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Water resources on the Canadian Prairies are at risk due to human settlement, agricultural intensification, and climatic change. The Red River Valley (RRV), Manitoba, Canada, represents a nexus of these cumulative stressors. Here land use change, combined with a recent increase in precipitation and runoff, imperils the protective function of tributaries draining to Lake Winnipeg. A concerted research effort over the past decade has greatly improved availability of data and knowledge about the RRV. However, a full synthesis of these data and information remain lacking. We undertook a review to identify and compare contemporary and historical land use, climatic, hydrologic, and water quality condition within the RRV. Then, using current knowledge of the ecological condition of streams in the RRV and elsewhere, we completed an ecological causal assessment of RRV tributaries to identify linkages and knowledge gaps between anthropogenic drivers and ecological endpoints. We found wastewater to be the candidate cause of ecological effects in RRV streams best supported by empirical evidence. A lack of complete lines of evidence linking agriculture, the greatest diffuse source of nutrient inputs, and ecological effects in RRV tributaries underscored a need for stressor-specific indicators and improved biomonitoring strategies to better detect likely impacts of land use. We also identified a need for research to connect well-known causal elements in the RRV, such as climatic variables and hydrological alteration, to ecological effects. Our findings provide direction for future research and can aid in development of an adaptive management strategy for tributaries of the RRV.  相似文献   

Changes in the crustacean zooplankton community composition and abundance in Lake Winnipeg (1969–2006) provide a rare opportunity to examine their response to environmental changes in the largest naturally eutrophic lake on the Canadian prairies. Since 1929, zooplankton species composition in Lake Winnipeg has changed little except for the addition of the invasive cladoceran, Eubosmina coregoni in 1994. The dominant taxa in the lake in summer include: Leptodiaptomus ashlandi, Acanthocyclops vernalis, Diacyclops thomasi, Daphnia retrocurva, Daphnia mendotae, Diaphanosoma birgei, Eubosmina coregoni, and Bosmina longirostris. Climate-accelerated nutrient loading to southern Lake Winnipeg over the last two decades has led to increased phytoplankton abundance and higher frequency of cyanobacterial blooms especially in its northern basin. Crustacean zooplankton have likewise increased especially in the North Basin, but less so in the more nutrient rich South Basin, possibly as a consequence of higher densities of pelagic planktivorous fish and light-limited primary production compared with the more transparent North basin (Brunskill et al., 1979, 1980). Calanoid copepods play a larger role in the South basin food web in contrast to cyclopoid copepods and Cladocera in the North basin. The study begins to fill the recognized gap in understanding of Lake Winnipeg's food web structure and provides a baseline for evaluating ongoing changes in the zooplankton community with the arrival of new non-indigenous taxa, e.g. Bythotrephes longimanus and Dreissena polymorpha. It reinforces previous work demonstrating that zooplankton provide valuable indices toward evaluating the health of an ecosystem.  相似文献   

The δ13C and δ15N of seston, organic matter sources (riparian vegetation, algae, macrophytes, plankton) and an invertebrate detritivore were examined in a regulated Rocky Mountain river (fourth order). The isotopic composition of seston varied among sites and seasons for all size fractions; among-site variation was weakest for ultra-fine particulate organic matter (< 53 μm). Comminution of seston to ultra-fine size partially obscured isotopic differences among sites. Multiple isotope signatures of seston were distinct among sites at different distances from a dam (0.5, 5.3, 8.7 km) and between the river and a third order tributary. Seston (> 53 μm) from 0.5 km below the dam was relatively 13C-depleted (?30 to ?28°), reflecting the contribution of reservoir-derived plankton; seston from the site 8.7 km downstream was relatively 13C-enriched (?18 to ?23°), reflecting autochthonous inputs. Tributary seston had an intermediate δ13C value (?22 to ?26°), reflecting allochthonous inputs (conifer litter) and macrophyte (Elodea) detrital inputs. δ15N values of seston were generally similar among sites (4–8°) but were more depleted for the tributary (1–4°). Depleted δ15N values (0–2.5°) for seston from below the dam in late summer corresponded to a blue-green algae bloom in the reservoir. Isotopic shifts of organic matter incubated for 60–90 days in situ were small (< 2°) and varied in direction depending on isotope and litter type. The isotopic composition of stonefly larvae, Pteronarcys californica, varied among sites, and closely matched that of the local seston (especially FPOM), suggesting that with respect to detritus origin, larvae were opportunistic foragers. The origin of organic matter is influenced by flow regulation, resulting in compressed isotopic gradients.  相似文献   

