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Ca ++/cAMP response element binding protein (CREB), phosphoCREB, and c-Fos-like (c-FL) immunoreactivity (IR) were examined in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and parabrachial nucleus (PBN) after peripheral cholecystokinin (CCK). c-FLIR was observed only after CCK, but CCK did not alter high basal levels of CREB-IR and phosphoCREB-IR. PhosphoCREB may be necessary but is not sufficient to induce c-Fos after CCK injection.  相似文献   

The acceptability of medical abortion (mifepristone and misoprostol) among US women was investigated in a 1995 survey of 262 women seeking this method of pregnancy termination at 3 clinics in Oregon, Washington, and Vermont. The abortion patients' mean age was 27 years; mean gestational age was 49.5 days. 51.1% of respondents had experienced at least one prior abortion. Women completed a questionnaire at their initial clinic visit and again two weeks after the procedure. Participants chose medical abortion to avoid surgery (62.8%) or because they perceived it to be less invasive (56.3%), more natural (40.5%), and associated with a lesser risk of infection or damage to the uterus (35.1%) than vacuum aspiration, and could be performed earlier in pregnancy (27.2%). 49.8% indicated they preferred to wait for abortion to occur with a partner, friend, or family member, while 30.6% preferred to be alone; only 17.6% wanted to wait with other women undergoing the same procedure. Comparison of pre- and post-abortion questionnaires indicated women expected significantly more discomfort than they actually experienced and underestimated the number of days of bleeding. 72.8% of respondents were very satisfied with their medical abortion and 15.5% were somewhat satisfied. Women in the somewhat satisfied group had experienced significantly more abortion-related discomfort and anxiety than those who were very satisfied. Prior abortion experience and demographic characteristics did not influence satisfaction. 94% stated they would recommend medical abortion to a friend and 87% would select medical abortion if they had to terminate another pregnancy. Medical abortion has the potential to increase access to abortion among underserved groups of US women. Appropriate educational materials should be developed to help women choose between abortion methods.  相似文献   

The non-coding region of the mitochondrial genome provides an attractive target for human forensic identification studies. Two hypervariable (HV) regions, each approximately 250-350 bp in length, contain the majority of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variability among different individuals. Various approaches to determine mtDNA sequence were evaluated utilizing highly sensitive infrared (IR) fluorescence detection. HV regions were amplified either together or separately and cycle-sequenced using a Thermo Sequenase protocol. An M13 universal primer sequence tail covalently attached to the 5' terminus of an amplification primer facilitated electrophoretic analysis and direct sequencing of the amplification products using IR detection.  相似文献   

The Brevibacterium lactofermentum EF-P gene, encoding the elongation factor protein P, was cloned and sequenced. According to DNA sequence analysis of this gene, the B. lactofermentum EF-P protein consists of 187 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 20,584. Southern hybridization of an internal fragment of the EF-P gene from B. lactofermentum with chromosomal DNAs from different microorganisms reveals that it is a unique gene product in B. lactofermentum and Corynebacterium glutamicum. The EF-P gene was expressed in E. coli using the T7 expression system and the calculated molecular weight of the expressed protein was 23,000. Disruption experiments using an internal fragment of the EF-P gene or a disrupted EF-P gene in suicide plasmids always failed, suggesting that the gene is needed for cell viability.  相似文献   

