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The ability for individuals to adapt to local food sources likely allows for regional persistence of aquatic populations. In the Laurentian Great Lakes, invasive species and changing physical conditions have vastly altered local and regional food webs, leading to the potential for variation in energy flow up to large predators. To assess the potential that prey fish condition varies spatially, we examined patterns in proportion dry weight of prey fishes collected from Lake Michigan nearshore areas (<16 m) in 2010 and 2011. Absolute pairwise differences in dry weight of fishes were as high as 9% between some of our sampling sites, but sites exhibiting relatively high or low values were patchily spread across the lake. The range of proportion dry weight values observed in our study do encompass previously-reported mean values; however, the values reported in our study are slightly lower than those previously reported for Lake Michigan. In contrast to previous studies, our analyses do not suggest that variation in prey fish condition exhibits a consistent spatial pattern around nearshore Lake Michigan, and high within-site variation of prey fish condition prevents strong conclusions about specific sites providing generally more (or less) energy-rich prey to predators.  相似文献   

Incorporating organismal hydrogen (δ2H or δD) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotope ratios into aquatic food web research can help elucidate relative reliance on shoreline inputs and/or feeding at different trophic levels; however, their interpretation is complicated by the fact that aquatic organisms derive hydrogen and oxygen from both their diet and the ambient water in which they reside. We examined spatial and seasonal patterns in δ2H and δ18O of field-collected water and small-bodied fishes. Samples were gathered from nearshore Lake Michigan, a dynamic region of a large, increasingly oligotrophic freshwater lake. We examined seasonal and spatial δ2H and δ18O values of surface and bottom water, and compared spatial δ2H and δ18O values of young-of-year yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and seasonal δ2H and δ18O values of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). Nearshore δ2H and δ18O water values were more variable than previously-described offshore values. Variation in nearshore water δ2H and δ18O values was likely related to differential precipitation and/or discharges from tributaries, and there may be a surface dilution effect which led to lower δ18O values in nearshore surface waters than bottom waters. In our study, fish tissue δ2H and δ18O also varies more spatially than seasonally, and some findings suggest that fish tissue δ2H may reflect feeding at higher trophic levels. Though characteristics of the study system affect their interpretation, we suggest that δ2H and δ18O can be another tool to assess food web structure, with δ2H in particular having potential to resolve questions when δ13C or δ15N are inconclusive.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between native and non-indigeneous species depend on interspecies dietary and habitat overlap and species-specific behavior. In the Great Lakes, the exotic round goby (Apollonia melanostoma) is very abundant in littoral areas used by the native yellow perch (Perca flavencens). We examined yellow perch-round goby interactions using multiple approaches. Field surveys analyzing dietary overlap among three size classes of yellow perch and round goby detected significant overlap only between juvenile perch (< 95 mm TL) and gobies (< 60 mm TL). Laboratory experiments using juvenile stages tested for habitat preference differences (open sand, macrophytes and dreissenids) in solitary, intraspecific (2 perch) and interspecific (1 perch, 1 goby) treatments. In macrophyte and dreissenid habitats, we tested for treatment differences in fish behavior (intraspecific vs. interspecific) and yellow perch growth (solitary, intraspecific and interspecific). Round goby consistently preferred complex habitats. Yellow perch showed diurnal preference of complex habitats, but increased nocturnal use of sand in the solitary and interspecific treatments. Activity was greater in dreissenid than macrophyte habitat, but prey attacks showed the opposite trend. Activity and prey attacks were greater in the intraspecific than interspecific treatments. The trend was due to lower prey attacks executed by round goby. In macrophytes, individual yellow perch growth was lower in the intraspecific than in the solitary and interspecific treatments. In dreissenids, intraspecific and interspecific competitors equally decreased yellow perch growth. Our results suggest differences in diet, habitat preference and behavior between juvenile round goby and yellow perch may allow their coexistence in nearshore areas.  相似文献   