The spread of nonindigenous species (NIS) over land and via interconnecting water bodies is threatening aquatic ecosystems worldwide. This study examines the invasion of the first known NIS zooplankter, Eubosmina coregoni, into Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Analyses of cladoceran microfossils from a sediment core collected in the North Basin of the lake indicate this species first appeared in sediments dated to the late 1980s. An increase in total cladoceran accumulation rates coupled with increasing N, C, P, and chlorophyll a over the last 40 years provides evidence of eutrophication. Extant samples from fall 2002-2005 indicate that E. coregoni is mainly restricted to the North Basin while Bosmina longirostris is present throughout the lake. Results from this study provide baseline data regarding the invasion and establishment of E. coregoni, a precursor to future NIS that may have substantial ecological and economic impacts on the Lake Winnipeg ecosystem.  相似文献   

The lower Colorado River from Laughlin, Nevada, to the border with Mexico is one of the most regulated rivers in North America. An analysis of particulate organic matter (POM) transport through the system was made to determine POM concentrations, composition and point of origin, as well as to determine the effect dams had on this transport. Particulate organic matter concentrations generally increased from upstream to downstream, and were dominated by very fine organic detritus (< 25μm size fraction). Reservoirs released more POM than they received during spring and summer, but less during autumn and winter. Reservoirs recycled POM, taking in organic detritus and discharging small limnoplankton. Backwater complexes functioned as filters during storm events, trapping coarse material and releasing fine material. Agricultural drains made only minor contributions of POM, but provided important nutrients for in-channel production of POM. Water diversions forced POM off-channel, whereas sluicing operations reduced inorganic loads in the canals. Despite the presence of six mainstem dams, the lower reaches support a diverse assemblage of detritivorous fishes, similar to that found in the lowermost reaches of natural, unregulated rivers. The food base for this fishery stems from autochthonous production of POM.  相似文献   

