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Mg-Y及AZ31镁合金高温变形过程中微观织构的演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在温度为723 K、应变速度为3×10-3 s-1的条件下,对Mg-Y及AZ31镁合金挤压棒材进行单向压缩变形,利用OM、SEM和EBSD观察、分析Y对挤压棒材动态再结晶和微观织构的影响。结果表明:AZ31镁合金在真应变ε=0.2时发生明显的动态再结晶,在ε=0.5时,动态再结晶晶粒的体积分数高达80%以上;而Mg-Y合金在真应变ε=0.4时,动态再结晶体积分数尚不足10%,Y对镁合金动态再结晶有显著的阻碍作用;AZ31镁合金变形时,几乎所有晶粒的基面趋向于由变形前平行于压缩方向转至垂直于压缩方向,导致基面织构在ε=1.2时发生近90°的转动;Mg-Y合金则只有小部分晶粒发生转动,转动所形成的择优取向在动态再结晶后显著弱化,并导致取向分布更加随机;Y的添加可导致镁合金基面织构在动态再结晶后显著弱化。  相似文献   

The high strain rate superplastic deformation properties and characteristics of a rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy at temperatures ranging from 623 to 698 K(0.67Tm-0.76Tm) and high strain rates ranging from 10^-3 to 1 s^-1 were investigated.The rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy possesses excellent superplasticity with the maximum elongation of 455% at 623 K and a strain rate of 10-3 s-1,and its strain rate sensitivity m is high up to 0.64.The dominant deformation mechanism responsible for the high strain rate superplasticity is still grain boundary sliding(GBS),and the dislocation creep mechanism is considered as the main accommodation mechanism.  相似文献   

变形AZ31镁合金的晶粒细化   总被引:69,自引:15,他引:69  
利用Gleeble-1500D热模拟机,对AZ31镁合金在300~450℃以及应变速率为0.1和1.0s^-1条件下进行了热压缩。发现在热压缩变形过程中发生了动态再结晶,其动态再结晶平均晶粒尺寸(d)的自然对数与ZenerHollomon参数(Z)的自然对数成线性关系。再利用d与Z的关系,通过较低的热挤压温度(300~350℃),获得了动态再结晶晶粒直径在10~20μm之内的镁合金管材。  相似文献   

铸态AZ61镁合金热压缩变形组织变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用Gleeble-1500对铸态AZ61镁合金在变形温度200~500℃,应变速率0.001~1s-1的条件下进行压缩变形;利用显微结构分析和硬度测试等研究不同变形条件下AZ61镁合金的组织和性能,引用Z值(Zener-Hollomon系数)研究温度和应变速率对AZ61镁合金组织的影响,建立再结晶晶粒尺寸与Z值之间的关系。结果表明:铸态AZ61镁合金在热变形时表现出动态再结晶特征,随温度上升,再结晶容易发生且峰值应力降低,再结晶晶粒尺寸随温度升高而增大;随应变速率上升,峰值应力增大且峰值应力对应的应变量增大,再结晶晶粒尺寸减小;硬度大小的变化也与动态再结晶密切相关。  相似文献   

利用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)取向成像技术分析AZ31铸态镁合金在不同温度和真应变下热压缩的晶粒取向和织构特点,从晶粒取向和织构角度分析不同温度下其动态再结晶(DRX)的类型。结果表明:在热压缩过程中,350℃时,AZ31铸态镁合金表现为连续动态再结晶(CDRX)特征,新晶粒取向与基体相似,具有较强的{0002}基面织构,以基面滑移为主;500℃时,为旋转动态再结晶(RDRX)特征,真应变为0.5时,新晶粒取向与基体偏转成一定角度,具有两种主要的基面织构,由于动态再结晶的定向形核、择优核心长大和旋转动态再结晶造成这两种基面织构弱于350℃时的{0002}基面织构;且随着真应变的增加,其中一种织构由于滑移系的改变而逐渐消失。  相似文献   

