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In this paper we present the first exploration of detonation wave propagation dynamics in premixed supersonic flows using a novel rotating detonation engine (RDE) configuration. An RDE with a coupled linear extension, referred to as ρDE, is used to divide detonations traveling radially in the RDE into linearly propagating waves. A tangential propagating wave is directed down a modular tangential linearized extension to the engine for ease of optical diagnostics and hardware configuration investigations. A premixed Mach 2 supersonic linear extension is coupled to the ρDE to investigate the effects of varying crossflow configurations for detonation propagation, particularly the interaction between detonations and supersonic reactive mixtures. Detonation waves are generated at the steady operating frequency of the RDE and visualized using high speed schlieren and broadband OH* chemiluminescence imaging. The stagnation pressure was varied from over- to ideally-expanded supersonic regimes. Experimental analysis of detonation interaction with the supersonic regimes show that the detonation propagates freely in the ideally-expanded regime. Deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) occurs in the over-expanded regime. Based on the data collected, the DDT process favors supersonic flow with higher source pressures.  相似文献   

The rotating detonation engine can generate continuous thrust via one or more detonation waves. In this study, rotating detonation experiments were performed on a combined structure which included a rotating detonation combustor (RDC) and a centrifugal compressor. Air, which functioned as an oxidiser, was obtained from the environment by the compressor, and hydrogen, which was used as fuel, was provided by the supply system. The propagation velocity of the rotating detonation wave (RDW) reached 81% of the Chapman–Jouguet value in experiments. With the increase of the air-injection area, the detonation-wave pressure increased, but the stability decreased. An air-injection area of 495 mm2 was selected for long-duration experiments, and the frequency of the RDW ranged from 3 to 3.5 kHz. Through the self-adjustment of the combined structure, the air pressure ultimately reached a stable state after a certain period of time, and a stable detonation wave was formed in the RDC.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from numerical simulations of a non-premixed hydrogen-air rotating detonation combustor with radial injection. The fuel and air mass flow rate are varied in order to hold a unity global equivalence ratio. The calculations show that multiple detonation waves co-exist when the mass flow rate is increased. Conditional statistics of the detonation structure and combustion processes suggest similarities across co-existing waves. Quantification of the injection response to the rotation of a detonation indicates that at higher flow rate the refill time is short enough to allow for a quick and well mixed composition prior to the new front passage. Details of the combustion characteristics are analyzed. The results elucidate the correlation between initial injection conditions and detonation multiplicity on the overall physics within the combustor.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical simulation of rotating detonation engine (RDE) with hollow combustor is performed to analyze wave structure evolution systematically. Wave structure evolution is classified into four categories, namely two-wave collision (counter-rotating waves), abscission of detonation tail, and shock wave to detonation transition. Two-wave collision consists of symmetric detonation collision, asymmetric detonation collision, and detonation/shock collision. Two symmetric detonation waves turn into shock waves after collision. Collision of asymmetric detonation waves creates single detonation wave. The detonation/shock collision decreases the detonation wave intensity. Abscission of detonation tail and shock to detonation transition can both create single detonation wave or two opposite-direction detonation waves, depending on the wave hitting angle and the amount of fresh gas. All phenomena mentioned above affect the number of detonation waves in the combustion chamber.  相似文献   

The counter-rotating shock wave phenomenon and instability mechanisms in the hollow rotating detonation combustor with a Laval nozzle are investigated. The in-house solver BYRFoam based on the OpenFOAM platform and the detailed chemical reaction kinetic mechanism are used. The coupling of the detonation wave and the shock wave is revealed, with the continuous presence of the counter-rotating shock wave in the combustor that propagates in the opposite direction to the detonation wave and oscillates in intensity. The intensities of both the detonation wave and the counter-rotating shock wave are found to be constantly oscillating, and this instability is referred to as the collision-oscillation instability. It is caused by the complex interaction between the detonation wave, the fresh gas and the counter-rotating shock wave. The velocity difference between the detonation wave and the counter-rotating shock wave is found to lead to the migration of the collision point, which in turn leads to the peak periodic undulation phenomenon of the pressure curve, that is, the wave packet. This instability is called the counter-rotating instability, which co-exists with the collision-oscillation instability for a long time. The results of this study are compared with the experimental data, and the reasons for the oscillation of the experimental pressure signal are explained.  相似文献   

The rotating detonation engine is a new machine that can generate thrust via continuous rotating detonation waves (RDWs). In this study, experiments were performed on a structure combining a rotating detonation combustor (RDC) and a turbine guide vane to investigate the propagation characteristic of hydrogen-air RDW. The results showed that the velocity of detonation wave initially increased and then decreased with the increase of equivalence ratio, and it got a velocity of 84% Chapman-Jouguet value. The velocity of detonation wave generally rose by 4.31% comparing with the no guide vane tests, while the scope of steady-operation state became narrow. The oscillation pressure was reduced by 64% after passing through the guide vane, and the magnitude of pressure was only 0.4 bar at the guide vane exit. Meanwhile, part of the shock wave was reflected back to combustor resulting in some small pressure disturbances, and the propagation mode of reflected wave was related to the propagation direction of RDW.  相似文献   