Hydrologic linkages among coastal wetland and nearshore areas allow coastal fish to move among the habitats, which has led to a variety of habitat use patterns. We determined nutritional support of coastal fishes from 12 wetland-nearshore habitat pairs using stable isotope analyses, which revealed differences among species and systems in multi-habitat use. Substantial (proportions?>?0.30) nutrition often came from the habitat other than that in which fish were captured. Nearshore subsidies to coastal wetlands indicate wetlands are not exclusively exporters of energy and materials; rather, there is reciprocity in the mutual energetic support of nearshore and wetland food webs. Coastal wetland hydrogeomorphology influenced the amount of multi-habitat use by coastal fishes. Fishes from systems with relatively open interfaces between wetland and nearshore habitats exhibited less nutritional reliance on the habitat in which they were captured, and higher use of resources from the adjacent habitat. Comparisons of stable isotope analyses of nutrition with otolith analyses of occupancy indicated nutritional sources often corresponded with habitat occupancy; however, disparities among place of capture, otolith analyses, and nutritional analyses indicated differences in the types of support those analyses inform. Disparities between occupancy information and nutritional information can stem from movements for support functions other than foraging. Together, occupancy information from otolith microchemistry and nutritional information from stable isotope analyses provide complementary measures of the use of multiple habitats by mobile consumers. This work underscores the importance of protecting or restoring a diversity of coastal habitats and the hydrologic linkages among them.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological studies are rarely performed on reservoirs because of concern that sediments might not accurately chronicle reservoir history. Eutrophication indicators might behave differently in polymictic reservoirs and stratified natural lakes because of system and/or mixing regime differences. Particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations, carbon:nitrogen (C:N) and nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratios, and carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes from a sediment core were measured to demonstrate that sufficient information can be derived from sediments to permit a historical reconstruction. The scattered POC data were likely biased by seasonal/annual variability in allochthonous organic matter (OM) loading. The upwardly increasing PON in the sediment core supported historic primary productivity (PP) data, suggesting PON could be a better PP indicator than POC. The upwardly increasing TP documented historic P enrichment. The upwardly decreasing C:N ratio identified an OM source shift from allochthonous to increasingly autochthonous sources with reservoir age. The upwardly increasing N:P ratio implied that N‐fixation rates have increased with reservoir age, to compensate for increasing N limitation as the P loading increased. The δ13C decreased as the PP increased with reservoir age producing an atypical relationship compared to stratified natural lakes. The OM source shifts likely biased the δ13C–PP relationship, and might weaken δ13C‐inferred PP reconstructions in similar reservoirs. The δ15N increased with reservoir age, likely resulting from dissolved inorganic N (DIN) source changes, rather than nitrate utilization. Watershed urban growth and dairy operation intensification potentially contributed greater loads of isotopically heavy DIN. This study demonstrated that paleolimnology has great potential to assist eutrophication assessment and management efforts in reservoirs.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios of organic carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) were measured in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediment in the near-shore areas of Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria (LV) to identify the various sources of organic matter in different areas of the lake. Spatial variations in δ13C, δ15N, and C/N ratios in SPM and sediments in inshore areas were due to differences in the proportions and sources of autochthonous or allochthonous matter. Watershed characteristics, such as urbanization, and lake characteristics, such as algal blooms, also immensely influenced the stable isotope signal of the organic matter in sediments. Stable C and N ratios showed that inshore areas in bays without pronounced fluvial input were dominated by autochthonous planktonic organic matter; conversely, for bays receiving significant fluvial inflows, the composition of organic matter depended on the extent of preservation of shoreline vegetation. Signals resulting from input of anthropogenic organic waste as a result of urbanization were distinguishable from natural sources. This work demonstrates the potential to discriminate between input sources of organic material into lakes using stable isotope signals in sediment and suspended particulate matter.  相似文献   

This study examines temporal variation in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations in streams in the Han River watershed, Korea. On days without significant antecedent rain, DOC and POC concentrations ranged from 0.87 to 3.23 mg C/L and 0.24 to 2.92 mg C/L, respectively. Following rain events, both DOC and POC concentrations were higher. Soil and compost had δ13C values similar to stream δ13C-DOC and δ13C-POC. These results demonstrate the importance of studies using tracer approaches and the value of research on sources of organic carbon transported in streams in multiple use monsoonal watersheds.  相似文献   


Based on the assumption that there is a general gap in information about social aspects of flood/floodplain management, the authors undertook several surveys on rural and urban residents' preferences for selected non-structural flood alleviation measures in the Red River basin, following the 1997 flood of the century. In addition to regular multiple choice and preference scaling questions, each survey contained a discrete choice experiment (a stated preference approach) which allows explicit modeling of tradeoffs. For this purpose, respondents were shown a set of choice cards displaying varied profiles of hypothetical flood/floodplain management policies and each of the respondents was asked to select the most preferred profile from a set. The survey on emergency flood evacuation indicated that in their preferences for evacuation procedures, residents were sensitive to the level of risk present. The majority of the residents preferred voluntary evacuation at the 50 percent risk of hazardous flooding, but had no objection to mandatory evacuation at a 99 percent level of risk. The choice experiment was less successful in modeling preferences for floodproofing policies. In that case, the majority of respondents consistently preferred the option of floodproofing their homesteads, irrespective of the incentives that other policy options had provided. Some of the additional survey questions suggested that the absence of a typical tradeoff behavior might have been due to the fact that a government policy on floodproofing had already been announced. The latter might have unduly influenced the responses to the hypothetical scenarios. We conclude the paper by suggesting that social science research can make significant contributions to the management and policy design of non-structural flood alleviation measures, especially when investigating management options and outcomes in a tradeoff context.  相似文献   

