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The evolution of the diversity in plant secondary compounds is often thought to be driven by insect herbivores, although there is little empirical evidence for this assumption. To investigate whether generalist insect herbivores could play a role in the evolution of the diversity of related compounds, we examined if (1) related compounds differ in their effects on generalists, (2) there is a synergistic effect among compounds, and (3) effects of related compounds differed among insect species. The effects of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) were tested on five generalist insect herbivore species of several genera using artificial diets or neutral substrates to which PAs were added. We found evidence that structurally related PAs differed in their effects to the thrips Frankliniella occidentalis, the aphid Myzus persicae, and the locust Locusta migratoria. The individual PAs had no effect on Spodoptera exigua and Mamestra brassicae caterpillars. For S. exigua, we found indications for synergistic deterrent effects of PAs in PA mixtures. The relative effects of PAs differed between insect species. The PA senkirkine had the strongest effect on the thrips, but had no effect at all on the aphids. Our results show that generalist herbivores could potentially play a role in the evolution and maintenance of the diversity of PAs.  相似文献   

The skin is a barrier between the body and the environment that protects the integrity of the body and houses a vast microbiota. By interacting with the host immune system, the microbiota improves wound healing in mammals. However, in fish, the evidence of the role of microbiota and the type of species on wound healing is scarce. We aimed to examine the wound healing rate in various fish species and evaluate the effect of antibiotics on the wound healing process. The wound healing rate was much faster in two of the seven fish species selected based on habitat and skin types. We also demonstrated that the composition of the microbiome plays a role in the wound healing rate. After antibiotic treatment, the wound healing rate improved in one species. Through 16S rRNA sequencing, we identified microbiome correlates of varying responses on wound healing after antibiotic treatment. These findings indicate that not only the species difference but also the microbiota play a significant role in wound healing in fish.  相似文献   

Root herbivores can indirectly affect aboveground herbivores by altering the food quality of the plant. However, it is largely unknown whether plant genotypes differ in their response to root herbivores, leading to variable defensive phenotypes. In this study, we investigated whether root-feeding insect larvae (Agriotes sp. larvae, wireworms) induce different responses in Plantago lanceolata plants from lines selected for low and high levels of iridoid glycosides (IG). In the absence of wireworms, plants of the “high-IG line” contained approximately twofold higher levels of total IG and threefold higher levels of catalpol (one of the IG) in leaves than plants from the “low-IG line,” whereas both lines had similar levels of IG in roots. In response to wireworms, roots of plants from both lines showed increased concentrations of catalpol. Leaves of “low-IG line” plants increased catalpol concentrations in response to wireworms, whereas catalpol concentrations of leaves of “high-IG line” plants decreased. In contrast, glucose concentrations in roots of “low-IG” plants decreased, while they increased in “high-IG” plants after feeding by wireworms. The leaf volatile profile differed between the lines, but was not affected by root herbivores. In the field, leaf damage by herbivores was higher in wireworm-induced compared to noninduced “low-IG” plants and lower in wireworm-induced compared to noninduced “high-IG” plants, despite induction of catalpol in leaves of the “low-IG” plants and reduction in “high-IG” plants. This pattern might arise if damage is caused mainly by specialist herbivores for which catalpol may act as feeding stimulant rather than as deterrent. The present study documents for the first time that intraspecific variation in plant defense affects the outcome of plant-mediated interactions between root and shoot herbivores.  相似文献   

提出居家安防预警系统的设计方案,介绍采用SMS通信技术研制短信报警模块组件嵌入到该系统结构中,其中利用AT命令编程实现接口的设计,同时采用C#完成短信的编码和解码。最后对该系统进行了实际运行测试。  相似文献   

连铸中,结晶器内弯液面的温度对稳定操作和提高铸坯质量至关重要,为此开发了低导热性铝碳料,无碳内管料和无纤维绝热包覆料,将这些方法组合起来使用,可以将结晶器的热损失控制在最小限度内。  相似文献   

