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Numerical simulations are performed to study the flame propagation of laminar stratified syngas/air flames with the San Diego mechanism. Effects of fuel stratification, CO/H2 mole ratio and temperature stratification on flame propagation are investigated through comparing the distribution of flame temperature, heat release rate and radical concentration of stratified flame with corresponding homogeneous flame. For stratified flames with fuel rich-to-lean and temperature high-to-low, the flame speeds are faster than homogeneous flames due to more light H radical in stratified flames burned gas. The flame speed is higher for case with larger stratification gradient. Contrary to positive gradient cases, the flame speeds of stratified flames with fuel lean-to-rich as well as with temperature low-to-high are slower than homogeneous flames. The flame propagation accelerates with increasing hydrogen mole ratio due to higher H radical concentration, which indicates that chemical effect is more significant than thermal effect. Additionally, flame displacement speed does not match laminar flame speed due to the fluid continuity. Laminar flame speed is the superposition of flame displacement speed and flow velocity.  相似文献   

Laminar burning velocity, Markstein length, and critical flame radius of an H2/O2 flame with different diluents, He, Ar, N2 and CO2, were measured under elevated pressure with different diluent concentrations. The effects of pressures, diluents, and dilution and equivalence ratios were studied by comparing calculated and experimental results. The laminar burning velocity showed non-monotonic behavior with pressure when the dilution ratio was low. The reason is the radical pool reduced with increasing pressure and leads to the decrease of overall reaction order from larger than 2 to smaller than 2, and further leads to this non-monotonic phenomenon. A modified empirical equation was presented to capture the relationship between active radicals and laminar burning velocity. Critical radii and Markstein lengths both decrease with initial pressure and increase with equivalence ratio and dilution ratio. The calculated critical radii indicate that the Peclet number and flame thickness control the change of Rcr. It can be found that Leeff has a significant influence on Peclet number and leads to the decrease of critical flame radii of Ar, N2, and CO2 diluted mixture. Interestingly, the CO2 diluted mixture has the lowest Markstein length under stoichiometric conditions and a high value under fuel-rich conditions, consistent as the flame instability observed on the flame images. The reason is that the Leeff of CO2 diluted mixture increased rapidly with the equivalence ratio.  相似文献   

Technical limits of high pressure and temperature measurements as well as hydrodynamic and thermo-diffusive instabilities appearing in such conditions prevent the acquisition of reliable results in term of burning velocities, restraining the domain of validity of current laminar flame speed correlations to few bars and hundreds of Kelvin. These limits are even more important when the reactivity of the considered fuel is high. For example, the high-explosive nature of pure hydrogen makes measurements even more tricky and explains why only few correlations are available to describe the laminar flame velocity of high hydrogen blended fuels as CH4-H2 mixtures. The motivation of this study is thereby to complement experimental measurements, by extracting laminar flame speeds and thicknesses from complex chemistry one-dimensional simulations of premixed laminar flames. A wide number of conditions are investigated to cover the whole operating range of common practical combustion systems such as piston engines, gas turbines, industrial burners, etc. Equivalence ratio is then varied from 0.6 to 1.3, hydrogen content in the fuel from 0 to 100%, residual burned gas mass ratio from 0 to 30%, temperature of the fresh mixtures from 300 to 950 K, and pressure from 0.1 to 11.0 MPa. Many chemical kinetics mechanisms are available to describe premixed combustion of CH4-H2 blends and several of them are tested in this work against an extended database of laminar flame speed measurements from the literature. The GRI 3.0 scheme is finally chosen. New laminar flame speed and thickness correlations are proposed in order to extend the domain of validity of experimental correlations to high proportions of hydrogen in the fuel, high residual burned gas mass ratios as well as high pressures and temperatures. A study of the H2 addition effect on combustion is also achieved to evaluate the main chemical processes governing the production of H atoms, a key contributor to the dumping of the laminar flame velocity.  相似文献   

