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Finite element studies are presented on both mode I and mixed mode stable crack growth under static loadings through an aluminium (D16AT) alloy. A COD based criterion has been used to predict the load-displacement diagram from initiation to instability. The theoretical predictions are compared with experimental results presented in Part I. Results on computed crack profiles, stress-strain distribution ahead of the crack tip, J integrals, J resistance curves, plastic zones, etc., are included. The study indicates that the load-displacement diagram associated with a mixed mode stable crack growth in a compact tension type of specimen geometry can be predicted reasonably accurately using the criterion of a fixed crack opening displacement at a finite distance behind the crack tip provided the crack is allowed to grow in the direction of initial growth in the finite element analysis. The crack assumes a more blunted profile in a mixed mode than in the mode I at all the stages of stable extension. The distributions of normal stress and strain in the direction perpendicular to the crack extension line, ahead of the current crack tip, have similarities between the mode I and mixed mode, irrespective of loading angle. Both the stress and strain levels increase as the crack extension proceeds. In a mixed mode, the J integral at the onset of crack extension is the lowest compared with the values at the later stages of the extension. Further, the tearing modulus associated with initial kinking is very small; it becomes close to the mode I values at the later stages. The tearing modulus remained approximately constant during the whole mode I stable growth and it had a similar trend subsequent to kinking in a mixed mode. The specific work of crack extension is zero as Δa → 0 and it increases gradually with Δa irrespective of the mode of loading; the actual variation depends on the loading angle. The plastic zone size grows as the stable extension progresses; the growth is approximately the maximum along the crack extension line.  相似文献   

A mixed mode crack tip finite element   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A special finite element for plane analysis of elastic structures with through the thickness cracks is presented. Generalized displacements are used in developing the element, and it contains the proper singularities. The opening (K I), in plane shearing (K II), and combined (K I+K II) modes of deformation are present. The stiffness matrix is given explicitly and its eigenvalues are shown. Numerical results are presented and compared with other solutions.
Résumé On présente un système spécial d'éléments finis pour l'analyse en état plan de structures élastiques comportant des fissures traversant l'épaisseur du produit. Les déplacements généralisés sont utilisés pour le développement de ces éléments, ceux-ci comportant leurs propres singularités. On présente l'ouverture (K I) en cisaillement plan (K II) et en modes combinés de déformation (K I+K II). La matrice de rigidité est donnée explicitement et on montre qu'elle correspond à eigenvalues. Les résultats numériques sont présentés et comparés avec d'autres solutions existantes.

This work was sponsored by Martin-Marietta's Independent Research and Development Program.  相似文献   

The elastic T-stress has been recognised as a measure of constraint around the tip of a crack in contained yielding problems. A review of the literature indicates that most methods for obtaining T are confined to simple geometry and loading configurations. This paper explores direct use of finite element analysis for calculating T. It is shown that for mode I more reliable results with less mesh refinement can be achieved if crack flank nodal displacements are used. Methods are also suggested for calculating T for any mixed mode I/II loading without having to calculate stress intensity factors. There is good agreement between the results from the proposed methods and analytical results. T-stress is determined for a test configuration designed to investigate brittle and ductile fracture in mixed mode loading. It is shown that in shear loading of a cracked specimen T vanishes only when a truly antisymmetric field of deformation is provided. However this rarely happens in practice and the presence of T in shear is often inevitable. It is shown that for some cases the magnitude of T in shear is much more than that for tension. The effect of crack length is also investigated. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The authors have been developing a crack propagation analysis system that can deal with arbitrary shaped cracks in three-dimensional solids. The system is consisting of mesh generation software, a large-scale finite element analysis program and a fracture mechanics module. To evaluate the stress intensity factors, virtual crack closure-integral method (VCCM) for the quadratic tetrahedral finite element is adopted and is included in the fracture mechanics module. The rate and direction of crack propagation are predicted by using appropriate formulae based on the stress intensity factors. In this paper, the crack propagation system is briefly described and some numerical results are presented.  相似文献   

Material fracture by opening (mode I) is not lonely responsible for fracture propagation. Many industrial examples show the presence of mode II and mixed mode I + II. The present work consists in the elaboration of a code to estimate the size of the plastic zone at the crack tip under mode I, mode II and mixed mode I + II loading. The computations are made according to Von Mises and Tresca criteria. The results obtained are compared to those measured by experiments.  相似文献   

