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This article reports an exploratory investigation of individual perceptions of factors that underlie the use of collaborative electronic media (electronic mail, World Wide Web, list serves, and other collaborative systems) for sharing information in a large state university in Australia. The model builds on the Constant et al.'s theory of information sharing. We propose that perceptions of information culture, attitudes regarding information ownership and propensity to share, as well as task and personal factors influence people's use of collaborative media. We found that task characteristics (task interdependence), perceived information usefulness and the user's computer comfort were most strongly associated with the person's use of collaborative media. Consistent with Constant et al.'s earlier findings, views of information ownership and propensity to share were significantly related to use. Interestingly, use of electronic media for sharing information and contacting people was weakly associated with a more structured, closed information culture. This implies that heavy users and sharers want more structured information flow in place, possibly due to their need to have reliable access to other individual's knowledge and information. Contrary to suggestions in the literature, a fully open, organic information culture may not always be most desirable. Implications for knowledge managers, practitioners and researchers are suggested.  相似文献   

《Decision Support Systems》2006,42(3):1641-1656
This paper empirically examines the impact of environmental uncertainty, intra-organizational facilitators, and inter-organizational relationships on information sharing and information quality in supply chain management.Based on the data collected from 196 organizations, multiple regression analyses are used to test the factor impacting information sharing and information quality respectively. It is found that both information sharing and information quality are influenced positively by trust in supply chain partners and shared vision between supply chain partners, but negatively by supplier uncertainty. Top management has a positive impact on information sharing but has no impact on information quality. The results also show that information sharing and information quality are not impacted by customer uncertainty, technology uncertainty, commitment of supply chain partners, and IT enablers.Moreover, a discriminant analysis reveals that supplier uncertainty, shared vision between supply chain partners and commitment of supply chain partners are the three most important factors in discriminating between the organizations with high levels of information sharing and information quality and those with low levels of information sharing and information quality.  相似文献   

Impact of information sharing on statistical quality control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With advances in information technology (IT), the research on and practice of information sharing is now having a significant impact on many aspects of supply chains. Nevertheless, few investigations focus on the impact of information sharing on product and process quality. Furthermore, it is still not clear how and what information should be shared or used, and how to quantify the benefits of information sharing in terms of quality improvement. In this research, a “matching problem” is used to demonstrate the impact of information sharing on quality. We quantify and compare the impact of different information-sharing strategies on process and product quality, and suggest that real-time information sharing may lead to dramatic quality improvement for an assembly process, the example here being a two-stage supply chain. The proposed approach to evaluate information sharing in terms of quality improvement can be extended to a more complex supply chain  相似文献   

The paper aims to investigate the effects of information technology (IT) alignment and information sharing on operational performance in the context of supply chain. Based on the resource-based view, this study identifies IT alignment and information sharing as specific resources/capabilities for supply chain partnership. Data from 141 Chinese manufacturers are collected to test the relationships among IT alignment, information sharing, and operational performance. The results show that (1) both IT alignment and information sharing have direct and positive effects on operational performance, (2) IT alignment has an indirect effect on operational performance through information sharing, and (3) IT alignment and information sharing have different emphases in operational performance improvement. The resource-capability-performance paradigm is extended to supply chain context in the emerging economy. Chinese managers may have different emphases on IT resource/information sharing capability deployment for operational efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

This research addressed two fundamental questions regarding self-concept, self-esteem, gender, race and information technology use. First, is technology use related to dimensions of self-concept and/or to self-esteem? Second, are there gender and/or race differences in self-concept, self-esteem and technology use? Approximately 500 youth, average age 12 years old, one-third of whom were African American and the remaining two-thirds were Caucasian American, completed multidimensional measures of self-concept, the Rosenberg (1965) self-esteem scale and measures of frequency of Internet use, Internet use for communication (email and instant messaging), videogame playing and cell phone use. Findings indicated that technology use predicted dimensions of selfconcept and self-esteem, with videogame playing having a negative influence, and Internet use having a positive influence on self-concept dimensions. Gender differences were observed on several self-concept dimensions but contrary to expectations not on the social self-concept dimension. Only one race difference was observed and this was in behavioral self-concept. Implications of the benefits and liabilities of youth’s current and future technology use are discussed.  相似文献   