The laminar flame speeds of H2/air with steam dilution (up to 33 vol%) were measured over a wide range of equivalence ratio (0.9–3.0) at atmospheric and elevated pressures (up to 5 atm) by an improved Bunsen burner method. Burke, Sun, HP (High Pressure H2/O2 mechanism), and Davis mechanisms were employed to calculate the laminar flame speeds and analyze different effects of steam addition. Four studied mechanisms all underestimated the laminar flame speeds of H2/air/H2O mixtures at medium equivalence ratios while the Burke mechanism provided the best estimates. When the steam concentration was lower than 12%, increasing pressure first increased and then decreased the laminar flame speed, the inflection point appeared at 2.5 atm. When the steam concentration was greater than 12%, increasing the pressure monotonously decrease the laminar flame speed. The chemical effect was amplified by elevated pressure and it played an important role for the inhibiting effect of the pressure on laminar flame speed. The fluctuations of the chemical effect at 1 atm were mainly caused by three-body reactions, while the turn at 5 atm was mainly caused by the direct reaction effect. Elevated pressure and steam addition amplified the influences of uncertainties in the rate constants for elementary reactions, which might leaded to the disagreement between experimental and simulation results.  相似文献   

The propagation behaviour of a deflagration premixed syngas/air flame over a wide range of equivalence ratios is investigated experimentally in a closed rectangular duct using a high-speed camera and pressure transducer. The syngas hydrogen volume fraction, φ, ranges from 0.1 to 0.9. The flame propagation parameters such as flame structure, propagation time, velocity and overpressure are obtained from the experiment. The effects of the equivalence ratio and hydrogen fraction on flame propagation behaviour are examined. The results indicate that the hydrogen fraction in a syngas mixture greatly influences the flame propagation behaviour. When φ, the hydrogen fraction, is ≥0.5, the prominently distorted tulip flame can be formed in all equivalence ratios, and the minimum propagation time can be obtained at an equivalence ratio of 2.0. When φ < 0.5, the tulip flame distortion only occurs in a hydrogen fraction of φ = 0.3 with an equivalence ratio of 1.5 and above. The minimum flame propagation time can be acquired at an equivalence ratio of 1.5. The distortion occurs when the maximum flame propagation velocity is larger than 31.27 m s?1. The observable oscillation and stepped rise in the overpressure trajectory indicate that the pressure wave plays an important role in the syngas/air deflagration. The initial tulip distortion time and the plane flame formation time share the same tendency in all equivalence ratios, and the time interval between them is nearly constant, 4.03 ms. This parameter is important for exploring the quantitative theory or models of distorted tulip flames.  相似文献   

The primary objective of the present endeavor is to collect, consolidate, and review the vast amount of experimental data on the laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon and oxygenated fuels that have been reported in recent years, analyze them by using a detailed kinetic mechanism for the pyrolysis and combustion of a large variety of fuels at high temperature conditions, and thereby identify aspects of the mechanism that require further revision. The review and assessment was hierarchically conducted, in the sequence of the foundational C0–C4 species; the reference fuels of alkanes (n-heptane, iso-octane, n-decane, n-dodecane), cyclo-alkanes (cyclohexane and methyl-cyclo-hexane) and the aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene); and the oxygenated fuels of alcohols, C3H6O isomers, ethers (dimethyl ether and ethyl tertiary butyl ether), and methyl esters up to methyl decanoate. Mixtures of some of these fuels, including those with hydrogen, were also considered. The comprehensive nature of the present mechanism and effort is emphasized.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of hydrogen addition on the laminar flame speeds of methane, ethane and propane. In this work, a flat flame method was used to measure the laminar flame speed in a counter-flow configuration combined with particle image velocimetry (PIV) system. The results indicate that with the increase of hydrogen amount, the laminar flame speeds of methane, ethane and propane increase linearly approximately. In addition, as hydrogen is increased, the flame speed of methane has the maximum increasing amplitude among them, which indicates that methane is more sensitive to hydrogen addition in flame speed than the other two fuels.Simulation analysis finds that the reaction R1: H + O2 ? OH + O can promote the flame speeds of these three kinds of gaseous fuel obviously, and with the increase of hydrogen amount, the promoting effect is more obviously. Therefore, the main reason why hydrogen addition could increase flame speed is that the increase of H radical prompts reaction R1 to proceed in the forward direction. Comparing the flames of methane, ethane and propane mixed with hydrogen, it was found that the promotion of reaction R1 to the methane/hydrogen mixtures flame speed is strongest, and its free radicals concentration in flame increase more obviously. Therefore, hydrogen addition has a greater effect on the flame speed of methane than on that of ethane and propane.  相似文献   