Tryparedoxin peroxidase from Crithidia fasciculata is an essential component of the trypanothione-dependent hydroperoxide metabolism in the trypanosomatids (Nogoceke, E., Gommel, D. U., Kiebeta, M., Kalisz, H. M., and Flohé, L. (1997) Biol. Chem. 378, 827-836). The tryparedoxin peroxidase gene and its flanking regions have been isolated and sequenced from a C. fasciculata genomic DNA library. It consists of an open reading frame of 564 base pairs encoding a protein of 188 amino acid residues. The gene, modified to encode 6 additional histidine residues, was expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant protein was purified to homogeneity by metal chelating chromatography. Recombinant tryparedoxin peroxidase has a subunit molecular mass of 21884 +/- 22 and contains two isoforms of pI 6.2 and 6.3. It exhibits a kinetic pattern identical to that of the authentic tryparedoxin peroxidase and has a similar specific activity of 2.51 units mg-1. The enzyme unequivocally belongs to the peroxiredoxin family of proteins, whose members have been found in all phyla. A phylogenetic tree comprising 47 protein and DNA sequences showed tryparedoxin peroxidase and a homologous Trypanosoma brucei sequence to form a distinct molecular clade. The consensus sequence: xnAx5-6Fx9Gx3Vx2Fx1Px2Fx1FVCPTEx21Sx1Dx7Wx16-19Dx15- 16Gx3Rx2Fx2Dx27Ax 1Qx4-11Cx1-3Wxn was demonstrated by alignment of the sequences of tryparedoxin peroxidase and 8 other peroxiredoxins with established peroxidase function.  相似文献   

Isogenic mutants were constructed in the tbpA and tbpB genes from Neisseria meningitidis strain B16B6, which code for the transferrin receptor proteins, Tbp1 and Tbp2. Insertion mutants of the tbpA and tbpB genes were obtained by shuttle mutagenesis and by in vitro cassette mutagenesis, respectively. The isogenic mutants were verified by Southern blot and Western blot analysis. Isogenic mutants deficient in Tbp1 or Tbp2 demonstrated a reduced transferrin binding activity in intact cells and total membranes but were incapable of utilizing transferrin iron for growth. Tbp1 could be isolated by affinity methods from the mutant lacking Tbp2 but isolation of Tbp2 from the mutant lacking Tbp1 required the presence of exogenous Tbp1.  相似文献   

The lysine-induced glutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase of Pseudomonas was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from a mutant strain lacking delta-aminovalerate transaminase. The properties of the enzyme, including molecular weight, amino acid composition, electrophoretic behavior, and kinetic features, distinguish it from similar dehydrogenases induced in the same cell strain by hydroxyproline or by glucarate. Enzyme induction patterns and the growth behavior of a mutant deficient in glutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase clearly relate this enzyme to the so-called delta-aminovalerate pathway of L-lysine catabolism. Induction studies also indicate that delta-aminovalerate is a better inducer of the dehydrogenase than L-lysine. Cells of a mutant strain lacking delta-aminovalerate transaminase contained higher levels of the dehydrogenase, presumably as a result of the accumulation of delta-aminovalerate, making this mutant a useful preparative source of the enzyme. The marked reduction of lysine-inducible glutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase in a mutant strain permitted assessment of the basal levels of hydroxyproline/glucarate-inducible ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenases not possible in wild type cells.  相似文献   

The soluble flavoprotein alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase from Enterococcus casseliflavus catalyzes the oxidation of a "non-activated" secondary alcohol, in contrast to the flavin-dependent alpha-hydroxy- and alpha-amino acid oxidases. Surprisingly, the alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase sequence is 43% identical to that of the membrane-associated alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis; only low levels of identity (17-22%) result from comparisons with other FAD-dependent oxidases. The recombinant alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase is fully active and stabilizes a flavin N(5)-sulfite adduct, but only small amounts of intermediate flavin semiquinone are observed during reductive titrations. Direct determination of the redox potential for the FAD/FADH2 couple yields a value of -118 mV; the protein environment raises the flavin potential by 100 mV in order to provide for a productive interaction with the reducing substrate. Steady-state kinetic analysis, using the enzyme-monitored turnover method, indicates that a ping-pong mechanism applies and also allows the determination of the corresponding kinetic constants. In addition, stopped-flow studies of the reductive half-reaction provide for the measurement of the dissociation constant for the enzyme. alpha-glycerophosphate complex and the rate constant for reduction of the enzyme flavin. These and other results demonstrate that this enzyme offers a very promising paradigm for examining the protein determinants for flavin reactivity and mechanism in the energy-yielding metabolism of alpha-glycerophosphate.  相似文献   