Survey data collected from 268 managers were used to examine the direct application and importance of Information Technology (IT), specifically computer application systems, to the jobs and skills that they possessed. The results showed that the majority of participants had access to and used at least the traditional computer applications, namely word processing, spreadsheets and presentation graphics. The influence of a training exercise on participants' attitudes towards specific systems and concepts was also examined. The result demonstrated a favourable shift in attitude as an outcome of the management training program.  相似文献   

Most prior research has investigated an organization's dynamic capabilities in general and overlooked their effect on critical business functions. Our study considered the role of IT in improving firm's dynamic marketing capabilities. We developed a model consisting of market orientation, IT infrastructure capabilities, and the use of IT in customer relationship management (CRM). With data collected from 135 manufacturing and service firms in Taiwan, our results supported most of our hypotheses. Our results showed important direct effects of a firm's market orientation, use of IT to support CRM, and the functionality of IT infrastructure capabilities on its dynamic marketing capabilities.  相似文献   

针对物联网(IoT)信息共享中存在的源数据易被篡改、缺乏信用保障机制以及信息孤岛问题,提出一种基于区块链技术的轻量级物联网信息共享安全框架。该框架采用数据区块链和交易区块链相结合的双链模式:在数据区块链中实现数据的分布式存储和防篡改,并通过改进的实用拜占庭容错(PBFT)机制共识算法,提升数据登记效率;在交易区块链中实现资源和数据交易,并通过基于部分盲签名算法的改进算法,提升交易效率、实现隐私保护。仿真实验部分分别针对抗攻击能力、双链的处理能力和时延进行了验证分析,结果表明该框架具有安全性、有效性和可行性,可应对现实物联网中的大部分场景。  相似文献   

While prior research has investigated the main effects of external factors on user perceptions of a new IT, little work has been into the interaction effect of external factors on user perceptions. In a longitudinal experimental study, we examined the effect of the quality of persuasive argument, user training, and first-hand use on user perceptions of the new technology over time. We found that the effect of argument quality on users’ perceived ease of use was greater when users had no training. However, we did not find the same effect occurred due to perceived usefulness. We also found that first-hand use changed users’ perceived usefulness more over time when users received high quality arguments or when they had no training. While we found that first-hand use changed users’ perceived ease of use more when users received high quality arguments, first-hand use did not change users’ perceived ease of use differently whether they had or had not received prior training.  相似文献   

基于XML的电子病历系统及其院际信息共享技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴旻峰 《软件》2013,(1):106-107
随着现代信息技术的良好发展,医院信息化也呈现出较好的状态,在国内外的医疗领域当中关于电子病历的研究和开发都已经成为了重点关注的对象。在这其中,最为关键的就是要能够利用一种标准、开放且易于扩展的技术和方法来实现电子病历的功能。可扩展标记语言(XML)采取一种自我描述的方式来对数据结构进行定义,这样就能够实现在描述数据的同时描述结构,基于这样一种特点,XML技术在电子病历及其他一些医疗领域当中已经得到了广泛的研究和应用。本文正是在这样一种背景条件下,对电子病历的基本定义、XML的基本原理、XML在电子病历系统当中的应用以及院际信息共享技术等内容进行了分析和探讨,希望对这样一种技术的进一步探究和深入有所帮助。  相似文献   

针对目前煤矿供电系统存在短路故障时出现越级跳闸现象和单相接地故障选线误动问题,提出了一种基于GOOSE网络信息共享的煤矿供电保护技术,即利用GOOSE网络传输闭锁信号防越级跳闸和传输零序全电流矢量信息实现单相接地保护选线。该技术利用煤矿千兆工业以太网,基于GOOSE高速实时通信机制,实现保护装置间故障信息共享,可有效防止越级跳闸现象并提高单相接地故障选线的准确性。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of cultural collectivism on knowledge sharing among information technology majoring undergraduates in Turkey. The study proposes a research model based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA). A structural equation model was used to test the research model against the data collected by means of a self-report questionnaire. Results show that cultural collectivism has a positive and significant impact on attitudes toward and subjective norms with regard to knowledge sharing. Confirming the TRA, results also suggest that behavioral intentions are jointly determined by attitudes and subjective norms. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

基于质量信息的数字编码方法及实现技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从产品质量信息的角度对数字信息编码方法进行了系统的分类,分析了其特点,并探讨了数字混合编码方法及信息编码实现技术。  相似文献   

