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研究了SiCp/A356复合材料非真空半固态搅拌钎焊过程。在一定的搅拌钎焊条件下,重点研究了钎料的固相率对接头的微观结构、线结合率和强度的影响规律。研究结果表明:在搅拌条件下,半固态钎料固相率对基体氧化膜的破碎有重要影响;随着钎料固相率的增加,接头界面的线结合率和接头的强度先增加后减小;在钎料固相率为60%时,接头界面线结合率和接头强度同时达到最大值,分别为91.2%和160MPa。  相似文献   

In this paper, data are presented on the microstructure and superplastic deformation mechanics of an aluminum alloy, 2024, containing 10 vol% SiC particles. The material was fabricated by spray atomization and codeposition. The properties were studied after pretreatment by isothermal hot compression and isothermal hot forward extrusion (extrusion ratio 10.0). The experimental results show that the strain-rate sensitivity index (m-value) is 0.48 and the limit elongation (the elongation at fracture) is 345 % during superplastic uniaxial tension. The optimum conditions for superplastic behavior are 753 K of deformation temperature and 1.0 × 10−3 s−1 of initial strain rate. Superplasticity may result from the fine grain size and the well-distributed SiC particles during superplastic uniaxial tension. Moreover, the simple and convenient pretreatment used in this paper is easily applied to industrial practice.  相似文献   

针对T/R模块壳体结构封装的特殊性,提出了激光诱导钎焊方法并建立其机理模型.以增强相体积分数为55%的Si CP/Al复合材料为母材,根据激光诱导温度场的特殊性,采用Al Zn25Si1,Zn Al7,纳米铝粉,微颗粒锡4种钎料对铝基复合材料进行了氩保护气氛钎焊试验,利用扫描电镜和EDS能谱分析的方法对钎焊接头的界面结合和断口形貌进行了研究.在保证接头材料表面不受热损伤、且搭接界面钎料熔化的特殊温度场的条件下,确定了激光的参数.结果表明,低熔点的Zn Al7、纳米铝粉钎料容易得到良好的接头,界面层通过扩散实现了冶金结合,断口分析表明,钎焊接头的断口位于钎缝偏于母材内一侧,具有一定的连接强度.  相似文献   

采用真空热压法制备了体积分数为30%的Si Cp/2024Al复合材料,研究了该复合材料的显微组织结构及力学性能。结果表明,复合材料组织致密,颗粒与基体界面结合状况较好,Si C颗粒在铝基体中基本上分布均匀。经490℃、2 h固溶处理和170℃、8 h人工时效后,Si Cp/2024Al复合材料的抗拉强度、屈服强度和伸长率分别为409 MPa、325 MPa和4.9%,基体中存在大量的纳米析出相为S'(Al2Cu Mg)。随Si C颗粒加入,复合材料力学性能提高,其断裂方式为基体开裂和界面处撕裂。  相似文献   

利用搅拌铸造?热挤压工艺制备SiCp/2024复合材料板材。通过金相观察(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)及力学性能测试等手段研究了该复合材料热挤压变形前后的显微组织与力学性能。结果表明,复合材料铸坯主要由大小为80μm~100μm的等轴晶组成,晶界第二相粗大呈非连续状分布,SiC颗粒较均匀地分布于基体合金,大部分SiC颗粒沿晶界分布,少数颗粒分布于晶内;热挤压变形后,显微孔洞等铸造缺陷和SiC颗粒团聚现象明显消除,SiC颗粒及破碎的第二相沿热挤压方向呈流线分布,复合材料的强度和塑性显著提高;拉伸断口表明,热挤压变形有利于改善SiC颗粒与基体合金的界面结合;SiCp/2024复合材料主要的断裂方式为SiC颗粒断裂和SiC/Al的界面脱粘。  相似文献   

The microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of 2024 wrought aluminum alloy produced by a new rheoforming technique under as-cast and optimized heat treatment conditions were investigated. The present rheoforming combined the independently developed rheocasting process, named as LSPSF (low superheat pouring with a shear field) process, and the existing squeeze casting process. The experimental results show that LSPSF can be used to prepare sound semi-solid slurry within 25s to fully meet the production rate of squeeze casting. The primary α (Al) presents in mean equivalent diameter of 69μm and shape factor of 0.76, and features zero-entrapped eutectics. Compared with conventional squeeze casting, the present LSPSF rheoforming can improve the microstructures and mechanical properties. An optimized heat treatment results in substantial reduction of microsegregation and significant improvement of mechanical properties, such as yield strength of 321MPa, ultimate tensile strength of 428MPa and elongation of 12%.  相似文献   