Experimental and finite element results are presented on mode I and mixed mode (involving I and II only) stable crack growth under static loading through an aircraft grade aluminium alloy (D16AT) in three point bending. The results include load-displacement diagrams, J-integrals, plastic zones, tunneling (or crack front curving), etc. During experiment a substantial amount of tunneling is observed, the extent of which increases as the extension progresses in both mode I and mixed mode. The tunneling reduces as ao/w increases. The crack extends initially almost along a straight line at an angle with the initial crack in a mixed mode. The maximum load is observed to be as high as 1.6 times the initiation load in the whole range examined. From the finite element study it is seen that, in a mixed mode, the J-integral at the onset of extension is the lowest compared with the values at the later stages. The plastic zone size grows as the stable extension progresses; the growth is approximately the maximum along the crack extension line. The direction of initial crack extension in a mixed mode can be predicted through an elastic finite element analysis and using the criterion of maximum tangential principal stress. The study also indicates that the load-displacement diagram associated with a mixed mode stable crack growth can be predicted reasonably accurately using the criterion of crack opening angle.  相似文献   

This paper presents a coupling technique for integrating the element‐free Galerkin method (EFGM) with the fractal finite element method (FFEM) for analyzing homogeneous, isotropic, and two‐dimensional linear‐elastic cracked structures subjected to mixed‐mode (modes I and II) loading conditions. FFEM is adopted for discretization of the domain close to the crack tip and EFGM is adopted in the rest of the domain. In the transition region interface elements are employed. The shape functions within interface elements which comprise both the EFG and the finite element (FE) shape functions, satisfies the consistency condition thus ensuring convergence of the proposed coupled EFGM–FFEM. The proposed method combines the best features of EFGM and FFEM, in the sense that no special enriched basis functions or no structured mesh with special FEs are necessary and no post‐processing (employing any path independent integrals) is needed to determine fracture parameters, such as stress‐intensity factors (SIFs) and T‐stress. The numerical results show that SIFs and T‐stress obtained using the proposed method are in excellent agreement with the reference solutions for the structural and crack geometries considered in the present study. Also, a parametric study is carried out to examine the effects of the integration order, the similarity ratio, the number of transformation terms, and the crack length to width ratio on the quality of the numerical solutions. A numerical example on mixed‐mode condition is presented to simulate crack propagation. As in the proposed coupled EFGM–FFEM at each increment during the crack propagation, the FFEM mesh (around the crack tip) is shifted as it is to the new updated position of the crack tip (such that FFEM mesh center coincides with the crack tip) and few meshless nodes are sprinkled in the location where the FFEM mesh was lying previously, crack‐propagation analysis can be dramatically simplified. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element program was developed which combines the analytical crack tip solution with a conventional finite element analysis and evaluates various crack tip parameters as part of the solution. This program was used to analyze cracked specimens subjected to mixed mode loading. The importance of retaining the second term of the series expansion for local stress, a contribution which is independent of the distance from the crack tip, was demonstrated. It was first shown analytically that the presence of a load applied parallel to the crack reveals itself only through this constant second term, which vanishes only for specific loading conditions. The results of the numerical analysis demonstrate that the stress intensity factor KI is independent of the load applied parallel to the crack only when this term is included in the analytical crack tip solutions. Failure to include the constant term has the effect that KI varies with the horizontal load. The parameter K11 is independent of this load in both cases. This indicatesonce again that it is this constant term which accounts solely and entirely for the presence of a load applied parallel to the crack.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simple, robust, and an efficient technique has been proposed for accurate estimation of mixed mode (I/II) notch stress intensity factors (NSIFs) of sharp V‐notched configurations using finite element notch opening and sliding displacements at the selected number of nodes along the notch flanks. Unlike the crack problems, displacement field is rarely employed in the notch problems due to complexities introduced by the presence of rigid body displacements. One of the main emphasis of the present work is to neatly bypass these rigid body displacements and develop a simple approach for accurate computation of the NSIFs so that it can be easily incorporated in the existing code. Several benchmark problems have been analyzed. The results obtained using the present method show excellent agreement with the solutions available in the literature. Some new results have also been reported in the present work.  相似文献   