Yellow perch have experienced widespread recruitment failure within Lake Michigan since the early 1990s. Efforts to explain annual recruitment variability have primarily focused on the first year of growth, while the juvenile life stage has largely been neglected. Juvenile yellow perch, age-0 through age-2, were collected annually from 2006–2010 in Illinois waters of Lake Michigan to assess temporal variability of size-at-age and size-selective mortality. Age-0 and age-2 total length at capture differed significantly between years with a maximum difference of 4.4 mm and 11.2 mm, respectively. First winter size-selective mortality was not observed for any year-class, however size-specific growth, with larger individuals growing faster than smaller counterparts, occurred during the first winter for all year-classes but 2006. Size-selective mortality was documented between age-1 and age-2 of the 2006 year-class with yellow perch less than 70 mm at age-1 not surviving through age-2. Though population level effects remain unknown, size-specific growth and mortality during the juvenile life stage may influence the size structure and year-class strength of yellow perch in southwestern Lake Michigan. Identification of size-selective mortality occurring beyond the first growing season highlights the significance of rapid growth during early life and the importance of investigating whole life stages to identify factors influencing year-class strength.  相似文献   

Habitat plays an essential role in shaping aquatic communities yet limited information on the type and distribution of bottom features is available in the form of detailed maps. This is especially apparent in large systems where obtaining such information can be both expensive and challenging. Current maps of Lake Michigan substrate are very general and lack suitable detail of substrate composition and geographic extent of rocky areas. This limits our ability to link biological processes, such as fish spawning, to nearshore habitat and makes it difficult to target structurally complex habitats for sampling. We compiled substrate information gathered over 72 years for Illinois waters and incorporated it into a GIS framework to generate more complete documentation of sediment type and particle size distribution in southwestern Lake Michigan. Sediment data for 1682 sites were standardized to phi units; natural neighbor interpolation was used during GIS analysis to predict sediment type in areas lacking data. Predicted sediment values based on this interpolation had a significant positive relationship with observed sediment values (R2 = 0.92). Further, we linked existing fishery (yellow perch Perca flavescens) data with newly generated substrate information to identify potential associations between spawning site selection and habitat. Tagging data indicated that substrate quality affected the likelihood of yellow perch returning to their release sites in subsequent spawning seasons; higher fidelity was associated with larger, coarser substrate. The generated map will be a useful tool to enhance our understanding of habitat's importance in the Great Lakes, particularly when linked with fishery data.  相似文献   

River plumes form in coastal areas where tributaries mix with their receiving waters. Plume waters are enriched with terrestrial-derived nutrients from their watersheds creating hotspots of biological productivity. The biological importance of plumes scales with the size and persistence of the plume; therefore, large, persistent plumes are more important than small, transient plumes. To date, most studies of plumes have focused on assimilation of terrestrial-derived energy by aquatic species or lower-level food web effects, primarily in marine systems. Few studies have described fish communities near plume habitats and compared them to non-plume areas, especially for the numerous small plumes in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Here we demonstrate that small plumes in the main basin of Lake Michigan enhance local primary productivity and influence distribution and abundance of nearshore Great Lakes fishes. We found that plume fish communities were relatively depauperate and did not support higher biological diversity of fishes compared to non-plume areas. However, individual species including rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax, spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius, and white sucker Catostomus commersonii were more abundant around plumes. Our results demonstrate that small plumes in the main basin of Lake Michigan support highly localized hotspots of biological productivity and fish abundance, primarily within 2?km of river mouths.  相似文献   

Nutrient loading into Lake Michigan can produce algal blooms which in turn can lead to hypoxia, beach closures, clogging of water intakes, and reduced water quality. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement targets for Lake Michigan are 5600 MT annually for total phosphorus (TP) loading, 7 μg L?1 lake-wide mean TP concentration, and a chlorophyll-a concentration of 1.8 μg L?1. However, in light of the recent resurgence of nuisance algal (Cladophora sp.) growth in the nearshore zone, the validity of these targets is now uncertain. The occurrence and abundance of Cladophora in the nearshore area depends primarily on the availability of dissolved phosphorus, light, and temperature. The availability of dissolved phosphorus is a potentially useful indicator of nearshore areas susceptible to excessive Cladophora growth and impaired water quality. Regulating agencies are looking for guidance in determining phosphorus loading rates that minimize local exceedance of the lake target concentration. In this study, the lake assimilative capacity was quantified by applying a biophysical model to estimate the area required for mixing and diluting wastewater treatment plant outfall TP loadings to the level of the lake target concentration during the Cladophora growing season. Model results compared well with empirical measurements of particulate and dissolved phosphorus as well as Cladophora biomass and phosphorus content. The model was applied to test scenarios of wastewater treatment plant phosphorus loading in two different years, in order to help establish phosphorus discharge limits for the plant.  相似文献   