对低过热度浇注的半固态2024铝合金坯料分别以0.12, 0.26和0.52 ℃/s的平均升温 速率加热至625 ℃并保温; 利用光学显微镜和金相图像分析系统研究了升温速率对坯料部 分重熔组织的影响. 结果表明, 升温速率越快, 坯料重熔越快, 重熔后晶粒越细小和圆整. 提高升温速率, 有利于抑制晶间共晶相的溶解扩散和提高坯料的熔化过热温度, 加快晶间液 相形成, 对晶粒合并长大具有一定的抑制作用, 并加速晶粒球化.  相似文献   

Effects of the process parameters, including deformation temperature, punch velocity and extrusion ratio, on the deformation and microstructure characterization during the semi-solid extrusion of Al-4Cu-Mg alloy, were investigated. The experimental results show that the load decreases with an increase of deformation temperature and/or a decrease of punch velocity. When the displacement is more than 4 mm, the load decreases significantly with an increase of the deformation temperature, which is related to the high liquid fraction. The microstructure varies with the process parameters and deformation regions. It can be found that the dynamic recovery occurs during the semi-solid extrusion of Al-4Cu-Mg alloy at lower deformation temperature. Subsequently, the microstructure elongated gradually polygonizes with an increase of deformation temperature. So, the higher deformation temperature should be chosen during the semi-solid extrusion of Al-4Cu-Mg alloy because the grains polygonized and high liquid fractions are beneficial to deformation.  相似文献   

The microstructure and hardness of a 2024 aluminum alloy subjected to multi-pass upsetting extrusion at ambient temperature were studied. Experimental results indicated that with the number of upsetting extrusion passes increasing, the grains of the alloy are gradually refined and the hardness increases correspondingly. After ten passes of upsetting extrusion processing, the grain size decreases to less than 200 nm in diameter and the sample maintains its original shape, while the hardness is double owing to equal-axial ultrafine grains and work hardening effect caused by large plastic deformation.  相似文献   

SiCp/2024 matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles and 2219 aluminum alloy were joined via centered electron beam welding and deflection beam welding, respectively, and the microstructures and mechanical properties of these joints were investigated. The results revealed that SiC particle segregation was more likely during centered electron beam welding (than during deflection beam welding), and strong interface reactions led to the formation of many Al4C3 brittle intermetallic compounds. Moreover, the tensile strength of the joints was 104 MPa. The interface reaction was restrained via deflection electron beam welding, and only a few Al4C3 intermetallic compounds formed at the top of the joint and heat affected zone of SiCp/Al. Quasi-cleavage fracture occurred at the interface reaction layer of the base metal. Both methods yielded a hardness transition zone near the SiCp/2024 fusion zone,and the brittle intermetallic Al4C3compounds formed in this zone resulted in high hardness.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONSiC particlesreinforcedcomposites ,thankstotheirlowcostsandhighlevelofstructuralproperties ,areshowingtheirpotentialincivilandmilitaryappli cation .SiC particlesreinforcedaluminummatrixcomposites wideapplicationinaerospaceandautomo tiveareattributedtotheirperformanceofhighspecif icstrength ,highspecificstiffness ,highelasticmodu lusandexcellentwearresistance .Thecoefficientofthermalexpansionandthermalconductivitycanberegulatedbychangingthecontentandsizeofrein forcingparticl…  相似文献   

采用真空热压烧结工艺在580℃下制备了35%(体积分数)SiCp/2024铝基复合材料,利用扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、能谱(EDS)、高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)对复合材料热处理过程中微观组织进行了表征,研究了热压烧结后复合材料的析出相的微观结构以及析出相在热处理过程的演变规律。结果表明,热压烧结后复合材料中存在许多粗大析出相颗粒,包括Al4Cu9,Al2Cu,Al18Mg3Mn2,Al5Cu6Mg2和Al7Cu2Fe。随着固溶温度的提高,粗大析出相颗粒逐渐回溶到Al基体中,当固溶温度达到510℃时,粗大析出相颗粒几乎全部回溶到基体中,但还存在少量的难溶相。复合材料经510℃固溶2 h+190℃时效9 h后,除了少量的难溶相,许多圆盘状纳米析出相Al2Cu和棒针状纳米析出相Al2Cu Mg弥散分布于基体中且与基体的界面为错配度较小的半共格界面,圆盘状纳米析出相的直径为50~200 nm,棒针状纳米析出相长度为100~150 nm。  相似文献   

