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结合沙河市玻璃产业发展的现状和背景,阐述了建立沙河市玻璃技术人员评价、培训机制的必要性和意义,并提出了建立沙河市玻璃技术人员评价培训机制的初步设想。  相似文献   

正11月7日,"现代玻璃学院中高职对接院校"揭牌仪式在河北沙河市综合职教中心隆重举行。沙河市委、沙河经济开发区管委会、河北建材职业技术学院、沙河市教育局、国家火炬沙河现代功能与艺术玻璃特色产业基地等单位领导出席了本次活动。沙河是我国重要的玻璃生产与加工基地,为了给沙河玻璃企业提供本土化的技术技能人才支持,助力沙河玻璃产业转型升级,现代玻璃学院与沙河市综合职教中心签订了中高职衔接协议。就现代装饰玻璃专业设置、人才培养、师资队伍建设、  相似文献   

高晗 《玻璃》2016,43(9):57-58
正9月9~12日,第三届中国沙河玻璃交易博览会在"中国玻璃城"河北省沙河市国际会展中心隆重举行。本次博览会同期还举行首届中国现代功能与艺术玻璃产业最具创意创新力作品大赛、中国建筑装饰艺术玻璃企业创新发展论坛、中国艺术玻璃文化创意产业园开园、汉沙直通车首发、沙河玻璃主题酒店项目启动仪式等活动,受到沙河市委市政府以及行业协会等领导的高度重视,并受到众多关注。上午9点,在沙河市国际会展中心广场举行  相似文献   

申安平 《玻璃》2016,43(8):56-58
正7月18日,在河北沙河市政府、沙河经济开发区领导的大力支持下,首届装饰艺术玻璃厂商联盟高峰论坛在美丽的江城武汉召开,这是中国现代功能与艺术玻璃产业发展联盟继7月8日在广州召开联盟深度合作项目对接会之后的又一场大会,这也是沙河市政府带领玻璃深加工企业"走出去、谋发展、促转型"的实际行动。本届论坛活动是由国家火炬沙河现代功能与艺术玻璃特色产业基地管委会、中国现代功能与艺术玻璃产业发展联盟与湖北武汉中南时代玻璃  相似文献   

2月5日,中国建筑材料工业规划研究院在北京组织召开了《河北省沙河市玻璃产业发展规划》专家评估论证会。会议听取了《规划》编制单位武汉理工大学及沙河市人民政府介绍的有关《规划》编制情况,在对《规划》进行了认真评估论证后,专家组原则通过该《规划》。据沙河市有关领导介绍,沙河市玻璃产业的发展将坚持“控制总量、上大淘小”原则,力争到2020年,沙河市平板玻璃总产量稳定在6000万重量箱(目前为5000万重量箱),可生产20余种玻璃产品,使沙河市成为我国玻璃产业内有影响的全国性示范基地及全国著名的“中国玻璃城”。  相似文献   

徐美君 《玻璃》2010,(11):45-51
河北沙河市召开全国玻璃科学技术大会 2010年10月16~19日,河北省沙河市召开了2010年全国玻璃科学技术大会,同时举办了河北·沙河投资环境说明暨项目推介会。期间,河北驰润特种玻璃工业园、邢台奥德华门窗制造有限公司、中宜窑炉工程有限公司、沙河市鑫磊玻璃加工机械设备制造及玻璃深加工等12个项目同时开工,  相似文献   

由中国硅酸盐学会玻璃分会主办、河北省沙河市人民政府承办的“2010年全国玻璃技术交流研讨会”拟定于2010年10月中旬在沙河市召开。  相似文献   

由中国硅酸盐学会玻璃分会主办、河北省沙河市人民政府承办的“2010年全国玻璃技术交流研讨会”将于2010年10月中旬在沙河市召开。  相似文献   

正近日,工信部批复同意沙河市开展玻璃产业压减产能提质增效转型发展试点,支持沙河市通过联合重组、设立产业结构调整专项资金等方式,开展平板玻璃行业压减过剩产能、实现提质增效转型升级发展试点。批复提出,到2018年底,沙河市浮法玻璃企业逐步整合为大型玻璃集团,玻璃行业节能减排任务高标准全面完成,产能利用率提高到80%左右,玻璃原片就地加工率达到60%,发展成具有示范引领效应的玻璃研发中心、生产中心、销售  相似文献   

各有关单位:由中国硅酸盐学会玻璃分会主办、河北省沙河市人民政府承办的“2010年全国玻璃技术交流研讨会”将于2010年10月16日-19日在沙河市召开。会议期间中国硅酸盐学会玻璃分会将召开全体理事工作会议。  相似文献   

板状氧化锡电极砖会随着窑炉运行出现不同程度的侵蚀,造成窑炉工艺偏离,影响生产的稳定性。通过检测OLED及LTPS平板显示基板玻璃窑炉半成品玻璃中氧化锡质量百分比的变化,确定氧化锡板状电极砖推进量,优化推进时间及推进量,进而稳定窑炉工艺状态及窑内液流。  相似文献   

