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《Oil and Energy Trends》2007,32(6):13-14
Asia continues to plan new oil refineries at a faster rate than any other region ( see 'Focus', May 2006 ). The largest increases are taking place in India and China ( see 'Looking Ahead', December 2006 ), but considerable expansion is planned elsewhere across Asia. Up to 3.2 mn bpd of new crude distillation capacity is being planned in other parts of the Asia/Pacific region ( see Table C ), of which nearly 1.1 mn bpd is slated for Indonesia.  

  Table C   Asia/Pacific: Proposed new Refineries  相似文献   

Talk of a worldwide shortage of refinery capacity has led to a plethora of new proposals for new refiners and refinery extensions. A survey compiled by Oil and Energy Trends and our associated web-based service Global Energy Review has identified proposals for over 16 mn bpd of new crude distillation capacity ( see Table A ). This represents an increase of nearly 20% over present capacity levels: comfortably over any likely increase in world oil demand over the next decade. It is almost certain, therefore, that some of this planned capacity will not be built. Indeed, some of the proposals for certain individual countries are clearly meant as alternatives to one another. Indonesia and Vietnam, for example, are most unlikely to build more than one new refinery in the next ten years.  

  Table A  World refinery expansion plans  相似文献   

《Oil and Energy Trends》2006,31(12):13-14
A plethora of proposals to build new crude distillation units in Asia threatens to produce a large capacity surplus by the end of the decade. Almost 6 mn bpd of new capacity is currently under consideration, much of it in the rapidly growing markets of China and India ( see Table C ).  

  Table C  Asia: Proposed New Refineries  相似文献   

《Oil and Energy Trends》2008,33(5):13-14
Countries throughout the Western Hemisphere face shortages of refinery capacity, but too few schemes are making it past the drawing-board. OET' s latest refining survey ( see Table E ) shows a large number of projects but many remain tentative and lack firm locations and completion dates: not to mention planning approval and financial backing.  

  Table E   Western Hemisphere: Proposed new refineries  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
OPEC ministers meeting in Vienna on 11th September agreed to leave the production ceiling unchanged at 28 mn bpd. The cartel, however, is to move away from formal quotas to a system of adjusting total production to world demand. The change recognizes the fact that many OPEC countries cannot produce their full quota allowances. The new policy is described by OPEC as trying "to ensure that supply and demand (remain) in balance with prices at reasonable levels". "Reasonable levels" were not defined in the communiqué, but most ministers agreed they should be in the region to $60-65/bbl. The oil markets were sceptical and prices fell below $60, reaching a seven-month low at the start of October. Nigeria announced a production cut of 120,000 bpd, though this may be a recognition of the difficulty of producing oil there at present. During September, the country was plagued by further violence in the Niger Delta, including attacks on oil workers, kidnappings and sabotage to oil installations. Oil workers went on strike for two days, threatening further walk-outs. By late September, nearly 875,000 bpd of production was estimated shut-in as a result of the current unrest. Shell said it had suspended plans to repair damaged facilities in the Niger Delta because of the continuing high level of violence.  相似文献   

At first sight, OPEC appears to have a great deal of spare production capacity: over 5 mn bpd in all. On further examination, it is clear that most of this consists either of heavy crude oil for which there is little or no market under present conditions, or of capacity that is shut-in by violence and civil unrest. OPEC's effective spare production capacity is probably less than 1 mn bpd, which may account for its recent decision not to increase output during the second and third quarters of the year. It also makes it unlikely that OPEC will have much additional oil to offer already tight markets as demand undergoes its normal seasonal rise at the end of the year.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
OPEC ministers agreed to cut crude oil production by 1 mn bpd from 1st January, whilst leaving the group's production ceiling unchanged at 27 mn bpd. Cuts were allocated amongst the seven countries deemed to be overproducing the most ( see Global Energy Review , OPEC, Latest Developments). OPEC's President, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, said OPEC's oil price target should be raised to at least $30 to reflect current dollar weakness. Freight rates fell sharply in the wake of OPEC's decision on output. VLCC rates between the Persian Gulf and Asia went down immediately by 25% and lost a further 60% by the end of the year. Saudi Arabia agreed to cuts of 500,000 bpd. The kingdom meanwhile has added 800,000 bpd to its production capacity with the formal opening of the Qatif and Abu Safah fields, bringing total capacity to 11 mn bpd. The Saudi government stepped up security following renewed threats by al-Qaeda to attack oil installations there. Two car bombs later exploded in Riyadh. In a radical departure from normal trading practice, Saudi Arabia said it would explore the idea of selling oil under long term contracts on a take-or-pay basis. Such arrangements are common in the natural gas industry but rare in the case of oil.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
OPEC maintained its output ceiling at 28 mn bpd at its meeting on 8th March in Vienna, agreeing to review quotas again on 1st June in Venezuela. Venezuela's oil minister said $60/ bbl was a sustainable price for WTI and that OPEC should react when prices fell below that level, having already asked his fellow ministers to cut the OPEC ceiling by 500,000 bpd. Iraq announced that it was standing by plans to raise production capacity to 3 mn bpd by the end of 2006 despite the widespread chaos and violence. It has not been able to produce more than 2 mn bpd on a sustained basis since the US-led invasion three years ago. Production has been close to 1.8 mn bpd in recent weeks. Exports via Basrah are being restricted by a lack of tugs, pipeline leakages, poor equipment and power cuts. The export route to Ceyhan has been closed by repeated acts of sabotage and is unlikely to reopen for at least eight months according to the country's oil ministry.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
Oil prices fell back early in December as fears grew that high prices were about to push the US and other markets into recession. Brent fell back below $90/bbl ( see 'Oil Price Review') but the fall proved only temporary and prices began to rise sharply towards the end of the year. OPEC ministers did nothing to ease market fears when, at their meeting on 5th December in Abu Dhabi, they decided to leave the organization's output ceiling unchanged at 27,253,000 bpd. The ministers rejected calls from consuming countries to produce more oil, declaring in their communiqué that the market was "well-supplied", with stocks at "comfortable levels". The high level of prices was blamed on what the communiqué called "speculative activity" by financial funds and others. Angola and Ecuador were brought into the production-sharing system, being given output quotas respectively of 1.9 mn bpd and 520,000 bpd.  相似文献   

