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冯梅 《信息与电脑》2024,(1):111-113
计算机专业远程辅助教学系统突破了时间和空间限制,使学生可以在任何时间、任何地点进行计算机专业知识的学习。为满足更多学生的学习需求,本文将提出并设计基于Web技术的计算机专业本科阶段远程辅助教学系统。通过Web技术建立远程辅助教学系统多层结构框架,按照不同功能模块设计教学系统数据库,以Web技术构建远程辅助教学模型,完成计算机专业本科阶段远程辅助教学系统设计。实验结果表明,新系统的功能、性能及安全性均较好,可实现计算机专业远程辅助教学。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的迅猛发展,全球经济面临着深刻的变革。计算机技术的发展使得制造业发生了很大变化。为了更好地将计算机技术应用到工业上去,本文提出了一种基于服务提供商模式的解决方案,用于解决计算机辅助工业设计中网络化制造的问题。本文设计并开发的系统由四个工具集构成,每个工具都是利用可重用组件技术进行开发,动态加载到计算机辅助工业设计平台中。本文重点研究了工具集中的形态布局、色彩方案、人机设计等技术,开发出的系统可以为企业提供一些基本的计算机辅助工业设计应用服务。实验表明,该系统能够提高企业的工作效率,提高企业的设计能力,对网络化制造业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个应用Visual C 的向导模式,实现计算机辅助实验的教学系统。系统使用Visual C ,创建了一个基于对话框的向导应用程序,利用向导模式顺序执行的特性,完成实验的各个步骤的仿真。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个用面向对象的思想方法,基于客户机/服务器支撑环境下开发与设计的考试辅助训练系统。教师可利用本系统进行学习指导各种控制,学生用键盘和鼠标回答考题,特别适合于标准化试题。  相似文献   

随着计算机信息技术的不断发展,应用程序的设计方法也越来越多。三层架构的开发方式近年来受到了越来越多的好评,这主要是因为三层架构的开发模式对于开发人员的能力要求不高,同时可以实现多个成员间的协同作战,更加提高软件开发的效率,降低成本。本文基本三层架构的Web应用程序设计,以电子商务的服务超市与某系统管理软件的开发为案例,对其中的设计问题进行分析与探讨。  相似文献   

在本讲中,我们用VB5来开发一个画图板。通过画图板的开发,我们将学习VB5的菜单设计、画点、画直线、画圆等基本绘图语句;同时介绍一个与图形有关的控件——PictureBox(图片框)以及在画图中所必需的鼠标控制等。 在VB5中,可以很轻松地为Windows应用程序建立起标准的Windows菜单。每个菜单中的菜单项可以是命令、子菜单和分隔符条等,一个菜单还可有  相似文献   

随着计算机的逐渐普及,越来越多的软件工具被应用到日常生活当中,而另一方面,J2EE技术作为一项开源的技术,在应用程序开发过程中备受关注。本文以J2EE在学生信息管理系统上的应用为侧重点,分析讨论了J2EE在应用程序开发过程中具体的实现方案,并基于J2EE设计并实现了典型的学生信息管理系统。  相似文献   

元池 《软件工程》2012,(11):11-13
英特尔公司在IDF大会上正式推出了感知计算软件开发工具包2013测试版,其功能在于帮助开发者开发应用程序,使用户通过将语音和机器视觉与键盘、鼠标、触摸屏结合起来的多模式界面,实现人类与计算机设备的互动。计算机设备根据环境和用户历史选择最佳的控制方式,需要隐私控制时,可在SDK中加入隐私通知;需要协调时,可使用两种不同的模式,如唇语可以与语音文本结合,从根本上改善语音互动模式。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展和教学改革的推进,高校广泛开展了以计算机为辅助手段的多媒体教学。多媒体教学有其突出的优越性,但也有着很多弊端。本文针对多媒体在教学应用中的不足,提出了智能无线鼠标软件。该软件利用Android智能手机、Wi-Fi无线网络和应用程序实现了无线鼠标和激光笔两方面功能,有助于在课堂上拉近师生间距离、提高教学互动性,从而真正让多媒体在现代教育中发挥出应有的作用。本系统在实验测试和实际应用中有良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

元池 《软件工程师》2012,(11):11-13
<正>英特尔公司在IDF大会上正式推出了感知计算软件开发工具包2013测试版,其功能在于帮助开发者开发应用程序,使用户通过将语音和机器视觉与键盘、鼠标、触摸屏结合起来的多模式界面,实现人类与计算机设备的互动。计算机设备根据环境和用户历史选择最佳的控制方式,需要隐私控制时,可在SDK中加入隐私通知;需要协调时,可使用两种不同的模式,如唇语可以与语音文本结合,从根本上改善语音互动模式。  相似文献   

计算机辅助设计机房作为艺术设计教学的重要实践基地,是学生应用各种图形软件完成设计构想的主要场所。建设一个以图形工作站为主体设备的机群并加以科学的维护,可以更好地让计算机科技服务于艺术设计,更直观和准确的完成艺术创想,同时提供一个良好的学习环境,保证机房的正常运行,提高计算机辅助设计教学的质量和效率。这种面向计算机辅助设计机房的建设与维护就变得尤为重要。  相似文献   

