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OEE分析在结构件厂生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对设备综合效率(OEE)的研究,把精益生产的技术和方法应用到动臂、斗杆的生产线上,对其关键工序,物流走向、工段管理等进行分析。通过OEE工具的应用,暴露出生产现场存在的问题,挖掘提升设备效率的方法,进行针对性的改善,达到企业车间产能优化的目的。  相似文献   

徐伟 《工业工程》2014,17(5):23-28
设备综合效率(OEE)是评价当前设备的运行时间、运行速度、良品率、维修成本的一个综合指标,也是衡量生产活动中由设备创造的附加价值的尺度。对某电子产品生产企业AI设备综合效率进行了计算与分析,找出了导致其OEE低下的主要原因,并设计了AI设备综合效率提升方案,该设计方案的应用实施,使AI车间OEE水平达到目标水平,为稳定、高效的生产提供了支持和保障。  相似文献   

讨论了现有太阳能电池生产系统改进的一个实例.OEE已作为制造企业单台设备运行绩效的一种测量指标,并以此提高该设备的效能.在生产系统中测量一台设备的效能显然是不够的.结合OEE、OTE和TOC理论来分析由多台设备组成的太阳能电池生产系统.在此生产系统中,先计算OTE和OFE的值,并以此确定该系统的瓶颈.通过瓶颈分析,提出5种可行的解决方案来改进生产系统.采用WTTNESS软件建模仿真,发现其中的1种方案能使该生产系统的效能显著提高.  相似文献   

单机设备OEE数据分析模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林琳  马涛 《工业工程》2008,11(3):119-122
将OEE分解成时间利用率、设备性能率和产品合格率三大指标,将六大损失归类到三大指标中,再针对六大损失的末梢因素进行原始数据的采集,并应用现代化的分析工具进行数据分类控制,以帮助企业找到提高OEE的途径.  相似文献   

徐兵  徐培炘 《包装工程》2014,35(21):59-63
目的减少铝箔复合机换卷时的速度降幅及变化,改善降速换卷中容易断幅的问题,从而提高设备的综合效率(OEE)。方法通过对实验数据的5W1H和张力分析,建立复合机铝箔换卷时铝箔张力的动力模型,探讨了张紧辊张力、压辊压力、铝箔偏心度、运动离心力方向角和速度差等影响铝箔张力的因素,并对实际操进行了实验改进。结果铝箔在换卷时速度变化得到改善,改善了断幅的问题。结论调整影响铝箔张力等一系列因素,综合效率(OEE)达到92.1%,提高了生产效率。  相似文献   

针对全国骨干网高速海量Net Flow数据到来速度快、数据量大以及对所存数据进行频繁多维查询操作的特点,提出了一种多维属性聚簇存储(MACS)模型。该模型根据实际应用环境中查询的特点对数据进行空间分片,以并行加流水的方式对数据进行存储。此外,为Net Flow提出了一种超多面体的查询模式。真实环境实验结果表明,运用MACS模型实现的系统单点数据实时存储速度达到270万条/s,远远快于其他的数据分析系统,并且多维属性查询的速度优于Hive和Impala。  相似文献   

赵飒飒 《硅谷》2008,(22):49-49
分析电力系统中故障数据分析系统的功能、现状和特点,提出故障数据分析平台的概念并对其进行研究.介绍平台的主要特点,给出平台设计的整体架构,并说明各组成模块的功能划分,还对模块间的关系等相关问题进行了阐述.  相似文献   

对于任何一家设备运营方来说,让所有设备达到最优绩效和最大生产能力都具有至关重要的意义。就像运动员会与教练共同努力持续提升自己的成绩一样,制造公司也可以在服务专家的帮助下,提升其产品的设备综合效能(0EE)。一种可能的方法是展开OEE关键绩效指标分析,这些指标用于查明优化生产过程所具有的潜力。为了确保设备发挥出全部能力,OEE专家需要与客户成为合作伙伴并展开协作,因为成功的关键在于双方联合专业知识的最优运用和调校。  相似文献   

本文讲述了数据仓库技术在一个企业信息化实际项目中的应用,提出利用数据仓库和联机分析处理(On-Line Analytical Processing,OLAP),建立烧结生产信息数据分析系统。详细介绍烧结生产信息数据仓库系统的实现过程。  相似文献   

