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Colorless distributed combustion (CDC) investigated here is focused on gas turbine combustion applications due to its significant benefits for, much reduced NOx emissions and noise reduction, and significantly improved pattern factor. CDC is characterized by distributed reaction zone of combustion which leads to uniform thermal field and avoidance of hot spot regions to provide significant improvement in pattern factor, lower sound levels and reduced NOx emission. Mixing between the combustion air and product gases to form hot and diluted oxidant prior to its mixing with the fuel is critical so that one must determine the most suitable mixing conditions to minimize the ignition delay. Spontaneous ignition of the fuel occurs to provide distributed reaction combustion conditions. The above requirements can be met with different configuration of fuel and air injections with carefully characterized flow field distribution within the combustion zone. This study examines four different sample configurations to achieve colorless distributed combustion conditions that reveal no visible color of the flame. They include a baseline diffusion flame configuration and three other configurations that provide conditions close to distributed combustion conditions. For all four modes same fuel and air injection diameters are used to examine the effect of flow field configuration on combustion characteristics. The results are compared from the four different configurations on flow field and fuel/air mixing using numerical simulations and with experiments using global flame signatures, exhaust emissions, acoustic signatures, and thermal field. Both numerical simulations and experiments are performed at a constant heat load of 25 kW, using methane as the fuel at atmospheric pressure using normal temperature air and fuel. Lower NOx and CO emissions, better thermal field uniformity, and lower acoustic levels have been observed when the flame approached CDC mode as compared to the baseline case of a diffusion flame. The reaction zone is observed to be uniformly distributed over the entire combustor volume when the visible flame signatures approached CDC mode.  相似文献   

This study examines hydrogen-enriched kerosene combustion under distributed regime in a gas turbine combustion chamber. With hydrogen enrichment, it is aimed at increasing combustion performance of those fuels. However, in this circumstance, it is obvious to increase the flame temperature with taking place hydrogen enrichment. Thus colorless distributed combustion (CDC), which is one of the advanced combustion techniques, can be suggested to control flame temperature with slowing down the reaction rate, resulting in ultra-low NOX emissions and more uniform temperature distribution with a broadened flame. For this purpose, the hydrogen-enriched kerosene fuels were examined by modeling a CFD code using the eddy dissipation concept, the radiation model (P-1) and the turbulence model (standard k-ε). In this way, the thermal fields and the NOX distributions have been obtained. The results showed that hydrogen enrichment increased the flame temperatures from about 2490 K to 2605 K at air-combustion conditions until 30% H2, resulting in the NOX levels predicted increased in the combustor. With reducing oxygen percentage the flame started to be the broadened one. The flame temperatures decreased, for instance, from about 2605 K to 2230 K at 15% O2 for the 30% H2 containing fuel. As a result of this, the NOX levels reduced from about 30 ppm to the values lower than 1 ppm in the combustor. It is concluded that increments in temperature and NOX levels with hydrogen can be suppressed with distributed regime, which enables that gas turbines can be operated at wider flammability limits with hydrogen enrichment.  相似文献   

