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Criminal profiling is an important tool employed by law enforcement agencies in their investigations. Criminal profiling is much more than an educated guess; it requires a scientific-based methodology. Cyber crimes are occurring at an alarming rate globally. Law enforcement agencies follow similar techniques to traditional crimes. As is the case in traditional criminal investigation, cyber criminal profiling is a key component in cyber crime investigations as well. This paper examines cyber criminal profiling techniques prevalent today, including inductive and deductive profiling, and the need for employing a hybrid technique that incorporates both inductive and deductive profiling. This paper proposes a cyber criminal profiling methodology based on the hybrid technique. Criminal behavior and characteristics are identified by analyzing the data against a predefined set of metrics.  相似文献   

针对各类网络违法犯罪活动日益泛滥的严峻形势,文章介绍了美国等西方互联网发达国家在立法、执法、司法、社会监督等方面已形成的相对成熟运作体系,以及在防治网络违法犯罪方面取得的经验,对加强网络安全监管及打击网络违法犯罪等方面都启示颇多.该文提出了应结合中国具体国情,从推进立法、明确服务商责任、推行网络实名制、推进全社会共同监管和加强国际交流合作等方面来开展治理工作,多种措施并举防治网络违法犯罪.  相似文献   

If mere ever was a glimmer of hope for me utopian paperless law office, it has long since vanished. Gone are the notions of unlimited online access to court dockets, filing of briefs over the Internet, and fully stocked cyber law libraries. In their place has come the Virtual Magistrate Project, a joint venture of the Cyberspace Institute, the American Arbitration Association, the National Center for Automated Information Research, and the Villanova Center for Information Law and Policy. The Virtual Magistrate is the first rapid-response, online dispute resolution system designed to arbitrate on issues of online messages and postings.  相似文献   

Preventing, detecting, investigating, and prosecuting economic crimes must become a priority in order to lessen their impact on the economy and the public's confidence. Law enforcement, as it stands now, is in danger of slipping further behind the highly sophisticated criminals. These needs and challenges can only be accomplished with the cooperation of the private, public, and international sectors. All stakeholders must be more willing to exchange information on the effect economic and cyber crime has on them and on the methods they are using to detect and prevent it.  相似文献   

Although, the Latent Damage System was produced in the late 1980s, Susskind—a co‐developer—asserts in his latest book that this and similar systems will have a profound influence upon the future direction and practice of law, by bringing about a shift in the legal paradigm (Susskind, The Future of Law Facing the Challenges of Information Technology, 2996. pp. 105, 286). As part of the research into the conflict which, in my view, exists between the artificial intelligence and law movement and adversarial argumentation in the litigatory process, I analyse the claims and objectives made by the developers of the Latent Damage System and suggest that the current technological know‐how is incapable of representing dynamic, adversarial, legal environments. In consequence, I contend that intelligent‐based applications cannot provide an authentic and automatic access to resolving adversarial legal disputes.  相似文献   

Globally, millions of individuals are victims of sex trafficking and are compelled to perform sexual acts through force, fraud, or coercion. Law enforcement agencies, non-profit organisations, and social entrepreneurs increasingly are using information technology as a resource to locate, identify, and rescue victims and find, arrest, and convict traffickers. In this qualitative case study, we partnered with a non-profit organisation that trains law enforcement officers to use information technology to counter sex trafficking. For this research study, we observed training courses, interviewed law enforcement officers and non-profit staff, and reviewed technology usage logs and other data sources. Some officers readily used the new information technology post-training, while others failed to use the new technology. Using conservation of resources theory as a sensitising lens, we identify two factors affecting the use of new technology post-training: the level of organisational resources available to individuals and the individual's perceptions of the new information technology as a resource. With these findings, we develop the Resources Model of Information Technology Use to explain how perceptions of organisational and technology resources affect information technology usage patterns and outcomes.  相似文献   

现代生活中计算机网络已经越来越普及,在人们享受网络科技带来的快捷方便的同时,网络犯罪也悄悄潜入了人们的生活,黑客病毒、网络诈骗以及色情暴力信息随着网络如潮水般涌来,对网络犯罪进行防控已经刻不容缓。本文简要介绍了目前网络犯罪的特点,然后从心理学的角度分析了网络犯罪形成的原因,最后针对网络犯罪心理的成因,从政府部门的角度提出了一些预防措施。  相似文献   

