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采用SAS软件中的Plackett-Burman及响应曲面中心点组合实验设计对发酵生产阿拉伯木聚糖酶和阿魏酸酯酶混合酶制剂的培养基条件进行优化。使用Plackett-Burman设计评价了8个培养基因素对混合酶制剂产量的影响,得到主要影响因素;以此为基础,采用响应曲面中心点组合设计确定了麦麸发酵生产混合酶制剂的最佳培养基条件:麦麸10%、NH4NO30.28%、KH2PO40.2%、MgSO·47H2O0.08%、NaNO30.31%、pH5.5。  相似文献   



In this study, the effect of sodium metabisulfite (SMBS) doses (0, 25, 50, 100 mg/kg dough) and baking temperatures (200, 230 and 250C) on the physical, chemical and sensory properties of bread were researched to reduce 5‐hydroxymethyl‐2‐furfural (HMF) and acrylamide contents. HMF and acrylamide contents of bread crust were decreased significantly by increasing SMBS dose and decreasing baking temperature. The HMF (137.29 mg/kg) and acrylamide (671.44 µg/kg) contents of bread crust were decreased by 33 and 67%, respectively by addition of 100 mg/kg SMBS. The maltol content of bread crusts were significantly affected by baking temperature, and were 7.19, 10.23 and 22.69 mg/kg in breads baked at 200, 230 and 250C, respectively. No HMF, acrylamide and maltol were detected in the bread crumb. The sulfur dioxide content of the crust and crumb of control bread was 6.99 and 10.69 mg/kg, and increased by 49 and 59%, respectively at 100 mg/kg SMBS dose. All breads were evaluated as acceptable by a sensory panel.


Since Maillard reaction products such as acrylamide and 5‐hydroxymethyl‐2‐furfural (HMF) are known as toxic compounds, mitigation of these compounds is important subject for health and nutrition. There is not an efficient method to prevent the formation of acrylamide and HMF in bread crusts comparison with potato crisps. The purpose of this research is to slow down Maillard reaction by addition of sodium metabisulfite in bread‐making process. As a result of this research, acrylamide and HMF content of bread crusts decreased by 33 and 67%, respectively with acceptable sensory evaluation.  相似文献   

The production of citric and gluconic acid from fig extract by Aspergillus niger ATCC 10577 and A. niger B60 in surface fermentation was investigated. The strain 10577 gave higher concentration of citric and gluconic acid than strain B60. A maximum citric and gluconic acid concentration (20.5 and 97.0 g/L, respectively), citric acid yield (12%), biomass dry weight (18.5 g/L), and sugar utilization (85%) was achieved at an initial sugar concentration of 200 g/L and a pH of 7.0. On the other hand, the highest gluconic acid yield (79.7%) was obtained in culture grown at initial sugar concentration 100 g/L. The addition of 4% (v/v) methanol in the fig extract increased the concentration of citric and gluconic acid from 20.5 and 97.0 g/L to 30.7 and 145.5 g/L, respectively. Citric acid was separated from the gluconic acid by extraction with diethyl ether or ethyl acetate.  相似文献   

Microscopic observation showed that a group of small air cells entrained during the early stage of mixing is the original cause of cell structure of bread. At the beginning of fermentation, about 3 × 108/m2 gas cells with diameters between 3 × 10−6 and 8 × 10−4 m were entrained in the dough. The distribution curve of cell size was approximately normal on a logarithmic scale. During fermentation and proofing, a great portion of carbon dioxide was released into cells larger than about 10−4 m in diameter that was equivalent to a few percentages of total number of gas cells. After baking, gas cells smaller than 10−4 m in diameter were not observed and the total number of cells in baked bread reduced to about 106/m2 with diameters between 10−4 and about 5 × 10−3 m. The critical cell size to expand generally agreed with the calculated value using an equation, rc'= 3s/E (re': critical radius to expand, s: surface tension, E: elasticity), and cited value of s and E.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the hydrolysis of isoflavones in soymilk fermented at 37C for 48 h by four different Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium cocultures. The hydrolysis of isoflavone β-glucosides significantly increased ( P <  0.05) the bioactive aglycones from 36 to over 90% of total isoflavones in soymilk fermented with any of the four Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium cocultures as compared with unfermented soymilk. Compared with three other cocultures of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, fermentation of soymilk with the Lactobacillus paracasei/Bifidobacterium longum cocultures yielded better isoflavone hydrolytic potential (Otieno-Shah index) and the highest β-glucosidase activity after 12 h of incubation.


