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Protein import into mitochondria involves several components of the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes as well as molecular chaperones located inside mitochondria. Here, we have investigated the effect of sulfhydryl group reagents on import of the in vitro transcribed/translated precursor of the F1 beta subunit of the ATP synthase (pF1 beta) into Solanum tuberosum mitochondria. We have used a reducing agent, dithiothreitol (DTT), a membrane-permeant alkylating agent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), a non-permeant alkylating agent, 3-(N-maleimidopropionyl)biocytin (MPB), an SH-group specific agent and cross-linker 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) as well as an oxidizing cross-linker, copper sulfate. DTT stimulated the mitochondrial protein import, whereas NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ were inhibitory. Inhibition by Cu2+ could be reversed by addition of DTT. The efficiency of inhibition was higher in energized mitochondrial than in non-energized. We have dissected the effect of the SH-group reagents on binding, unfolding and transport of the precursor into mitochondria. Our results demonstrated that the inhibitory effect of NEM, DTNB and Cu2+ on the efficiency of import was not due to the interaction of the SH-group reagents with import receptors. Modification of pF1 beta with NEM prior to the import resulted in stimulation of import, whereas DTNB and Cu2+ were inhibitory. NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ inhibited import of the NEM-modified pF1 beta into intact mitochondria. Import of pF1 beta through a receptor-independent bypass-route as well as import into mitoplasts were sensitive to DTT, NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ in a similar manner as import into mitochondria. As MPB does not cross the inner membrane, these results indicated that redox and conformational status of SH groups located on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane were essential for protein import.  相似文献   

Two components of the chloroplast envelope, Tic20 and Tic22, were previously identified as candidates for components of the general protein import machinery by their ability to covalently cross-link to nuclear-encoded preproteins trapped at an intermediate stage in import across the envelope (Kouranov, A., and D.J. Schnell. 1997. J. Cell Biol. 139:1677-1685). We have determined the primary structures of Tic20 and Tic22 and investigated their localization and association within the chloroplast envelope. Tic20 is a 20-kD integral membrane component of the inner envelope membrane. In contrast, Tic22 is a 22-kD protein that is located in the intermembrane space between the outer and inner envelope membranes and is peripherally associated with the outer face of the inner membrane. Tic20, Tic22, and a third inner membrane import component, Tic110, associate with import components of the outer envelope membrane. Preprotein import intermediates quantitatively associate with this outer/inner membrane supercomplex, providing evidence that the complex corresponds to envelope contact sites that mediate direct transport of preproteins from the cytoplasm to the stromal compartment. On the basis of these results, we propose that Tic20 and Tic22 are core components of the protein translocon of the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

We have reconstituted the protein insertion machinery of the yeast mitochondrial inner membrane into proteoliposomes. The reconstituted proteoliposomes have a distinct morphology and protein composition and correctly insert the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) and Tim23p, two multi-spanning integral proteins of the mitochondrial inner membrane. The reconstituted system requires a membrane potential, but not Tim44p or mhsp70, both of which are required for the ATP-driven translocation of proteins into the matrix. The protein insertion machinery can thus operate independently of the energy-transducing Tim44p-mhsp70 complex.  相似文献   

Employing antisera against various subfractions of rat liver mitochondria (mitoplast, inner membrane, intermembrane, and matrix) as well as metabolically radiolabeled BRL-3A rat liver cells, we undertook a search for the presence of glycoproteins in this major cellular compartment for which little information in regard to glycoconjugates was available. Subsequent to [35S]methionine labeling of BRL-3A cells, a peptide:N-glycosidase-sensitive protein (45 kDa) was observed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the inner membrane immunoprecipitate, which was reduced to a molecular mass of 42 kDa by this enzyme. The 45-kDa protein was readily labeled with [2-3H]mannose, and indeed the radioactivity of the inner membrane immunoprecipitate was almost exclusively present in this component. Moreover, antisera directed against mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) or F1F0-ATPase (complex V) also precipitated a 45-kDa protein from BRL-3A cell lysates as the predominant mannose-radiolabeled constituent. Endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase completely removed the radiolabel from this glycoprotein, and the released oligosaccharides were of the partially trimmed polymannose type (Glc1Man9GlcNAc to Man8GlcNAc). Cycloheximide as well as tunicamycin resulted in total inhibition of radiolabeling of the inner membrane glycoprotein, and moreover, pulse-chase studies employing metrizamide density gradient centrifugation demonstrated that the glycoprotein was initially present in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and subsequently appeared in a mitochondrial location. Early movement of the glycoprotein to the mitochondria after synthesis in the ER was also evident from the limited processing undergone by its N-linked oligosaccharides; this stood in contrast to lysosomal glycoproteins in which we noted extensive conversion to complex oligosaccharides. Our findings suggest that the 45-kDa glycoprotein migrates from ER to mitochondria by the previously observed contact sites between the two organelles. Furthermore, the presence of this glycoprotein in at least two major mitochondrial multienzyme complexes would be consistent with a role in mitochondrial translocations.  相似文献   