In the recent years, diagnosing students’ learning problems after testing and providing learning suggestions for them are an important research issue. Many studies have been conducted to develop a method for analyzing learning barriers of students such that helpful learning suggestions or guidance can be provided based on the analysis results. In this paper, we present a new procedure for integrating test item–concept relationship opinions based on majority density of multiple experts in order to enhance a concept–effect relationship model used for generating personalized feedback. It provides a useful and practical way to decrease inconsistencies in the weighting criteria of multiple experts and to enhance the entire learning-diagnosis procedure for developing testing and diagnostic systems.  相似文献   

独立学院计算机基础课程教学多会出现学生学习兴趣不浓的问题,结合计算机基础的课程特点,分析目前计算机基础教学的现状,阐述学生学习兴趣不浓的原因,经教学实践提出增强学生学习兴趣的若干方法,为提高学生计算机基础课程学习兴趣提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Open Learner Models (OLMs) have great potential to support students’ Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). Yet few classroom experiments have been conducted to empirically evaluate whether and how an OLM can enhance students’ domain level learning outcomes through the scaffolding of SRL processes in an ITS. In two classroom experiments with a total of 302 7th- and 8th-grade students, we investigated the effect of (a) an OLM that supports students’ self-assessment of their equation-solving skills and (b) shared control over problem selection, on students’ equation-solving abilities, enjoyment of learning with the tutor, self-assessment accuracy, and problem selection decisions. In the first, smaller experiment, the hypothesized main effect of the OLM on students’ learning outcomes was confirmed; we found no main effect of shared control of problem selection, nor an interaction. In the second, larger experiment, the hypothesized main effects were not confirmed, but we found an interaction such that the students who had access to the OLM learned significantly better equation-solving skills than their counterparts when shared control over problem selection was offered in the system. Thus, the two experiments support the notion that an OLM can enhance students’ domain-level learning outcomes through scaffolding of SRL processes, and are among the first in-vivo classroom experiments to do so. They suggest that an OLM is especially effective if it is designed to support multiple SRL processes.  相似文献   

A teaching programme for fluid mechanics and heat transfer is described which contains a computer-aided learning (CAL) component and a computer-aided design (CAD) component. The first centres on a final-year lecture course on the fundamentals of the subject and is heavily supported by computer-based tutorial exercises, while the second consists of a CAD course and separate project work in which the students apply the knowledge acquired in the ‘fundamentals’ course to selected design probems. It is argued that the understanding of the physical and numerical modelling taught in the CAL course is essential to the proper implementation of CAD.  相似文献   

Abstract This study attempts to apply the principle of constructivism and virtual reality (VR) technologies to computer-aided design (CAD) curriculum by integrating network, CAD and VR into a web-based learning environment. Through VR technologies, it is expected that the traditional two-dimensional (2D) computer graphics course can be expanded into a three-dimensional (3D) real-time simulation one. VR technologies provide a novel method to enhance user visualisation of complex three-dimensional graphics and environments. Experience and environmental interaction allow users more readily to perceive the dimensional interrelations of graphics which are typically portrayed through static multiview or pictorial representations. A web-based learning system ( WebDeGrator ) has been developed to simulate a computer graphics learning system for learning. Future developments of the proposed web-based learning framework are also discussed.  相似文献   

AutoCAD是工程领域广泛应用的计算机辅助绘图软件,用AutoCAD辅助工程制图教学,教学方式直观形象,教学内容灵活多样,能够很好地展现教学思路的全过程,激发学生的学习兴趣,降低学习内容的难度,有效的提高课堂效率。对计算机绘图教学具有促进作用。建立教学素材库,供授课者选用,使教学内容更个性化。  相似文献   

Nurturing children into thinking creatively needs to take account of what interest them. Therefore, the study conducted engaged students with computer games development as it corresponded with the young generation’s habits and interests. This was done with the purpose to enhance the creative process experienced by students. It involved 69 Malaysian form one (grade seven) students, aged 13–14 year-old. Appreciative learning approach, which consisted of discover, dream, design and destiny stages, was applied in treatment group whiles control group applied self-paced learning, followed by do-it-yourself session. Findings showed students in treatment group gained accelerated mean score in creative process experienced on the second week and stabilized thereafter for the following weeks. These mean scores were significantly higher than control group, throughout the study. Although students in control group exhibited significantly lower mean scores in creative process, yet these mean scores gradually getting higher and higher each week significantly. As a conclusion, appreciative learning approach contributes significantly on the level of creative process experienced by students. However, creative process experienced did not happen in a clear-cut order of inspiration, clarification, evaluation, distillation, incubation, perspiration (ICEDIP). In addition, it is not true that without appreciative learning approach, students will not experience any creative process. Creative process happens all the time when the mind is active but the level can be accelerated by appropriate pedagogical approach. Caution is warranted, as this article is just part of the action research being carried out in applying appreciative learning approach as a teaching practice in computer games development class.  相似文献   

随着计算机智能化的发展,计算机技术已经深入到人们日常生活.利用计算机技术可以辅助教学,但目前大多数计算机技术都是应用于检测学生课堂疲劳情况.由于学生课堂中的行为有较多种,现有的方法不能准确评估学生的课堂表现,以及衡量老师的教学水平.为了解决这个问题,提出了一种新的学生课堂管理系统,在这个系统中可以检测学生的多种课堂行为...  相似文献   

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