Brassica nigra plants, characterized by high levels of sinigrin, and artificial aphid diets to which sinigrin was selectively added were used to rear the crucifer specialist, Brevicoryne brassicae. Aphids were provided as a food source to two species of polyphagous ladybird, Adalia bipunctata and Coccinella septempunctata. First instar A. bipunctata were unable to survive when fed with B. brassicae reared on B. nigra or diets containing 0.2% sinigrin, but when fed with aphids reared on diets containing 0% sinigrin, survival rates were high. By contrast, first instar C. septempunctata were able to survive when fed with aphids reared on B. nigra or artificial diets containing up to 1% sinigrin. However, the presence of sinigrin in the aphid diet decreased larval growth and increased the time necessary for larvae to reach second instar for this species of ladybird. These results indicate that the presence of sinigrin in the diet of B. brassicae makes this aphid unsuitable as a food source for A. bipunctata but not for C. septempunctata, although for this ladybird species, there appear to be costs associated with feeding on aphids that contain this secondary metabolite.  相似文献   

The proteomic profiling of serum samples supposes a challenge due to the large abundance of a few blood proteins in comparison with other circulating proteins coming from different tissues and cells. Although the sensitivity of protein detection has increased enormously in the last years, specific strategies are still required to enrich less abundant proteins and get rid of abundant proteins such as albumin, lipoproteins, and immunoglobulins. One of the alternatives that has become more promising is to characterize circulating extracellular vesicles from serum samples that have great interest in biomedicine. In the present work, we enriched the extracellular vesicles fraction from human serum by applying different techniques, including ultracentrifugation, size-exclusion chromatography, and two commercial precipitation methods based on different mechanisms of action. To improve the performance and efficacy of the techniques to promote purity of the preparations, we have employed a small volume of serum samples (<100 mL). The comparative proteomic profiling of the enriched preparations shows that ultracentrifugation procedure yielded a larger and completely different set of proteins than other techniques, including mitochondrial and ribosome related proteins. The results showed that size exclusion chromatography carries over lipoprotein associated proteins, while a polymer-based precipitation kit has more affinity for proteins associated with granules of platelets. The precipitation kit that targets glycosylation molecules enriches differentially protein harboring glycosylation sites, including immunoglobulins and proteins of the membrane attack complex.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) formed between plants and AM fungi (AMF) can alter host plant quality and thus influence plant-herbivore interactions. While AM is known to affect the development of generalist chewing-biting herbivores, AM-mediated impacts on insect behavior have been neglected until now. In this study, the effects of Rhizophagus irregularis, a generalist AMF, on phenotypic and leaf metabolic traits of Plantago major plants were investigated. Further, the influence of AM-mediated host plant modifications on the development and on seven behavioral traits of larvae of the generalist Mamestra brassicae were recorded. Tests were carried out in the third (L3) and fourth (L4) larval instar, respectively. While shoot water content, specific leaf area, and foliar concentrations of the secondary metabolite aucubin were higher in AM-treated compared to non-mycorrhized (NM) plants, lower concentrations of the primary metabolites citric acid and isocitric acid were found in leaves of AM plants. Larvae reared on AM plants gained a higher body mass and tended to develop faster than individuals reared on NM plants. However, plant treatment had no significant effect on any of the behavioral traits. Instead, differences between larvae of different ages were detected in several behavioral features, with L4 being less active and less bold than L3 larvae. The results demonstrate that AM-induced modifications of host plant quality influence larval development, whereas the behavioral phenotype seems to be more fixed at least under the tested conditions.  相似文献   

