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1 INTRODUCTIONElectromagneticcasting (EMC)isanadvancedmaterialprocessingtechniqueinventedbyGetselev[1]andhasbeenwidelyusedintheworldbecauseitsproductshavetheadvantagesofsmoothsurface ,ho mogeneousmicrostructureandgoodworkability[2 ,3] .ElectromagneticcontinuouscastingofsteelisanewtypemethodbroughtforwardbyVives[4 6 ] thatcom binedtheelectromagneticfieldwithcontinuouscast ingtechnique .Itisalsoanewideatoapplythismethodintotheshapingprocessofaluminumalloytoimprovethesurfaceandinnerquality…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTheDC(directchill)castingprocessisawell estab lishedproductionrouteforaluminumalloyandhasbeenclassifiedintoVDC(verticaldirectchill)castingandHDC(horizontaldirectchill)castingprocess .AscomparedwithVDCprocess ,HDCprocesshasmanyadvantagessuchaslowerinvestmentcost,higherflexibility ,longercastingtimes[13] .However,HDCprocesshassomechar acteristictechnicalproblemsduetogravitydifferencebe tweentopsurfaceandbottomsurfaceathorizontalportion ,which ,inturn ,resultsininhomogen…  相似文献   

汽车压铸及铸造铝合金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了汽车铝合金中压铸、铸造合金的比例,变化趋势,在某些国家地区的产量。详细介绍了日本和美国近些年来各类汽车铝材的发货量,中国和日本压铸、铸造铝合金的化学成分、性能、特点及应用,各种铸造铝合金的热处理规范,汽车用高强度铸造铝合金的特点,典型汽车铸造铝产品的选材、生产与性能。介绍了压力铸造、金属型低压铸造、科斯沃斯法、气化模铸造工艺,列出了低压铸造工艺生产的各类铸件特征、材料和工艺。预测了汽车用铝的前景。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONCastaluminumalloysarewidelyusedinaerospace ,aeronautics,automobiles ,mechanicalmanufacturingindustries ,etc .,duetotheirdesirablefeaturessuchaslowdensity ,highspecificstrength .Withthedevelopmentofmodernindustriesandnewcastingtechnologies ,thed…  相似文献   

电磁振荡强度对半连铸7075铝合金微观组织的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在 70 75铝合金半连铸过程中 ,通过同时施加一个稳恒磁场和一个交变磁场 ,使金属熔体产生受迫振荡的方法。实验研究了电磁振荡强度对晶粒细化的影响规律。结果表明 :电磁振荡法获得的铝合金晶粒尺寸较CREM法的小 ,且随着电磁振荡强度的增加 ,铸锭微观组织变得更加细小和均匀。对在电磁振荡作用下 ,合金凝固组织的细化机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The electromagnetic direct chill (EMDC) casting process is a well-established production route for aluminum alloy ingot, however, the skin effect restricts the casting diameter. In order to avoid this problem, annulus electromagnetic direct chill (A-EMDC) casting process has been developed. A three-dimension finite element computational model of A-EMDC casting process was established by using ANSYS Magnetic-Nodal programs and FLOTRAN CFD programs. Microstructures of A-EMDC casting semi-solid Al-6Si-3Cu-Mg alloy billets were investigated. Two pairs of vortexes occur within the crystallizer with opposite direction in A-EMDC. The annulus gap is advantageous to increasing circulate flow, reducing the temperature gradient as well as shallowing liquid sump depth. The microstructure obtained by A-EMDC is globular or rosette-like, and the microstructure is homogeneous in the billet.  相似文献   

建立描述环缝式电磁连铸A357铝合金圆坯过程的数学模型,采用有限元法求解电磁场,采用有限体积法求解流场和温度场,并对电磁场和温度场的计算结果进行实验验证,分析环缝宽度、环缝位置和芯棒长度等结构参数对环缝式电磁连铸过程流场、温度场和凝固过程的影响。结果表明:环缝宽度越小,液穴中的温度梯度越小,温度场越均匀;随着芯棒长度的增加,由于芯棒的错位液穴内的循环流减小,温度梯度变大;当环缝位于铸坯边沿时,液穴中的温度梯度降低明显。  相似文献   