Three respiratory-deficient mutants of cytochrome oxidase subunit I in the yeast mitochondrion have been sequenced. They are located in, or near, transmembrane segment VI, the catalytic core of the enzyme. Respiratory-competent revertants have been selected and studied. The mutant V244M was found to revert at the same site in valine (wild-type), isoleucine or threonine. The revertants of the mutant G251R were of three types: glycine (wild-type), serine and threonine at position 251. A search for second-site mutations was carried out but none were found. Among 60 revertants tested, the mutant K265M was found to revert only to the wild-type allele.  相似文献   

Some investigators have noted an increased incidence of suicidal ideation and attempts in individuals with panic attacks. The direct temporal relationship between the panic state and suicidal thoughts and behaviors has not been well elucidated however. Furthermore, although aggressive behavior is often manifested in individuals with suicidal behavior, the relationship between aggression and panic has received little attention. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency and type of reported suicidal and aggressive ideation and behaviors that occur during the panic state in patients with panic disorder. In order to evaluate the contribution of depression, individuals with pure (i.e. uncomplicated) panic disorder were compared with individuals who had comorbid panic and major depression. Nineteen patients with a diagnosis of pure panic disorder and 28 patients with comorbid panic plus major depression were included in the study. All patients were given the Panic, Suicide and Aggression Scale (PSAS), a questionnaire specifically designed to assess reported suicidal and aggressive thoughts and behaviors that occur during panic attacks. Other scales given to all patients included overall measures of impulsivity, suicide risk and violence risk. Patients with pure panic disorder reported high rates of suicidal and aggressive ideation and behavior during panic. The presence of comorbid depression resulted in a doubling of the rate of reported panic-associated suicidal ideation, property destruction and assaults, and a five-fold increase in the rate of homicidal ideation. The rate of reported suicide attempts was equal in the pure panic and comorbid group. There were also high correlations in all panic patients between measures of panic-associated suicide and aggression with the psychometric measures of impulsivity, suicide risk and violence risk.  相似文献   

