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铜冶炼含砷炉渣的高效安全处置取决于对其含砷物相及其浸出毒性的准确认识。采用X射线荧光光谱、X射线衍射、电子探针显微分析、扫描电子显微术和选择性逐级提取法对铜熔炼渣中的含砷物相进行鉴定,并基于对炉渣中不同含砷物相的选择性逐级提取结果探讨渣中砷浸出毒性的可能来源。结果表明,砷以水溶性砷、铜砷金属间化合物、铜砷硫化物以及固化在铁橄榄石和硅酸盐玻璃相中的砷等形式赋存在熔炼渣中。浮选过程可以去除熔炼渣中的水溶性砷并回收铜砷金属间化合物,降低渣尾矿的砷浸出毒性,使其符合USEPA和SEPA标准要求。  相似文献   

闪速熔炼在中国的进展与研究--冷风技术及"非接触冶金"   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从环境保护角度阐述了世界铜、镍闪速熔炼的发展与现状,讨论了"冷风节能"及其工业应用技术.介绍了中国在"闪速炉扩产"、"闪速冶金事故监控"、"水套新材料"、"闪速炉连续炼铜"等方面的研究成果.为根本解决强化冶金对炉衬的腐蚀,提出了"非接触冶金"的思路,描述了中心旋涡柱闪速熔炼方法,并介绍了旋涡喷嘴基本设计及计算机仿真实验.  相似文献   

研究氧化镍对含铬型钒钛磁铁矿球团冶炼行为的影响,分析镍在铁水和渣间的迁移行为.结果表明,当含铬型钒钛磁铁矿球团中NiO的添加量从0提高到6%(质量分数)时,软化开始温度从1148℃升高至1212℃,软化结束温度从1280℃升高至1334℃;熔化开始温度从1318℃升高到1377℃,滴落温度从1558℃降低到1521℃....  相似文献   

采用化学平衡法研究了 16 73和 1773K下CaO SiO2 Al2 O3 MgO Na2 O CrOx 渣系中铬氧化物间的氧化还原平衡。在实验条件下 ,渣中铬氧化物主要以Cr2 + 形式存在。lg[x(Cr2 + ) /x(Cr3 + ) ]与 -lgp(O2 )呈线性关系 ,斜率在 1/ 4左右 ,与理论分析相符。x(Cr2 + ) /x(Cr3 + )随碱度的增加而减小 ,随氧分压的降低、温度升高和铬氧化物总量的增加而增大  相似文献   

A novel smelting reduction process based on FeO–SiO2–Al2O3 slag system for spent lithium ion batteries with Al cans was developed, while using copper slag as the only slag former. The feasibility of the process and the mechanism of copper loss in slag were investigated. 98.83% Co, 98.39% Ni and 93.57% Cu were recovered under the optimum conditions of slag former/battery mass ratio of 4.0:1, smelting temperature of 1723 K, and smelting mass ratio of time of 30 min. The FeO–SiO2–Al2O3 slag system for the smelting process is appropriate under the conditions of m(FeO):m(SiO2)=0.58:1–1.03:1, and 17.19%–21.52% Al2O3 content. The obtained alloy was mainly composed of Fe–Co–Cu–Ni solid solution including small amounts of matte. The obtained slag mainly consisted of fayalite and hercynite. Meanwhile, the mechanism of copper loss is the mechanical entrainment from strip-like fayalite particles in the main form of copper sulfide and metallic copper.  相似文献   

采用CaO-SiO2-10%CaF2渣系,对工业硅进行造渣除硼研究。研究不同工艺条件下,渣系碱性、反应温度T、渣金比和通气搅拌对硼在渣相和硅液中分配系数LB的影响。结果表明,在1873K下,当CaO/SiO2质量比为2时硼的分配系数可达最大值4.61。在1773~1973K下,lgLB与1/T成线性关系。随着渣金比的增大,硼的分配系数也相应增大,但当渣金比大于3时,硼的分配系数并无明显增加。通气可显著提高硼的去除效果,硼的分配系数随气体中H2O含量的增加而增大。  相似文献   