Identifying effective literacy instruction programs has been a focal point for governments, educators and parents over the last few decades (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2004, 2006; Council of Ontario Directors of Education, 2011). Given the increasing use of computer technologies in the classroom and in the home, a variety of information communication technology (ICT) interventions for learning have been introduced. Meta-analyses comparing the impact of these programs on learning, however, have yielded inconsistent findings (Andrews et al., 2007, Torgerson and Zhu, 2003, Slavin et al., 2008, Slavin et al., 2009). The present tertiary meta-analytic review re-assesses outcomes presented in three previous meta-analyses. Four moderator variables assessed the impact of the systematic review from which they were retrieved, training and support, implementation fidelity and who delivered the intervention (teacher versus researcher). Significant results were found when training and support was entered as a moderator variable with the small overall effectiveness of the ICTs (ES = 0.18), similar to those found in previous research, increasing significantly (ES = 0.57). These findings indicate the importance of including implementation factors such as training and support, when considering the relative effectiveness of ICT interventions.  相似文献   

The information fusion field has recently been attracting a lot of interest within the scientific community, as it provides, through the combination of different sources of heterogeneous information, a fuller and/or more precise understanding of the real world than can be gained considering the above sources separately. One of the fundamental aims of computer systems, and especially decision support systems, is to assure that the quality of the information they process is high. There are many different approaches for this purpose, including information fusion. Information fusion is currently one of the most promising methods. It is particularly useful under circumstances where quality might be compromised, for example, either intrinsically due to imperfect information (vagueness, uncertainty, …) or because of limited resources (energy, time, …). In response to this goal, a wide range of research has been undertaken over recent years. To date, the literature reviews in this field have focused on problem-specific issues and have been circumscribed to certain system types. Therefore, there is no holistic and systematic knowledge of the state of the art to help establish the steps to be taken in the future. In particular, aspects like what impact different information fusion methods have on information quality, how information quality is characterised, measured and evaluated in different application domains depending on the problem data type or whether fusion is designed as a flexible process capable of adapting to changing system circumstances and their intrinsically limited resources have not been addressed. This paper aims precisely to review the literature on research into the use of information fusion techniques specifically to improve information quality, analysing the above issues in order to identify a series of challenges and research directions, which are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

分析了城市生态环境质量评价中信息技术应用现状,指出利用WebGIS在线发布与共享城市生态环境质量信息的必要性;以北京市为例,探讨了生态环境质量WebGIS的功能需求、数据组织、模型库建设、系统设计、开发技术等;基于开源软件建立了北京市生态环境质量WebGIS,包括系统管理与维护、数据发布与共享、环境质量分析与评价和数据输出四大功能模块,实现了北京市生态环境信息的网络发布与共享,并通过应用实例对系统功能进行演示。  相似文献   

The advent of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has profoundly altered relations between vessels and the shore. Thanks to ICTs, vessels are no longer cut off from land. The technologies in use in today's fisheries, however, remain fairly rudimentary. This article describes the use of ICTs aboard offshore fishing vessels. It relies on the concepts of ‘instruments’ and ‘usage scheme’ defined by Rabardel (Rabardel, P., 1995. Les hommes et les technologies. Paris: Armand Colin) and analyses the use of ICTs in terms of objectives, information sought and communication targets. It points to the prevalence of vessel-to-vessel interchange, and to a frequent use of ICTs to seek out and locate fish. It shows the existence of a ‘key instrument’, the Inmarsat standard C, and defines the way in which fishermen are organised in cognition-sharing networks.  相似文献   

Information and communication technology (ICT) tools are being increasingly used to facilitate teaching in educational institutions. This study examined the attitudes of students and instructors towards using ICT tools in management education. Immediately after conducting workshops that introduced 11 ICT tools used in classroom settings, questionnaires were administered to students and instructors from three public universities in Taiwan. Responses of 242 students and 46 instructors regarding 5 domains of ICT tools – feedback, classroom mobility, publishing, collaboration, and social media – were analysed to investigate their attitude towards the use of ICT. The results revealed that students perceived the ICT tools of collaboration and social media to be helpful in learning and in increasing their future employment; in addition, the teachers found these ICT tools to be useful. Therefore, by integrating collaboration and social media in teaching and course design, teachers can enhance student participation and link students’ learning to their future employment.  相似文献   

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