In this paper, compact tension specimens with tilted cracks under monotonic fatigue loading were tested to investigate I + III mixed mode fatigue crack propagation in the material of No. 45 steel with the emphasis on the mode transformation process. It is found that with the crack growth, I + III mixed mode changes to Mode I. Crack mode transformation is governed by the Mode III component and the transformation rate is a function of the relative magnitude of the Mode III stress intensity factor. However, even in the process of the crack mode transformation the fatigue crack propagation is controlled by the Mode I deformation.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration solutions of crack problems under steady state conditions are expressed in terms of the Westergaard stress function. The problem of a central crack in an infinite plate subjected to a biaxial stress field at any angle of inclination with respect to the crack axis is considered in detail. The concentration distribution in the vicinity of the crack tip is obtained and is expressed in terms of the opening-mode and sliding-mode stress intensity factors. Constant terms, usually omitted, are incorporated into the concentration solution. The crack growth criterion based on the maximum concentration of diffusing species in front of the crack tip is reformulated by incorporating the constant terms of the concentration solution. It is shown that the omission of the constant terms may result in a significant error in the prediction of the critical quantities for crack growth.  相似文献   

Fully plastic crack growth in singly-grooved plane strain tensile specimens is here characterized by the directions and amounts of fracture and slip on three planes. This model gives the crack growth ductility, defined as the axial displacement per unit ligament reduction (of practical importance in determining the stiffness of the surrounding structure that is needed to prevent unstable fracture) in terms of the fracture surface lengths and directions, as well as the deformation of the back surface. It also gives the directions and magnitudes of slip and fracture.Applied to six different structural alloys with strain-hardening exponents from 0.1 to 0.2, the model gave crack growth ductilities within 10 percent of the observed ones for the symmetrical configurations, where the values ranged from 0.25 to 0.40 and were unrelated to the strain-hardening exponent. For the asymmetrical configurations (that could occur near welds or shoulders), the crack growth ductility for the low hardening materials drops from 0.07 to 0.11. The predicted values (larger for the higher hardening alloys) were within 30 percent of the observed ones. Thus this slip plane model of fully plastic crack growth provides a useful correlation between macroscopic measurements made on the specimens after fracture, and the important loss of crack growth ductility that occurs in fully plastic asymmetric configurations with low strain-hardening materials.
Résumé Dans ce travail, on caractérise la croissance complètement plastique d'une fissure dans des éprouvettes de traction à rainure simple en état plan de déformations par les directions et l'intensité de la rupture et des glissements selon les trois plans de référence. Ce modèle fournit la ductilité vis-à-vis de la croissance d'une fissure, définie comme le déplacement axial par unité de réduction de ligament, en fonction des longeurs et directions de la surface de rupture, ainsi que la déformation de la surface arrière. Cette ductilité présente une importance pratique pour la détermination de la raideur de la structure d'environnement nécessaire pour éviter une rupture instable. Le modèle fournit également les directions et amplitudes des glissements et de la rupture.Appliqué à six alliages de construction aux modules d'écrouissage compris entre 0.1 et 0.2, le modèle fournit les ductilités vis-à-vis dé la croissance d'une fissure avec un écart de 10% par rapport à celles observées dans des configurations symétriques où les valeurs, non liées aux modules d'écrouissage, s'étaient entre 0.25 et 0.40. Pour des configurations asymétriques, telles qu'on les rencontre près des soudures ou dans les épaulements, la ductilité vis-à-vis de la croissance des fissures tombe à des valeurs de 0.07 à 0.11, dans le cas de matériaux à faible écrouissage. Les valeurs prédites, plus élevées dans les alliages fortement sensibles au vieillissement, s'écartent de 30% des valeurs observées. Ainsi, le modèle à plans de glissement d'une croissance complètement plastique d'une fissure fournit une corrélation utile entre des mesures macroscopiques sur éprouvettes après rupture et l'importante perte de ductilité vis-à-vis de la croissance d'une fissure, rencontrée dans des configurations asymétriques totalement plastiques avec des matériaux à faible sensibilité à l'écrouissage.