New innovative advanced combustion design methodology for gas turbine applications is presented that is focused on the quest towards zero emissions. The new design methodology is called colorless distributed combustion (CDC) and is significantly different from the currently used methodology. In this paper forward flow modes of CDC have been investigated for application to gas turbine combustors. The CDC provides significant improvement in pattern factor, reduced NOx emission and uniform thermal field in the entire combustion zone for it to be called as an isothermal reactor. Basic requirement for CDC is carefully tailored mixture preparation through good mixing between the combustion air and product gases prior to rapid mixing with fuel so that the reactants are at much higher temperature to result in hot and diluted oxidant stream at temperatures that are high enough to autoignite the fuel and oxidant mixture. With desirable conditions one can achieve spontaneous ignition of the fuel with distributed combustion reactions. Distributed reactions can also be achieved in premixed mode of operation with sufficient entrainment of burned gases and faster turbulent mixing between the reactants. In the present investigation forward flow modes consisting of two non-premixed combustion modes and one premixed combustion mode have been examined that provide potential for CDC. In all the configurations the air injection port is positioned at the opposite side of the combustor exit, whereas the location of fuel injection ports is changed to give different configurations. Two combustion geometries resulting in thermal intensity of 5 MW/m3-atm and 28 MW/m3-atm are investigated. Increase in thermal intensity (lower combustion volume) presents many challenges, such as, lower residence time, lower recirculation of gases and effect of confinement on jet characteristics. The results are presented on the global flame signatures, exhaust emissions, and radical emissions using experiments and flowfield using numerical simulations. Ultra-low NOx emissions are found for both the premixed and non-premixed combustion modes at the two thermal intensities investigated here. Almost colorless flames (no visible flame signatures) have been observed for the premixed combustion mode. The reaction zone is observed to be significantly different in the two non-premixed modes. Higher thermal intensity case resulted in lower recirculation of gases within the combustion chamber and higher CO levels, possibly due to lower associated residence time. The characteristics at the two thermal intensity combustors investigated here were found to be similar.  相似文献   

This study aims at investigating the combustion characteristics of methane and a hydrogen-rich fuel on distributed regime in a combustor with high internal recirculation as distributed regime can achieve with highly internal entrainment. The model validation was first taken place with the existing experimental results under non-reacting conditions, and it is demonstrated that the mean velocity profiles predicted are in satisfactorily good agreement with the existing data in the combustor. Then, the methane and the hydrogen-rich fuel were consumed at an equivalence ratio of 0.8 and a thermal power of 10 kW under distributed conditions which means that oxygen concentration in the oxidizer is reduced from 21% to 15% along with internal entrainment for each fuel used. The results showed that the velocity magnitudes increased in the combustor with decrease in oxygen concentration because of diluent introduction. Moreover, distributed regime enabled uniformly temperature field inside the combustor together with the ultra-low NOX values with introducing the diluent. In addition, one can say that the maximum temperature and the outlet NOX values (1800 K and 27.60 ppm at 21% O2 – 1450 K and 0.05 ppm at 15% O2 for methane, 2000 K and 32.47 ppm at 21% O2 – 1700 K and 0.19 ppm at 15% O2 for the hydrogen-rich fuel) were relatively higher while combusting the hydrogen-rich fuel compared to those of methane due to the presence of hydrogen. However, It is concluded that distributed regime provided uniformly temperature fields and ultra-low NOX levels even the hydrogen-rich fuel is used.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen addition in methane-air premixed flames has been examined from a swirl-stabilized combustor under confined conditions. The effect of hydrogen addition in methane-air flame has been examined over a range of conditions using a laboratory-scale premixed combustor operated at 5.81 kW. Different swirlers have been investigated to identify the role of swirl strength to the incoming mixture. The flame stability was examined for the effect of amount of hydrogen addition, combustion air flow rates and swirl strengths. This was carried out by comparing adiabatic flame temperatures at the lean flame limit. The combustion characteristics of hydrogen-enriched methane flames at constant heat load but different swirl strengths have been examined using particle image velocimetry (PIV), micro-thermocouples and OH chemiluminescence diagnostics that provided information on velocity, thermal field, and combustion generated OH species concentration in the flame, respectively. Gas analyzer was used to obtain NOx and CO concentration at the combustor exit. The results show that the lean stability limit is extended by hydrogen addition. The stability limit can reduce at higher swirl intensity to the fuel-air mixture operating at lower adiabatic flame temperatures. The addition of hydrogen increases the NOx emission; however, this effect can be reduced by increasing either the excess air or swirl intensity. The emissions of NOx and CO from the premixed flame were also compared with a diffusion flame type combustor. The NOx emissions of hydrogen-enriched methane premixed flame were found to be lower than the corresponding diffusion flame under same operating conditions for the fuel-lean case.  相似文献   

