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From 69 transsexual patients (48 men, 21 women) having consulted the Basel University Psychiatric Outpatient-Department between 1970 and 1990, 13 men-to-woman- and 4 woman-to-man-transsexuals could be examined in a follow-up (5-20 years after the operation). The social conditions and the quality of life of the 13 men-to-woman-transsexuals had significantly deteriorated: 9 of the 13 depend on life annuity or on social welfare assistance. The patients live socially very isolated. Eight of them report almost not being able to experience sexual pleasure, 10 suffer from anxieties, depression or addictions. Three regret having demanded the operation and two have passed a second operation for restoration of the original state. The 4 woman-to-man-transsexuals showed slightly better results: 2 of them are fully professionally active and live in constant personal relationships of several years of duration. The 2 others, however, suffer from depression and problems of addiction and give the impression of affective lability. The results lead to the following conclusions: 1. the criteria of indication for the operation of the transsexuals should be observed thoroughly, especially the psychotherapeutic accompaniment before the operation during at least 1 year; 2. the question of emotional stability, of frustration tolerance and of the danger of an outbreak of psychosis are to be examined carefully; 3. the professional and social integration before and after the operation is of central importance.  相似文献   

The prognostic value of oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) was estimated through a multicentric study of 2257 operable breast cancer patients followed up for a median of 8.5 years. None of the patients had received adjuvant therapy. The series included 33.3% stage I patients, 57.1% stage II, 5.7% stage IIIa and 2.4% stage IIIb. At the end point of the study 589 metastases and 537 deaths from cancer were recorded. Receptor measurements were performed by radiolgand assay according to a uniform protocol. A total of 68.8% of the tumous were ER positive and 54.0% PR positive ( > or = 10 fmol mg-1 cytosol protein). In univariate analysis, ER and PR status (positive/negative) were of prognostic value (P < 0.001) for the disease-free interval (DFI), the metastases-free interval (MFI) and the overall survival (OS). The OS of the patients after a first metastasis was also significantly different between ER-positive and -negative tumours (P < 0.001). In multivariate analysis (Cox proportional hazard model, 1665 patients), only the ER status showed a significant difference (P < 0.01) between positive and negative groups regarding the DFI, MFI and OS. By using Cox non-proportional, time-dependent models, we show that the predictive value of ER status of the primary tumour decreases by approximately 20% per year, losing its significance after 8 years of follow-up. Overall, when compared with TNM and histological grading, ER and PR status have a low prognostic value, their major interest remaining solely in the domain of therapeutic decision.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to estimate the long-term prognosis of patients with bile duct stones who undergo electrohydraulic lithotripsy guided by choledochoscopy. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Since 1987, at our institution, 14 patients with bile duct stones have been treated using percutaneous electrohydraulic lithotripsy guided by choledochoscopy. The procedure was performed 5-7 days after biliary drainage using a 5-mm choledochoscope placed through an 18- to 20-French sheath. All patients underwent follow-up CT, sonography, or both every 6-12 months after treatment. RESULTS: No complications occurred in the 14 patients who underwent treatment. During a mean follow-up period of 4.8 years (range, 2-9 years), two (14%) of the 14 patients developed recurrent common bile duct stones, and another two (14%) developed recurrent small intrahepatic stones; all patients remained asymptomatic. CONCLUSION: Percutaneous electrohydraulic lithotripsy can be safely performed using a 5-mm choledochoscope. Recurrent calculi may be seen in 28% of patients.  相似文献   

A dome-shaped bioresorbable membrane was fixed to the wounded rabbit calvaria and filled with a bioresorbable fibre conglomerate. After 4 weeks, the histologic preparation revealed an intimate spatial and temporal correlation between newly formed blood vessels and de novo extraskeletal bone formation. These observations emphasize the significance of angiogenesis in guided bone generation.  相似文献   