对乙烷气体在高压环境中的火焰传播特性进行了试验研究。试验压力从0.1MPa到1.5MPa,在相同的氧气/隋性气体比例下,通过调整氮气与氩气的比例,保持不同反应当量比时的理论绝热燃烧温度不变,得到了等绝热燃烧温度条件下的层流火焰形态及传播速度。试验表明:在相等的绝热燃烧温度条件下,火焰传播特性曲线与非等温条件下有明显的不同;高压环境下的火焰传播特性与常压条件下的火焰传播特性也有较大的不同。  相似文献   

Ammonia/hydrogen mixtures are among the most promising solutions to decarbonize the transportation and energy sector. The implementation of these alternative energy carriers in practical systems requires developing suitable numerical tools, able to estimate their burning velocities as a function of both thermodynamic conditions and mixture quality. In this study, laminar flame speed correlations for ammonia/hydrogen/air mixtures are provided for high pressures (40 bar–130 bar) and elevated temperatures (720 K–1200 K), and equivalence ratios ranging from 0.4 to 1.5. Based on an extensive dataset of chemical kinetics simulations for ammonia/hydrogen blends (0-20-40-60-80-90-100 mol% of hydrogen), dedicated correlations are derived using a regression fitting. Besides these blend-specific correlations, a generalized (i.e., hydrogen-content adaptive) formulation, with hydrogen content used as additional parameter, is proposed and compared to the dedicated correlations.  相似文献   

Skeletal and reduced reaction mechanisms replicate the behavior of full reaction mechanism within the band/regime of optimization criteria and provide specific computational advantages for resource-intense multi-physics domain analysis. The current work reports on the development of skeletal and reduced mechanisms for bio-derived Producer gas and Hydrogen-rich Syngas by using GRI Mech 3.0 mechanism. The mechanisms are generated adopting graph-based approach, and timescale analysis are validated for laminar flame speed based on experiments in the equivalence ratios regime of 0.6–1.6 adopting a flame tube apparatus built in-house to mimic a freely propagating double infinity domain premixed reactor. Extending the analysis, the reduced/skeletal mechanisms are numerically validated for ignition delay time, major species profile, and volumetric heat release rate with validity established within the 5% tolerance limit. The current work is a first of its kind to propose optimized mechanism for compositions typical of bio-derived Producer gas and Syngas.  相似文献   

The laminar flame speed of syngas (CO:H2 = 1:1)/air premixed gas in a wide equivalence ratio range (0.6–5) and initial temperature (298–423 K) was studied by Bunsen burner. The results show that the laminar flame speed first increases and then decreases as the equivalence ratio increasing, which is a maximum laminar flame speed at n = 2. The laminar flame speed increases exponentially with the increase of initial temperature. For different equivalent ratios, the initial temperature effects on the laminar flame speed is different. The initial temperature effects for n = 2 (the most violent point of the reaction) is lower than others. It is found that H, O and OH are affected more and more when the equivalence ratio increase. When the equivalence ratio is far from 2, the reaction path changes, and the influence of initial temperature on syngas combustion also changes. The laminar flame speed of syngas is more severely affected by H + O2 = O + OH and CO + OH = CO2 + H than others, which sensitivity coefficient is larger and change more greatly than others when the initial temperature and equivalence ratio change. Therefore, the laminar flame speed of syngas/air premixed gas is affected by the initial temperature and equivalence ratio. A new correlation is proposed to predict the laminar flame speed of syngas (CO:H2 = 1:1)/air premixed gas under the synergistic effect of equivalence ratio and initial temperature (for equivalence ratios of 0.6–5, the initial temperature is 298–423 K).  相似文献   