The rotating detonation combustor can be applied to the turbine engine to develop into a new power device, and the liquid-fuel/air rotating denotation has important research significance for engine applications. In this research, the propagation characteristics of liquid-fuel/air rotating detonation wave were experimentally investigated. A hydrocarbon mixture—liquid gasoline was employed for the fuel, the oxidizer was high-temperature air preheated by a hydrogen-oxygen heater, and the rotating detonation wave was initiated via a hydrogen-oxygen pre-detonator. The effects of the equivalence ratio, ignition pressure, and air total temperature on the propagation characteristics of the liquid-fuel rotating detonation wave were analyzed. The liquid-fuel/air continuous rotating detonation wave can be successfully obtained with a single-wave mode, and the velocity and peak pressure of the rotating detonation waves increase as the equivalence ratio increases. As the detonation-wave pressures at the outlet of the pre-detonator increase, the establishment time of the rotating detonation wave gradually decreases, and the average establishment time is 4.01 ms. Stable rotating detonation waves are obtained with the air total temperature of 600–800 K, but the intensity of the detonation wave has a large deficit due to some instabilities.  相似文献   

Outlet nozzles for a rotating detonation combustor were designed to meet a downstream turbine and reduce the high pressure and heat load caused by the oblique shock wave at the outlet. The effects of the rotating detonation combustor with two types of outlet nozzles were studied, and the performance and outlet parameters of the combustor were measured at an elevated chamber pressure and preheating temperature based on gas turbine conditions. The results showed that the outlet nozzles could cause changes in the wave collisions and folding of the weak flame front in the detonation formation process, but the basic propagation process was similar to that without a nozzle. The pressure ratio changed from 1.427 in the original model to 1.392 and 1.304 with the two types of outlet nozzles. Meanwhile, the outlet load was greatly improved. The peak values of the static temperature at the outlet dropped by 22.423% and 27.572% with the two types of outlet nozzles compared to the original model. In addition, the peak static pressures dropped by 75.737% and 83.722%, respectively. In addition, the outlet nozzles significantly reduced the unevenness of the outlet static temperature and static pressure distributions. This created a better outlet operating environment, thereby improving the performance of the rotating detonation combustor.  相似文献   

The pronounced interest in rotating detonation combustors (RDC) in recent years has witnessed the investigation of multiple facets of the combustor, like reactants, injection schemes and combustor geometry. The issue of instabilities in RDCs is a nascent field, and requires both the identification, and the subsequent explanation of different instability mechanisms. In particular, we are concerned with the low frequency instability exhibited by the detonation wave. This is attributed to two different types of low frequency instabilities—amplitude and frequency modulated—that are discovered in the air plenum of an RDC, and subsequently discussed. The occurrence of these instabilities is observed to depend on the fuel injection scheme used and the air flow rates through the combustor. The amplitude modulated instability in the air inlet is spatially varying, and rotates in a direction opposite to the direction of the detonation wave. At higher air flow rates, and thus higher pressure ratios across the air injection, this instability disappears. A preliminary hypothesis is proposed to explain this amplitude modulation.  相似文献   

Rotating detonation engines have attracted considerable attentions in recent years. In this study, the experiments of initiating rotating detonation waves were performed on a H2/air rotating detonation wave with the variable air-inlet slot. The results showed that the stability of detonation-wave pressure and velocity both initially increased and then decreased with the increase of slot width, and it could improve the stability of detonation-wave velocity via increasing the equivalence ratio. The intensity of reflected wave was strong for the tests of d = 0.5 mm, which leaded to the advance ignition of fresh mixture and a velocity deficit reaching up to 20%. The strong interaction between air plenum and combustor and bad mixing effect may be the reasons of forming unstable detonation wave for the tests of large-scale slots. The air-inlet slot of d = 1 mm, which got a best experiment results relative to other tests, had a wide equivalence-ratio scope to produce stable detonation wave.  相似文献   