Vestibular nerve section is considered an effective modality in the treatment of refractory and incapacitating vertigo. Typically nerve section results are described on the basis of short-term follow-up. We have reviewed 41 cases of vestibular nerve section spanning an 18-year period. Although the majority of cases involved classic Meniere's disease, delayed endolymphatic hydrops, vestibular neuritis, and Meniere's syndrome secondary to head trauma were also included. Surgical approaches included translabyrinthine (20 cases), retrolabyrinthine (14 cases), retrosigmoid (six cases), and middle fossa (one case) procedures. Postoperative follow-up time averaged 102 months, with 46% of patients followed for a minimum of 9 years. Results are reported according to standards set forth by the American Academy of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery. Vertigo was cured or markedly improved in 88% of cases (90% in patients with Meniere's disease) at 18 to 24 months postoperatively. These vertigo results were sustained at the time of latest follow-up. Functional level was also preserved over time despite the development of bilateral symptoms in several cases. The rate of bilateral disease reached 22% of cases. Although vertigo results remained stable, long-term follow-up of successful hearing preservation cases demonstrated deterioration over time. Postoperative continuation of medical treatment is urged to optimize and sustain the vestibular neurectomy result.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of resistance in murine L1210 leukaemia cells selected after treatment with FCE 23762 methoxymorpholinyl doxorubicin: (MMRDX), a methoxymorpholinyl derivative of doxorubicin active in vitro and in vivo on multidrug-resistant (mdr) cells, currently undergoing phase I clinical trials. The resistant subline obtained after repeated in vitro treatments, L1210/MMRDX, is resistant in vitro and in vivo to all tested methoxymorpholinyl derivatives and to cyanomorpholinyl doxorubicin, but shows resistance to morpholinyl derivatives only in vivo or following their activation with rat S9-liver fractions in vitro. L1210/MMRDX cells are sensitive to classic mdr- and altered topoisomerase (AT)-mdr-associated drugs. These cells do not appear to overexpress the mdr1 gene, nor do they exhibit impaired intracellular drug accumulation and efflux or altered levels of glutathione and glutathione S-transferase. The extent of DNA single-strand break formation and, after microsomal activation, of DNA interstrand cross-links after treatment with MMRDX was similar in the parent and the resistant subline. The mechanism of resistance in L1210/MMRDX cells remains to be identified but may prove a novel one, highly specific for this class of mdr-active anthracyclines.  相似文献   

AIM: To analyze clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of Whipple's disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Diagnostic and therapeutic data are available for 7 patients registered in 1990-1997. The diagnosis was made using intestinoscope SIF-10L ("Olympus"). Biopsies were obtained from the jejunal, duodenal and gastric mucosa. The patients received tetracycline, erythromycin, biceptol, on demand--prednisolone. RESULTS: Whipple's disease was diagnosed 6 years on the average following the first clinical symptoms. In most patients the intestinal symptoms were preceded or accompanied by such extraintestinal symptoms as enlargement of the lymph nodes, lowering of hemoglobin, hypoproteinemia, ESR increase to 40-60 mm/h. To study biopsies from the distal duodenum is the only measure needed for diagnosis of Whipple's disease. In untreated patients PAS-positive macrophages are detectable also in gastric body mucosa. The immediate treatment outcome is favorable. The recurrence was observed only in one patient who had given up taking tetracycline. CONCLUSION: Long-term antibacterial therapy brings the recovery. Primary disorder of the cellular immunity responsible for the disease onset necessitates long-term follow-up of the patients. Control biopsy should be examined once a year.  相似文献   

