擦学性能有所提高。  相似文献   

以Mo S2/石墨为固体润滑剂,无机磷酸盐为胶粘剂,利用喷涂方式在GE20ES型关节轴承表面制备不同配比的Mo S2/石墨复合涂层,考察了这些复合涂层在旋转摆动条件下的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,不同配方的Mo S2/石墨复合涂层均显示了较好的减摩耐磨性能,其中当Mo S2与石墨的配比为3∶1时,Mo S2与石墨有较好的协同效果,复合涂层的摩擦学性能最好。  相似文献   


Nanostructured nickel coatings with molybdenum disulphide particles were electrodeposited to form composite coatings. Three different current densities, i.e. 3, 5 and 7?A/dm2 were investigated initially. The best results were obtained with 5 A/dm2 for codeposition of nanostructured Ni-MoS2 composite coatings. With the addition of 1–4?g/L molybdenum disulphide to the bath, the weight percentages of MoS2 particles in the coatings were 23–38%. This increase of MoS2 content was accompanied with decrease in friction coefficient of the coatings from 0.35 to 0.08. Wear resistance of the coatings was increased with increasing MoS2 content and the weight loss was decreased from 1.4 to 0.7?mg. Hardness was decreased from 585 to 400 VHN with increasing the MoS2 content. By increasing bath agitation speed up to 150?rpm, more MoS2 particles were embedded in the matrix and the coatings showed better wear resistance. However, increase of agitation speed from 150 to 200?rpm caused a decrease of MoS2 particles in the nickel matrix due to the turbulent motion of particles in the bath. Overall, it was shown that the lubricating effect of MoS2 in the coating was more influential than the nanocrystallinity of the nickel matrix in improving tribological properties of these composite coatings.  相似文献   

针对钢-钢关节轴承用MoS_2基复合涂层的某些特殊工况,需考虑涂层在干摩擦及海水环境下的综合摩擦学性能。以法向载荷、滑动速度和添加剂组分作为考察因素,以涂层在干摩擦及海水环境下的摩擦系数和磨损量作为评价指标,进行正交试验设计;采用基于组合赋权法的灰色关联度方法分析试验数据。灰色关联度方差分析结果表明,添加剂组分对涂层综合摩擦学性能影响最为显著,其次是法向载荷,滑动速度的影响很小。添加0.8 wt%GE的石墨烯/MoS_2复合涂层在法向载荷为10 N、滑动速度为25 mm/s条件下,在干摩擦及海水环境下均具有良好的综合摩擦学性能。  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of the indentation of Ni-P coatings on substrates made of various materials and the results of the calculation of their elastic modulus. The results of the tribological study of coatings of different thicknesses are presented. The obtained values of the elastic modulus and friction coefficient are used to determine the stress state of the Ni-P coatings during friction.  相似文献   

With constant enlargement of the application areas of the spherical plain bearings, higher quality lubrication of the bearings is required. To solve the lubricating problems of spherical plain bearings under high temperature, high vacuum, high speed, heavy loads and strong oxidation conditions, it is urgent for us to develop more excellent self-lubricating technologies. In this paper, the bonded solid lubricant coatings, which use inorganic phosphate as the binder, the mixture of MoS2 and graphite with two different weight proportions as the solid lubricant, are prepared by spraying under three different spray gun pressures. The bonding strength tests on the coatings show that the best spraying pressure is 0.2 MPa and the better mixing proportion of MoS2 to Graphite is 3:1. Then for the radial spherical plain bearings with steel/steel friction pair, after the coatings are made on the inner ring outer surfaces, the friction coefficient, the wear loss and the friction temperature of the bearings under four oscillating frequencies are investigated by a self-made tribo-tester. The test results, SEM of the worn morphologies and EDS of worn areas show that tribological properties of the bearing are obviously improved by the bonded solid lubricant coatings. When sprayed under the spray gun pressure of 0.2 MPa, the bearings have better anti-friction and anti-wear properties than those sprayed under 0.1 MPa and 0.3 MPa. Further as proved from the XPS analysis, between the coating with 3:1 mixing ratio of MoS2 to Graphite and the coating with 1:1 ratio, the former has less oxidation occurred on the surface and therefore has better tribological characteristics than the latter. This paper provides a reference to developing a new product of the radial spherical plain bearings with high bonding strength, oxidation resistance and abrasion resistance.  相似文献   

The unique features of DLC coatings in providing low friction and low wear and, at the same time, causing low wear to the counterface make them very attractive in industrial applications, in improving tribological performance of mechanical components on various substrates. In this study, composite DLC coatings have been deposited on sintered ferrous alloy, M42 tool steel, 2618 aluminium alloy, and 6063 aluminium extrusion substrates using the combined CFUBMS–PACVD technique. The effect of mechanical properties of substrate materials on tribological behaviour of the composite DLC coatings has been investigated at various loads on a ball-on-disk wear machine in dry air. A transition load was usually observed for coatings on the various substrates except for the aluminium extrusion; above the transition load the coating was completely destroyed via some spallation/fragmentation process after 2 h sliding, and the wear rate increased dramatically with further increase in load. The coating system on sintered ferrous alloy substrate exhibited the highest transition load among the four types of substrates studied. This is considered to have resulted from the combined effects of the lower elastic modulus of the porous sintered ferrous alloy substrate, which decreases the stress concentrations in the contact region, and the surface roughness and porosity, which enhance the bonding strength between the coating and the substrate under multi-contact conditions. The high elastic modulus of the tool steel substrate leads to tensile stress conditions in the sliding contact region and therefore makes coatings deposited on such a substrate more prone to breakdown/fragmentation, resulting in a transition load close to that for coatings on the soft 2618 aluminium alloy substrate. For coatings on the 6063 aluminium extrusion substrate, significant plastic deformation occurred in the substrate at loads above 1.5 N. However, despite the heavy deformation in the substrate, coatings on this substrate were not scraped off, as were coatings on the 2618 aluminium alloy substrate, even at a load as high as 20 N. The specific wear rate increased continuously with load, no apparent transition load being explicitly identifiable. This study shows that hard DLC coatings can be applied on both hard and soft substrates for improvement of the tribological behaviour of mechanical components.  相似文献   

The study deals with tribological properties of the nanostructured WC-12%Co coatings deposited by the detonation method. It is found experimentally that their wear resistance depends on the concentration of monocarbide WC. The dependence of the WC concentration in the coating on deposition conditions is obtained. The microstructure of the coatings, their physical-mechanical properties, phase composition, porosity, hardness, and modulus of elasticity are studied. The advantage of the nanostructured coatings over the coatings deposited from micropowders is shown.  相似文献   

Nickel-based composite coatings containing graphite nitrate as a dispersed phase are deposited by the electrochemical method. The process of electrodeposition of the coatings in the potentiodynamic and galvanostatic modes is studied. It is found that the sliding friction coefficient of the composite electrochemical coatings is half that of nickel coatings containing no dispersed phase. It is shown that the sliding friction coefficient of the coatings declines as the thickness of the electrolytic deposit grows.  相似文献   

The potential for co-depositing PTFE particles in a metal matrix by means of electrodeposition has led to a new generation of composites that show promising tribological properties. In the present work, a study has been made of the parameters of the coating process (type of current, current density, and concentration of PTFE in the electrolyte bath) in order to optimise the properties of coatings.  相似文献   

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