Feeding selectivity was compared between slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus and deepwater sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsonii collected from southeast Lake Michigan during 1999-2002 to evaluate the hypothesis that differential prey selection contributes to long-term coexistence of these species. Study results indicated that slimy and deepwater sculpin select different prey types and sizes. Selection for the shrimp-like crustacean Mysis diluviana was consistently greater for deepwater sculpin than for slimy sculpin, whereas selection for the amphipod Diporeia spp. was higher for slimy sculpin than for deepwater sculpin when Mysis was the only other available prey type. Slimy sculpin also exhibited higher selectivity for chironomids (order Diptera, family Chironomidae) compared with deepwater sculpin. Patterns in food resource partitioning were consistent between sampling periods covering different locations, seasons and depths, as well as between locations with varying levels of Diporeia availability. This consistency suggests (1) that differences in food use by the two species are associated with intrinsic differences in food preferences or feeding behaviors and (2) that Diporeia declines had not fundamentally altered the resource partitioning dynamics of the two species as of 2002. The results also indicated that slimy and deepwater sculpin can partition food resources on the basis of prey size since deepwater sculpin tended to select larger Diporeia than slimy sculpin. Differences in prey selection may mediate competitive interactions between slimy and deepwater sculpin directly by reducing diet overlap in areas of sympatry or indirectly by causing these fish to select different depth habitats.  相似文献   

Long-term fishery independent surveys provide metrics of relative abundance and contribute biological information critical to effective fisheries management. Improvements in technology and manufacturing processes have had profound effects on gear efficiency. In Lake Michigan, a standardized multi-agency fish community survey was adopted in 1998 which used multifilament nets to survey nearshore fish communities. Contemporary commercial gill netting operations largely utilize monofilament nets because they’re less expensive, more durable and thought to be less visible and therefore more efficient. As such, interest in converting long-term agency surveys to monofilament nets has grown. To compare catch rates and the size of fish collected, we set similarly configured nets of both mesh materials on the same day at standard survey locations. The most common species captured in the survey were lake trout (52%), yellow perch (19%), lake whitefish (15%), longnose sucker (8%), white sucker (4%) and burbot (1%). Monofilament nets were more efficient in capturing lake whitefish and longnose sucker and equally efficient in capturing other species. On average, nearly three times (2.85) as many lake whitefish were captured in monofilaments nets, and two times as many longnose suckers (2.13). Larger lake whitefish and yellow perch were captured in monofilament nets, whereas lake trout were slightly smaller. For other fish species, similar sizes were captured in each net material. This evaluation incorporated broad replication (298 paired nets) and representation from diverse locations and depth strata in Lake Michigan to inform gear conversion efforts and allow for adjustments as needed in gear conversion efforts.  相似文献   

Predation is one of the primary mechanisms that shape aquatic food webs and predator–prey interactions are typically highly dependent on sizes of both forager and its prey. Round goby Neogobius melanostomus is a recent invader to the Great Lakes and can be an important prey item for native predators. However, predation patterns on round gobies have received limited attention. We assessed size-specific predator–prey interactions between invasive round gobies and native yellow perch Perca flavescens by comparing prey preferences for three size classes of adult yellow perch foraging on six size classes of round gobies. Small yellow perch preferred the smallest round gobies available, medium sized yellow perch increased the range of round goby sizes consumed but still preferred smaller prey, whereas large yellow perch consumed larger round gobies and excluded the smallest prey size. Yellow perch foraging behaviors indicated that intermediate sizes of round gobies were struck at most frequently and that pursuit and handling time increased whereas capture efficiency and prey profitability decreased with round goby size. Our results indicate that predator–prey interactions between yellow perch and round gobies may be size dependent and heavily influenced by capture efficiency and prey profitability.  相似文献   

As the fish community changed in the Beaver Archipelago (northern Lake Michigan), so has the diet of breeding Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus). In 2000, the energetically dense alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) dominated the diet, but more recently, the relatively low quality round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) has become the most common prey item. Additionally, cormorant control measures have been underway in the archipelago. This study investigated decreases in cormorant chick numbers and changes in chick bioenergetics in response to this change in diet, as well as the influence of control efforts, and compared these results to an earlier study. Two colonies, one actively controlled the other only controlled following completion of this study, were investigated to determine changes in colony size throughout the breeding season, document chick diet, measure chick growth, and determine chick survivorship to fledging. The bioenergetics model estimated that in 2010, chicks consumed a greater biomass of prey to reach fledging due to the change in diet, but lower biomass overall due to fewer chicks in the system. Control efforts in combination with the change in diet reduced chick numbers. Overall, the impact of cormorant chicks on available fish biomass has declined in recent years due to control efforts. However, the birds have the potential to consume a greater biomass of round goby in the absence of control. The impact of cormorants on fisheries resources is complicated by the abundance and effects of non-native species.  相似文献   