Patients with Cushing syndrome (n = 122) who underwent adrenalectomy from 1957 through 1993 were reviewed for survival and complications. Of the 122 patients, 70 had adrenocortical adenoma, 30 Cushing's disease, 6 primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), 7 other types of primary nodular hyperplasia, 5 adrenocortical carcinoma, and 4 ectopic ACTH syndrome. Sixty-five patients with adrenocortical adenoma are alive, and the survival rate was equal to the age-matched control population, when patients who died of the postoperative complication were excluded. Of the patients with Cushing's disease, 20 are alive; and 10 of 16 patients (63%) who were followed-up and evaluated had skin pigmentation. Four of sixteen patients (25%) developed Nelson's syndrome. Four PPNAD patients and five with other types of nodular hyperplasia are alive. Most of these patients underwent bilateral total adrenalectomy, but some patients remitted after unilateral adrenalectomy. All of five adrenocortical carcinoma patients and four with ectopic ACTH syndrome died within 2 years after operation. The prognosis for patients with adrenocortical adenoma after unilateral adrenalectomy is excellent, though it is important to avoid operative complications. The rapid cure of signs and symptoms of glucocorticoid excess after total adrenalectomy is ensured, and prognosis is satisfactory under careful glucocorticoid replacement, making total adrenalectomy an alternative treatment for Cushing's disease.  相似文献   

Prosthetic mandibular advancement (PMA) was applied to nine patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and its therapeutic usefulness, mechanism of action, and clinical indication were discussed based on polysomnographic findings and serial examination of upper airway before and during PMA treatment. Apnea hypopnea index significantly decreased during PMA treatment compared with the value before treatment (P < 0.01) and the rate of the treatment responder counted 78.1%. Cephalometric variables indicated forward and inferior advancement of mandible in our subjects. Magnetic resonance imaging of the upper airway during sleep revealed a marked improvement of velophanryngeal obstruction in most subjects. In addition, intraesophageal negative pressure during sleep decreased significantly. Our results confirmed the high therapeutic efficacy of PMA for OSAS and indicated forward advancement of the mandible and decrease of negative pressure loading on upper airway with PMA might suppress velopharyngeal collapse. Thus, PMA was regarded as one of the treatments of choice for OSAS occurring based on with velopharyngeal narrowing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Nonresective treatment of the infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm by proximal and distal ligation of the aneurysm sac (exclusion) combined with aortic bypass has been previously reported. A 10-year experience with 831 patients undergoing this procedure was reviewed. METHODS: From 1984 to 1994, 831 (761 elective, 70 urgent) of 1103 patients being treated for abdominal aortic aneurysm underwent repair with the retroperitoneal exclusion technique. Perioperative morbidity and mortality, estimated blood loss, transfusion requirements, natural history of the excluded aneurysm sac, and long-term survival were all assessed. RESULTS: The operative mortality rate for patients undergoing exclusion and bypass was 3.4%. The incidence of nonfatal perioperative complications was 5.2%. Colon ischemia requiring resection occurred in 2 (0.2%) of the 831 patients. Estimated blood loss was 638 +/- 557 cc (50 to 330 cc). On follow-up 17 (2%) patients were found to have patent aneurysm sacs as detected by duplex examination. Fourteen patients required surgical intervention. No cases of graft infection or aortoenteric fistula have been noted. CONCLUSION: Retroperitoneal exclusion and bypass is a viable alternative to traditional open endoaneurysmorraphy in surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Most excluded aneurysm sacs have thrombosis without any long- or short-term complications; however, in a small number of patients delayed rupture of patent aneurysm occurs, thus emphasizing the need for diligent follow-up and appropriate intervention.  相似文献   

