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为了防止汽车在行驶过程中发生侧翻,使汽车始终处在安全工况下行驶,减少交通事故,设计了一种基于ARM9的智能车载感知和侧翻预警系统,对汽车在途行驶时的侧倾角和侧倾角速度进行监测,并采用多阶递推模型对汽车侧倾姿态进行预测,当预测到侧倾达到极限工况时发出报警信息,提醒驾驶人员注意并采取相应减少侧向加速度的措施,从而达到预防汽车侧翻事故的发生,并基于VB2005,Matlab和NIMeasurement Studio开发了车载感知与侧翻预警系统软件,进行了系统仿真。实车道路试验与系统仿真实验进行了比较,结果表明:车载感知和预警系统能够及时准确预测汽车侧翻,提高汽车主动安全。  相似文献   

设计的智能公路警示器解决了现有放置和取回公路警示标志过程中存在的安全隐患问题.该智能公路警示器以自动放置和收回警示标志为主要目的,拥有手动、自动两种控制模式,通过设计,能够智能识别白线纠正行进轨迹,实时监控反馈路况,无线远距离操控.实验测试表明:智能公路警示器昼夜均可正常工作,适用于高速公路及各级道路上.  相似文献   

针对现有的矿山视频监控系统只能实现环境和设备运行监控,无法对人员等动目标行为实施有效监控的问题,设计了一种矿山智能视频分析与预警系统,介绍了系统组成及架构,以胶带堆煤检测和人的行为检测与识别为例,阐述了系统实现原理。在煤矿井下进行了胶带堆煤检测、危险区域人员检测、系统识别率和响应时间试验,结果表明系统能够有效检测出胶带上的煤量及危险区域范围,识别响应时间不大于2s,识别成功率不低于98%。  相似文献   

火箭在飞行过程中经常发生各种故障,因此需要对其飞行状态进行监视、判断,及时有效地做出相应的安全控制决策。在分析原有火箭安控系统的基础上,针对火箭飞行的特点及不确定的规则知识,提出了基于智能决策的火箭安控系统。首先给出了集弹道数据处理和安全控制决策于一体的计算机决策支持系统模型;然后根据安控系统的特点,对安控知识进行分类,给出了安控系统知识不确定的表示方法,形成了相应的安控决策网络;最后以Visual C++6.0为开发平台,构建了安控推理决策模型,给出相应的推理流程。仿真实验表示,该方法能实时监测出火箭的飞行状态,对其进行有效的管理,为安控领域专家的最终决策提供支持。  相似文献   

研究基于PID的化工过程安全智能技术,内容包括:(1)开发基于智能PID的计算机辅助HAZOP分析技术;(2)提出把HAZOP分析结果自动转换成故障树的新方法;(3)开发操作规程信息化管理技术;(4)开发可视化设备管理技术。最后,集成上述这些技术,开发实用性的新一代化工过程安全保障综合支撑系统,以乙炔加氢反应装置失控反应的安全评价为例进行应用验证。  相似文献   

A semi-integrated system for driver assistance and pedestrian safety is presented. This system is composed of a single camera which focuses on the driver for picking up visual cues and a stereo rig that focus on the road ahead for the detection of road obstructions and pedestrians. While the car is in motion, the driver's viewing direction is obtained and analyzed along with information of road condition and any moving vehicle ahead in order to determine if the current driving condition is safe. In addition, when the vehicle is moving slowly, the system can also detect the existence of a pedestrian ahead and warns the driver if the pedestrian moves in front of the car. This system contains algorithm-based safety analysis as well as fuzzy rules-based analysis for interaction between variables. Our experimental results show that the condition for driver safety can be accurately classified in 94.5% of the tested driving conditions, and the pedestrians can be identified in 93.18% of the tested cases. These were compared to the results of similar systems and shown to be superior.  相似文献   

设计了一种智能综合安防视频监控系统,该系统具有移动、固定监控二种监控形式,监控信息包含了现场音、视频信息,提供了网络Web和手机监控播放二种查看监控信息方式,可以即时查看,也可以反复播放分析,采用基于RTP/RTCP自适应流量控制技术来实时传输监控到的现场音、视频信息。  相似文献   

现有的嵌入式智能家居预警系统存在着响应时间长、误报率高的弊端,为了解决上述问题,引入无线通信技术对嵌入式智能家居预警系统进行设计。嵌入式智能家居预警系统硬件设计主要包括无线通信单元、主控单元与遥控单元设计,软件设计主要包括无线通信程序、主控程序与安防预警程序设计。通过系统硬件与软件的设计,实现了嵌入式智能家居预警系统的运行。通过实验结果得到,与现有的嵌入式智能家居预警系统相比,设计的嵌入式智能家居预警系统极大地降低了系统的响应时间与误报率,充分说明设计的嵌入式智能家居预警系统具备更好的预警性能。  相似文献   

