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Numerical simulation analysis of Guixi copper flash smelting furnace   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A numerical simulation analysis for reactions of chalcopyrite and pyrite particles coupled with momentum,heat and mass transfer between the particle and gas in a flash smelting furnace is presented.In the simulation.the equations governing the gas flow are solved numerically by Eular method.The particle phase is introduced into the gas flow by the particle-source-in-cell technique(PSIC),Predictions including the fluid flow field,temperature field,concentration field of gas phase and the tracks of particles have been obtained by the numerical simulation.The visualized results show that the reaction of sulfide particles is almost completed in the upper zone of the shaft within 1.5m far from the central jet distributor (CJD)type concentrate burner,The simulation results are in good agreement with data obtained from a series of experiments and tests in the plant and the error is less than 2%.  相似文献   

The software that simulates the flow, temperature, concentration and the heat generation field in the Outkumpu flash smelting furnace, was developed by a numerical method of the particle-gas flow together with some chemical reaction models. Many typical operating conditions were chosen for simulation in order to obtain the effect of the distribution air, process air, central oxygen and the oil-burner position etc. The concepts about optimum op-eration, 3C(concentration of high temperature, high oxygen and laden concentrate particles), are concluded from these simulated results, which have been checked primarily by operational experiments.  相似文献   

为了研究闪速炉冶炼颗粒着火延迟问题,建立反应塔内颗粒受热过程的数学模型,并进行计算.结果表明,在塔高0.6 m范围内,辐射换热对于颗粒的加热过程影响较大,而在反应塔0.6 m以下区域,对流换热占主导作用.鉴于强化对流换热过程对提高颗粒加热速度进而提高着火高度更有效,因此,建议采用高速热氧射流技术代替闪速炉内的天然气,使...  相似文献   

闪速炉反应塔炉膛内形的数值模拟与在线显示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用传热数值计算的方法对闪速炉反应塔塔壁进行了模拟,获得了反应塔壁面温度分布及其内壁挂渣层厚度的仿真计算结果,首次实现了反应塔炉膛内形成的在线显示。用于工业生产后,经现场检验,软件仿真计算结果与实际数值接近,其中炉膛温度相差不足40℃,挂渣层厚度平均误差<3%,可完全满足生产要求。该软件的研制为实践中实现反应塔炉膛内形实时监控创造了条件,并成为闪速炉生产操作优化的理论依据。同时通过仿真研究发现,冷却水套对反应塔炉膛内形影响显著,加强冷却系统的强度将有利于保护炉衬,延长炉体寿命。  相似文献   

闪速炉沉淀池中熔体流动特性的数值模拟(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用CFX4.3对闪速炉沉淀池中的熔体流动和温度分布进行数值模拟研究。针对1个出渣口对应1个冰铜出口(1-to-1)与1个出渣口对应2个冰铜出口(1-to-2)这两种操作方案共设立16种计算工况。模拟结果表明,两种方案下熔体流动相似,但采用1-to-2操作方案时,熔池中可见明显的回流。仿真中还发现,渣口与冰铜出口的不同组合方式对沉淀池中熔体温度分布的影响显著,其中在1-to-2操作方案下,沉淀池中的熔体温度更均匀。在实际生产中,当采用远离沉淀池入口的放铜口进行操作时将更有利于实现沉淀池内熔体温度的均匀分布。  相似文献   

高投料量下炼铜闪速炉内熔炼过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以FLUENT 6.3为计算平台,建立了铜闪速炉熔炼过程数值模型,并针对高投料量下反应塔气粒两相变物理场信息分布变化特点展开仿真研究。结果表明:工艺风入炉后迅速膨胀,并在反应塔中心形成轮廓明显的主体气流柱;主体气流柱内外的温度和氧浓分布梯度变化较大;局部低温出现在精矿喷嘴下方,而高温反应核心区域则下移至反应塔中下部。综合多场耦合仿真结果可知:高投料量条件下精矿粒子与反应配风之间混合力度欠佳是造成高投料量反应塔内熔炼过程反应效率降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

根据传热学原理建立了钢板温度预测数学模型。研究了炉内物料跟踪及目标温度,介绍了钢板在炉时间及辊道速度的计算;进行了650℃回火钢板温度均匀性测试。结果显示,在650℃进行热处理时,钢板温差在±3℃以内。  相似文献   