FD Battistella  AM Din  L Perez 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,44(4):618-23; discussion 623
BACKGROUND: Long-term survival rate and functional status after trauma for one of the fastest growing segments of the population, patients 75 years and older, is poorly documented. METHODS: Trauma patients 75 years and older who were discharged from our Level I trauma center between June 1988 and July 1992 (n = 279) were contacted by mail or phone. Public death records were used to identify patients who had died. A stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed to determine predictors of poor outcome (death within 6 months). Main outcome measures included mortality and self-assessed functional status. RESULTS: A minimum 4-year follow-up was obtained for 81% of the 279 study patients. The mean follow-up period was 5.4 +/- 1.1 years. Mean age at time of injury was 81 +/- 5 years (range, 75-101 years); mean Injury Severity Score was 9.4 +/- 7.7. At follow-up, 132 patients (47%) had died, 93 patients (33%) were contacted, and 54 patients (19%) could not be located. Twelve percent of patients survived less than 6 months after discharge. Poor survival was predicted by preexisting diseases (dementia, p = 0.001; hypertension, p = 0.02; and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, p = 0.05) and not by age or severity of injury. The mean age of patients still living was 85 +/- 3.9 years (range, 79-99 years), and 77 of 93 patients were living in an independent setting (33 alone, 44 with spouse or family); of these, 57% reported no difficulties in performing 12 of 14 activities of daily living. CONCLUSION: Despite higher than expected mortality after discharge, aggressive management of trauma patients 75 years and older is justified by the favorable long-term outcome.  相似文献   

A 15-17 year follow-up study was conducted on ninety-nine patients who had suffered from infantile eczema. The persistance of the eczema and the occurrence of related conditions were noted. The persistence of eczema was shown to be greater in those patients with a positive family history of eczema and in those who had developed asthma or hay-fever. An attempt was made to see if the persistence of eczema was affected by the position of the child in the family, and some factors provoking relapses were noted. The patients were also questioned with regard to their achievements in academic examinations, and to their social, artistic and sporting activities. The results showed a success rate in examinations not significantly higher than average. It was not possible to show if there is a particular type of atopic personality. There was no constant characteristic in social or artistic patterns. The group as a whole were normal at the milestones of early development, i.e. walking, talking and reading, and also normal with regard to weight and height.  相似文献   

We isolated both the intact molecule (p185) and the ectodomain (p120) of c-erbB-2 oncoprotein from SK-BR-3 breast tumor cells. The p120 was extracted from the cells by 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, whereas the extraction of the p185 required the presence of a detergent, such as 1% Triton X-100 in 0.05 M Tris buffer. Protease inhibitors were also included in the extraction buffer during the isolation of p185 in order to prevent cleavage of p185 to p120 by an unknown protease apparently also present in the extract. In case there was any p120 in the p185 preparation, the p120 could be separated from p185 by chromatography on a Superose 12 column. Using the p120 and p185 as calibrators, we have established two microplate sandwich immunoassays: one measures both p185 and p120 (total assay) and the other is specific for the p185. Since capturing and detecting antibodies used in the total assay react against the extracellular domain of the c-erbB-2 oncoprotein, they can therefore be used to measure the p120 in serum and p185 in breast tumor tissue cytosol. On the other hand, the p185 specific assay uses the capturing antibody against the cytosolic domain of the oncoprotein and consequently can only measure p185 in breast tumor tissue cytosol.  相似文献   