TOM22 is an integral component of the preprotein translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane (TOM complex). The protein is anchored to the lipid bilayer by a central trans-membrane segment, thereby exposing the amino-terminal domain to the cytosol and the carboxyl-terminal portion to the intermembrane space. Here, we describe the sequence requirements for the targeting and correct insertion of Neurospora TOM22 into the outer membrane. The orientation of the protein is not influenced by the charges flanking its trans-membrane segment, in contrast to observations regarding proteins of other membranes. In vitro import studies utilizing TOM22 preproteins harboring deletions or mutations in the cytosolic domain revealed that the combination of the trans-membrane segment and intermembrane space domain of TOM22 is not sufficient to direct import into the outer membrane. In contrast, a short segment of the cytosolic domain was found to be essential for the import and assembly of TOM22. This sequence, a novel internal import signal for the outer membrane, carries a net positive charge. A mutant TOM22 in which the charge of the import signal was altered to -1 was imported less efficiently than the wild-type protein. Our data indicate that TOM22 contains physically separate import and membrane anchor sequences.  相似文献   

A specific labeling by radioactive N-ethylmaleimide of a protein involved in phosphate transport was obtained by protecting one of the two-SH-groups of the transport system with low concentrations of mersalyl. Subsequently, the other free-SH groups were blocked with excess N-ethylmaleimide. Removal of mersalyl by cysteine and subsequent inbucation with labeled N-ethylmaleimide results in a "specific" binding of N-ethylmaleimide to one-SH group functionally involved in phosphate transport. The isolated inner membrane fraction of the labeled mitochondria was subjected to dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. The followin results were obtained. 1. The difference of the radioactivity pattern on the dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel of inner membrane proteins, labeled with N-[14C]ethylmaleimide in the absence and with N-[3H-A1-ethylmaleimide in the presence of mersalyl during preincubation of mitochondria, shows only one main labeled peak. The same labeled peak is obtained from the difference of labeling after preincubation with a constant low concentration of mersalyl at 32 degrees C and at 0 degrees C. 2. The position of the labeled peak on the dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel corresponds to a protein of molecular weight of 26500 +/- 800. 3. The amount of one of the two-SH groups, involved in phosphate transport, was estimated to be 30 nmol per g of mitochondrial protein.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b2 is synthesized in the cytosol with a bipartite presequence. The first part of the presequence targets the protein to mitochondria and mediates translocation into the mitochondrial matrix compartment; the second part contains the sorting signal that is required for delivery of the protein to the intermembrane space. The localization of the structures that recognize the sorting signal is unclear. Here we show that upon import in vivo, the sorting signal of cytochrome b2 causes an early divergence from the general matrix import pathway and thereby prevents translocation of a folded C-terminal domain into mitochondria. By co-immunoprecipitations we find that translocation intermediates of cytochrome b2 are associated with Tim23, a component of the inner membrane protein import machinery. Cytochrome b2 constructs with an alteration in the sorting signal are mistargeted to the matrix of wild-type mitochondria. In mitochondria containing a mutant form of Tim23, however, the translocation of the altered sorting signal across the inner membrane is inhibited, and cytochrome b2 is correctly sorted to the intermembrane space. We suggest that the sorting signal of cytochrome b2 is recognized within the inner membrane in close vicinity to Tim23.  相似文献   