We report the first nucleotide sequence data on equine adenovirus 2 (EAdV2) which corroborate on the molecular level that EAdV2 is distinct from equine adenovirus 1 (EAdV1). Based on sequence homology with Eadv1 the hexon gene of Eadv2 was identified. HindIII restriction fragments containing the hexon and eight other viral genes were cloned into the plasmid pUC19 and the nucleotide sequence of the hexon and the 23K proteinase genes completely determined. Amino acid (aa) comparison of sequence fragments with published adenovirus (AdV) proteins identified the genes for the E1B/19K, IVa2, DNA polymerase, terminal protein, pVI, DNA binding and 100K proteins, usually with highest similarities to human AdV. The nine EAdV2 genes appeared to be in the same relative order as homologous genes of other AdV. The EAdV2 hexon was encoded between the minor capsid precursor protein pVI upstream and the 23K proteinase gene downstream and comprised 2712 nucleotides which translated into 903 aa residues. It was more closely related to the human AdV48 hexon with 71.6% identical and 82.7% functionally similar aa than to the EAdV1 hexon gene with 69.3% aa identity and 80.7% functional similarity. The deduced aa sequence of the EAdV2 23K proteinase gene was 201 residues; it shared 59.7% identical and 75% similar aa residues with the bovine AdV3 23K proteinase as the closest relative. Phylogenetic analysis of the hexon and 23K proteinase genes indicated that EAdV2 does not share an immediate common ancestor with EAdV1 and other AdV.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Serratia marcescens threonine operon (thrA1A2BC) was determined. Three long open reading frames were identified; these open reading frames code for aspartokinase I (AKI)-homoserine dehydrogenase I (HDI), homoserine kinase, and threonine synthase, in that order. The predicted amino acid sequences of these enzymes were similar to the amino acid sequences of the corresponding enzymes in Escherichia coli. The AKI-HDI protein is apparently a tetramer composed of monomer polypeptides that are 819 amino acids long. A deletion analysis revealed that the central and C-terminal region was responsible for threonine-resistant HDI activity, a monomeric fragment extending from the N terminus to residue 306 was responsible for threonine-resistant AKI activity, and an N-terminal portion containing 468 residues was responsible for threonine-sensitive AKI activity. The thrA(1)1A(2)1 and thrA(1)5A(2)5 mutations of threonine-excreting strains HNr21 and TLr156, which result in the loss of threonine-mediated feedback inhibition of both AKI activity and HDI activity, cause single amino acid substitutions (Gly to Asp at position 330 and Ser to Phe at position 352, respectively) in the central region of the AKI-HDI protein. The thrA1+A(2)2 mutation of strain HNr59, which results in a threonine-sensitive AKI and a threonine-resistant HDI, also causes a single amino acid substitution (Ala to Thr at position 479).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess pregnant women's knowledge of, and attitudes towards, antenatal HIV testing, and its acceptability to them. SETTING: Antenatal clinic at Guy's Hospital, London, six community antenatal clinics and a midwifery group practice. POPULATION: Eight hundred and forty-three women attending the antenatal clinics. METHOD: The women received a leaflet explaining HIV testing, and completed a questionnaire before and after their booking appointment. This included an assessment of their knowledge of, and attitudes towards HIV testing, and its acceptability. RESULTS: Seven hundred and eighty-nine women (94%) completed questionnaires. Fifty-one percent (n = 405) were Caucasian, 25% (n = 195) African, 11% (n = 86) West Indian and 13% (n = 100) were from other ethnic groups. Fifty-eight percent received the HIV information leaflet, of whom 86% had read it. Knowledge relating to HIV was good, the median knowledge score being 6 out of a possible 8, but it was less in non-Caucasian women and those with lower educational qualifications. Knowledge was not related to uptake of testing. Thirty-five percent of women accepted the offer of an HIV test, rates being higher in hospital clinics (41%) than in the midwifery group practice (10%) and the community clinics (30%). Women more likely to accept the offer of an HIV test were non-Caucasian (P = 0.0443), those who had thought about the HIV test before this pregnancy (P = 0.0298) and those seeing one particular midwife (P = 0.0003). Most women (67%) thought that all pregnant women should be offered the HIV test and then make their own decision. Overall, 64% women did not change their original pre-discussion decision on testing for HIV. Thirty-six percent of women changed their decision from 'yes' to 'no' or 'don't know' after seeing the midwife. Women attending the community clinics (P = 0.003) and those who had been tested before (P = 0.0451) were more likely to change their decision. CONCLUSION: This study, in a multiethnic population, has shown that knowledge regarding HIV is good but does not increase the uptake of testing. Women prefer to be offered the HIV test and make their own choice regarding whether to accept it.  相似文献   

Tryparedoxin has recently been discovered as a constituent of the trypanosomal peroxidase system catalysing the reduction of a peroxiredoxin-type peroxidase by trypanothione [Nogoceke et al. (1997) Biol. Chem. 378, 827-836] and has attracted interest as a potential molecular target for the development of trypanocidal agents. Here we describe the first isolation of a novel gene from Crithidia fasciculata encoding a different tryparedoxin designated tryparedoxin II. The deduced amino acid sequence of tryparedoxin II (accession number AF055986) differs substantially from the partial sequence reported for the tryparedoxin described previously and now renamed tryparedoxin I. It shares the sequence motif Vx3FSAxWCPPCR shown to represent the catalytic site in tryparedoxin I [Gommel et al. (1997) Eur. J. Biochem. 248, 913-918] with mouse nucleoredoxin (accession number X92750), and a thioredoxin-like gene product of Caenorhabditis elegans (accession number U23511). Depending on which ATG is considered functional as translation start codon, tryparedoxin II, with 150 or 165 amino acid residues, is 50% larger than the typical thioredoxins. The tryparedoxins appear phylogenetically related to the thioredoxins, but sequence similarities are restricted to the active site motifs and their intimate neighbourhood. His-tagged tryparedoxin II expressed in E. coli exhibited ping-pong kinetics in the trypanothione:peroxiredoxin assay with kinetic parameters (KM peroxiredoxin = 4.2 microM, KM trypanothione = 33 microM, Vmax/[E] = 952 min(-1)) similar to those reported for tryparedoxin I [Gommel et al. (1997) Eur. J. Biochem. 248, 913-918]. The co-existence of two distinct tryparedoxins in C. fasciculata suggests diversified biological roles of this novel type of protein, which in trypanosomatids may substitute for the pleiotropic redox catalyst thioredoxin.  相似文献   