Isoflavones are known as phytoestrogens because they are present in soy products and have estrogen-like activity. During fermentation, the majority of glucoside isoflavones in soymilk are converted to bioactive aglycones via microorganism-derived β-glucosidase. In human intestines, aglycone isoflavones are absorbed faster and in greater amounts than their glucosides. Using probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium cocultures to ferment soymilk efficiently increases the bioactive aglycone concentrations. Hence, fermenting soymilk with this coculture could enhance the nutritional value of the product.  相似文献   

The Institute of Brewing Analysis Committee has collaboratively tested routine methods for the determination of S-methylmethionine in malt. Eleven participating laboratories each used their own method of alkaline hydrolysis followed by headspace gas chromatographic determination of the resultant dimethyl sulphide. Mean repeatability values r(95) were 1.21 and 2.47mg/kg, and mean reproducibility values R(95) were 4.30 and 5.60 mg/kg for mean concentrations of 5.00 and 7.27 mg/kg respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of gamma radiation on aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus EA-81 in maize with different initial moisture levels was determined over a 15-day period. The viability of A. flavus on maize decreased over time with increasing moisture contents and storage at 8C. After 45 days at 28C, levels of viable conidiospores of A. flavus increased from 4.5 × 107 to about 3.0 × 108 per gram of maize. Levels of aflatoxin B1 produced by A. flavus were 10 μg kg-1 in the maize stored at 8C after 45 days. Production of aflatoxin was highest at 40% moisture and 28C. Irradiation of 1.0 or 2.0 kGy greatly reduced the level of mold growth relative to unirradiated controls. A dose of 4.0 kGy eliminated all viable fungi. Aflatoxin B1 production decreased with increased levels of irradiation and was negligible at 4.0 kGy. When maize was inoculated after irradiation and stored, the spore counts and aflatoxin levels were higher than in unirradiated and inoculated controls after 30 days. Apparently, the natural competitive microflora prevented growth and thus limited higher concentrations of aflatoxin in maize.  相似文献   

Paratropomyosin is a minor myofibrillar protein which in freshly prepared myofibrils is exclusively localized at the A-I junction region of sarcomeres. We investigated the ultrastructural localization of paratropomyosin in intact and postrigor myofibrils by immunoelectron microscopy. Paratropomyosin was localized as two distinct stripes at the A-I junction in intact myofibrils. It also was localized at the position corresponding to the original A-I junction in thick filament-free myofibrils (I-Z-I brushes). However, following postmortem storage, paratropomyosin was found broadly distributed in thin filaments of myofibrils.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Trimethylamine (TMA) and ammonia contents in Chilipepper rockfishes were determined by ion specific electrodes, as a late indicator of fish freshness. After 9 days of storage in ice, TMA contents significantly increased, indicating that bacterial spoilage was in progress. The pattern of changes in ammonia contents was similar to that of TMA. Determination of ATP degradation products in Chilipepper rockfish by HPLC showed that AMP and hypoxanthine levels were low and did not change much during storage. The concentration of IMP initially increased and then continuously decreased as inosine accumulated. Only trace amounts of hypoxanthine were detected in rockfish tissues. Chilipepper rockfish appears to differ from other Sebastes species in that ATP degradation results in inosine accumulation rather than hypoxanthine.  相似文献   

The effect of the freezing, frozen storage and thawing on textural parameters and αsl-casein breakdown during the ripening of Port Salut Argentino cheese was studied. Moisture content, salt concentration, casein profiles and asymptotic equilibrium modulus were monitored in control cheeses ripened at 5C and in cheeses, stored at -22C for 30 days, thawed and ripened at 5C, for different ripening times (1, 6, 13, 27 and 56 days) and two sampling zones (central and external). The freezing process significantly increased the rate of αsl-casein and αsl-I-casein hydrolysis. This process may affect the susceptibility of αsl-casein to chymosin attack and also the availability of hydrolytic enzymes released by damaged microorganisms, which may contribute to the faster hydrolysis of αsl-I-casein. The freezing process did not significantly affect the decay rates of asymptotic equilibrium modulus. First order kinetics constants for decay of the asymptotic equilibrium modulus were 3.71 10-2day-1 (control cheeses, central zone), 8.48 10-2 day-1 (control cheeses, external zone), 4.52 10-2 day-1 (frozen cheeses, central zone), and 11.43 10-2 day-1 (frozen cheeses, external zone). Significant differences in the decay rates of asymptotic equilibrium modulus were found between central and external zones in control and frozen cheeses primarily due to differences in moisture contents of the sampling zones.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to compare the protein cross‐linking reaction in Alaska pollock surimi that is catalyzed by a commercially available microbial transglutaminase and by endogenous Alaska pollock transglutaminase. The endogenous transglutaminase was inhibited by EGTA and activated by CaCl2 The microbial transglutaminase was added to the salted surimi with and without EGTA and CaCl2. These surimi pastes were incubated at 25C up to 24 h followed by cooking at 90C. The resultant gels were fractionated into soluble and insoluble (aggregate) fractions by SDS‐urea extraction. Compositional analysis revealed that the aggregate consisted predominantly of cross‐linked myosin heavy chain. The distribution of ?‐(γ‐glutamyl)lysine isopeptide in the soluble and aggregate fractions andpeptide mapping analyses of the aggregate fraction demonstrate that the formation of isopeptide cross‐links in Alaska pollock surimi proteins during suwari process differs when catalyzed by the microbial transglutaminase and endogenous transglutaminase.  相似文献   

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