With oil production in decline in most countries outside OPEC, Azerbaijan is seen as one of the few non-OPEC countries capable of increasing its output over the next few years. The EU and the US are anxious to see its output rise as a means of offsetting some of their growing reliance on OPEC in general - and the Middle East in particular - for oil. The EU also sees Azerbaijan as a source of natural gas that might be used to reduce its reliance on Russia.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
Oil prices surged to new highs as Norwegian oil workers threatened to strike. WTI futures settled at a record $60.54/bbl on 27th June while, on the same day, heating oil broke through all previous records on Nymex to reach $1.6761/gall. August IPE Brent remained just below the $60 mark, but the October and November contracts both closed above $60/bbl for the first time, with November the higher of the two at $60.58/bbl. These new price levels proved unsustainable as many traders cashed-in their profits to close-out the second quarter. The record prices appeared not to indicate any actual shortage of crude oil. US imports touched 10.97 mn bpd in the week-ending 24th June: the second-highest on record. As if accepting this as proof that it was producing sufficient crude oil, OPEC shelved plans to discuss a possible 0.5 mn bpd increase in quotas to 28.5 mn bpd. The cartel had earlier decided that it would raise its output ceiling from 27.5 mn bpd to 28.0 mn bpd with effect from 1st July, at its meeting in Vienna on 15th June.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
Oil prices continued to set new records despite a decision by OPEC to raise production by 0.5 mn bpd to 27.5 mn bpd from 16th March. On 1st April, WTI futures in New York set a new closing high of $57.27 a barrel, having traded earlier in the day at $57.70. IPE Brent remained just below its previous record, touching $56.15. Crude oil's strength pushed the official prices of some Asian crudes to record levels, including Malaysia's benchmark Tapis grade, which was set at $58.89 a barrel. Product prices rose to new highs as well. In New York, May heating oil reached $1.6638/gall and May gasoline settled at $1.7310 on 1st April, while, in Europe, gasoline rose to an all-time high of $558/t. The market's view on OPEC's decision was that the rise in output was too little, too late. Even a statement by the cartel's President, Shaikh Ahmad Fahd Al Sabah, that OPEC would consider a further rise of 0.5 mn bpd for May did nothing to calm fears.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
More oil price records were set as refiners worried about supply and inventory levels and other buyers took advantage of a falling US dollar to stock-up on oil and other commodities. October WTI briefly touched $84.10/bbl on 20th September. The US benchmark gained more than most crudes on fears of disruption to oil production in the US Gulf with the arrival of Hurricane Humberto. Some 1.3 mn bpd of production was temporarily shut-in as a precaution, though in the end there was no damage to offshore installations. North Sea crudes rose sharply the following week, pushing IPE Brent into record territory on 28th September, when the London benchmark rose above $81.00/bbl . The new records came despite a decision by OPEC on 11th September to increase its output by 500,000 bpd between August and November. The November target is 27.25 mn bpd, compared with February 2007's level of 25.80bpd. Iraq and Angola are outside the quota system, though Angola is set to join it in the near future.  相似文献   