In this paper, a new asymmetric semicircular bend specimen (ASCB) is presented. Having more geometric parameters in asymmetric bend elements gives the opportunity of covering a wider range of K?, K?? and T-stress in comparison with classical SCB specimens. Finite element method is used to obtain these parameters from pure mode I to pure mode II. Extensive numerical calculations are made to get a wide range data for crack tip parameters of this specimen. It is observed that for ASCB specimens with specified geometries under pure mode II loading, one of the bottom supports can move horizontally without significant variation in YI. The complete sets of numerical results are obtained and can be used for verification and interpretation of future experimental results.  相似文献   

An embedded cohesive crack model is proposed for the analysis of the mixed mode fracture of concrete in the framework of the Finite Element Method. Different models, based on the strong discontinuity approach, have been proposed in the last decade to simulate the fracture of concrete and other quasi‐brittle materials. This paper presents a simple embedded crack model based on the cohesive crack approach. The predominant local mode I crack growth of the cohesive materials is utilized and the cohesive softening curve (stress vs. crack opening) is implemented by means of a central force traction vector. The model only requires the elastic constants and the mode I softening curve. The need for a tracking algorithm is avoided using a consistent procedure for the selection of the separated nodes. Numerical simulations of well‐known experiments are presented to show the ability of the proposed model to simulate the mixed mode fracture of concrete.  相似文献   

The small scale yielding for mixed mode I and II plane stress crack problems in elastic perfectly-plastic solids is analysed by considering the stress field near the crack line. By expanding the stresses near the crack line and matching the stress field in the plastic zone with the elastic dominant field for a blunt crack near the crack line at the elastic-plastic boundary, the problem is reduced to solving a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. The relationship between the near-field mixity parameter Mp and the far-field mixity parameter Me is detennined by solving the system of equations numerically. Analogous to Shih's calculation by the finite element method for the small scale yielding of mixed mode plane strain crack problems, the numerical results indicate that the shift from a mixed mode to a pure mode may not be a smooth one.  相似文献   

Cyclic pre-stress increases subsequent fatigue crack growth rate in 2024-T351 aluminum alloy. This increase in growth rate, caused by the pre-stress, and the increased rate, caused by temper embrittlement as observed by Ritchie and Knott, cannot be explained by the crack tip blunting model alone. Each fatigue crack increment consists of two components, a brittle and a ductile component. They are respectively controlled by the ductility of the material and its cyclic yield strength.  相似文献   

A novel approach to simulate crack growth within an extended finite element framework is presented. The introduced approach combines the material force concept and the extended finite element method (xFEM) that is not straight forward and faces the major problem that a crack tip node, which is required for the evaluation of the material force, is not available within an xFEM framework. The introduced concept enables an efficient single step evaluation of the crack state and the crack growth direction based on a continuum mechanics approach and represents an alternative to the common procedure of using the stress intensity factor solution within a stress or energy‐based empirical formulation for the determination of the crack growth direction. Two different approaches are introduced that evaluate the crack tip material force within the xFEM based on a domain or contour approach, both providing equivalent results. After an evaluation of the method, a major focus is set on crack growth investigations with increased complexity, including mixed mode loading and crack interaction with other discontinuities. The influence of different evaluation parameters is studied by comparing the results with empirical, experimental and alternative numerical solutions and confirms the applicability and capability of the proposed combination of both concepts. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debonding and crack kinking in sandwich beams was experimentally examined, and also analyzed using the finite element method. Double cantilever beam (DCB) and shear fracture specimens employing aluminum facings bonded to a wide range of PVC and PMI foam cores using two types of adhesives were considered. It was found that the Young modulus of the core has a profound effect on the tendency of the facing/core interfacial crack to deflect (kink) into the core in DCB testing. In shear testing, crack kinking occurred for all core materials considered. The type of adhesive strongly influences the debond fracture resistance, but not the kink resistance and kink angle. The critical load for onset of kinking increased with increased core density. Finite element analysis of the fracture specimens enabled determination of mixed mode interfacial fracture toughness for the specimens that failed by debonding. For specimens that failed by kinking, interfacial stress intensity factors at the onset of kinking were determined. Measured kink angles compared favorably with kink angles calculated based on the interfacial stress intensity factors prior to kinking.  相似文献   

A methodology for solving three‐dimensional crack problems with geometries that are independent of the mesh is described. The method is based on the extended finite element method, in which the crack discontinuity is introduced as a Heaviside step function via a partition of unity. In addition, branch functions are introduced for all elements containing the crack front. The branch functions include asymptotic near‐tip fields that improve the accuracy of the method. The crack geometry is described by two signed distance functions, which in turn can be defined by nodal values. Consequently, no explicit representation of the crack is needed. Examples for three‐dimensional elastostatic problems are given and compared to analytic and benchmark solutions. The method is readily extendable to inelastic fracture problems. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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