“维基解密”事件较典型的反映了当前网络犯罪的特征和类型。对网络犯罪的处理,既要传承传统的刑法规则和刑法理论,又要适当根据新情况进行立法调整。网络犯罪包括两种类型,一种是以网络信息系统为对象的犯罪,这类犯罪符合全新的犯罪构成要件,应由刑事立法单独规定为新类型犯罪;另一种是以网络信息系统为工具的犯罪,这类犯罪侵害的是传统法益,只是行为方式、社会危害稍有不同。国内当前刑事立法也正是反映了这一分类思想。  相似文献   

Mary Boone     

Preventing, detecting, investigating, and prosecuting economic crimes must become a priority in order to lessen their impact on the economy and the public's confidence. Law enforcement, as it stands now, is in danger of slipping further behind the highly sophisticated criminals. These needs and challenges can only be accomplished with the cooperation of the private, public, and international sectors. All stakeholders must be more willing to exchange information on the effect economic and cyber crime has on them and on the methods they are using to detect and prevent it.  相似文献   

The Government of India has recognized that the impressive growth the country has achieved since the mid-1980s in Information Technology (IT) is still a small proportion of the potential to achieve. Accordingly, it has resolved to make India a Global IT Superpower and a front-runner in the age of the Information Revolution. It considers IT as an agent of transformation of every facet of human life, which will bring about knowledge based society in the twenty-first century. This paper focuses on policies and procedures for removing bottlenecks and achieving a pre-eminent status for India in the area of IT.  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2008,10(3):56-59
As the threat of malicious activity through the Internet increased, the US government began reviewing protection requirements for national and international security systems. Legislation resulting from this review included the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, and the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 (also known as the Clinger-Cohen Act). This legislation sought to foster trust between the government and the public through significant security improvements in these systems. To this end, it the government established a peer-review process we've come to know as certification and accreditation, or C&A.  相似文献   

《Micro, IEEE》2007,27(1):124-126
The SCPA (Semiconductor Chip Protection Act) is an intellectual property law that Congress passed in 1984 to protect the US semiconductor industry from so-called chip piracy - the copying of IC layouts by what amounted to photoor xerographic duplication - which was then widespread. The SCPA combines aspects of copyright law and patent law; in some ways it differs from both of them. The Senate originally passed the SCPA as a part of an amendment to the US Copyright Law. In addition to the compromise preserving reverse engineering while prohibiting outright copying, the SCPA contains a compromise over the kind of subject matter that it protects: ideas, concepts, and principles cannot be protected from adoption by others. Similar to ideas and principles, layout features that function dictates cannot be monopolized under the SCPA  相似文献   

Policy actions against various cyberspace crimes should respond both systematically and specifically to the nature of each crime and its accompanying evidence. Voice phishing as an emerging internet fraud practice has already victimized many unsuspecting consumers and hit the headlines frequently; cyber prostitution, pornography, illegal duplication of software, and online gambling have also become routine problems. Anonymity and facelessness in cyberspace distort one’s sense of guilt and allow for rapid collection, modification, and distribution of illegal and harmful information that disrupts social order and public safety. The purpose of this research is to examine the concept and type of cyber crime and to trace its trend in the Republic of Korea in the recent years. Due to its informational, national, global, and networking properties, cyber crime often puts serious restraints on conventional criminal justice procedures that cannot compromise such legal issues as individual safety and protection of privacy. If made accessible, information stored in private computers has potential to serve as decisive evidence in many criminal litigations. The Korean criminal procedure law promulgated on July 18, 2011 and enforced since January 1, 2012 contains an express provision permitting the search and seizure of digital evidence. But this partial code does not explicitly define the admissibility of digital evidence and acceptable methods of examining it. Hence, it is one of the goals of this research to identify problems pertaining to this law and suggest ways to improve it.  相似文献   