目的 针对烟草行业常见设备卷包机组,提出一种结合OEE的设备效率评价体系,实现对卷包机组设备运行状态的精确、实时、具体的反映.方法 通过分析离散制造与连续制造的差异,在传统离散制造OEE方法基础上,针对连续生产进行适应性改进,提出一套针对卷包机组的设备效率评价指标;在此基础上,通过分析卷包机组各运行单元结构特点,提出一套实时采集设备状态数据与动态分析效率状态的卷包机组设备效率评价体系.结果 将此体系部署于湖北中烟某车间6台卷包机上6个月进行实验验证,结果显示在该体系的支持下,设备净效能平均同比增长7.72%,证明本效率评价结果可以精准、全面、实时地反映设备运行情况和状态背后的影响因素,有助于提升卷烟机组设备效率.结论 文中提出的卷包机组设备效率评价指标体系使用户可以针对性、快速地调整设备运行状态,实现了精准管理,提高了生产作业效率,具有实际的推广价值.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), a key performance indicator typically adopted to support Lean Manufacturing and Total Productive Maintenance. Unfortunately, being a deterministic metric, the OEE only provides a static representation of a process, but fails to capture the real variability of manufacturing performances. To take into account the stochastic nature of the OEE, an approximated procedure based on the application of the Central Limit Theorem is presented: the OEE is considered as a stochastic random variable and its probability density function (pdf) is generated through the aggregation of the pdf of the basic causes of waste. Notwithstanding its approximated nature, the procedure can be applied in most practical cases, since the accuracy is assured provided that the average OEE is lower than 90% and the variability of the losses is high. The validity of the approach has also been confirmed by an industrial application included in this article. The results obtained demonstrate that the stochastic OEE can help in battling variation, for it allows one to identify the hidden losses that account for most of the variability and to estimate the impacts of potential corrective actions in terms of both efficiency and efficacy.  相似文献   

To cope with large fluctuations in the demand of a commodity, it is necessary for the manufacturing system to have rapid reactive ability. This requirement may be secured by performance measurement. Although manufacturing companies have used information systems to manage performance, there has been the difficulty of capturing real-time data to depict real situations. The recent development and application of the Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled the resolution of this problem. In demonstration of the functionality of IoT, we developed an IoT-based performance model consistent with the ISA-95 and ISO-22400 standards, which define manufacturing processes and performance indicator formulas. The development comprised three steps: (1) Selection of the Key Performance Indicators of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), and the development of an IoT-based production performance model, (2) Implementation of the IoT-based architecture and performance measurement process using Business Process Modelling and (3) Validation of the proposed model through virtual factory simulation. We investigated the effect of the IoT-workability on the OEE, based on the final results of the simulation, both for the planned and actual productions. The simulation results showed that the proposed model represented the timestamp data acquired by IoT and captured the entire production process, thus enabling the determination of real-time performance indicators.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate how increase in sales volume has evolved by improving overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of machines, plant productivity and production cost through total productive maintenance (TPM) initiatives in a reputed tractors manufacturing industry in India. In the present scenario of global competitive market, the manufacturing industry needs to improve their operational performance for surviving and prospering. TPM is practised by industry as a business tool for rapid and continuous improvement in its manufacturing capabilities. OEE offers a powerful control tool to overcome production deficiencies and operational performance constrains. Productivity and manufacturing cost are also crucial operational measures to analyse the manufacturing performance. In this study, evaluation and analysis of the methodology adopted for improving sales volume through TPM initiatives was carried out using an interactive research approach. The industrial example on the application of OEE tool demonstrates that it has a remarkable potential to enhance the equipment effectiveness. The empirical findings of the study reveal that augmented OEE and productivity, and reduced production cost resulted to double the sales revenue and triple the profit within a period of three years. The industry also achieved notably tangible and intangible benefits with the TPM implementation.  相似文献   

The quest for improving productivity in the current global competitive environment has led to a need for rigorously defined performance-measurement systems for manufacturing processes. In this paper, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is described as one such performance-measurement tool that measures different types of production losses and indicates areas of process improvement. Analysis is done on how OEE has evolved leading to other tools like total equipment effectiveness performance, production equipment effectiveness, overall factory effectiveness, overall plant effectiveness, and overall asset effectiveness. Two industrial examples of OEE application are discussed, and the differences between theory and practice analysed. Finally, a framework for classifying and measuring production losses for overall production effectiveness is proposed. The framework harmonizes the differences between theory and practice and makes possible the presentation of overall production/asset effectiveness that can be customized with the manufacturers needs to improve productivity.  相似文献   

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