基于硫化铅矿在闪速炉功能区冶炼过程的多相同时平衡原理,利用平衡摩尔量法分析和讨论熔炼温度、初始氧量和初始硫化铅量对平衡后各凝聚态产出量的影响。结果表明:在较高温度下,初始氧量的增加会使硫酸铅的产量增加,而硫化铅的产量降低;低氧量条件下不生成硫酸铅而生成硫化铅。考虑产物的后续碳还原处理,在冶炼过程中应选择高氧气输入量以生成容易处理的硫酸铅,而不是较难处理的硫化铅。  相似文献   

通过分析沉淀池内锍液滴的沉降机理,导出了渣中最大锍液滴直径的计算公式。根据闪速炉的实际生产条件,计算出渣中最大锍液滴直径的理论值为0.063 mm,并用矿相显微镜对沉淀池出口处的渣样进行了观察,渣中最大锍颗粒粒径为0.06 mm,两者结果一致。由此证明了沉降机理分析的正确性。在此基础上,进一步分析渣中锍夹带损失影响因素。结果表明:增大熔体中离散态分布的锍液滴直径是降低渣中铜夹带损失的重要措施;其次是升高渣温度有助于渣中锍的沉降;减小渣层厚度等措施对降低渣中铜夹带损失作用不大。  相似文献   

分析4种闪速连续炼铜炉型的本质特性,提出将闪速连续炼铜过程视为由相对独立的闪速造锍熔炼过程和连续吹炼造铜过程构成,分别建立闪速造锍熔炼多相平衡数学模型和连续吹炼造铜局域平衡数学模型,并通过中间物料的传递将两模型有机结合,从而构建完整的闪速连续炼铜过程热力学模型。运用此模型,考察炉型结构对闪速连续炼铜过程的粗铜生成条件、Fe3O4行为、铜在渣中损失以及铜直收率等因素的影响。结果表明:相对于其他3种炉型,甩渣吹炼双烟道D型炉是比较理想的连续炼铜炉体;对于闪速连续炼铜,造锍熔炼段和铜锍吹炼段宜在相对独立的分区进行,各自炉渣和烟气也应分开排出炉体。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTheideaofrefiningcopperandnickelwithpyriticsmeltingprocessinoxygentop blownfurnacehascomeintobeingforitsachievementinoxygen converterofsteelmaking processfrom 196 0s.Thefirstpyriticsmeltingfurnacewithoxygentop blownsmeltingnickelhadbeenputintoproductionatNorthNickelCo .ofRussianin 1986 .Nowadays ,thistech nologyhasbeenimportedandemployedinJinchuanNonferrousMetalCo .ofChina .Inthepastdecades ,theutilizationofflashsmeltingfurnaceinnonferrous makinghasgotextensivedevelopmen…  相似文献   

Due to the importance of detecting the matte grade in the copper flash smelting process, the mechanism model was established according to the multi-phase and multi-component mathematic model. Meanwhile this procedure was a complicated production process with characteristics of large time delay, nonlinearity and so on. A fuzzy neural network model was set up through a great deal of production data. Besides a novel constrained gradient descent algorithm used to update the parameters was put forward to improve the parameters learning efficiency. Ultimately the self-adaptive combination technology was adopted to paralleled integrate two models in order to obtain the prediction model of the matte grade. Industrial data validation shows that the intelligently integrated model is more precise than a single model. It can not only predict the matte grade exactly but also provide optimal control of the copper flash smelting process with potent guidance.  相似文献   

铜冶炼含砷炉渣的高效安全处置取决于对其含砷物相及其浸出毒性的准确认识。采用X射线荧光光谱、X射线衍射、电子探针显微分析、扫描电子显微术和选择性逐级提取法对铜熔炼渣中的含砷物相进行鉴定,并基于对炉渣中不同含砷物相的选择性逐级提取结果探讨渣中砷浸出毒性的可能来源。结果表明,砷以水溶性砷、铜砷金属间化合物、铜砷硫化物以及固化在铁橄榄石和硅酸盐玻璃相中的砷等形式赋存在熔炼渣中。浮选过程可以去除熔炼渣中的水溶性砷并回收铜砷金属间化合物,降低渣尾矿的砷浸出毒性,使其符合USEPA和SEPA标准要求。  相似文献   

在热力学平衡的基础上,利用描述闪速熔炼中微量元素行为的数学模型,结合闪速熔炼整体平衡计算结果,对As,Sb,Bi在铜闪速熔炼中的行为进行计算机模拟。计算结果与文献结果及工业观测数据吻合较好。  相似文献   