Proteins of the mitochondrial inner membrane display a wide variety of orientations, many spanning the membrane more than once. Some of these proteins are synthesized with NH2-terminal cleavable targeting sequences (presequences) whereas others are targeted to mitochondria via internal signals. Here we report that two distinct mitochondrial targeting signals can be present in precursors of inner membrane proteins, an NH2-terminal one and a second, internal one. Using cytochrome c1 as a model protein, we demonstrate that these two mitochondrial targeting signals operate independently of each other. The internal targeting signal, consisting of a transmembrane segment and a stretch of positively charged amino acid residues directly following it, initially directs the translocation of the preprotein into the intermembrane space. It then inserts into the inner membrane from the intermembrane space side in a delta psi-dependent manner and thereby determines the orientation the protein attains in the inner membrane. Analysis of a number of other presequence-containing protein of the inner membrane suggest that they too contain such internal targeting signals.  相似文献   

The essential yeast gene MPI1 encodes a mitochondrial membrane protein that is possibly involved in protein import into the organelle (A. C. Maarse, J. Blom, L. A. Grivell, and M. Meijer, EMBO J. 11:3619-3628, 1992). For this report, we determined the submitochondrial location of the MPI1 gene product and investigated whether it plays a direct role in the translocation of preproteins. By fractionation of mitochondria, the mature protein of 44 kDa was localized to the mitochondrial inner membrane and therefore termed MIM44. Import of the precursor of MIM44 required a membrane potential across the inner membrane and involved proteolytic processing of the precursor. A preprotein in transit across the mitochondrial membranes was cross-linked to MIM44, whereas preproteins arrested on the mitochondrial surface or fully imported proteins were not cross-linked. When preproteins were arrested at two distinct stages of translocation across the inner membrane, only preproteins at an early stage of translocation could be cross-linked to MIM44. Moreover, solubilized MIM44 was found to interact with in vitro-synthesized preproteins. We conclude that MIM44 is a component of the mitochondrial inner membrane import machinery and interacts with preproteins in an early step of translocation.  相似文献   

Precursor proteins made in the cytoplasm must be in an unfolded conformation during import into mitochondria. Some precursor proteins have tightly folded domains but are imported faster than they unfold spontaneously, implying that mitochondria can unfold proteins. We measured the import rates of artificial precursors containing presequences of varying length fused to either mouse dihydrofolate reductase or bacterial barnase, and found that unfolding of a precursor at the mitochondrial surface is dramatically accelerated when its presequence is long enough to span both membranes and to interact with mhsp70 in the mitochondrial matrix. If the presequence is too short, import is slow but can be strongly accelerated by urea-induced unfolding, suggesting that import of these 'short' precursors is limited by spontaneous unfolding at the mitochondrial surface. With precursors that have sufficiently long presequences, unfolding by the inner membrane import machinery can be orders of magnitude faster than spontaneous unfolding, suggesting that mhsp70 can act as an ATP-driven force-generating motor during protein import.  相似文献   

Growing mitochondria acquire most of their proteins by the uptake of mitochondrial preproteins from the cytosol. To mediate this protein import, both mitochondrial membranes contain independent protein transport systems: the Tom machinery in the outer membrane and the Tim machinery in the inner membrane. Transport of proteins across the inner membrane and sorting to the different inner mitochondrial compartments is mediated by several protein complexes which have been identified in the past years. A complex containing the integral membrane proteins Tim17 and Tim23 constitutes the import channel for preproteins containing amino-terminal hydrophilic presequences. This complex is associated with Tim44 which serves as an adaptor protein for the binding of mtHsp70 to the membrane. mtHsp70, a 70 kDa heat shock protein of the mitochondrial matrix, drives the ATP-dependent import reaction of the processed preprotein after cleavage of the presequence. Preproteins containing internal targeting information are imported by a separate import machinery, which consists of the intermembrane-space proteins Tim9, Tim10, and Tim12, and the inner membrane proteins Tim22 and Tim54. The proteins Tim17, Tim22, and Tim23 have in common a similar topology in the membrane and a homologous amino acid sequence. Moreover, they show a sequence similarity to OEP16, a channel-forming amino acid transporter in the outer envelope of chloroplasts, and to LivH, a component of a prokaryotic amino acid permease, defining a new PRAT-family of preprotein and amino acid transporters.  相似文献   

We have isolated a yeast nuclear gene that suppresses the previously described respiration-deficient mrs2-1 mutation when present on a multicopy plasmid. Elevated gene dosage of this new gene, termed MRS5, suppresses also the pet phenotype of a mitochondrial splicing-deficient group II intron mutation M1301. The MRS5 gene product, a 13-kDa protein of low abundance, shows no similarity to other known proteins and is associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, protruding into the intermembrane space. MRS5 codes for an essential protein, as the disruption of this gene is lethal even during growth on fermentable carbon sources. Thus, the Mrs5 protein seems to be involved in mitochondrial key functions aside from oxidative energy conservation, which is dispensable in fermenting yeast cells. Depletion of Mrs5p in yeast cells causes accumulation of unprocessed precursors of the mitochondrial hsp60 protein and defects in all cytochrome complexes. These findings suggest an essential role of Mrs5p in mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