Freely-propagating laminar premixed n-heptane/air flames were modeled using the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) v3.1 n-heptane mechanism and the PREMIX code. Numerical calculations were conducted for unburned mixture temperature range of 298–423 K, at elevated pressures 1–10 atm and equivalent ratio 0.6–1.6, and the changes of laminar burning velocity (LBV), adiabatic flame temperature (AFT), heat release rate (HRR), and concentration profiles of important intermediate species were obtained. The results show that the overall results of LBVs of n-heptane at different elevated temperatures, pressures, and equivalence ratios are in good agreement with available experimental results. However, at the initial temperature 353 K, the calculated values of LBVs at pressure 1 atm and the 10 atm deviate significantly from the experimental results. The sensitivity analysis shows that, similar to many other hydrocarbon fuels, the most sensitive reaction in the oxidation of n-heptane responsible for the rise of flame temperature promoting heat release is R1 H + O2<=>O + OH, and the reaction that has the greatest influence on heat release is R8 H2O + M<=>H + OH + M. In addition, when the initial temperature is 353, 398 and 423 K, the mole fractions of H, OH, and O increase rapidly around the flame front, while the mole fractions of C1C3 dramatically decreases, reflecting the intense consumption of the intermediate products at the reaction zone.  相似文献   

The effect of variable composition CO/H2/CH4 mixtures (15%-20% CO, 5%-20% H2, 0%-15% CH4) at high diluent ratios (15% CO2 and 50% N2) on laminar combustion characteristics has been studied by experiment and numerical simulation. The laminar burning velocities (LBVs) of seven biomass-derived gases in an equivalent ratio of 0.6 to 1.4 have been experimentally measured by the spherical expansion flame method under ambient conditions. The experimental results obtained based on the linear and nonlinear extrapolation methods were compared with the data in the literature and the predictions of four detailed chemical kinetic models (FFCM-1, GRI 3.0, USC II, San Diego 2016). The results show that an increase in the equivalence ratio or a decrease in the H2 fraction in the mixture is beneficial to the reduction of the LBV difference obtained by the linear and nonlinear extrapolation methods. With the increase of H2 fraction in the mixture, the highly thermally diffusive fuel significantly enhanced the LBV and the maximum LBV leaned toward the fuel-rich side. For mixtures with a higher CH4 fraction than H2, it has the lowest LBV but has the higher adiabatic temperature and heat release. The predictions of the four models show that for all different composition mixtures, San Diego 2016 has over-predicted on the lean side. The FFCM-1 and GRI 3.0 matched better with the experimentally measured LBV of the H2-rich mixture. With the increase of CH4 fraction relative to H2, the prediction of USC II is slightly reduced on the rich side, and all the predictions under stoichiometric conditions are overpredicted compared to the experimental data. Sensitivity analyses are performed on flames of the mixture with different compositions at Φ = 0.8 and 1.2, it is found that with the addition of CH4 fraction to the mixture, R1 gradually became the most dominating reaction, which has a stronger effect on LBV. Furthermore, the reaction paths and heat release of different composition mixtures under stoichiometric conditions are analyzed. The Markstein lengths of variable composition mixtures at different equivalence ratios are studied. It suggested that the Markstein length gradually decreases with the increase of CH4 in the fuel, thus the stretched flame speed is more susceptible to flame stretch rate and the flame stability decreases.  相似文献   

Various Bunsen flame information of premixed syngas/air mixtures was systematically collected. A CCD camera was used to capture the flame images. The OH-PLIF technique was applied to obtain the flame OH distribution and overall flame radiation spectra were measured with a spectrograph. Experiments were conducted on a temperature un-controlled burner and syngas over a wide range of H2/CO ratios (from 0.25 to 4) and equivalence ratios (from 0.5 to 1.2). Results show that increasing hydrogen fraction (XH2XH2) extends the blow-off limit significantly. The measured laminar flame speed using cone-angle method based on CCD flame imaging and OH-PLIF images increases remarkably with the increase of XH2XH2, and these measurements agrees well with kinetic modeling predictions through Li's mechanism when the temperature for computation is corrected. Kinetic study shows that as XH2XH2 increases, the production of H and OH radicals is accelerated. Additionally, the main H radical production reaction (or OH radical consumption reactions) changes from R29 (CO + OH = CO2 + H) to R3 (H2 + OH = H2O + H) as XH2XH2 increases. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to access the dominant reactions when XH2XH2 increases. The difference on flame color for different XH2XH2 mixtures is due to their difference in radiation spectrum of the intermediate radicals produced in combustion.  相似文献   