通过使用数值模拟和实验相结合的方法,研究低频电磁场对铝合金半连续铸造过程中宏观物理场与铸锭的组织和裂纹的影响;比较低频电磁铸造和DC铸造过程的宏观物理场。结果表明:应用电磁场可以完全改变熔体的流动方向,加快流动速度,均匀熔池内熔体温度,降低温度梯度,提升等温线,减少液穴深度和铸造应力及塑性变形;低频电磁铸造还可以明显细化铸锭的微观组织和消除铸造裂纹,其原因是低频电磁场改变了宏观物理场。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMacrosegregationisoneofthemostpronouncedde fectsduringcontinuouscastingofaluminumalloys ,whichleadstolarge scaleinhomogeneityofalloyingelements .AsatypicalAl Zn Mg Cualloy ,70 75alloy sas caststructurespresentsevereinversesegregation .Alloyingel e…  相似文献   

7075 aluminum alloy ingot with the diameter of 100 mm has been produced by hor-izontal direct chill casting in different casting speed. The effect of the casting speed on the ingot surface and subsurface layer was studied by surface observation and subsurface structure analysis. It was found that increasing the casting speed results in the adding of segregation knots in the ingot surface. The thickness of the dendrite microstructure layer in the subsurface reduces with increasing the casting speed. And the ...  相似文献   

1. Introduction Super-high strength aluminum alloys are very important materials in military and aerospace industries, because of its light density, super high strength, and good hot work ability. With the development of military and aerospace industries higher strength and better overall property are needed [1-3]. How to improve strength and overall property has been the focus of research recently. For Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, higher alloying element content and higher precipitate density will r…  相似文献   

在半连铸7075铝合金过程中, 通过同时施加稳恒磁场和交变磁场的方法, 使凝固熔体产生受迫振荡, 研究了电磁振荡的强度和频率对晶粒细化的影响规律. 对电磁振荡作用下, 合金凝固组织的细化机理进行了探讨. 结果表明 电磁振荡法获得的晶粒尺寸要较CREM法所获得的小, 且随着电磁振荡强度增加及频率降低, 铸锭整体组织变得更加细小和均匀.  相似文献   

F or a semi-continuous aluminum casting process, it is essential to supply high quality aluminum alloy ingot without internal and outside defects. The use of electromagnetic fields to control the size and shape of grains has become one of the most promising methods [1-5] in many engineering applications and tends to be widespread in industries. The application of electromagnetic casting (EMC) technique for improving products quality has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years, and…  相似文献   

Central region coarse grains and centerline segregation are common defects in aluminum ingots fabricated by direct chill(DC)casting.A double cooling field was introduced into the DC casting process to reduce these defects,whereby the external cooling was supplied by the mold and water jets,and intercooling was achieved by inserting a rod of the same alloy into the molten pool along the central axis of the ingot.Rather than forming a good metallurgical interface during solid-liquid compound casting,in the present work,the purpose of inserting the rod is to enforce internal cooling and consequently decrease the sump depth.Moreover,the insertion provides more nucleation sites with the unmoltenα-Al particles.The structure and the macrosegregation of 2024 Al alloy ingots prepared by DC casting with and without the inserts were investigated.Results show that when the inserting position is 50 mm above the upper edge of the graphite ring,significant grain refinement in the central region of the ingot and a reduced centerline segregation are achieved.  相似文献   

铝合金扁锭热顶电磁铸造技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据热顶-电磁铸造的基本思想,设计了一套适合于制取铝合金扁锭的热顶-电磁成型系统,用小线圈法测量了系统内的磁场强度,计算了电磁压力分布,并与普通电磁铸造成型系统的结果进行对比分析;依据热顶电磁铸造的成型条件,确定了相关的控制参数;通过大量的拉坯实验,探讨了热顶对防止电磁铸造坯易产生表面夹杂缺陷的作用.结果表明:采用热顶-电磁铸造法不仅可有效去除电磁铸造中因电磁搅拌产生的氧化夹杂,而且使得电磁铸造过程简便而易于控制.  相似文献   

空心管坯的异相位电磁连铸   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用异相位电磁连铸技术,制备d290 mm×35 mm的铝合金空心管坯,研究异相位电磁场对铸锭凝固组织及表面质量的影响。结果表明:异相位电磁场通过改变金属熔体的流动状态,减少原子团簇上角隅的形成,降低熔体及凝固前沿的温度梯度等机制,可使Al熔体内产生爆发式形核,增加晶核数量,抑制枝晶生长,从而可细化、球化晶粒,改善铸锭凝固组织,避免裂纹的产生;同时,异相位电磁场通过作用于初凝壳内液态金属熔体以及初凝壳本身的电磁力,降低了结晶器与初凝壳的接触压力、减小了铸锭表面的摩擦并抑制了偏析瘤的形成,从而提高铝合金空心管坯的内外表面质量。  相似文献   