为研究滨海湿地柽柳灌丛水分推动下的土壤养分富集作用,对黄河三角洲单株柽柳个体周围不同位点、不同土层土壤有机质含量及土壤水、地表水和黄河水同位素进行分析。结果表明:(1)土壤有机质在灌木主干周围出现富集现象,形成深度为20cm,半径为1.5m的富集圈层,有机质含量空间分布呈现冠幅下明显高于冠幅边缘和株间空地,且随土层深度增加而降低,表现出非常明显的肥岛效应。(2)不同土壤剖面水分同位素值出现差异:0~5cm表层土δD、δ18 O同位素值表现为冠幅下冠幅边缘株间空地,而5~10cm土层δD、δ18 O同位素值为冠幅下冠幅边缘株间空地。0~5cm表层土同位素值大于5~10cm土层同位素值。(3)水分运动对柽柳灌丛周围有机质含量产生影响,沿灌木主干流下的雨水冲刷和黄河水侧渗作用是影响灌丛下土壤有机质含量冠幅下冠幅边缘株间空地的原因之一。有机质等土壤养分在肥岛效应及水分运动影响下向柽柳主干周围聚集,这种土壤养分的小尺度空间异质性促进了柽柳自身及附近其他植物的生长,改变了土壤的理化性质。本研究结果同时可以作为黄河三角洲盐碱地土壤改良和植被恢复的参考依据。  相似文献   

Lake Winnipeg has undergone extensive changes in environmental conditions and fish community structure during recent decades. The presence of cyanobacteria and invasive species as well as eutrophication, flow regulation, fishing pressure, and climate change all have potential impacts on the native fish community. Since 2002, pelagic forage fish species and early life stages of large-bodied fish species in the pelagic zone in Lake Winnipeg (Manitoba, Canada) have been monitored. Catch data were used to study the temporal variation in species-specific occurrence and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) and to analyse the effects of lake condition on species occurrence and CPUE estimates. To account for the temporal variation observed for commonly caught prey species in Lake Winnipeg, we used a Bayesian approach, Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA), to compare the effects of environmental variables on occurrence and CPUE. The pelagic fish community composition varied among years, and CPUE declined by 2.2-fold between 2005–2008 and 2015–2018. Emerald shiner was the most dominate prey fish species but decreased in the catches since the early 2000’s, while rainbow smelt have almost entirely disappeared from the catches in recent years. Overall, we observed a decrease in CPUE in four of six most caught, pelagic species. Important environmental variables explaining occurrence and CPUE of the six most caught species in the survey were temperature and Secchi, trawl, and water depths. The trawl survey serves as a valuable long-term monitoring tool to study trends in responses of both native and non-native species to ecosystem changes in Lake Winnipeg.  相似文献   

No detailed studies have been conducted on the spatial distribution of sediment characteristics within Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, especially after the invasion of water hyacinth. Accordingly, a rapid, inexpensive method was used to determine the spatial sediment organic matter variations, expressed as loss on ignition (LOI). Surficial sediments were collected during different survey periods from about thirty‐two sampling sites between 1994 and 2012, in order to characterize the sediments. Although the deeper (>40 m) depositional areas are located in the open lake, visual observations indicate that most of the offshore sediments consist of muddy deposits, plus significant shell remains, with a more sandy type of sediments located in some areas off the inflowing river mouths. The surficial sediments were characterized by a relatively high water content, with over 89% of the samples containing water contents greater than 75%. The sediment organic matter contents from the 2012 survey were more variable, ranging from 1.90% to 33.47%. The sediment organic carbon contents varied spatially, although there were no significant variations between the different sampling periods. Evaluating the SOM at different heating durations at a constant temperature (550 °C) and a very high temperatures (950 °C) did not identify any significant differences. High primary production and greater settling in the deeper areas contribute to the nature of sediments deposited, also being reflected in the relatively high OC contents. Spatially, it is thought that detritus from water hyacinth and terrestrial external loads are important sources of organic matter deposited on the lake bottom within the gulf and may support its growth because of enrichment of nutrient elements. The importance of sediments in adsorption of contaminant substances and influencing geochemical processes within the lake is also emphasized.  相似文献   