闪速熔炼在中国的进展与研究--冷风技术及"非接触冶金"   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从环境保护角度阐述了世界铜、镍闪速熔炼的发展与现状,讨论了"冷风节能"及其工业应用技术.介绍了中国在"闪速炉扩产"、"闪速冶金事故监控"、"水套新材料"、"闪速炉连续炼铜"等方面的研究成果.为根本解决强化冶金对炉衬的腐蚀,提出了"非接触冶金"的思路,描述了中心旋涡柱闪速熔炼方法,并介绍了旋涡喷嘴基本设计及计算机仿真实验.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的铜闪速熔炼过程控制优化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于已建立的铜闪速熔炼神经网络模型,以能耗费用最低为目标,在工艺指标控制范围内,采用遗传算法对铜闪速熔炼过程的工艺参数进行了仿真优化计算。结果表明,当空气、分配风、工艺氧和中央氧的市场价格折合比值分别为0.05、0.1、0.4和0.45,精矿量为128 t,其成分(质量分数)为Cu 20.61%、S 27.59%、Fe 24.72%、SiO2 11.64%和MgO 1.39%时,铜闪速熔炼工艺参数的遗传优化值为空气15 011 m3、分配风1 302 m3、工艺氧17 359 m3、中央氧1 000 m3、熔剂13.6 t;与实践平均值相比,若采用优化工艺参数控制,熔炼能耗费用可降低4.6%。  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model was developed to predict the distribution behavior of Cu, Fe, S, O, Pb, Zn,As, and the heat balance in a lead blast furnace. The modeling results are validated by the plant data of a lead smelter in Kazakhstan. The model can be used to predict any set of controllable process parameters such as feed composition, smelting temperature, degree of oxygen enrichment and volume of oxygen-enriched air. The effects of the blast air, industrial oxygen, and coke charge on the distribution of Cu, Fe, S, O, Ph, Zn, As, the heat balance, and the lead loss in slag, were presented and discussed.  相似文献   

基于正交试验闪速熔炼过程操作参数的优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着铜闪速炉产能与熔炼强度的不断提高,闪速炉反应塔内温度场、浓度场等物理场的微观信息分布特点发生了明显的变化,其反应配风之间的参数配比关系对炉内熔炼过程的影响作用更为突出。采用正交设计的方法,就闪速炉生产操作的3个主要配风参数(工艺风、分散风、中央氧)对炉内气、粒混合反应过程的影响关系进行系统仿真研究,得到基准工况条件下的操作参数优化配比方案。仿真结果表明:分散风速度对气、粒混合反应过程的影响占主导地位;在优化工况条件下,炉内熔炼过程效率进一步提高,其烟尘发生率可控制在3.2%左右,炉内氧气基本消耗完全。  相似文献   

Tests carried out in an experimental prototype of crucible melting furnace heated by a plasma torch are numerically simulated with a commercial CFD code, in order to calculate melting time, heat losses and temperature distributions in the aluminum load and refractory parts. The objective is to develop a calculating tool to assist in the design and scaling-up of industrial furnaces. Models used are 2D axisymmetric and take into account heat conduction in solid parts, convection in air and molten aluminum, interactions between gas–liquid–solid zones and radiation heat transfer. Fusion of solid aluminum is modeled with the enthalpy method. The simulation is able to predict temperatures and melting times at a reasonable computational expense. Several calculation strategies are tested concerning their computational economy and their accuracy in computing different key parameters. Results show that interactions gas–liquid–solid have an important effect. Firstly, a proper account of heat transfer and losses requires solving the conjugated problem comprising refractory walls and heated load. Secondly, thermal interaction with air cavities seems to determine the convective movement of the molten load and therefore inner-load temperature patterns and their time evolution. Nevertheless, this comprehensive simulation consumes 3.6 times the computational resources of a simplified model, where the momentum equations are not solved for the air cavity and overall furnace parameters are still reasonably predicted (e.g., with an error in fusion time less than 7.3%).  相似文献   

Taking an oxygen enriched side-blown furnace as the prototype, a hydraulic model was established according to the similarity principle. The influence of three factors on the gas—liquid two-phase flow was analyzed, i.e. the airflow speed, the submerged depth and the downward angle of the nozzle. A numerical simulation of the hydraulic model was carried out trying to find the suitable turbulence model which can describe the side-blown two-phase flow correctly by comparing the simulation results with the experimental data. The experiment shows that the airflow speed has a great influence on the flow of the water. The submerged depth of the nozzle has a relatively smaller influence on the penetration depth and the surface fluctuation height in the liquid phase. When the nozzle is at a downward angle of 15°, the penetration depth and the surface fluctuation height are reduced. It is concluded that the numerical results with the realizable kɛ turbulence model are the closest to the experiment for the penetration depth, the surface fluctuation height and the bubble scale.  相似文献   

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