For more than forty years, the herbicide atrazine has been used on corn crops in the Lake Michigan basin to control weeds. It is usually applied to farm fields in the spring before or after the corn crop emerges. A version of the WASP4 mass balance model, LM2-Atrazine, was used to assess the impact of the historical and future usage of this chemical on lake water concentrations. Long-term model forecasts were performed under various sensitivity and potential management scenarios. The model was calibrated to available lake data and results indicate that atrazine, under average conditions, is decaying very slowly in the lake (0.009/year). This kinetic decay translates into a half-life estimate of 77 years. If the average condition scenario were assumed to remain constant into the future and reflective of conditions in January 1, 2005, it is expected that the lake (excluding Green Bay) would eventually reach a volume-weighted average atrazine concentration of approximately 67 ng/L in the year 2157 (current model prediction is 48 ng/L for year 2011). These forecasted lake-wide concentrations are below known water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

There have been few direct measurements of phytoplankton production made in Lake Michigan since invasive dreissenid mussels became established in the lake. Here we report the results of 64 measurements of phytoplankton primary production made in Lake Michigan during 2016 and 2017. We conducted two lake-wide surveys, one in the spring 2016 isothermal period and one after summer stratification in 2017 and examined seasonal production with bi-weekly sampling between May and November 2017 at an offshore station in the southwestern part of the lake. We assessed nearshore-offshore gradients by sampling at three transect locations on three occasions in 2017. Spring 2016 production and production:biomass (P:B) ratios (reflective of growth rates) were similar across the lake and were higher than those reported before dreissenid mussels became established, suggesting that despite decreases in phytoplankton biomass, growth rates remain high. Summer 2017 production and growth rates increased from south to north. Areal production in 2017 peaked in late summer. Mean 2017 summer production (499 ± 129 mg C m?2 day?1) was lower than values reported prior to the mussel invasion, and the fraction of total production occurring in the deep chlorophyll layer was about half that measured pre-mussels. At the offshore site picoplankton accounted for almost 50 % of the chlorophyll. As spring P:B ratios have increased and summer P:B and seston carbon:phosphorus ratios have not changed, we conclude that the decrease in phytoplankton production in Lake Michigan is due primarily to grazing by mussels rather than to stronger nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

The lower food webs of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan have experienced similar reductions in the spring phytoplankton bloom and summer populations of Diporeia and cladocerans since the early 2000s. At the same time phosphorus concentrations have decreased and water clarity and silica concentrations have increased. Key periods of change, identified by using a method based on sequential t-tests, were 2003–2005 (Huron) and 2004–2006 (Michigan). Estimated filtration capacity suggests that dreissenid grazing would have been insufficient to directly impact phytoplankton in the deeper waters of either lake by this time (mid 2000s). Despite some evidence of decreased chlorophyll:TP ratios, consistent with grazing limitation of phytoplankton, the main impact of dreissenids on the offshore waters was probably remote, e.g., through interception of nutrients by nearshore populations. A mass balance model indicates that decreased phosphorus loading could not account for observed in-lake phosphorus declines. However, model-inferred internal phosphorus dynamics were strongly correlated between the lakes, with periods of increased internal loading in the 1990s, and increased phosphorus loss starting in 2000 in Lake Michigan and 2003 in Lake Huron, prior to dreissenid expansion into deep water of both lakes. This suggests a limited role for deep populations of dreissenids in the initial phosphorus declines in the lakes, and also suggests a role for meteorological influence on phosphorus dynamics. The high synchrony in lower trophic level changes between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron suggests that both lakes should be considered when investigating underlying causal factors of these changes.  相似文献   