采用高压扭转(high-pressure torsion,HPT)工艺,成功将8.75%体积分数SiC颗粒与Al的混合粉末制成金属基复合材料,并用金相显微镜、显微维氏硬度计、万能材料试验机和扫描电镜等,分析了扭转圈数对SiCp/Al复合材料的显微组织、显微硬度、拉伸性能和拉伸断口形貌的影响。结果显示,扭转圈数从0.5圈增加到4圈,基体的变形抗力降低,SiC颗粒在剪应力的作用下易于与基体协调变形,SiC颗粒分布均匀化程度显著提高;随着扭转圈数增加,试样所受到的剪切作用增大,极易引起位错的运动和增殖,基体晶粒得到细化,单位体积内的晶界增多,使试样显微硬度得到提高;扭转圈数越多,拉伸断口韧窝数量明显增多,且尺寸变小。  相似文献   

SiC_p/2024铝合金复合材料粉末混合半固态挤压法制备   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
研究了SiCp/ 2 0 2 4铝合金复合材料的粉末混合 半固态挤压成形工艺及所制备材料的组织和界面特征。不同温度下半固态挤压的挤压力与位移曲线表明 ,半固态挤压过程的成形力低且稳定。SEM和TEM电镜观察结果表明 ,该工艺可以获得增强颗粒分布均匀、基体组织致密、界面结合良好且无界面反应的复合材料型材。分析了半固态挤压后复合材料的力学性能 ,结果表明 :与基体合金相比 ,复合材料的弹性模量、屈服强度、抗拉强度均有很大提高 ;与其它工艺生产的该复合材料相比 ,所制备的复合材料的塑性相对较高。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜(SEM)、万能试验机、维氏硬度计等研究了不同挤压温度对Al-Cu-Mg系2A12合金组织与性能的影响。结果表明:经380~470 ℃不同温度热挤压后,2A12合金组织中原第二相被挤碎呈岛状,沿挤压方向呈条带状分布,并有小颗粒状第二相弥散分布。随着挤压温度的升高,颗粒状第二相逐渐减少,合金的强度和硬度逐渐升高,伸长率逐渐降低。470 ℃挤压的2A12合金的抗拉强度、屈服强度和硬度比均匀化态2A12合金分别提高了61.7%、63.2%和54.1%。  相似文献   

加热工艺对半固态AlSi7Mg合金的重熔组织的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了半固态AlSi7Mg合金在不同加热温度制度,不同保温温度,不同保温时间下的显微组织。经电磁搅拌的AlSi7Mg合金在固相线-液相线温度区间保温加热时,共晶相首先熔化,团块状α相逐渐演变成球状。随着保温温度的提高,晶粒形状更圆滑,随保温时间增加,晶粒形状也更圆骨,保温温度太高或保温时间太长时,试样表面有液相析出,靠近表面部位产生大量孔洞,试样在自重作用下变形,随炉加热方式所获得的固相颗粒尺寸比热炉加热方式所获得的固相颗粒尺寸大。  相似文献   

采用电磁搅拌法制备了具有不同微观组织特征的半固态A356合金浆料,用图像分析软件对浇注前浆料金相试样的初生相微观组织特征进行了测定,利用间接挤压铸造方法铸造阿基米德螺旋线试样,以挤压成形后的螺旋线试样长度衡量充型能力,通过多元回归,建立了半固态A356合金初生相微观组织特征与充型长度之间的数学表达式。结果表明:半固态浆料充型能力不仅与初生相微观组织特征参数有关,微观组织特征参数的交互作用对充型能力的影响也较大。利用该表达式可以对半固态浆料充型能力进行预测,进而指导半固态浆料制备参数设计、间接挤压铸造工艺设计和缺陷预测。  相似文献   

A two-step reheating process was proposed and applied to perform reheating experiments on the semi-solid 2024 alloy billet. In this process, the semi-solid billet was firstly heated over liquidus temperature and then isothermally held at solid-liquid zone temperature. Microstructure evolution of the semi-solid billet during two-step reheating was studied by optical microscope and compared with that during isothermal reheating. The results show that the remelting rate of the semi-solid billet during two-step reheating is faster than that during isothermal reheating. Under the same reheating time, the grains of the semi-solid billet reheated by two-step reheating process are finer and rounder than those by isothermal reheating process. The present experimental results indicate that accelerating the formation of liquid phase during the two-step reheating process can restrain the coalescence of grains to a certain extent, and thus refine the grain size and promote the grain spheroidization.  相似文献   

液固挤压SiCp/LY12复合材料的组织与性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了液固挤压SiCp/LY12复合材料的组织与性能特征及其相互之间的关系. 研究表明, 其基体组织晶粒细小, SiC颗粒基本呈均匀随机分布, 无明显堆积及脱粘现象, 且与基体结合良好; 抗拉强度比基体材料提高20%~32%. 从而为颗粒增强金属基复合材料管、棒材的制备提供了一种减少工序、节能节材的可行方法.  相似文献   

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