Industrial gas turbines fuelled by fossil fuels have been used widely in power generation and combined heat and power for many years. However they have to meet severe NOxNOx, CO and CO2CO2 (greenhouse effect) emissions legislation in many countries. This paper reports a study on injection of small quantities of hydrogen in a hydrocarbon fuelled burner like additionally fuel to reduce the pollutants emissions. Hydrogen is injected in the primary zone, premixed with the air. Using this injection together lean primary zone, it is possible to reduce the NOxNOx level while CO an HC levels remains approximately constant.  相似文献   

This paper aims to present modeling results of hydrogen/air combustion in a micro-cylindrical combustor. Modeling studies were carried out with different turbulence models to evaluate performance of these models in micro combustion simulations by using a commercially available computational fluid dynamics code. Turbulence models implemented in this study are Standard k-ε, Renormalization Group k-ε, Realizable k-ε, and Reynolds Stress Transport. A three-dimensional micro combustor model was built to investigate impact of various turbulence models on combustion and emission behavior of studied hydrogen/air flames. Performance evaluation of these models was executed by examining combustor outer wall temperature distribution; combustor centerline temperature, velocity, pressure, species and NOx profiles. Combustion reaction scheme with 9 species and 19 steps was modeled using Eddy Dissipation Concept model. Results obtained from this study were validated with published experimental data. Numerical results showed that two equation turbulence models give consistent simulation results with published experimental data by means of trend and value. Renormalization Group k-ε model was found to give consistent simulation results with experimental data, whereas Reynolds Stress Model was failed to predict detailed features of combustion process.  相似文献   

In this paper reverse flow modes of colorless distributed combustion (CDC) have been investigated for application to gas turbine combustors. Rapid mixing between the injected fuel and hot oxidizer has been carefully explored for spontaneous ignition of the mixture to achieve distributed combustion reactions. Distributed reactions can be achieved in premixed, partially premixed or non-premixed modes of combustor operation with sufficient entrainment of burned gases and faster turbulent mixing between the reactants. In the present investigation reverse flow modes consisting of three configurations at thermal intensity of 28 MW/m3-atm and five configurations at thermal intensity of 57 MW/m3-atm have been investigated and these high thermal loadings represent characteristic gas turbine combustion conditions. In all the configurations the air injection port is positioned at the combustor exit end, whereas the location of fuel injection ports is changed to give different configurations. The results are presented on the exhaust emissions and radical emissions using experiments, and evaluation of flowfield using numerical simulations. Ultra-low NOx emissions were found for both the premixed and non-premixed combustion modes investigated here. Cross-flow configuration, wherein the fuel is injected at high velocity cross stream to the air jet resulted in characteristics closest to premixed combustion mode. Change in fuel injection location resulted in changing the combustion characteristics from closer to diffusion mode to distributed regime. This feature is beneficial for part load operation where higher stability limit is desirable.  相似文献   

In this paper, entropy generation in hydrogen enriched ultra-lean counter-flow methane–air premixed combustion confined by planar opposing jets is investigated for the first time. The effects of the effective equivalence ratio and volume percentage of hydrogen in fuel blends on entropy generation are studied by numerical evaluating the entropy generation equation. The lattice Boltzmann model proposed in our previous work, instead of traditional numerical methods, is used to solve the governing equations for combustion process. Through the present study, four interesting features of this kind of combustion, which are quite different from that reported in previous literature on entropy generation analysis for hydrogen enriched methane–air combustion, are revealed. For a given effective equivalence ratio, the total entropy generation number can be approximated as a linear increasing function of the volume percentage of hydrogen in fuel blends for all cases investigated in the present study.  相似文献   