The dynamic recrystallization(DRX) and texture development, taking place during hot deformation of magnesium alloy AZ31 with a strong wire texture, were studied in compression at 673 K (0.73 Tm). Two kinds of samples were machined parallelly to the extruded and transverse directions of Mg alloy rods. New fine grains are evolved at original grain boundaries corrugated at low strains and develop rapidly in the medium range of strain, finally leading to a roughly full evolution of equiaxial fine grains. Kink bands are evolved at grain boundaries corrugated and also frequently in grain interiors at low strains. The boundary misorientations of kink band increase rapidly with increasing strain and approach a saturation value in high strain. The average size of the regions fragmented by kink band is almost the same as that of new grains evolved in high strain. These characteristics of new grain evolution process are not changed by the orientation of the samples, while the flow behaviors clearly depend on it. It is concluded that new grain evolution can be controlled by a deformation-induced continuous reaction, i.e. continuous dynamic recrystallization(DRX). The latter is discussed by comparing with conventional, i.e. discontinuous DRX.  相似文献   

The microstructures and mechanical properties of hot rolled AZ31 Mg alloy sheets were studied to understand the microstructure evolution during AZ31 Mg alloy hot rolling process. The roller was heated to 180 ℃ with burning hydrogen, and the extruded plates were rolled at 400 ℃ from 10 to 1 mm with a reduction of 30% in thickness per pass. The result shows that there is no side-cracking of these rolled sheets every pass. The extruded microstructures are greatly refined and mechanical properties are improved. The fine grains of about 4μm were obtained of the final 0.9 mm sheets.  相似文献   

将具有随机初始织构的工业 AZ91镁合金在450°C 进行均匀化热处理。经热处理后,合金中出现弱的{0001}-{1010}-{1120}三重纤维织构。经400°C热轧后,合金的变形织构是典型的(0001)基面,其基极沿轧制方向分裂。在450°C 退火36 h后,其残余变形织构中的基极沿基面分布更均匀,没有出现晶粒的异常长大。  相似文献   

铝合金6061的热变形力学行为与微观组织演化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于具有柱状晶的铝合金6061进行了圆柱体热压缩实验研究。通过实验获得了该种材料在不同温度不同应变速率条件下的真应力-应变曲线以及动态再结晶和晶粒细化的规律。应用峰值应力的实验结果计算出了该材料热变形过程的激活能,计算了每个实验条件的Z参数,得到了铝合金6061的热变形过程以及动态再结晶过程的主要特征变量作为Z参数的函数表达式。结果表明,当Z参数等于2×1026/s时热压缩实验过程动态再结晶引起的晶粒细化效果最好。  相似文献   

High temperature compressive tests of AZ91 Mg alloy were carried out at 573 - 723 K and strain rates of 0. 001 - 1 s^-1 . The microstructures of as-compressed samples were observed by optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the microhardness was also tested. It is shown that with the increase of temperature or the decrease of strain rate, the flow stress decreases, at the same time the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of the alloy is more noticeable. The microstructures reveal that continuous dynamic recrystallization, which develops through conversion of low-angle grain boundaries into high-angle boundaries, occurs preferentially at the grain boundary.  相似文献   

采用Gleeble-1500热模拟实验机对AZ91D镁合金在400℃、0.01s^-1的条件下进行不同压缩真应变量(1%、10%、60%、100%)的高温压缩实验,利用光学显微镜、透射电镜观察压缩变形过程中合金的显微组织演变。结果表明:在压缩变形的初始阶段,{101^-2}孪生是主要的变形机制,孪晶的尺寸较大;在随后的变形过程中孪晶发生破碎,尺寸变小;随着变形的进一步进行,孪晶之问相互交叉,在孪晶界及孪晶交叉畸变较大的区域成为再结晶的形核区。  相似文献   

Al4 C3细化AZ91合金晶粒的现象和机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过向熔体中直接添加Al4C3颗粒,研究了Al4C3对AZ91合金的晶粒细化现象和机理的影响.结果表明,Al4C3颗粒对AZ91合金的晶粒细化效果与孕育参数直接相关,孕育温度越高孕育时间越久,Al4C3的细化效果越明显.研究发现,实验添加的Al4C3颗粒并没有直接成为镁的晶核,而是被推开到了晶粒生长界面前沿,Al4C3的细化作用主要是因为Al4C3发生了微量的溶解,从而向熔体中提供了碳,碳的存在对熔体起到了碳质孕育法处理的作用.  相似文献   