The retroviral proteases (PRs) have a structural feature called the flap, which consists of a short anti-parallel beta-sheet with a turn. The flap extends over the substrate binding cleft and must be flexible to allow entry and exit of the polypeptide substrates and products. We analyzed the sequence requirements of the amino acids within the flap region (positions 46-56) of the HIV-1 PR. The phenotypes of 131 substitution mutants were determined using a bacterial expression system. Four of the mutant PRs with mutations in different regions of the flap were selected for kinetic analysis. Our phenotypic analysis, considered in the context of published structures of the HIV-1 PR with a bound substrate analogs, shows that: (i) Met-46 and Phe-53 participate in hydrophobic interactions on the solvent-exposed face of the flap; (ii) Ile-47, Ile-54, and Val-56 participate in hydrophobic interactions on the inner face of the flap; (iii) Ile-50 has hydrophobic interactions at the distance of both the delta and gamma carbons; (iv) the three glycine residues in the beta-turn of the flap are virtually intolerant of substitutions. Among these mutant PRs, we have identified changes in both kcat and Km. These results establish the nature of the side chain requirements at each position in the flap and document a role for the flap in both substrate binding and catalysis.  相似文献   

A number of new as well as previously described fragments derived from the D region of bovine fibrinogen by limited proteolysis have been characterized by sequence analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism. Determination of the extremities of the polypeptide chains forming individual fragments allowed the scheme of proteolysis and the borders between domains in the D region of fibrinogen to be established. It was also found that the most thermostable region of the D fragment (TSD) can be substantially reduced in size without loss of its compact structure. The alpha-helical content of the newly prepared 21-kDa TSD2 and 16-kDa TSD3 fragments were 82% and 75%, respectively, strongly supporting a coiled-coil structure for this region of the fibrinogen molecule. The DX and DZ fragments, prepared from a chymotryptic digest of the DLA fragment, were found to be similar to the DL and DY fragments, respectively, except for an internal cleavage at K393-T394 in their beta chains. This cleavage leads to destabilization of all thermolabile domains, indicating interaction between them. The DL and DY fragments, containing only one polymerization site in their beta chains, were able to inhibit fibrin polymerization at high concentration. However, these same fragments failed to bind to fibrin-Sepharose under conditions where their structural analogues, DX and DZ, were tightly bound, indicating that cleavage after K393 substantially increases the affinity of this site.  相似文献   

A cDNA-library has been constructed from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia seedlings, and the non-phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GapN, EC was isolated by plaque hybridization using the cDNA from pea as a heterologous probe. The cDNA comprises the entire GapN coding region. A putative polyadenylation signal is identified. Phylogenetic analysis based on the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that the GapN gene family represents a separate ancient branch within the aldehyde dehydrogenase superfamily. It can be shown that the GapN gene family and other distinct branches of the superfamily have its phylogenetic origin before the separation of primary life-forms. This further demonstrates that already very early in evolution, a broad diversification of the aldehyde dehydrogenases led to the formation of the superfamily.  相似文献   

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