Drowned river mouth lakes are major features of coastal Great Lakes habitats and may influence nutrient and organic matter contributions from watersheds to near shore coastal zones. In May through October 2003, we measured loads of nutrients, surficial sediment, and seston to track the delivery of riverine-derived materials from the lower Muskegon River Watershed (MRW) into the near shore area of southeast Lake Michigan. Nutrient flux data indicated that seasonal loads of 1800 metric tons (MT) of particulate organic carbon, 3400 MT of dissolved organic carbon, and 24 MT of total phosphorus were discharged from the lower Muskegon River, with approximately 33% of TP load and 53% of the POC load intercepted within the drowned river mouth terminus, Muskegon Lake. Carbon: phosphorus molar ratios of seston in Muskegon River (C:P = 187) and Muskegon Lake (C:P = 176) were lower than in Lake Michigan (C:P = 334), indicating phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton in near shore Lake Michigan. Isotopic signatures of seston collected in Muskegon Lake were depleted in δ13C (− 30.8 ± 1.6‰) relative to the isotope signatures of seston from Lake Michigan (− 26.2 ± 1.3‰) or the mouth of the Muskegon River (− 28.1 ± 0.5‰), likely due to the presence of biogenic methane in Muskegon Lake. Seston δ15N increased on a strong east-to-west gradient within Muskegon Lake, indicating significant microbial processing of nutrients. The extent of nutrient uptake in Muskegon Lake altered the chemical and isotopic characterization of seston flowing into Lake Michigan from Muskegon River.  相似文献   

Climate change is forecast to bring more frequent and intense precipitation to New York which has motivated research into the effects of floods on stream ecosystems. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were sampled at 13 sites in the Mohawk River basin during August 2011, and again in October 2011, following historic floods caused by remnants of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. The annual exceedance probabilities of floods at regional flow‐monitoring sites ranged from 0.5 to 0.001. Data from the first 2 surveys, and from additional surveys done during July and October 2014, were assessed to characterize the severity of flood impacts, effect of seasonality, and recovery. Indices of total taxa richness; Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) richness; Hilsenhoff's biotic index; per cent model affinity; and nutrient biotic index‐phosphorus were combined to calculate New York State Biological Assessment Profile scores. Analysis of variance tests were used to determine if the Biological Assessment Profile, its component metrics, relative abundance, and diversity differed significantly (p ≤ .05) among the four surveys. Only total taxa richness and Shannon–Wiener diversity increased significantly, and abundance decreased significantly, following the floods. No metrics differed significantly between the July and August 2014 surveys which indicates that the differences denoted between the August and October 2011 surveys were caused by the floods. Changes in taxa richness, EPT richness, and diversity were significantly correlated with flood annual exceedance probabilities. This study increased our understanding of the resistance and resilience of benthic macroinvertebrate communities by showing that their assemblages were relatively impervious to extreme floods across the region.  相似文献   

The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers experienced flooding in 1993 that fell outside the annual predictable flood period of spring and early summer. Flooding began in late June, peaked in late July (25 232 m3/s on the upper Mississippi and 21 240 m3/s on the Missouri) and remained at or near flood stage into October 1993. This study was performed to determine if disturbance by an unpredicted flood event would alter trophic dynamics of river–floodplain systems by creating shifts in the composition of organic matter available to consumers. The Ohio River, which did not flood during the same period, was examined for comparison. Stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen from samples collected in 1993 and 1994 were used to characterize potential food sources and determine linkages between food sources and invertebrate and fish consumers. Pairwise contrasts, performed separately for each river, indicated there were few interannual differences in δ13C and δ15N of organic matter sources and consumers. Between sample period (flood year versus normal water year) trends in both flooded rivers were similar to between‐year trends observed for the Ohio River. Trophic structure of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers was similar in both years, with fine and ultra‐fine transported organic matter and dissolved organic matter representing the major sources of organic matter. Overlapping isotopic signatures in the Missouri River made tracking of sources through the consumers difficult, but similarities in δ13C and δ15N between years indicated trophic structure did not change in response to the flood. The results suggest that consumers continued to rely on sources of organic matter that would be used in the absence of the unpredicted 1993 flood. It is proposed that trophic structure did not change in response to flooding in the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers because both rivers exhibited the same trends observed in the Ohio River. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The establishment of non-native species can result in complex shifts in food-web structure and ecosystem function that alter the bioaccumulation, transfer, and biomagnification of contaminants. Hemimysis anomala (the bloody red shrimp), a mysid native to the Ponto-Caspian region that is now established throughout the Laurentian Great Lakes region (North America) and Europe, is characterized by high densities and a trophic ecology that may be consequential to mercury fluxes and bioaccumulation. We combined methylmercury (MeHg) and stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) analyses of invertebrates from Seneca Lake (NY, USA) to test the hypotheses that mercury concentrations differ among (1) H. anomala and native or naturalized analogs due to food-web position and (2) stages of H. anomala due to ontogenetic diet shifts. The MeHg concentration and δ15N of H. anomala exceeded other littoral invertebrates (such as amphipods, dreissenid mussels, and zooplankton >153 μm) and were as high as the pelagic, native Mysis diluviana. These taxa-specific patterns indicate intensified biomagnification of MeHg is possible in nearshore and reef-spawning fish following the establishment of H. anomala, an energy-dense prey item for economically and ecologically important fish. Larger, adult H. anomala had higher MeHg concentrations and more enriched δ15N than juveniles, and H. anomala collected at a littoral site had higher MeHg than a canal site. These intraspecies contrasts are consistent with the shift toward zooplanktivory in adult H. anomala. As both putative prey for fish and competitors for shared zooplankton resources, H. anomala may impact fish in compounding ways.  相似文献   