为了研究端面摩擦对玻璃压缩强度的影响,采用铜箔和凡士林对压缩接触面进行减摩处理,使用MTS试验机对钠钙硅玻璃样品进行应变率为10-4 s-1的准静态压缩试验,利用高速摄影记录了试件的破坏过程,进一步分析了玻璃强度的统计分布规律。试验结果表明:玻璃样品的接触面只有凡士林时,在压缩过程中出现显著裂纹及部分表面碎片脱落;玻璃样品在接触面加入铜箔后再涂凡士林,整个压缩过程受力均匀,未出现显著裂纹或碎片脱落,呈现为理想的均匀压缩状态。端面摩擦力的降低导致玻璃压缩强度的显著降低,这主要是因为减小摩擦力使试样端部所承受的横向约束变弱,试样处于更加接近单轴应力的状态,一定程度上减少了围压引起的强化效应。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the transmission properties in the whole solar spectrum for individual electrochromic layers in solid state devices incorporating polyaniline (PANI), Prussian Blue (PB) and tungsten oxide (WO3), the devices were fabricated with and without holes in the electrochromic coatings in several combinations. Both PANI and WO3 were deposited electrochemically on indium–tin oxide (ITO) glass substrates, while PB was deposited on top of the PANI coatings or directly on the ITO glass plates. Solid state devices were made by gluing the glass plates together with the solid polymer electrolyte poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-propane-sulphonic acid) (PAMPS), and thus, with and without holes in the three electrochromic coatings in different combinations, enabling us to study the optical properties of PANI, PB and WO3 separately, that is, the hole method. This method gives good qualitative, and to a certain degree quantitative, information, which may be of valuable help in designing electrochromic devices with specific tailor-made optical properties.  相似文献   

The results of the experimental study of glass of the xFe2O3–(100–x)[40ZnO. 60B2O3] composition in which the content of iron oxide varies from 0 to 10 mol % are presented. The regularities of the glass structure change in the short- and intermediate-range order structures are considered based on the data of infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The valence and coordination state of iron in a glass matrix is studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The gelation phenomenon of hybrid organic-inorganic materials is investigated as a function of the temperature and the catalyst-to-alkoxide ratio. These ceramers are prepared in a two-step synthesis: First, an -hydroxy, -methyl poly(ethylene oxide) and an -hydroxy-terminated hydrogenated polybutadiene (H-PBD) are reacted with isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI); second, these isocyanate-terminated prepolymers are reacted with -aminopropyltriethoxysilane (-APS) to form alkoxysilane-terminated macromonomers. These macromonomers are cross-linked using the well-known sol-gel process. The gelation time is found to be sensitive to the acid-to-alkoxide ratio. The large difference in the activation energies of the gelation process of the two kinds of macromonomers could be attributed to the amount of the IPDI/-APS copolymers. This results in an incomplete reaction of IPDI during the first stages of synthesis: The final morphology of the cured hybrid materials, based on the H-PBD macromonomer, depends on the amount of H+ and indicates that the acid-to-alkoxide ratio modifies not only the rate of hydrolysis of the alkoxide, but also the structure of the ceramer. The model of the microstructure of such hybrid materials, described previously, could explain the two relaxation peaks observed by dynamic mechanical spectroscopy. The relaxation close to the glass transition temperature of the initial H-PBD is attributed to the glass transition region of the organic-rich matrix. The second peak, 50°C above, is associated with the glass transition temperature of the interface between the organic-rich region and the inorganic clusters (H+/Si, >0.05). The second relaxation is easily observed at a low H+/Si ratio (<10–3).  相似文献   

Summary: Long glass fiber reinforced PA6 (LGF/PA6) prepregs were prepared by impregnating PA6 oligomer melt into reinforcing glass fiber followed by subsequent solid‐state polymerization (SSP) to obtain LGF/PA6 composite pellets. A conventional injection‐molding machine suitable for short glass fiber reinforced composites was applied to the processing of the prepared composites, which reduced the fiber length in the final products. Mechanical properties, thermal property, and fiber length distribution of injection molding bars were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the impact fracture surfaces and the surfaces of glass fiber after the SSP. It was found that the LGF/PA6 composites were of favorable mechanical properties, especially the impact strength, although the average length of glass fiber was rather short. By this novel process, the content of glass fiber in composite could be high up to 60 wt.‐% and the maximum level of heat distortion temperature (HDT) was close to the melting temperature of PA6. SEM images indicated the favorable interfacial properties between the glass fiber and matrix. The glass fiber surfaces were further observed by SEM after removing the matrix PA6 with a solvent, the results showed that PA6 macromolecules were grafted onto the surface. Furthermore, the grafting amount of PA6 was increased with SSP time.

SEM images of impact fracture surfaces of LGF/PA6 composites (left) and of glass fiber surfaces after removing PA6 with 5 h SSP (right).  相似文献   

杜念娟  徐美君 《玻璃》2009,36(2):43-49
介绍了国内外矿渣微晶玻璃以工业废渣或冶金采矿尾砂为主要原料,配以其它辅助原料,经熔化、成形、结晶退火等工序而制得微晶玻璃材料的研制和开发概况。并同时简介了采用烧结法、浮法工艺、压延法等工艺方法制造微晶玻璃产品的状况。  相似文献   

介绍了多年来在实际生产中对配合料质量的认识和保证配合料质量方面进行的工艺控制,包括原料管理、水分和粒度控制、混合时间控制等,以便改善玻璃液质量,消除玻璃液的不良缺陷,提高玻璃纤维成丝率及产品质量。  相似文献   

铁是无色透明玻璃中主要着色元素,而玻璃中铁价态变化,影响玻璃光学性能、热学性能.玻璃中铁价态变化反映玻璃液氧化还原状态,玻璃液氧化还原状态是硫酸盐澄清微泡是否析出重要原凶.本文通过对玻璃中铁的价态测试方法进行分析对比,探索浮法玻璃中铁的价态快速准确测试方法.  相似文献   

烧结微晶玻璃的生产及其着色   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
介绍了烧结微晶玻璃的工艺原理、生产工艺,结合实践着重分析和讨论了烧结微晶玻璃的着色工艺及典型的一次着色微晶玻璃的着色剂种类和着色机理.  相似文献   

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