The software that simulates the flow, temperature, concentration and the heat generation field in the Outkumpu flash smelting furnace, was developed by a numerical method of the particle-gas flow together with some chemical reaction models. Many typical operating conditions were chosen for simulation in order to obtain the effect of the distribution air, process air, central oxygen and the oil-burner position etc. The concepts about optimum op-eration, 3C(concentration of high temperature, high oxygen and laden concentrate particles), are concluded from these simulated results, which have been checked primarily by operational experiments.  相似文献   

闪速炉反应塔炉膛内形的数值模拟与在线显示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用传热数值计算的方法对闪速炉反应塔塔壁进行了模拟,获得了反应塔壁面温度分布及其内壁挂渣层厚度的仿真计算结果,首次实现了反应塔炉膛内形成的在线显示。用于工业生产后,经现场检验,软件仿真计算结果与实际数值接近,其中炉膛温度相差不足40℃,挂渣层厚度平均误差<3%,可完全满足生产要求。该软件的研制为实践中实现反应塔炉膛内形实时监控创造了条件,并成为闪速炉生产操作优化的理论依据。同时通过仿真研究发现,冷却水套对反应塔炉膛内形影响显著,加强冷却系统的强度将有利于保护炉衬,延长炉体寿命。  相似文献   

用柱体旋转法测定了B_2O_3—MgO—SiO_2—Al2O_3—CaO系富硼镁渣的粘度及熔化性温度,用双柱联称法测定熔渣的密度及表面张力.实验结果表明:富硼镁渣的粘度及熔化性温度随渣中B_2O_3含量的增加而降低;当B_2O_3含量一定时,随渣中MgO量及渣碱度的增加而增大.熔体的密度及表面张力随MgO量增加或SiO_2量减少而增大,分别为(2.5±0.5)t·m~(-3)和0.4-0.6N·m~(-1).  相似文献   

用柱体旋转法测定了B_2O_3—MgO—SiO_2—Al2O_3—CaO系富硼镁渣的粘度及熔化性温度,用双柱联称法测定熔渣的密度及表面张力.实验结果表明:富硼镁渣的粘度及熔化性温度随渣中B_2O_3含量的增加而降低;当B_2O_3含量一定时,随渣中MgO量及渣碱度的增加而增大.熔体的密度及表面张力随MgO量增加或SiO_2量减少而增大,分别为(2.5±0.5)t·m~(-3)和0.4-0.6N·m~(-1).  相似文献   

采用向铝酸钙炉渣体系中添加Na2O的方法,降低或消除铝酸钙炉渣中MgO的负作用,并分析其影响机理。结果表明:当MgO含量为3%时,Na2O的添加量由0增加至4%后,炉渣的氧化铝浸出率由68.73%提高到80.86%。对含4%Na2O的样品进行XRD分析,发现四元化合物C20A13M3S3已消失。添加Na2O不能完全消除MgO对炉渣浸出性能的负作用。XRD和EDS分析结果表明,Na2O会进入12CaO·7Al2O3的晶格并促进其形成。  相似文献   

现代计算机应用软件是工程设计与咨询、企业科学管理极为重要的先进工具。本文以铜闪速冶金NCC软件为例,介绍了其研发过程及定义、功能、应用实例。  相似文献   

炼铜炉渣的显微分析与渣含铜   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,研究了空气熔炼和富氧熔炼条件下炼铜炉渣试样的显微结构。在低倍的条件下测定了渣中含铜物相的粒级分布及其与周围物相种类的关系,用元素面扫描的方法逐一鉴定了渣中各物相的形态与组成;用微区分析的方法确定了不同粒径含铜物相化学成分的差异,发现含铜物相的粒径越大,其含铜越高。分析中注意到不同氧化程度的渣中磁铁矿相结晶形态和数量的不同,氧化越甚,磁铁矿晶体发育越完全,渣含铜就越高。  相似文献   

通过分析沉淀池内锍液滴的沉降机理,导出了渣中最大锍液滴直径的计算公式。根据闪速炉的实际生产条件,计算出渣中最大锍液滴直径的理论值为0.063 mm,并用矿相显微镜对沉淀池出口处的渣样进行了观察,渣中最大锍颗粒粒径为0.06 mm,两者结果一致。由此证明了沉降机理分析的正确性。在此基础上,进一步分析渣中锍夹带损失影响因素。结果表明:增大熔体中离散态分布的锍液滴直径是降低渣中铜夹带损失的重要措施;其次是升高渣温度有助于渣中锍的沉降;减小渣层厚度等措施对降低渣中铜夹带损失作用不大。  相似文献   