Customization is part of an audit planning exercise that addresses the issue of implementation of a broad audit framework for the achievement of the most desired audit outcomes for the audit client. Leading frameworks such as Control OBjectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) that have successfully been used as an audit framework have changed focus from audit to complex governance and management framework, leaving audit professionals with the challenge to figure out how to configure it into an auditing tool. The framers of COBIT 5 recommend to Information Technology (IT) auditors to apply professional judgment, experience, and IT skills for the customization of the framework for their desired audit goals. This, however, has been controversial in theory and cumbersome in practice and no solution has yet been found for the problem. In this research, we use an Action Design Research approach to design a model for performing objective customization of COBIT 5 for better outcomes as the solution. We found that the Viable Systems Model’s Indices from the cybernetics science paradigm and the Process Assessment Model were relevant to achieve this goal. The resulting solution designed provides a more efficient, teachable, and simpler technique in the selection of substantive procedures for desired audit outcomes. The model can be very cost effective, save audit time, and reduce audit failure exposure.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the Information Technology requirements of the National Curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science and Design and Technology as they apply to key stages 1 and 2 (5 –11-year-olds), and to suggest the minimum knowledge and skills required by primary school teachers in order to meet the statutory requirements of the 1988 Education Reform Act.  相似文献   

关于信息过滤模型的探讨   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
信息过滤技术已是当今信息技术研究的热点。该文主要是针对信息过滤模型的研究,介绍了布尔模型、向量空间模型和潜在语义索引三种信息过滤模型。并就其概念、方法和意义进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, law enforcement agencies solved approximately three to five percent of the reported residential burglaries in 2012. Internationally, studies suggest that a large proportion of crimes are committed by a minority of offenders. Law enforcement agencies, consequently, are required to detect series of crimes, or linked crimes. Comparison of crime reports today is difficult as no systematic or structured way of reporting crimes exists, and no ability to search multiple crime reports exist.This study presents a systematic data collection method for residential burglaries. A decision support system for comparing and analysing residential burglaries is also presented. The decision support system consists of an advanced search tool and a plugin-based analytical framework. In order to find similar crimes, law enforcement officers have to review a large amount of crimes. The potential use of the cut-clustering algorithm to group crimes to reduce the amount of crimes to review for residential burglary analysis based on characteristics is investigated. The characteristics used are modus operandi, residential characteristics, stolen goods, spatial similarity, or temporal similarity.Clustering quality is measured using the modularity index and accuracy is measured using the rand index. The clustering solution with the best quality performance score were residential characteristics, spatial proximity, and modus operandi, suggesting that the choice of which characteristic to use when grouping crimes can positively affect the end result. The results suggest that a high quality clustering solution performs significantly better than a random guesser. In terms of practical significance, the presented clustering approach is capable of reduce the amounts of cases to review while keeping most connected cases. While the approach might miss some connections, it is also capable of suggesting new connections. The results also suggest that while crime series clustering is feasible, further investigation is needed.  相似文献   

分布式计算在Web信息检索中的应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
web信息检索技术是当前研究的热门课题,本文是继上一篇文章<>在信息检索方面提出的分布式检索算法的研究,提出了检索的结构模型,检索算法。  相似文献   

According to Russian Federation Ministry of the Interior data, damages inflicted by computer crimes run into the rouble equivalent of billions of US dollars. Law enforcement agencies are trying hard to combat these crimes, says Deputy Head of the Ministry's Main Department for Economic Crimes, Kuzma Shalenkov. In a report for RIA-Novosti, Mr Shalenkov tells a little of the background to such crimes and reports on new legislation designed to tackle this growing problem for Russian and international law enforcement bodies.  相似文献   

This article will show how data privacy is legally recognized and treated in Japan and argue in particular how it can (not) play a role as a tool to combat discrimination in the workplace. The first part will depict a brief history of the development of the ‘right to privacy’ in Japan. This part will also take a look at the national Act on Protection of Personal Information and its complicated enforcement, paying attention to the general legal culture in Japan. The second part will observe other laws which are related to personal data protection and legal protection against discrimination. At the end of this article the author will make a comment on the Japanese data privacy law and its desirable development.  相似文献   

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