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详细简要介绍了欧盟CET/TS、美国ASTM关于生物质燃料检测分析标准,并同我国生物质燃料分析检测标准进行比较,重点分析了三种检测分析标准的差异,并就主要检测分析标准内容进行了说明,为我国生物质燃料检测分析标准的完善作些有意义的工作。  相似文献   

固体生物质燃料特性检验标准的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了欧盟CEN/TS、美国ASTM关于生物质燃料检测分析标准,并同我国生物质燃料分析检测标准进行比较。重点分析了3种检测分析标准的差异,并就主要检测分析标准内容进行了说明,为我国生物质燃料检测分析标准的完善做些有意义的工作。  相似文献   

中国生物质固体成型燃料标准体系的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
我国生物质固体成型燃料技术已基本成熟,但尚未制定相关标准,这对该产业发展是不利的。通过对美国ASTM、欧盟CEN/TC固体生物质燃料标准及燃烧设备标准的分析,并结合我国生物质固体成型燃料产业发展的实际需求,从产业链的角度出发,提出了我国的生物质固体成型燃料标准体系。该体系分为基础标准、通用标准和专用标准3个层次,同时,按轻重缓急的原则提出相关建议。该标准体系的提出有利于规范我国生物质固体成型燃料市场,为产业发展创造良好的市场环境。  相似文献   

介绍了固体生物质燃料和空气中颗粒污染物的特点,从形成机理、质量浓度、数量浓度、分布特点以及颗粒物成分方面阐述了国内外对颗粒物排放的研究;分析了国内外对固体生物质燃料的颗粒物排放存在的问题,根据我国固体生物质燃料的特点,提出了我国生物质固体成型燃料颗粒物排放的研究方向。  相似文献   

生物质固体成型燃料环模成型技术研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综合分析了国内外生物质固体成型燃料环模成型技术、成型设备及产业发展现状.比较了生物质环模颗粒成型机和生物质环模压块成型机的性能和产品,指出了生物质固体成型燃料环模技术及设备存在着基础理论薄弱、原料适应差、易损件寿命短等问题;提出了我国生物质固体成型燃料环模成型技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

介绍了典型的生物质固体成型燃料自动燃烧器和成型燃料炉排式锅炉,分析了国家相关设备的热工性能检测指标、污染物排放监测指标及国内外成型燃料燃烧设备的监测系统的差距,指出我国目前存在的燃烧设备检测监测标准缺乏、不完善,监测设备独立、单一及未成系统等问题,提出提高燃烧效率,建立统一的评价标准等相关建议,以期为我国生物质固体成型燃料产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

运用热分析手段考察了一种固态氧化剂M对粉末状生物质燃料燃烧性能的改善作用,对米糠、木屑两种典型粉末状生物质以空气为氧化剂和以M为氧化剂的燃烧过程进行了对比考察。研究结果表明,M能增加米糠和木屑的放热量,其增加比例分别为1.6倍和2、1倍;添加M能使米糠和木屑的最大燃烧速度由0.37mg/mg.min和0.49mg/mg.min提高到0.63mg/mg.min和1.21mg/mg、min,对应温度由292℃和319℃降低至280℃和278℃。  相似文献   

加快制定我国生物质成型燃料的标准   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
生物质成型燃料是生物质能开发利用的一个重要途径。加快生物质成型燃料标准规范的制订是促进生物质成型燃料产业化发展的重要环节。借鉴欧洲国家的生物质成型燃料标准经验,从注重我国用户的使用需求、生产和运输的方便性以及燃料的清洁性出发,加快制定适合我国的生物质成型燃料标准。  相似文献   

随着国家城乡一体化建设的推进,能源需求量将急剧增加。生物质固体成型燃料作为重要的可再生能源,可直接用于居民炊事采暖、区域供热和工农业生产。发展生物质固体成型燃料产业,有助于实现能源、环境和经济社会的综合效益。利用好河北省的资源、技术等优势,制定科学的政策措施,将加快河北省生物质固体成型燃料产业的规模化、市场化发展。  相似文献   

介绍了测定固体生物质中水溶性氯含量的方法——水浸取-离子色谱法,试验了加料量、加热时间和加热温度对测定结果的影响。研究结果表明,水浸取可溶性氯的最佳条件是固体生物质燃料与水的比为1 g/50mL,在110~120℃下加热40 min。进行了方法重复性和加标回收率试验,对比了XRF法半定量直接分析的结果。试验结果表明,水浸取-离子色谱法操作简单、重复性好、准确度高,能满足固体生物质燃料中氯离子含量的测试要求。  相似文献   

国内外生物航油研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了生物航油的特性、原料、生产方法及利用现状。用微藻生产生物航油是今后研究的主要方向,但微藻大规模培养、收集以及提取都存在问题,尚未工业化。植物油需要进行复杂的催化裂解处理,将高碳烷烃分解为低链烷烃;生物质可分解为合成气,然后以合成气为原料,利用费—托合成反应生产相当于煤油的航空代用燃料;热裂解利用生物质为原料,经快速热裂解生产液体产物,但整体产物中轻质烃的产率较低。  相似文献   