Oil is extremely crucial to the development of the modern economy.It is important to forecast the oil supply capacity due to its scarcity and non-renewability.This paper attempts to forecast and analyze thirty-five current and potential net oil-exporting countries.Integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods,the oil production and consumption are predicted based on historical data,so that the world net oil-exporting capacity can be obtained.The results show that the "roof effect" of the world net oil-exporting capacity may appear before 2030.Unconventional oil will play an important role in the future world oil market.The competition and cooperation relationships between OPEC and non-OPEC will last for a long time.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
OPEC's ministers, meeting in Doha on 19th October, decided to cut their production by 1.2 mn bpd from 1st November. The reduction is based on an output total of 27.5 mn bpd, which represents the production of the ten quota-observing countries in the weeks immediately preceding the Doha meeting. The Kuwaiti Oil Minister subsequently observed that the OPEC-10 were unlikely to be at their 26.3 mn bpd target before the second half of November. Venezuela said its 138,000 bpd cut would be concentrated on foreign joint-ventures operating in the Orinoco heavy oil belt. Crude oil prices fell in the wake of OPEC's announcement, prompting the Saudis to speculate that the group might cut production by a further 500,000 bpd at its meeting in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, on 14th December.  相似文献   

Following a period of fairly stable production levels of around 2.5 mn bpd, the UAE plans to raise its output of crude oil to 3.5mn bpd within four years. This is a daunting, but probably achievable target. There are, however, further plans to increase output - to 5.0 mn bpd - which may prove somewhat less easy to fulfil.  相似文献   

High-resolution (biomarker) geochemistry combined with other geochemical data has been used to investigate the genetic relationships of 14 crude oil samples from the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf, and to provide information on the lithologies, palaeo-depositional environments and probable ages of the respective source rocks. Oil samples from the Resalat, Salman, Sirri A, Sirri C, Sirri D and Sirri E fields in the SE of the Gulf, and the Foroozan, Bahregansar, Hendijan, Abouzar, Doroud and Nowrouz fields in the NW of the Gulf were investigated.
Results indicate that the studied oils belong to three genetic groups:
  • (i)  

    Group 1 oils (Resalat and Salman fields) were sourced from Jurassic or older, shaly source rocks deposited in a relatively oxic environment;

  • (ii)  

    Group 2 oils (Nowrouz, Doroud and Foroozan oilfields) originated from Jurassic or older carbonate-rich source rocks deposited in an anoxic environment;

  • (iii)  

    Group 3 oils, which, according to biomarker parameters, were probably sourced from Middle Cretaceous calcareous shales. Two subgroups are recognised: subgroup 3A oils were sampled from oilfields located in the NW of the Gulf (Hendijan, Bahregansar and Abouzar), and subgroup 3B oils came from the south (Sirri A, Sirri C, Sirri D and Sirri E fields).


《Oil and Energy Trends》2007,32(8):13-14
Indonesia's production of crude oil and NGL continues to decline. From an output of 1.01 mn bpd in 2006, it is now reported to be producing only 945,000 bpd. The country's upstream regulatory body, BPMigas, has set a target of 1.10 mn bpd for 2009, but it is not clear how this is to be achieved. Last year, the country fell below its official target of 1.05 mn bpd by just over 4%.  相似文献   

This section summarizes downstream developments of the previous month. Exploration & Production are covered in 'Upstream Review'.
Crude oil exports from Iraq rose to a post-invasion high of 1.8 mn bpd amid signs of a fall in attacks on oil installations and a lessening of organized violence inside the country. October's total was boosted by a 113,000 bpd increase in exports via Ceyhan, compared with the previous month, to 283,000 bpd. Iraq is nevertheless unable to guarantee an uninterrupted flow of oil through Ceyhan and has withdrawn an offer to supply crude from there on three-month term contracts. The export pipeline was again sabotaged in late November. Iraq has begun the construction of a 200,000 bpd crude pipeline to Abadan in Iran in order to boost exports from the south of the country. Reports persist about large scale smuggling of crude oil out of Iraq.  相似文献   

A new method is presented here for predicting porosity and permeability from the compositional and textural characteristics of sandstones. The method employs fuzzy modelling which is a linguistic paradigm based on fuzzy logic, rooted in the theory of fuzzy sets. The essentials of fuzzy modelling are explained using an example in which porosity and permeability values of a sandstone are predicted from five compositional and textural attributes. Fuzzy modelling can be accomplished in five steps:
  • (i) 

    Identification of input and output variables. In this paper, the inputs are five compositional and textural parameters, namely: relative amounts of ductile grains, rigid grains and detrital matrix, to gether with grain size, and the Trask sorting coefficient. The output is either porosity or permeability.

  • (ii) 

    Fuzzy clustering of output values.

  • (iii) 

    Formation of membership grades of input data.

  • (iv) 

    Generation of fuzzy rules; and

  • (v) 

    Prediction via fuzzy inference.

Compared to statistical modelling (i. e. multiple regression analysis), fuzzy modelling is not only assumption-free but is also tolerant of outliers. Fuzzy modelling is capable of making both linguistic and numeric predictions based on qualitative knowledge and/ or quantitative data. Thus, fuzzy modelling is not only appropriate for the problem discussed here, but is also desirable for many geological problems characterized by non-numerical knowledge and imprecise information.  相似文献   

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