Protein import into the innermost compartment of mitochondria (the matrix) requires a membrane potential (delta psi) across the inner membrane, as well as ATP-dependent interactions with chaperones in the matrix and cytosol. The role of nucleoside triphosphates other than ATP during import into the matrix, however, remains to be determined. Import of urea-denatured precursors does not require cytosolic chaperones. We have therefore used a purified and urea-denatured preprotein in our import assays to bypass the requirement of external ATP. Using this modified system, we demonstrate that GTP stimulates protein import into the matrix; the stimulatory effect is directly mediated by GTP hydrolysis and does not result from conversion of GTP to ATP. Both external GTP and matrix ATP are necessary; neither one can substitute for the other if efficient import is to be achieved. These results suggest a "push-pull" mechanism of import, which may be common to other post-translational translocation pathways.  相似文献   

The yeast mitochondrial HMG-box protein, Abf2p, is essential for maintenance of the mitochondrial genome. To better understand the role of Abf2p in the maintenance of the mitochondrial chromosome, we have isolated a multicopy suppressor (YHM2) of the temperature-sensitive defect associated with an abf2 null mutation. The function of Yhm2p was characterized at the molecular level. Yhm2p has 314 amino acid residues, and the deduced amino acid sequence is similar to that of a family of mitochondrial carrier proteins. Yhm2p is localized in the mitochondrial inner membrane and is also associated with mitochondrial DNA in vivo. Yhm2p exhibits general DNA-binding activity in vitro. Thus, Yhm2p appears to be novel in that it is a membrane-bound DNA-binding protein. A sequence that is similar to the HMG DNA-binding domain is important for the DNA-binding activity of Yhm2p, and a mutation in this region abolishes the ability of YHM2 to suppress the temperature-sensitive defect of respiration of the abf2 null mutant. Disruption of YHM2 causes a significant growth defect in the presence of nonfermentable carbon sources such as glycerol and ethanol, and the cells have defects in respiration as determined by 2,3,5,-triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining. Yhm2p may function as a member of the protein machinery for the mitochondrial inner membrane attachment site of mitochondrial DNA during replication and segregation of mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   

Import of preproteins into the mitochondrial matrix is driven by the ATP-dependent interaction of mt-Hsp70 with the peripheral inner membrane import protein Tim44 and the preprotein in transit. We show that Mge1p, a co-chaperone of mt-Hsp70, plays a key role in the ATP-dependent import reaction cycle in yeast. Our data suggest a cycle in which the mt-Hsp70-Tim44 complex forms with ATP: Mge1p promotes assembly of the complex in the presence of ATP. Hydrolysis of ATP by mt-Hsp70 occurs in complex with Tim44. Mge1p is then required for the dissociation of the ADP form of mt-Hsp70 from Tim44 after release of inorganic phosphate but before release of ADP. ATP hydrolysis and complex dissociation are accompanied by tight binding of mt-Hsp70 to the preprotein in transit. Subsequently, the release of mt-Hsp70 from the polypeptide chain is triggered by Mge1p which promotes release of ADP from mt-Hsp70. Rebinding of ATP to mt-Hsp70 completes the reaction cycle.  相似文献   

We analysed the import pathway of Tim23 and of Tim17, components of the mitochondrial import machinery for matrix-targeted preproteins. Tim23 contains two independent import signals. One is located within the first 62 amino acid residues of the hydrophilic domain that, in the assembled protein, is exposed to the intermembrane space. This signal mediates translocation of Tim23 across the outer membrane independently of the membrane potential, DeltaPsi. A second import signal is located in the C-terminal membrane-integrated portion of Tim23. It mediates translocation across the outer membrane and insertion into the inner membrane in a strictly DeltaPsi-dependent fashion. Structurally, Tim17 is related to Tim23 but lacks a hydrophilic domain. It contains an import signal in the C-terminal half and its import requires DeltaPsi. The DeltaPsi-dependent import signals of Tim23 and Tim17 are located at corresponding sites in these two homologous proteins. They exhibit features reminiscent of the positively charged N-terminal presequences of matrix-targeted precursors. Import of Tim23 and its insertion into the inner membrane requires Tim22 but not functional Tim23. Thus, biogenesis of the Tim23.17 complex depends on the Tim22 complex, which is the translocase identified as mediating the import of carrier proteins.  相似文献   