In this study, an electrolyser was used to supply hydrogen to the SI engine. Firstly, the appropriate operation point for the electrolyser was determined by adjusting the amount of KOH in the electrolyte to 5%, 10%, 20% and 30% by mass, and applying 12 V, 16 V, 20 V, 24 V and 28 V voltages. Tests were first carried out with the gasoline without the use of an electrolyser, followed by operating the electrolyser at the appropriate point and sending obtained H2 and O2 to the engine in addition to the gasoline. The SI engine was operated between 2500 rpm and 3500 rpm engine speeds with and without hydrogen addition. Cylinder pressure, the amount of gasoline, H2 and O2 consumed by the engine and the emission data were collected from the test system at the aforementioned engine speeds. Furthermore, indicated engine torque, indicated specific energy consumption, specific emissions and HRR values were calculated. According to the results obtained, improvement in ISEC values was observed, and CO and THC values were improved by up to 21.3% and 86.1% respectively. Even though the dramatic increase in NOx emissions cannot be averted, they can be controlled by equipment such as EGR three-way catalytic converter.  相似文献   

The addition of hydrogen to the natural gas feedstocks of midsize (30–150 MW) gas turbines was analyzed as a method of reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx)(NOx) and CO2CO2 emissions. In particular, the costs of hydrogen addition were evaluated against the combined costs for other current NOxNOx and CO2CO2 emissions control technologies for both existing and new systems to determine its benefits and market feasibility. Markets for NOxNOx emissions credits currently exist in California and the Northeast States and are expected to grow. Although regulations are not currently in place in the United States, several other countries have implemented carbon tax and carbon credit programs. The analysis thus assumes that the United States adopts future legislation similar to these programs. Therefore, potential sale of emissions credits for volunteer retrofits was also included in the study. It was found that hydrogen addition is a competitive alternative to traditional emissions abatement techniques under certain conditions. The existence of carbon credits shifts the system economics in favor of hydrogen addition.  相似文献   

The effects of hydrogen addition on the forced response of H2/CH4 flames are analyzed in a dual-nozzle swirl-stabilized combustor. The hydrogen volumetric content in the fuel is varied from 0% to 40%. Flame transfer function (FTF) is used to compare the forced response of the flames. The FTF gain featuring the local maximum and minimum values, which occurred commonly in the FTFs under all hydrogen contents, is determined by two different mechanisms: the change in the flame angle and the flame roll-up phenomenon. Among two mechanisms, the flame roll-up phenomenon has a more important role in determining the FTF characteristics. In addition, hydrogen addition attenuates the local maximum gains and decreases the FTF phase slope. The change in the flame roll-up behavior, which is induced by a short and compact flame distribution at high hydrogen contents, is the primary reason of these differences in the FTF.  相似文献   

Overcoming diesel engine emissions trade-off effects, especially NOx and Bosch smoke number (BSN), requires investigation of novel systems which can potentially serve the automobile industry towards further emissions reduction. Enrichment of the intake charge with H2 + N2 containing gas mixture, obtained from diesel fuel reforming system, can lead to new generation low polluting diesel engines.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the effects of separate hydrogen and nitrogen addition on the emissions and combustion of a diesel engine was performed and the results are presented in the current paper.  相似文献   

To understand the combustion performance of using hydrogen/methane blended fuels for a micro gas turbine that was originally designed as a natural gas fueled engine, the combustion characteristics of a can combustor has been modeled and the effects of hydrogen addition were investigated. The simulations were performed with three-dimensional compressible k-ε turbulent flow model and presumed probability density function for chemical reaction. The combustion and emission characteristics with a variable volumetric fraction of hydrogen from 0% to 90% were studied. As hydrogen is substituted for methane at a fixed fuel injection velocity, the flame temperatures become higher, but lower fuel flow rate and heat input at higher hydrogen substitution percentages cause a power shortage. To apply the blended fuels at a constant fuel flow rate, the flame temperatures are increased with increasing hydrogen percentages. This will benefit the performance of gas turbine, but the cooling and the NOx emissions are the primary concerns. While fixing a certain heat input to the engine with blended fuels, wider but shorter flames at higher hydrogen percentages are found, but the substantial increase of CO emission indicates a decrease in combustion efficiency. Further modifications including fuel injection and cooling strategies are needed for the micro gas turbine engine with hydrogen/methane blended fuel as an alternative.  相似文献   