随着我国经济持续快速增长,我国的城市建设也是日新月异,高铁、道路、桥梁、隧道等交通建设更是犹如雨后春笋般地快速发展。因此产生的建设资源浪费和工地施工人员管理等问题逐渐引起人们的关注,而且已成为社会的热点问题。为此,文章阐述了大型高危项目的施工安全监管技术和管理理念,给出了智能安全帽工地管理系统的结构模型、系统功能和应用方法。  相似文献   

Groupware has produced measurable productivity gains for major corporations in recent years. Agent software enhances productivity even more by helping groupware perform convergent tasks, thus freeing users for more creative work. An experiment with an Al-based software agent shows that it can help users organize and consolidate ideas from electronic brainstorming. The agent recalled concepts as effectively as experienced human meeting facilitators and in a fifth of the time  相似文献   

The current scientific interest in computer thinking is explored for constructing a simulated psychodiagnostician. Going beyond simply building an expert system, this paper proposes to use a self-learning and generalizing computer architecture. State Operator And Result, or the SOAR system, to model intelligent clinical behavior. Accordingly, it fosters the collection and analysis of process-tracing verbal protocols for building psychodiagnosticians. It also holds out the possibility of going beyond psychodiagnosis for functioning as a multitask clinical psychologist.  相似文献   

针对目前煤与瓦斯突出预警在自动化程度、准确性等方面的需求,开发了煤与瓦斯突出远程智能监测预警系统,介绍了系统构成及信号监测、干扰识别、信号传输、预警准则等关键技术。该系统以声发射、电磁辐射和瓦斯浓度为预警指标,可实现对突出演化过程声-电-瓦斯信号的远程监测和综合预警,并能够根据机电设备开停信息自动识别与滤除干扰信号,提高了煤与瓦斯突出预警的准确性。应用结果表明,该系统具有较高的预警准确性,可提前8~24h捕捉到煤与瓦斯突出危险信息。  相似文献   

海产品安全预警系统缺失数据填补方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海产品安全预警系统中数据缺失问题,提出了一种缺失数据填补方法,目前,使用粗糙集填补的方法很多,但很多方法并没有考虑到每个对象缺失属性个数。该方法将存在缺失数据的信息表分为完备和不完备两部分,并分别对其进行处理,对缺失数据填补时综合考虑属性重要性和缺失属性个数;不存在缺失数据的信息表则直接输出;实验结果表明方法能用于海产品安全预警系统中缺失数据填补。  相似文献   

介绍了化工企业生产的特点和事故的特征,阐述了预防化工企业生产事故的技术手段,化工企业安全生产故障预警仿真系统是解决化工企业安全生产的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

针对石化生产过程中可能出现的危及生产人员安全的问题,设计开发了基于嵌入式技术的石化厂区职工健康安全预警系统。系统由头盔、腕表和监控中心组成。通过智能穿戴式传感器监测员工周边环境以及体征参数,利用Wi-Fi无线通信技术实时将体征、环境参数和视频流等数据传输到腕表和监控中心;监控中心保存、播放收到的视频和环境参数,并可以发送信息到腕表显示以及触发头盔上的语音报警。实验表明,本系统能及时、有效、动态地掌握员工健康状况与接触有害因素之间的相互关系,为一线员工的健康安全保驾护航,具有很高的市场推广价值。  相似文献   

仓库是储备物资的重要场所,它占据面积大,难以实现人工实时监测,尤其面对仓库火灾,人类难以提前预测与控制,因此,本方案设计了一个基于ZigBee和GPRS仓库安全移动预警系统。该系统借助互联网、移动通信网络和无线传感网的互联,利用ZigBee无线传感网络将终端节点采集到的数据,由GPRS模块转发到服务器和手机终端,以实现仓库火灾移动预警的功能。  相似文献   

Toward intelligent music information retrieval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficient and intelligent music information retrieval is a very important topic of the 21st century. With the ultimate goal of building personal music information retrieval systems, this paper studies the problem of intelligent music information retrieval. Huron points out that since the preeminent functions of music are social and psychological, the most useful characterization would be based on four types of information: genre, emotion, style,and similarity. This paper introduces Daubechies Wavelet Coefficient Histograms (DWCH)for music feature extraction for music information retrieval. The histograms are computed from the coefficients of the db/sub 8/ Daubechies wavelet filter applied to 3 s of music. A comparative study of sound features and classification algorithms on a dataset compiled by Tzanetakis shows that combining DWCH with timbral features (MFCC and FFT), with the use of multiclass extensions of support vector machine,achieves approximately 80% of accuracy, which is a significant improvement over the previously known result on this dataset. On another dataset the combination achieves 75% of accuracy. The paper also studies the issue of detecting emotion in music. Rating of two subjects in the three bipolar adjective pairs are used. The accuracy of around 70% was achieved in predicting emotional labeling in these adjective pairs. The paper also studies the problem of identifying groups of artists based on their lyrics and sound using a semi-supervised classification algorithm. Identification of artist groups based on the Similar Artist lists at All Music Guide is attempted. The semi-supervised learning algorithm resulted in nontrivial increases in the accuracy to more than 70%. Finally, the paper conducts a proof-of-concept experiment on similarity search using the feature set.  相似文献   

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