The oxygen-enriched direct smelting of jamesonite concentrate was carried out at 1250 °C by changing the slag composition. The effects of Fe/SiO2 and CaO/SiO2 mass ratios on the metal recovery rate as well as metal content in slag were investigated. Experimental results indicated that the metal (Pb+Sb) recovery rate was up to 88.30%, and metal (Pb+Sb) content in slag was below 1 wt.% under the condition of slag composition of 21−22 wt.% Fe, 19−20 wt.% SiO2 and 17−18 wt.% CaO with Fe/SiO2 mass ratio of 1.1:1 and CaO/SiO2 mass ratio of 0.9:1. The microanalysis of the alloy and slag demonstrated that the main phases in the alloy contained metallic Pb, metallic Sb and a small amount of Cu2Sb and FeSb2 intermetallic compounds. The slag was mainly composed of kirschsteinite and fayalite. Zinc in the raw material was mainly oxidized into the slag phase in the form of zinc oxide.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation analysis of Guixi copper flash smelting furnace   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A numerical simulation analysis for reactions of chalcopyrite and pyrite particles coupled with momentum,heat and mass transfer between the particle and gas in a flash smelting furnace is presented.In the simulation.the equations governing the gas flow are solved numerically by Eular method.The particle phase is introduced into the gas flow by the particle-source-in-cell technique(PSIC),Predictions including the fluid flow field,temperature field,concentration field of gas phase and the tracks of particles have been obtained by the numerical simulation.The visualized results show that the reaction of sulfide particles is almost completed in the upper zone of the shaft within 1.5m far from the central jet distributor (CJD)type concentrate burner,The simulation results are in good agreement with data obtained from a series of experiments and tests in the plant and the error is less than 2%.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on the formation of Ti(C,N) during smelting vanadium-bearingtitanomagnetite in blast furnace and the influence of MnO content on reduction of TiO_2 inthe slag containing high titania. The reduction of TiO_2 is restricted by MnOpredominantly atthe slag-metal interface and no more at the slag-coke one. The formation of Ti(C,N) is remarkablyrestricted by MnO in the slag when the MnO content is about 4% and the basicityfrom 0.6 to 1.2 in the slag. MnO may also retards the reduction of SiO_2 and accelerates thedesulphidation under certain condition.  相似文献   

介绍大型钛渣电炉自动控制自焙电极的压放方法,分析大型钛渣电炉在生产中发生的电极事故,提出电极糊成分控制和电极糊柱管理、以及在热停炉前后采取的电极维护和防范措施,尽量减少或避免电极事故的发生。  相似文献   

助化学平衡计算法,对冶炼过程中钛、碳及伴生元素的分配行为进行了研究,并用生产结果加以验证,计算结果与实验结果较吻合。结果表明:钛铁矿中Ti O2和Fe O含量的增加,增加了作为微量元素和用于还原Fe O和Ti O2的C量,提高了钛渣中总的Ti O2和Ti2O3的量,同时降低了用于还原Fe2O3的C量,降低了钛渣中Fe O的含量。当钛渣中Fe2O3含量由12%增加到20%时,作为微量元素C和用于还原Fe2O3的C量分别降低了0.006 mol和0.348 mol,钛渣中总的Ti O2和Ti2O3的量分别降低了8.34%和2.37%,而用于还原Fe2O3的C量增加了约0.36 mol,Fe O的质量分数增加了8.94%。其他成分对钛渣中总的Ti O2量的影响程度由大到小排序为:Si O2>Mg O>Al2O3>Ca O。对钛渣还原冶炼过程中元素分配行为的研究,可实现对工艺的更好控制、提高钛渣品位。  相似文献   

曲彦平  杜鹤桂 《金属学报》2002,38(12):1277-1280
通过含MnO六元钛渣离子团结构模型及结构参数P与熔渣性质的关系,探讨了它们之间的影响规律,结果表明,随着熔渣中四配位离子的增加,其体相粘度增加,而六配位离子的作用则相反,熔渣性质与P值相关性很好,可用于熔渣性质预报,钛渣变稠是TiO2还原导致P值下降所引起的。  相似文献   

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