Dams and associated river regulation have led to the expansion of riparian vegetation, especially nonnative species, along downstream ecosystems. Nonnative saltcedar is one of the dominant riparian plants along virtually every major river system in the arid western United States, but allochthonous inputs have never been quantified along a segment of a large river that is dominated by saltcedar. We developed a novel method for estimating direct allochthonous inputs along the 387 km‐long reach of the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam that utilized a GIS vegetation map developed from aerial photographs, empirical and literature‐derived litter production data for the dominant vegetation types, and virtual shorelines of annual peak discharge (566 m3 s?1 stage elevation). Using this method, we estimate that direct allochthonous inputs from riparian vegetation for the entire reach studied total 186 metric tons year?1, which represents mean inputs of 470 gAFDM m?1 year?1 of shoreline or 5.17 gAFDM m?2 year?1 of river surface. These values are comparable to allochthonous inputs for other large rivers and systems that also have sparse riparian vegetation. Nonnative saltcedar represents a significant component of annual allochthonous inputs (36% of total direct inputs) in the Colorado River. We also estimated direct allochthonous inputs for 46.8 km of the Colorado River prior to closure of Glen Canyon Dam using a vegetation map that was developed from historical photographs. Regulation has led to significant increases in riparian vegetation (270–319% increase in cover, depending on stage elevation), but annual allochthonous inputs appear unaffected by regulation because of the lower flood peaks on the post‐dam river. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

引江济太对不同水域氮磷浓度的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在国内外调水实践的基础上,运用现状监测资料,具体分析流经望虞河、望亭立交水利枢纽调入太湖的长江水质和太湖不同湖区的水质,研究在调水初期及其后的过程中,氮磷浓度影响水质的变化规律。结果表明:长江水源中总磷、总氮浓度总体上低于贡湖、梅梁湖;长江水在流经望虞河进入太湖的过程中,太湖地区水质随着进水时间的延长而好转,水质浓度与进水流量的大小成反比;"引江济太"调水对迅速抑制太湖蓝藻暴发起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

红枫湖水库底质污染物富集现状分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过测定红枫湖水库底质样品中有机碳、总氮、总磷、氨态氮、有机氮和亚铁的含量,对红枫湖水库底质与湖泊富营养化的关系进行了评价分析。结果表明:有机质质量比平均值为38.43 g/kg,含量丰富;总磷质量分数平均值为0.140%,含量高且在湖中各点差异明显;湖泊底质氮质量分数为0.574%,总体偏高;总有机碳和总氮的相关系数r1=0.219(p0.05),相关性不显著,有机碳与总磷的相关系数r2=0.809(p0.01),具有显著相关性;底质有机指数较高;底质中碳氮比值表明其中的有机质主要来源于藻类等浮游生物,总氮和总磷主要来源于外源污染物的排入。  相似文献   

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