MOM22 is a component of the protein import complex of the mitochondrial outer membrane of Neurospora crassa. Using the newly developed procedure of 'sheltered disruption', we created a heterokaryotic strain harboring two nuclei, one with a null allele of the mom-22 gene and the other with a wild-type allele. Homokaryons bearing the mom-22 disruption could not be isolated, suggesting that mom-22 is an essential gene. The mutant nucleus can be forced to predominate in the heterokaryon through the use of specific nutritional and inhibitor resistance markers. Cultivation of the heterokaryon under conditions favoring the mutant nucleus resulted in selective depletion of MOM22. MOM22-depleted cells did not grow and contained mitochondria with an altered morphology and protein composition. Protein import into isolated, MOM22-depleted mitochondria was abolished for most precursor proteins destined for all subcompartments. In contrast, precursors of MOM19, MOM22 and MOM72 became inserted normally into the outer membrane, defining a novel MOM22-independent import pathway which remained intact in mutant mitochondria. Furthermore, the specific binding of the ADP/ATP carrier to the outer membrane was unaffected, but subsequent transport across the outer membrane did not occur. Our data show that MOM22 is an essential component of Neurospora cells specifically required for the biogenesis of mitochondria.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane anion channel (IMAC) is a transport pathway which is believed to be involved in mitochondrial volume homeostasis. The protein, however, has not been identified. In this paper, we examine the relationship between IMAC and the adenine nucleotide translocator. Many inhibitors of the adenine nucleotide translocase are shown to block IMAC, including Cibacron blue 3GA, bromcresol green, alizarin red S, agaric acid, palmitoyl-CoA, and the fluorescein derivatives erythrosin B, erythrosin isothiocyanate, rose bengal, and eosin Y. The following evidence suggests that Cibacron blue, agaric acid, and palmitoyl-CoA inhibit by binding to a common site. 1) They all only partially block the transport of small anions such as Cl-, NO3-, and HCO3-, but completely block the transport of larger anions such as malonate. 2) They decrease the IC50 values of each other in a manner consistent with competitive binding. 3) N-Ethylmaleimide decreases their IC50 values by a similar extent. 4) Inhibition by all shows no dependence on matrix pH and only a small dependence on medium pH. It is suggested that these agents may selectively bind to an open state of IMAC and inhibit by decreasing its conductance. The physiological nucleotides CoA, NAD+, NADH, NADP+, NADH, and ATP do not inhibit; in fact, IMAC is shown to transport ATP. Despite these similarities between IMAC and the adenine nucleotide translocase, IMAC appears to be a separate entity, since some of the IC50 values differ by up to 8-fold, and carboxyatracyloside, the most selective inhibitor of the adenine nucleotide translocase, has no effect on IMAC. In addition, IMAC is also able to transport AMP, while the adenine nucleotide translocase does not.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial biogenesis requires translocation of numerous preproteins across both outer and inner membranes into the matrix of the organelle. This translocation process requires a membrane potential (DeltaPsi) and ATP. We have recently demonstrated that the efficient import of a urea-denatured preprotein into the matrix requires GTP hydrolysis (Sepuri, N. B. V., Schülke, N., and Pain, D. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 1420-1424). We now demonstrate that GTP is generally required for efficient import of various preproteins, both native and urea-denatured. The GTP participation is localized to a particular stage in the protein import process. In the presence of DeltaPsi but no added nucleoside triphosphates, the transmembrane movement of preproteins proceeds only to a point early in their translocation across the inner membrane. The completion of translocation into the matrix is independent of DeltaPsi but is dependent on a GTP-mediated "push." This push is likely mediated by a membrane-bound GTPase on the cis side of the inner membrane. This conclusion is based on two observations: (i) GTP does not readily cross the inner membrane barrier and hence, primarily acts outside the inner membrane to stimulate import, and (ii) the GTP-dependent stage of import does not require soluble constituents of the intermembrane space and can be observed in isolated mitoplasts. Efficient import into the matrix, however, is achieved only through the coordinated action of a cis GTP-dependent push and a trans ATP-dependent "pull."  相似文献   

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