Colorless distributed combustion (CDC) has been shown to provide significant improvement in gas turbine combustor performance. Colorless distributed combustion with swirl is investigated here to develop ultra-low emissions of NO and CO, and significantly improved pattern factor. Experimental investigations have been performed using a cylindrical geometry combustor with swirling air injection and axial hot gas exit stream from the combustor. Air was injected tangentially to impart swirl to the flow inside the combustor. The results obtained from the combustor have demonstrated very low levels of NO (∼3 PPM) and CO (∼70 PPM) emissions at an equivalence ratio of 0.7 and a high heat release intensity of 36 MW/m3-atm under non-premixed combustion. To further simulate gas turbine operating conditions, inlet air to the combustor was preheated to 600 K temperature and the combustor operated at 2 atm pressure. Results showed very low levels of CO (∼10 PPM) but the NO increased somewhat to ∼10 PPM at an equivalence ratio of 0.5 and heat release intensity of 22.5 MW/m3-atm under non-premixed combustion conditions. For premixed combustion, the combustor demonstrated low levels of both NO (5 PPM) and CO (8 PPM) at an equivalence ratio of 0.6 and a heat release intensity of 27 MW/m3-atm. Results are reported at different equivalence ratios on the emission of NO and CO, lean stability limit and OH* chemiluminescence. These results suggest that further performance improvement can be achieved with improved fuel mixture preparation prior to the ignition of fuel at higher operational pressures using swirling combustor design for our quest to develop ultra low emission high intensity combustor for gas turbine application.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of vortex core precession on flame flashback of swirl-stabilised hydrogen flames. Theoretical considerations suggest that the angular velocity of a swirling flow is reduced as vortex precession causes it to acquire an eccentric motion around the central axis of the burner. The eccentric motion of the vortex generates a secondary flow, which is thought to reduce the angular velocity and tangential momentum available to the primary flow, and thereby reduce the flashback propensity at the centre of the vortex core. Experiments measuring the influence of the eccentric motion of the flame tip on flame flashback behaviour were conducted using high-speed sequences of OH*-chemiluminescence images. Temporal analysis of a large sample of images revealed the existence of a systematic rotational frequency of the flame tip around the central axis of the burner. Analysis of the radial position of the flame tip in relation to its axial propagation velocity showed that flashback velocity increased as the flame tip eccentricity approached zero and flashback velocity decreased as the eccentricity amplitude of the flame tip reached larger values. This suggested that flame eccentricity caused by vortex core precession may be detrimental to upstream flame propagation and may be effective in inhibiting flame flashback in swirl-stabilised flames.  相似文献   

Regarding the limited fossil fuel reserves, the renewable ethanol has been considered as one of the substitutional fuels for spark ignition (SI) engines. But due to its high latent heat, ethanol is usually hard to be well evaporated to form the homogeneous fuel–air mixture at low temperatures, e.g., at idle condition. Compared with ethanol, hydrogen possesses many unique combustion and physicochemical properties that help improve combustion process. In this paper, the performance of a hydrogen-enriched SI ethanol engine under idle and stoichiometric conditions was investigated. The experiment was performed on a modified 1.6 L SI engine equipped with a hydrogen port-injection system. The ethanol was injected into the intake ports using the original engine gasoline injection system. A self-developed hybrid electronic control unit (HECU) was adopted to govern the opening and closing of hydrogen and ethanol injectors. The spark timing and idle bypass valve opening were governed by the engine original electronic control unit (OECU), so that the engine could operate under its original target idle speed for each testing point. The engine was first fueled with the pure ethanol and then hydrogen volume fraction in the total intake gas was gradually increased through increasing hydrogen injection duration. For a specified hydrogen addition level, ethanol flow rate was reduced to keep the hydrogen–ethanol–air mixture at stoichiometric condition. The test results showed that hydrogen addition was effective on reducing cyclic variations and improving indicated thermal efficiency of an ethanol engine at idle. The fuel energy flow rate was reduced by 20% when hydrogen volume fraction in the intake rose from 0% to 6.38%. Both flame development and propagation periods were shortened with the increase of hydrogen blending ratio. The heat transfer to the coolant was decreased and the degree of constant volume combustion was enhanced after hydrogen addition. HC and CO emissions were first reduced and then increased with the increase of hydrogen blending fraction. The acetaldehyde emission from the hydrogen-enriched ethanol engine is lower than that from the pure ethanol engine. However, the addition of hydrogen tended to increase NOx emissions from the ethanol engine at idle and stoichiometric conditions.  相似文献   

