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基于环境特征跟踪的移动机器人定位 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
提出了一种基于环境特征跟踪来实现移动机器人定位的方法。对传感器、环境观测和机器人的运动建立了相应的模型,并以扩展卡尔曼滤波技术将多种传感器的信息进行融合,从而最终实现了移动机器人的精确定位。 相似文献
自主移动机器人定位技术研究综述 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
定位技术是自主移动机器人最基本也是最重要的技术之一。本文介绍了几种自主移动机器人的定位技术,着重分析了基于路标定位和概率定位的技术,及其各自的优点和局限性,并提出了今后研究的方向。 相似文献
随着机器人与传感器技术的迅猛发展,室内移动机器人在机器人领域的地位举足轻重,因此开展移动机器人的定位方法研究显得尤为重要。文中首先分析室内移动机器人的发展瓶颈及亟需解决的定位难题;然后针对定位技术的短板,分别对三边定位算法和三角定位算法进行理论层面的推导与计算;最后进行了定位算法的仿真试验研究。仿真结果表明:三边定位算法和三角定位算法在室内移动机器人的全局定位中具有较高的定位精度、准确性和可靠性,有效解决了移动机器人在运动过程中定位不准的缺陷,为机器人的全局定位技术奠定了坚实的基础。 相似文献
针对移动机器人的同步定位与建图(SLAM)问题,提出了一种基于改进的扩展Kalman滤波算法的同步定位与建图方法。通过建立基于直线特征提取的机器人观测模型,推导了SLAM建图的预测和更新算式,设计了基于特征点数目的SLAM预测与更新率算子,实现了移动机器人的同步定位与建图。实验结果表明该方法有效、可行。 相似文献
胡劲草 《传动技术(上海)》2006,20(4):14-18,46
定位是确定机器人在其工作环境中所处位置的过程.应用各种传感器感知信息实现可靠的定位是自主式移动机器人最基本、也是最重要的一项功能之一.本文对室内自主式移动机器人的定位技术进行了综述,介绍了当前自主式移动机器人定位方法的研究现状.同时,对国内外具有典型性的研究方法进行了较详细的介绍,并重点提出了几种室内自主式移动机器人通用的定位方法,对其中的地图构造、位姿估计方法进行了详细介绍.最后,论述了自主式移动机器人定位系统与地图构造中所面临的主要问题及其解决方法并指出了该领域今后的研究方向. 相似文献
SONG Yu SONG Yongduan LI Qingling Center for Intelligent System Renewable Energy Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing China State Key Laboratory of Robotics System Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《机械工程学报(英文版)》2011,(4):693-700
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a key technology for mobile robots operating under unknown environment. While FastSLAM algorithm is a popular solution to the SLAM problem, it suffers from two major drawbacks: one is particle set degeneracy due to lack of observation information in proposal distribution design of the particle filter; the other is errors accumulation caused by linearization of the nonlinear robot motion model and the nonlinear environment observation model. For the purpose of overcoming the above problems, a new iterated sigma point FastSLAM (ISP-FastSLAM) algorithm is proposed. The main contribution of the algorithm lies in the utilization of iterated sigma point Kalman filter (ISPKF), which minimizes statistical linearization error through Gaussian-Newton iteration, to design an optimal proposal distribution of the particle filter and to estimate the environment landmarks. On the basis of Rao-Blackwellized particle filter, the proposed ISP-FastSLAM algorithm is comprised by two main parts: in the first part, an iterated sigma point particle filter (ISPPF) to localize the robot is proposed, in which the proposal distribution is accurately estimated by the ISPKF; in the second part, a set of ISPKFs is used to estimate the environment landmarks. The simulation test of the proposed ISP-FastSLAM algorithm compared with FastSLAM2.0 algorithm and Unscented FastSLAM algorithm is carried out, and the performances of the three algorithms are compared. The simulation and comparing results show that the proposed ISP-FastSLAM outperforms other two algorithms both in accuracy and in robustness. The proposed algorithm provides reference for the optimization research of FastSLAM algorithm. 相似文献
根据机器人的运动学模型,对具有非完整特性的移动机器人轨迹跟踪控制进行了研究.采用基于积分backstepping时变状态反馈方法,引入一种新的虚拟反馈量,设计机器人轨迹跟踪控制算法,并且利用Lyapunov方法证明系统的全局稳定性.仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性. 相似文献
胡劲草 《机电产品开发与创新》2006,19(5):28-30
定位是确定机器人在其工作环境中所处位置的过程。本文对室内自主式移动机器人的定位技术进行了研究。论述了自主式移动机器人定位系统与地图构造中所面临的主要问题及其解决方法并指出了该领域今后的发展方向。 相似文献
This paper proposes a precise localization algorithm for a quickly moving mobile robot.In order to localize a mobile robot with active beacon sensors,a relatively long time is needed,since the distance to the beacon is measured by transmitting time of the ultrasonic signal.The measurement time does not cause a high error rate when the mobile robot moves slowly.However,with an increase of the mobile robot’s speed,the localization error becomes too high to use for accurate mobile robot navigation.Therefore,in this research into high speed mobile robot operations,instead of using two active beacons for localization,an active beacon and dual compass are utilized to localize the mobile robot.This new approach resolves the high localization error caused by the speed of the mobile robot.The performance of the precise localization algorithm is verified by comparing it to the conventional method through real-world experiments. 相似文献