Coastal dunes are prominent features along the Lake Michigan shoreline, especially along Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. Numerous studies in recent years have reconstructed the geomorphic history of these dune systems, from their initial formation in the mid-Holocene to about 300 years ago. These studies have suggested linkages between past dune behavior and climatic variability and fluctuating lake levels. Less is known, however, about how these dune systems change on shorter-temporal scales in the modern era and the potential drivers of that change. Using repeat photography, this paper attempts to demonstrate how the coastal dunes of Lake Michigan’s eastern shore have changed since the 19th century. We collected hundreds of photographs of these dunes, taken between the years 1885 and 2018, from archives and citizen scientists. In the spring and summer of 2019, we took ∼70 new photographs replicating the original images. The changes between coastal dune conditions in the original photographs and in the 2019 photographs show a general expansion of vegetation across formerly barren and active surfaces along the entire shoreline. Although human development has also played a role in reshaping the coastal dune systems, the most pronounced difference between historical and current dune conditions where repeat photography was conducted is the expansion of vegetation – grasses, shrubs, and even trees. Here, we present the 20 photograph pairs most representative of these trends, explore these changes, and discuss the likely causes, including the increase in precipitation in Michigan in the past  ∼80 years.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions among walleye Sander vitreus, lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis, and yellow perch Perca flavescens in Green Bay could influence the population status of each species, but potential trophic interactions are poorly understood. Our objectives were to determine if diet assemblages for each species and diet overlap among species varied spatially and temporally within Green Bay. Adult walleye (≥381 mm total length (TL); N = 981), lake whitefish (≥432 mm TL; N = 1507), and yellow perch (≥150 mm TL; N = 1174) were collected during May-October of 2018 and 2019 from multiple locations in southern and northern Green Bay. Diet assemblages of each species varied between northern and southern Green Bay, but walleye diets were more temporally variable (among months within zones and between years) than diets of lake whitefish or yellow perch. Lake whitefish represented a seasonally important prey item for walleye in southern Green Bay, composing 10 % and 41 % of walleye diets by weight in May and June, respectively. Yellow perch generally composed <15 % of walleye diets by weight but were consumed at a broader spatiotemporal scale than lake whitefish. Diet overlap between walleye and both lake whitefish and yellow perch was generally weak or moderate, whereas diet overlap between whitefish and perch was generally strong. Our assessment of adult trophic interactions suggests that changes in the population status of one species could influence fisheries for all three, and we identify additional research questions to address potential population-level effects of these trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring chemical markers in otoliths offer a potential but untested means to identify source environment for fishes in the upper Illinois River system and Lake Michigan, including individuals that may breach or circumvent electrical barriers in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal or be transferred via bait buckets between these formerly isolated drainages. The objectives of this study were to determine whether water and fish otolith stable isotopic and elemental compositions differ among Lake Michigan, the upper Illinois River, and three tributaries of the upper Illinois River (Fox, Des Plaines and DuPage Rivers) and to determine whether otolith isotopic and elemental signatures could be used to identify the water body from which individual fish were collected. Water and fish otolith samples were obtained from each site during 2007 and analyzed for δ18O and a suite of trace element concentrations; otoliths also were analyzed for δ13C. Otolith δ13C values for Lake Michigan fish were distinct from individuals collected in the Illinois River and tributaries. Fish collected in the Fox and Des Plaines Rivers could be distinguished from one another and from fish captured in the Illinois and DuPage Rivers using otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca ratios. Otolith isotopic and elemental compositions may enable identification of source environment for fishes that move or are transferred between the Illinois River drainage and Lake Michigan; however, temporal variation in otolith chemical signatures should be assessed.  相似文献   

We examined drivers of water quality during 2007–2013 in a region of Lake Ontario influenced by various anthropogenic inputs and natural influences. Nutrient concentrations generally declined from shoreline to offshore, with mean concentrations approaching background after 1 km from shore. N species were an exception to this overall pattern, often with higher concentrations coincident with a mid-nearshore Water Pollution Control Plant outfall (WPCPo). The WPCPo, however, did not appear to be a major contributor to shoreline total phosphorus (TP) or ammonia + ammonium. Shoreline TP variability increased in dry years, while E. coli and conductivity variability increased in wet years. The influence of environmental drivers on water quality differed seasonally. In summer, cross-shore winds causing resuspension appeared to be drivers of elevated nearshore TP and suspended solids (SS), while precipitation, light, and water column stability were related to E. coli. Summer biological activity was evident in higher shoreline total Kjeldhal N contributions and lower NO3 + NO2 and dissolved inorganic N. In fall and spring, TP, SS, and conductivity were elevated within 400 m of the shore, suggesting tributary inputs were an important P delivery mechanism to the nearshore in addition to spring resuspension events. Fall, however, represented a transitional period representing a shift from drivers dominant in summer to those in spring. The analytical approach used here reveals generalizable patterns in nearshore water quality and their drivers and may be applicable to other regions where there is a confluence of varying drivers of water quality to a nearshore region.  相似文献   

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