The laminar flame speeds of mixtures of ethane, ethylene, acetylene, and carbon monoxide with small amount of hydrogen addition at atmospheric and elevated pressures were experimentally and computationally determined. It was found that the approximate linear correlation identified previously between the laminar flame speeds and an appropriate definition of the amount of hydrogen addition for methane, propane and n-butane at atmospheric pressure also largely applies to ethane, ethylene, and acetylene at atmospheric as well as elevated pressures. The linear correlation, however, does not hold for carbon monoxide, at all pressures, due to the strong catalytic effect of hydrogen on the oxidation of carbon monoxide. A mechanistic analysis shows that both the Arrhenius and diffusive contributions to the laminar flame speed are nearly linear functions of the hydrogen addition, which explains this overall approximate linear correlation.  相似文献   

The effects of different initial temperatures (T = 300–500 K) and different hydrogen volume fractions (5%–20%) on the combustion characteristics of premixed syngas/air flames in rectangular tubes were investigated experimentally. A high-speed camera and pressure sensor were used to obtain flame propagation images and overpressure dynamics. The CHEMKIN-PRO model and GRI Mech 3.0 mechanism were used for simulation. The results show that the flame propagation speed increases with the initial temperature before the flame touches the wall, while the opposite is true after the flame touches the wall. The increase in initial temperature leads to the increase in overpressure rise rate in the early flame propagation process, but the peak overpressure is reduced. The laminar burning velocity (LBV) and adiabatic flame temperature (AFT) increase with increasing initial temperature. The increase in initial temperature makes the peaks of H, O, and OH radicals increase.  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) is a carbon-free fuel that shows great research prospects due to its ideal production and storage systems. The experimental data of the laminar burning velocity of NH3/H2/air flame at different hydrogen ratios (XH2 = 0.1–0.5), equivalent ratios (φ = 0.8–1.3), initial pressures (P = 0.1–0.7 MPa), and initial temperatures (T = 298–493 K) were measured. The laminar burning velocity of the NH3/H2/air flame increased upon increasing the hydrogen ratios and temperature, but it decreased upon increasing the pressure. The equivalent ratio of the maximum laminar burning velocity was only affected by the proportion of reactants. The equivalence ratio value of the maximum laminar burning velocity was between 1.1 and 1.2 when XH2 = 0.3. The chemical reaction kinetics of NH3/H2/air flame under four different initial conditions was analyzed. The less NO maximum mole fraction was produced during rich combustion (φ > 1). The results provide a new reference for ammonia as an alternative fuel for internal combustion engines.  相似文献   

As one of the most promising environmentally-friendly and renewable energies, biomass derived gas (BDG) has a great application prospect in the future energy system. Due to complex diversity of BDG components, the prediction of the important parameters, such as laminar flame speed, from the individual component will be realistic and reasonable than those from the direct measurement or calculation in some circumstances. In this study, existing mixing models are evaluated to predict the laminar flame speed of BDG. In addition, one-dimensional laminar premixed flame propagations are simulated to analyze flame temperatures and sensitivity coefficients of the laminar flame speed. For BDG with main components of CH4, H2 and CO, we employ the strategy that CH4 and H2 are mixed first and then wet CO is added into CH4/H2 mixture. For CH4/H2 blended fuels, flame-temperature-based and Le Chaterlier's models have the best fits for the laminar flame speed estimations of CH4/H2/air mixtures with lower and higher ZH2, respectively. Sensitivity analysis shows there are large discrepancy in chemical pathways for BDG with higher or lower ZCO and the laminar flame speed prediction of BDG will be conducted in two different circumstances. When CO ratio is lower than 0.85, Spalding rule and energy fraction method could predict the laminar flame speed best. For BDG with CO ratio larger than 0.85, Spalding rule and Chen's model are the best choices to predict the laminar flame speed of BDG.  相似文献   

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