The glucosinolate-myrosinase system, found in plants of the order Brassicales, has long been considered an effective defense system against herbivores. The defensive potential of glucosinolates is mainly due to the products formed after myrosinase-catalyzed hydrolysis upon tissue damage. The most prominent hydrolysis products, the isothiocyanates, are toxic to a wide range of organisms, including herbivorous lepidopterans. In contrast, little is known about the biological activities of alternative hydrolysis products such as simple nitriles and epithionitriles that are formed at the expense of isothiocyanates in the presence of epithiospecifier proteins (ESPs). Here, we used transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) plants overexpressing ESP (35S:ESP plants) to investigate the effects of simple nitriles on direct and indirect defense against the specialist cabbage white butterfly Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). In the 35S:ESP plants, glucosinolates are hydrolyzed mainly to simple nitriles upon tissue disruption, while isothiocyanates are the predominant hydrolysis products in Columbia-0 (Col-0) wild-type plants. The parasitoid Cotesia rubecula (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a specialist on P. rapae larvae, was significantly more attracted to P. rapae-infested 35S:ESP plants than to P. rapae-infested Col-0 wild-type plants in a wind tunnel setup. Furthermore, female P. rapae butterflies laid more eggs on Col-0 wild-type plants than on 35S:ESP plants when the plants had been damaged previously. However, when given a choice to feed on 35S:ESP or Col-0 plants, caterpillars did not discriminate between the two genotypes. Growth rate and developmental time were not significantly different between caterpillars that were reared on 35S:ESP or Col-0 plants. Thus, the production of simple nitriles instead of isothiocyanates, as catalyzed by ESP, can promote both direct and indirect defense against the specialist herbivore P. rapae.  相似文献   

The biofilm of Pseudomonas putida is complexly regulated by several intercellular and extracellular factors. The cell surface adhesin LapA of this bacterium is a central factor for the biofilm and, consequently, the regulation of lapA expression, for example, by Fis. It has been recently shown that peptides in growth media enhance the formation of P. putida biofilm, but not as a source of carbon and nitrogen. Moreover, the peptide-dependent biofilm appeared especially clearly in the fis-overexpression strain, which also has increased LapA. Therefore, we investigate here whether there is a relationship between LapA and peptide-dependent biofilm. The P. putida strains with inducible lapA expression and LapA without the vWFa domain, which is described as a domain similar to von Willebrand factor domain A, were constructed. Thereafter, the biofilm of these strains was assessed in growth media containing extracellular peptides in the shape of tryptone and without it. We show that the vWFa domain in LapA is necessary for biofilm enhancement by the extracellular peptides in the growth medium. The importance of vWFa in LapA was particularly evident for the fis-overexpression strain F15. The absence of the vWFa domain diminished the positive effect of Fis on the F15 biofilm.  相似文献   

In baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Trk1, a member of the superfamily of K-transporters (SKT), is the main K+ uptake system under conditions when its concentration in the environment is low. Structurally, Trk1 is made up of four domains, each similar and homologous to a K-channel α subunit. Because most K-channels are proteins containing four channel-building α subunits, Trk1 could be functional as a monomer. However, related SKT proteins TrkH and KtrB were crystallised as dimers, and for Trk1, a tetrameric arrangement has been proposed based on molecular modelling. Here, based on Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation experiments and single-molecule fluorescence microscopy combined with molecular modelling; we provide evidence that Trk1 can exist in the yeast plasma membrane as a monomer as well as a dimer. The association of monomers to dimers is regulated by the K+ concentration.  相似文献   

In the past, major findings in meiosis have been achieved, but questions towards the global understanding of meiosis remain concealed. In plants, one of these questions covers the need for two diverse meiotic active SPO11 proteins. In Arabidopsis and other plants, both meiotic SPO11 are indispensable in a functional form for double strand break induction during meiotic prophase I. This stands in contrast to mammals and fungi, where a single SPO11 is present and sufficient. We aimed to investigate the specific function and evolution of both meiotic SPO11 paralogs in land plants. By performing immunostaining of both SPO11-1 and -2, an investigation of the spatiotemporal localization of each SPO11 during meiosis was achieved. We further exchanged SPO11-1 and -2 in Arabidopsis and could show a species-specific function of the respective SPO11. By additional changes of regions between SPO11-1 and -2, a sequence-specific function for both the SPO11 proteins was revealed. Furthermore, the previous findings about the aberrant splicing of each SPO11 were refined by narrowing them down to a specific developmental phase. These findings let us suggest that the function of both SPO11 paralogs is highly sequence specific and that the orthologs are species specific.  相似文献   