Pre-detonators are commonly used in rotating detonation engine (RDE) experiments. Current experimental studies focus on the performance of pre-detonator while ignoring the influence of pre-detonator on the flow field. In numerical simulations one-dimensional detonation wave is usually used to ignite the fresh gas in RDE. This is a simplification of the pre-detonator used in practical hotfire tests. But the coupling between the pre-detonator and the combustor is ignored. The aim of the present study is to study the influence of pre-detonator on the flow field in the RDE. A model of RDE with a pre-detonator is built, in which three-dimensional numerical simulations fueled with hydrogen/air is performed. The influence of pre-detonator on the combustor in different stages is studied. After initiation, detonation wave from the pre-detonator forms two counter-rotating detonation waves. The tangential installation of pre-detonator fails in directional initiation of detonation wave. The coupling effect is shown as the reflection and expulsion of shock wave. Detonation wave or oblique shock wave in the combustion chamber enters the pre-detonator and turns into shock wave before colliding with the end and re-entering the combustion chamber. Under some circumstances, the reflected shock wave will initiate a detonation wave and affect the wave structure in the combustion chamber. In the stable stage, the reflected shock wave has no effect on the flow field. However, periodic collision of reflected shock wave with detonation wave at the junction causes ablation in long-time experiments. Increasing the axial distance between pre-detonator and injection wall is expected to be a solution for the ablation problem.  相似文献   

The rotating detonation wave (RDW) propagation processes and influence factors are simulated in the plane-radial structure. The effects of inner radii of curvature, domain widths and stagnation pressures on propagation mode are studied. The RDW is initiated, and two kinds of propagation mode are obtained and analyzed. The flow field structure, parameters variation and influence factors on unstable propagation mode are explored in depth, and the geometrical and injection conditions of the unstable propagation are obtained. Results indicate that the decoupling and re-initiation occur repeatedly during the unstable propagation mode of the RDW, and the angular velocities of leading shock wave vary accordingly. When the domain width remains constant, the range of stagnation-pressure under unstable propagation mode increases as the inner radius increases. But the RDW propagates steadily when the inner radius increases to a certain value (Larger than 40 mm in this study). The effect of curvature radius and initial pressure ahead of detonation wave on the unstable propagation mode in this calculation model is similar to that in a curved channel. When ri +0.464pa > 80.932 or ri ≥ 40 mm, the detonation wave can propagate steadily in the annular domain. When the curvature radius remains constant, the stagnation-pressure range of the unstable propagation mode decreases as the domain width increases.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the formation process and propagation characteristics of detonation wave, developing process of detonation wave from initiation to stable detonation formation under non-premixed conditions has been studied by experiments and numerical simulation. The results show that when mass flow rates of air and hydrogen are 158.957 g/s and 2.728 g/s respectively, stable detonation can be formed in the combustor. Due to the lower inlet pressure, there is an unstable stage in combustor before the stable detonation is formed. Reducing the air pressure will increase the lowest detonation limit of combustor and lead to flame-out and re-initiation in the combustor. The propagation direction of detonation wave may change after re-initiation. Non-premixed intake structure lead to the inconsistency of rotating detonation combustion fluid in the radial direction. Moreover, peak pressure appears near the outer wall, while peak temperature appears near the inner wall.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of gas mixture components on the combustion characteristics of rotating detonation wave, two-dimensional simulation is presented to simulate the propagation process of rotating detonation wave with different methane conversions. The results indicate that there are five propagation modes of rotating detonation wave with different components: single-wave mode, single wave with counter-rotating components mode, double-waves mode, triple-waves mode and quadruple-waves mode. The detonation wave propagates along the forward direction in all five modes. With the increase of methane conversion, multi-wave mode appears in the combustion chamber. The fuel component has a great influence on the heat release ratio of detonation combustion. The velocity of detonation wave decreases with the increase of methane conversion. With the increase of methane conversion, the chemical reaction rate gradually increases, which leads to the intensification of chemical reaction on the deflagration surface. The reaction on the deflagration surface develops to the unburned fuel zone, which eventually leads to the formation of compression waves and shock waves in the fuel refill zone. When the shock wave sweeps through the fresh premixed gas, the reactant is compressed to form a detonation point and then ignite the fuel. A new detonation wave is finally formed. The total pressure ratio decreases with the increasing methane conversion, and the uniformity of the total pressure of outlet decreases with increasing methane conversion.  相似文献   

Numerical investigation of a non-premixed hollow rotating detonation engine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rotating detonation engines (RDEs) are widely studied because of their compact configurations and high thermal cycle efficiency. In this paper, a series of numerical investigations of a non-premixed hollow RDE are performed. The transient explicit density-based solver in ANSYS Fluent is used to perform the simulations. For a hollow RDE without Laval nozzle, there is only one rotating detonation wave in the combustion chamber. Compared to the traditional annular RDE, the mixing quality is deteriorated, and the thrust of the engine decreases and becomes more unstable. When the hollow RDE is attached with a Laval nozzle, there are two rotating detonation waves in the combustion chamber. The pressure within the combustion chamber increases while the axial velocity decreases. The mixing quality is improved. The height of detonation waves decreases with larger contraction ratio of the nozzle. A Laval nozzle is beneficial for a hollow RDE to achieve steadier operation and higher thrust output. When the contraction ratio is 4, the propulsive performance of the engine is the highest. The maximum thrust achieved is 840 N.  相似文献   