In the present research, microstructure refinement of a high-Nb TiAl alloy(Ti-48Al-8Nb-0.15B) was realized by means of the electromagnetic continuous casting(EMCC) technique. The microstructure of an ingot obtained by EMCC was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy(SEM). As compared with the raw as-cast al oy, the obtained EMCC alloy presented a much finer microstructure with lamellar colonies with a mean size of about 50-70 μm because the electromagnetic stirring broke initial dendrites and enhanced the heterogeneous nucleation. As the grains were refined, the properties of the TiAl alloy were improved significantly. This implies that the EMCC technique could offer the possibility of application for high-Nb TiAl alloys with a refined microstructure and excel ent properties to be used as a structural material.  相似文献   

为了开发新的高强铸造铝合金材料,分别采用3种铸造工艺,砂型铸造、金属型铸造和挤压铸造,制备了一种以Al-Ni共晶体系为基础的AlZn6Ni4Mg2Cu铸造铝合金材料。研究了Ni元素、热处理和铸造工艺对其微观组织、力学性能的影响规律,揭示了其强化机制。结果表明:4%(质量分数)的Ni在该铝合金中形成了大量的共晶组织(α-Al+Al_3Ni),同时改善其力学性能和铸造性能,起到了共晶强化的作用;固溶和时效热处理导致Al_3Ni相的球化和MgZn_2相的时效析出,提高了该铝合金的强度;相比砂型铸造和金属型铸造,挤压铸造时该铝合金的晶粒和Al3Ni相最细小,力学性能最佳,抗拉强度为586 MPa,断后伸长率为3.5%。由此得出:AlZn6Ni4Mg2Cu铸造铝合金的强化机制为η(MgZn_2)相的时效强化和Al_3Ni相的弥散强化,挤压铸造加T6热处理后,该铝合金的力学性能达到最佳值。  相似文献   

电磁振荡法半连铸7075合金的微观组织及溶质元素分布   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
研究了电磁振荡对7075铝合金半连续铸锭微观组织及溶质元素宏观和微观分布的作用规律。研究结果表明:存在一个最佳电磁场频率范围10~30Hz,在此范围内,随着交变磁场感应线圈电流增大,铸锭中近球形组织增多,蔷薇形组织减少,晶粒尺寸变得更加细小和均匀;同时,溶质元素晶内含量显著增加,宏观偏析现象在很大程度上得到了抑制和消除;此外,电磁振荡使得液穴内部结晶核心增加,温度场和含量场更趋均匀,初凝壳高度和液穴深度降低,溶质元素分配系数增大和结晶区间变小,对枝晶生长的抑制作用加强,从而促进了电磁振荡法半连续铸锭中非枝晶组织的形成和溶质元素的强制固溶,并且抑制了宏观偏析。  相似文献   


The two-phase zone continuous casting (TZCC) technique was used to continuously cast high-strength aluminum alloy hollow billets, and a verified 3D model of TZCC was used to simulate the flow and temperature fields at casting speeds of 2–6 mm·min−1. Hollow billets under the same conditions were prepared, and their macro/microstructures were analyzed by an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope. During the TZCC process, a circular fluid flow appears in front of the mushy zone, and the induction heated stepped mold and convective heat transfer result in a curved solidification front with depressed region near the inner wall and a vertical temperature gradient. The deflection of the solidification front decreases and the average cooling rate in the mushy zone increases with increasing casting speed. Experimental results for a 2D12 alloy show that hot tearing periodically appears in the hollow billet accompanied by macrosegregation near the inner wall at casting speeds of 2 and 4 mm·min−1, while macroscopic defects of hot tearing and macrosegregation weaken and the average size of columnar crystals in the hollow billets decreases with further increasing casting speed. 2D12 aluminum alloy hollow billets with no macroscopic defects, the finest columnar crystals, and excellent mechanical properties were prepared by TZCC at a casting speed of 6 mm·min−1, which is beneficial for the further plastic forming process.


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