We describe a nickel‐catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura arylation of a tertiary iodocyclopropane with arylboronic acids; this is an efficient and convergent strategy for providing various enantioenriched arylcyclopropanes with a quaternary stereogenic center. This is the first metal‐catalyzed coupling between a tertiary alkyl electrophile and a wide range of aromatics, including heteroaromatics. We found that the outcome of the Ni‐catalyzed coupling with halides as electrophiles was dependent on the stability of the radical species formed during the reaction. The use of tert‐butyl alcohol (t‐BuOH) as the reaction solvent was very effective, because of its stability under the radical‐generating reaction conditions.


The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is the major pathway for metabolites and ions transport through the mitochondrial outer membrane. It can regulate the flow of solutes by switching to a low conductance state correlated with a selectivity reversal, or by a selectivity inversion of its open state. The later one was observed in non-plant VDACs and is poorly characterized. We aim at investigating the selectivity inversion of the open state using plant VDAC purified from Phaseolus coccineus (PcVDAC) to evaluate its physiological role. Our main findings are: (1) The VDAC selectivity inversion of the open state occurs in PcVDAC, (2) Ion concentration and stigmasterol affect the occurrence of the open state selectivity inversion and stigmasterol appears to interact directly with PcVDAC. Interestingly, electrophysiological data concerning the selectivity inversion of the PcVDAC open state suggests that the phenomenon probably does not have a significant physiological effect in vivo.  相似文献   

The formation and dynamics of the open states in a double-stranded DNA molecule are largely determined by its mechanical parameters. The main one is the torque. However, the experimental study of DNA dynamics and the occurrence of open states is limited by the spatial resolution of available biophysical instruments. Therefore, in this work, on the basis of a mechanical mathematical model of DNA, calculations of the torque effect on the process of occurrence and dynamics of open states were carried out for the interferon alpha 17 gene. It was shown that torsion action leads to the occurrence of rotational movements of nitrogenous bases. This influence is nonlinear, and an increase in the amplitude of the torsion action does not lead to an automatic increase in the amplitude of rotational movements and an increase in the zones’ open states. Calculations with a constant torsion moment demonstrate that open states zones are more often formed at the boundaries of the gen and in regions with a predominance of A–T pairs. It is shown, that for the occurrence of open states in the part of the gene that contains a small number of A–T pairs, a large amount of torque is required. When the torque is applied to a certain region of the gene, the probability of the formation of the open state depends on the content of A–T pairs in this region, the size of this region, and on the exposure time. For this mathematical model, open states zones can be closed when the torsion action stops. The simulation results showed that the values of the torsion moment required for the appearance of open states zones, in some cases, are close to experimentally measured (13–15 pN·nm).  相似文献   

The sex pheromones of four Plusiinae species in the family Noctuidae, Ctenoplusia albostriata (CA), Macdunnoughia purissima (MP), Syngrapha ain (SA), and Diachrysia stenochrysis (DS) were identified by GC-EAD and GC-MS analyses. These were subsequently evaluated by a series of field trials in different ecological habitats. CA females produced (Z)-5-decenyl acetate (I), (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate (II), and (Z)-7-dodecen-1-ol (III) in a ratio of 2:100:13. While the antennae of CA males responded to all three components, neither I nor III was essential to capture males. The MP females produced II, III, and (Z)-5-dodecenyl acetate (IV) in a ratio of 100:80:20, and this blend captured the most MP males. Compounds II and III were also identified from SA females, and mixtures ranging from 4:1 to 2:3 were equally attractive to males. DS females only produced one active compound, (Z)-7-decenyl acetate (V), and DS is the first Plusiinae species identified as using only the ω3-compound and none of ω5-compounds, such as II and III, which are common components of Plusiinae pheromones. Using previously published chemical and biosynthetic data, together with the finding from this study, we propose a classification of the Plusiinae sex pheromones.  相似文献   

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