Rotating detonation as a kind of pressure gain combustion is expected to greatly improve efficiency when applied to gas turbine engines. In this paper, the operation of rotating detonation combustor and turbine rotor blade was studied. Firstly, the analysis of the interaction between detonation wave and turbine blade shows that the compression of gas by detonation wave and reflected wave will lead to a sharp increase in the temperature at the wall of blade. When the detonation wave propagates, the oscillation amplitudes of pressure and temperature at the turbine inlet are 70% and 75% respectively, and the detonation oblique shock will change the flow trajectory of the air flow, resulting in the flow direction deviating from the incident angle. Then the comparison between detonation and deflagration shows that the total pressure of detonation is higher and will have greater work potential. The torque generated by the blades under detonation has the characteristics of high-frequency oscillation, which may be detrimental to the operation of the engine.  相似文献   

For high-Mach-number incoming flow circumstances, a rotating detonation ramjet engine configuration is proposed in this research. By installing supporting blocks at the rear of the combustor, this configuration achieves continuous rotating detonation operation. Based on the Comparison of the flow structures obtained from the engine configuration with and without the supporting block before and after detonation ignition respectively, we obtain the intrinsic mechanism of detonation wave's propagation and re-initiation under the action of the supporting block. The supporting block creates a deflagration wave that is almost stationary before detonation ignition. In the detonation-ignited state, the deflagration wave is continually formed and traveling upstream under the influence of the supporting block, which is analogous to the periodical before detonation ignition of a transverse wave structure. The dynamic deflagration wave will cause the incomplete reactants behind the detonation wave to burn as the intensity of the detonation wave decreases. As a result, the incident shock wave is transformed into a Mach stem to achieve the re-initiation of the detonation wave.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the structure and propagation characteristics of hydrogen-assisted kerosene (liquid phase)-air rotating detonation, a modified solver based on OpenFOAM? was proposed and utilized to simulate detonation in the mixture of hydrogen, liquid kerosene and air. The obtained results show that evaporation waves exist in the discrete liquid mist detonation, and the coupled-waves structure formed by the evaporation wave (EW) and the incident shock wave (ISW) propagates upstream. By analyzing the overall and instantaneous propagation characteristics, it is found that the propagation speed of the detonation wave increases with the increase of the equivalence ratio at the fuel rich state. Increasing the droplet size will cause the evaporation wave to be further downstream relative to the ISW, resulting in lower evaporating pressure. The effect of EW on ISW is accomplished by the blast wave traveling upstream which is generated by droplet reaction, while EW is influenced by the ISW by modulating the droplet enthalpy and the pressure attenuation following ISW. Part of the droplet reaction energy is held in the gap between the EW and ISW, consequently the gap acts as an energy storage piston, regulating the ISW and EW propagation speeds. The combustion of droplets with smaller sizes imposes more positive feedback on their evaporation, and increasing the total temperature of the premixed gas promotes the interaction between the EW and the ISW, resulting in a more steady propagating overall structure.  相似文献   

In this paper, a three dimensional numerical investigation was carried out to study the formation and propagation characteristics of non-premixed rotating detonation wave using H2/air as reactive mixtures. At a constant global equivalence ratio, the effects of inlet mass flow rates of H2 and air on various performance parameters of rotating detonation wave and based on it combustor were analyzed in detail. On this basis, the mode switching process of rotating detonation wave caused by transiently changing the inlet mass flow rates was also discussed. The numerical results showed that inlet mass flow rates of H2 and air played a very critical role in the formation, propagation and mode switching of rotating detonation wave. With the increase of inlet mass flow rates, rotating detonation wave could be switched from single wave to double waves. The propagation direction of double waves depended on the changing process of inlet mass flow rates. Meanwhile, compared to the single wave, double waves or its based combustor had the obvious advantages in formation time, stability and thrust, but had disadvantage in pressure ratio. In addition, both fill characteristics and mixing quality of fresh reactive mixtures are the underlying important mechanisms to explain the effects of inlet mass flow rates on rotating detonation waves.  相似文献   

Rotating detonation engine has been widely studied in recent years because of its high theoretical efficiency and heat release rate. In many numerical simulations, the combustible mixture is injected and fully filled at the head of the combustor. In this paper, annular injection slits are proposed and three representative injection patterns are simulated by changing the injection directions. Stable single-wave modes are formed in all three patterns and two kinds of combustible mixture layer structures are found, namely “L-shape” and “T-shape” structures. Following the combustible mixture layer, the detonation wave is not fully filled in the radial direction, thus radial and circumferential shock waves are induced from the detonation wave, forming more complex wave structures. After the radial shock wave, velocity vortex and significant deflagration are found and propagate with the shock wave, thus maintaining a higher pressure and temperature there.  相似文献   

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