The EU is adopting policy measures to promote the use of advanced biofuels for transport made from sustainable sources including wastes and residues. As Member States prepare to implement these policy changes, they will need to understand if they have sufficient resource to meet an advanced biofuel target. This study assesses the availability of agricultural residues, forestry residues, and biogenic wastes that could potentially be used for advanced biofuel production in EU Member States at the present and projected to 2020 and 2030. This analysis incorporates specific information on agricultural, forestry, and waste production, management practices, and environmental risks in each Member State in order to model the amounts of residues needed to preserve soil quality and that are utilized in other industries; we exclude these quantities in order to determine the sustainable biomass potential that can be achieved without significant adverse impacts on the environment or biomass markets. We find that most EU Member States are likely to have more than enough sustainably available feedstock to meet the advanced biofuel requirement, and a majority may have more than 10 times the necessary amount. While this study does not assess economic viability of advanced biofuel production, from a resource perspective, the target appears to be achievable in most Member States. Some countries, including Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, and Slovenia, may need to import either feedstock or advanced biofuel from neighboring countries to meet the target.  相似文献   

Impact of EU biofuel policies on world agricultural production and land use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The European Union aims to increase the share of renewable energy in its total energy consumption to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make the economy more CO2 neutral. This policy is further motivated by a desire to reduce dependency on fossil fuel imports and to stimulate rural development and the agricultural sector.  相似文献   

将丁醇与汽油、其它生物燃料(如甲醇、乙醇)进行了性能对比,回顾了丁醇生产的发展过程并详细介绍了提高丁醇生产能力的各种方法.总结了丁醇作为一种生物燃料在利用燃烧反应器进行的基础燃烧试验和火花点火式发动机中的应用研究进展.对丁醇的燃烧特点进行了分析,结果表明:丁醇作为第二代生物燃料,是一种较好的汽油代用燃料;与乙醇相比,对丁醇的研究还不够广泛,可参考的文献较少.最后对目前丁醇在发动机性能和排放方面的研究成果进行了总结并指出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

The European Union is one of the most important players in the field of world energy with an integrated and well-organized energy market. However, energy policies in the EU are not sustainable. The EU is the world’s largest importer of fossil fuels and is leading global action in accelerating the transition to renewable energy and low-carbon economy at present. Renewables make the second-largest contribution to domestic energy production after coal.  相似文献   

Fuels derived from biomass are essential in order to overcome the excessive dependence on petroleum. They also minimize the emissions of greenhouse gases. Pretreatment in biofuel production is a very important step. Pretreatment is not only costly in its own right but also has a pervasive impact on the cost of virtually all other processing operations. The present study investigates the effect of bacterial amylase pretreatment on ethanol production from different kinds of starch-based solid waste (SBSW). For this purpose four amylase-producing bacterial isolates were obtained from samples collected from municipal waste dumping sites. The isolated bacteria were then used for the pretreatment of SBSW for ethanol production. After bacterial amylase pretreatment, 13% yield of ethanol was obtained.  相似文献   

We consider a biofuel supply chain problem in which a farmer supplies two downstream refineries with nonidentical crops (corn and energy crop). The problem has been modeled as a multi leader single follower game to derive the farmer's decisions on land use as well as refineries' proposed prices to the farmer. We consider subsidizing the farmer and the refinery that uses the energy crop to study whether a subsidy plan can enhance the advanced biofuel production and meet the mandate of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This mandate requires the production of 36 billion gallons of biofuel, out of which 21 billion gallons should be noncorn‐based biofuel. We solve the problem under four cases based on the willingness of the farmer to sell corn to the food market as well as the availability of land expansion for her. The Nash equilibrium is derived for all cases, and parametric analyses are used to study the effect of subsidies on the profit of the players and the total social welfare of the supply chain. We observe that a government's expenditure can be offset by the increase of the social welfare under certain circumstances. We find the minimum budget requirement to meet the EPA's mandate and show that a specific budget can be distributed in different ways while obtaining the same results.  相似文献   

Since 2000, the consumption of bioenergy in the European Union has grown, along with a concurrent growth in the trade of biomass for energy purposes (though traded volumes still remain small). Bioenergy production and trade will likely continue to increase into the future, driven by climate change concerns, emissions reduction targets, increasing concerns about domestic energy security and favourable policies. The harmonization of European standards and the development of certification systems are key issues to resolving potential negative effects of increased biomass trade. Certification systems not only address the issue of environmental sustainability from production to end-use, but also allow for product differentiation while adding value to sustainably produced products, which can ultimately enhance a competitive and sustainable bioenergy market. In addition to analyzing bioenergy trade growth in the European Union, a questionnaire survey of 92 bioenergy experts from eight member states within the European Union was conducted. Survey results show that bioenergy is highly accepted in the European Union but that there is a lack of European standards and policy harmonization, along with the absence of a competitive market or a certification system, all of which are necessary for sustainable production and trade of bioenergy. A large majority (63 percent) of the total respondents agreed that the certification of bioenergy is necessary to promote the sustainable use of biomass.  相似文献   

欧盟的可再生能源促进政策对我们的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在环境问题的严峻挑战下,欧盟将可再生能源发展确立为关键的能源战略之一。欧盟在坚持固定电价制的同时确立可再生能源发电总量目标,在推进电力市场化改革的基础上强化对可再生电力的支持,并通过建立有效的化石燃料财税制度为可再生能源发展提供更广阔的空间。  相似文献   

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