Long-term prognosis, pharmacological prophylaxis and transcatheter ablation in a large group of patients with idiopathic verapamil-responsive left ventricular tachycardia (IVRLVT) are reported in this study. Thirty-three patients with a mean age of 27 +/- 16 years at their first IVRLVT episode, were studied retrospectively. Ventricular tachycardia was of the right bundle branch block morphology in all cases, with left axis deviation in 29 and right axis deviation in five (one patient had the two morphologies). Mitral valve prolapse was present in four patients; no heart disease was found in the remaining 29. Ventricular tachycardia could be electrophysiologically induced in 90% of the patients; Holter monitoring showed only sporadic ventricular extrasystoles in 76%; late potentials were found in 33% of the cases. At the end of a follow-up of 5.7 +/- 4.7 years, no patient had died. Thirty-one patients (94%) received a mean of 2.5 +/- 1.2 drugs; beta-blockers were effective in 71% of the cases, verapamil in 25%, class 1 drugs in 22%, class 3 drugs in 18%. Two patients who never received prophylaxis and four in whom it was stopped, were controlled with verapamil in case of recurrence. Six patients underwent catheter ablation; two with DC shock in whom it was successful in one, and four with radiofrequency energy, with a total success rate. The good prognosis of IVRLVT has been confirmed in a long-term follow-up; a new finding is the high efficacy of beta-blockers for prophylaxis. Radiofrequency transcatheter ablation is an effective and safe therapy for patients with symptoms not controlled by drug treatment.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine whether an aerobic endurance training program (AET) in comparison to normal daily activities improves exercise capacity in lung transplant recipients. PATIENTS AND STUDY DESIGN: Nine lung transplant recipients (12+/-6 months after transplant) were examined. All patients underwent incremental bicycle ergometry with the work rate increased in increments of 20 W every 3 min. Identical exercise tests were performed after 11+/-5 weeks of normal daily activities and then after a 6-week AET. The weekly aerobic training time increased from 60 min at the beginning to 120 min during the last week. Training intensity ranged from 30 to 60% of the maximum heart rate reserve. RESULTS: Normal daily activities had no effect on exercise performance. The AET induced a significant decrease in resting minute ventilation from 14+/-5 to 11+/-3 L/min. At an identical, submaximal level of exercise, a significant decrease in minute ventilation from 47+/-14 L/min to 39+/-13 L/min and heart rate from 144+/-12 to 133+/-17 beats/min, before and after the AET, was noted. The increase in peak oxygen uptake after AET was statistically significant (1.13+/-0.32 to 1.26+/-0.27 L/min). CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that normal daily activities do not affect exercise performance in lung transplant recipients > or = 6 months after lung transplantation. An AET improves submaximal and peak exercise performance significantly.  相似文献   

Symptoms of conduct disorder (CD), antisocial personality disorder (ASP), alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and somatization were tabulated for the families of 35 delinquent, substance-abusing (multiple-problem) adolescent male probands and 35 age-matched control males. Alcohol abuse, CD/ASP, and somatization were assessed with either the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) (for participants aged 18 and up) or the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents (DICA) (for participants aged 12 to 17). Drug abuse for all participants was assessed with the Substance Abuse Module (SAM) of the Comprehensive Interview for Diagnostic Evaluation (CIDE). As expected, proband groups had significantly more (p < .0001) CD/ASP, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse symptoms than control groups. A significant (p < .01) positive correlation among CD/ASP, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse was found for each group. Somatization was not differentially associated with proband status. It was concluded that identifying male multiple-problem youths also identifies families with a high incidence of similar problems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been claimed that patients with sick sinus syndrome have an increased risk of developing AV block, but this has never been assessed prospectively. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in a prospective trial AV conduction during the long-term follow-up of patients with sick sinus syndrome. METHODS: Two hundred twenty-five consecutive patients with sick sinus syndrome and intact AV conduction were randomized to undergo single-chamber atrial pacing (110 patients) or single-chamber ventricular pacing (115 patients). Follow-up after 3 months and then yearly included measurement of the PQ interval and, in patients with atrial pacemakers, determination of the atrial stimulus-Q intervals at pacing rates of 100 and 120 bpm. The occurrence of AV block in the atrial group was recorded. During follow-up (mean, 5.5+/-2.4 years), there was no change in PQ interval in either group and no change in atrial stimulus-Q intervals or Wenckebach block point in the atrial group. Four of 110 patients in the atrial group developed grade 2 to 3 AV block that required upgrading of the pacemaker (0.6% per year). Two of these 4 patients had right bundle-branch block at pacemaker implantation. CONCLUSIONS: AV conduction, estimated as PQ interval and atrial stimulus-Q interval at atrial pacing rates of 100 and 120 bpm and the Wenckebach block point, remains stable during long-term follow-up. Thus, treatment with single-chamber atrial pacing is safe and can be recommended to patients with sick sinus syndrome without bundle-branch block.  相似文献   

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