Hydrogen has many excellent combustion properties that can be used for improving combustion and emissions performance of gasoline-fueled spark ignition (SI) engines. In this paper, an experimental study was carried out on a four-cylinder 1.6 L engine to explore the effect of hydrogen addition on enhancing the engine lean operating performance. The engine was modified to realize hydrogen port injection by installing four hydrogen injectors in the intake manifolds. The injection timings and durations of hydrogen and gasoline were governed by a self-developed electronic control unit (DECU) according to the commands from a calibration computer. The engine was run at 1400 rpm, a manifold absolute pressure (MAP) of 61.5 kPa and various excess air ratios. Two hydrogen volume fractions in the total intake of 3% and 6% were applied to check the effect of hydrogen addition fraction on engine combustion. The test results showed that brake thermal efficiency was improved and kept roughly constant in a wide range of excess air ratio after hydrogen addition, the maximum brake thermal efficiency was increased from 26.37% of the original engine to 31.56% of the engine with a 6% hydrogen blending level. However, brake mean effective pressure (Bmep) was decreased by hydrogen addition at stoichiometric conditions, but when the engine was further leaned out Bmep increased with the increase of hydrogen addition fraction. The flame development and propagation durations, cyclic variation, HC and CO2 emissions were reduced with hydrogen addition. When excess air ratio was approaching stoichiometric conditions, CO emission tended to increase with the addition of hydrogen. However, when the engine was gradually leaned out, CO emission from the hydrogen-enriched engine was lower than the original one. NOx emissions increased with the increase of hydrogen addition due to the raised cylinder temperature.  相似文献   

The present study investigates freely propagating methane/hydrogen lean-premixed laminar flames at elevated pressures to understand the hydrogen addition effect of natural gas on the NO formation under the conditions of industrial gas turbine combustors. The detailed chemical kinetic model which was used in the previous study on the NO formation in high pressure methane/air premixed flames was adopted for the present study to analyze NO formation of methane/hydrogen premixed flames. The present mechanism shows good agreement with experimental data for methane/hydrogen mixtures, including ignition delay times, laminar burning velocities, and NO concentration in premixed flames. Hydrogen addition to methane/air mixtures with maintaining methane content leads to the increase of NO concentration in laminar premixed flames due to the higher flame temperature. Methane/hydrogen/argon/air premixed flames are simulated to avoid the flame temperature effect on NO formation over a pressure range of 1–20atm and equivalence ratio of 0.55. Kinetic analyses shows that the N2O mechanism is important on NO formation for lean flames between the reaction zone and postflame region, and thermal NO is dominant in the postflame zone. The hydrogen addition leads to the increase of NO formation from prompt NO and NNH mechanisms, while NO formation from thermal and N2O mechanisms are decreased. Additionally, the NO formation in the postflame zone has positive pressure dependencies for thermal NO with an exponent of 0.5. Sensitivity analysis results identify that the initiation reaction step for the thermal NO and the N2O mechanism related reactions are sensitive to NO formation near the reaction zone.  相似文献   

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