An AZ61 alloy was subjected to hot compression at temperatures ranging from 523 K to 673 K, with strain rates of 0. 001 - 1 s^-1. Flow softening occurs at all temperatures and strain rates. There are peak and plateau stresses on flow curves. The initiation and evolution of dynamic recrystallization(DRX) were studied by the flow softening mechanism based on the flow curves and microstructural observations. A linear relationship was established between the logarithmic value of the critical strain for DRX initiation(lnεc) and the logarithmic value of the Zener-Hollomon parameter (lnZ). The volume fraction of DRX grain (φd) is formulated as a function of the process parameters including strain rate, temperature, and strain. The calculated values of φd agree well with the values extracted from the flow curves. The size of DRX grain(d) was also formulated as a function of the Zener- Hollomon parameter. This study suggests that DRX behavior of AZ61 can be predicated from plastic process parameters.  相似文献   

研究ZK60合金的高温流变应力行为。分别采用Kocks-Mecking模型和Avrami方程对合金的应变强化和动态再结晶过程进行模拟,在此基础上,构建一个考虑合金动态再结晶软化的流变应力方程并对流变应力进行预测。结果表明:预测曲线与实验结果具有很高的相关系数,所构建的流变应力方程能准确地描述热变形过程中合金的流变应力行为。微观组织观察表明在变形初期合金组织主要为动态回复组织,随着应变增加,逐渐转变为再结晶组织。  相似文献   

通过真空烧结制备出Mg—Al-C中间合金,发现该合金可以有效地细化Mg-Al系AZ91合金的晶粒,细化后的AZ91合金力学性能显著提高,粗大且易于聚集成团的Mg17Al12相得以消除;分析认为其细化机制是在镁合金熔体中形成了大量的结晶形核质点Al4C3或Al-C-O化合物。  相似文献   

Experimental work was undertaken to investigate the effect of rotation speed on the solidification microstructure of AZ91D alloy using a twin-screw slurry maker.Then numerical simulation was used to investigate the effect of rotation speed on the flow filed and temperature field of the melt.It was found that increasing the rotation speed could give rise to substantial grain refinement,which can be attributed to the increase of effective nucleation rate caused by the extremely uniform temperature and dispersing any potential clusters of nucleation agents in the bulk liquid under dispersive mixing.  相似文献   

工业态AZ31镁合金的超塑性变形行为   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
研究了工业态AZ31镁合金在温度 6 2 3~ 72 3K和应变速率 1× 10 -5~ 1× 10 -3 s-1范围内的超塑性变形行为。结果表明 ,工业态AZ31镁合金表现出良好的超塑性 ,其最高断裂延伸率达到 314%,应变速率敏感指数达 0 .4。显微组织观察和断口分析表明 ,工业态AZ31镁合金超塑变形主要由晶界滑动机制所控制 ,同时 ,动态再结晶也是合金超塑变形的一种协同机制。  相似文献   

AZ91HP镁合金真空激光熔凝晶粒细化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用真空激光熔凝技术对AZ91HP镁合金表面进行了细晶强化处理。研究表明:激光熔凝区是由α-Mg和β-Mg17Al12相所组成,与原始镁合金相比,β-Mg17Al12相含量增加,且随着激光扫描速度降低,β-Mg17Al12相含量增加。熔凝区具有典型的树枝晶形貌特征。由于受微区合金溶液成分和结晶参数不均匀性的影响,二次枝晶间距沿熔凝层深度逐渐增大。增加扫描速度导致熔凝区二次枝晶间距减小,激光熔凝区晶粒细化,有利于提高镁合金的塑性。  相似文献   

高应变率下铸造镁合金AZ91的动态压缩性能及破坏机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用INSTRON准静态试验机和分离式Hopkinson压杆系统对铸造镁合金AZ91在不同应变率下进行压缩试验,研究AZ91镁合金在高应变率范围内(应变率6×102~1×104 s-1)的动态力学行为,并利用扫描电镜观察试样在不同应变率下破坏断口微观形貌的变化,探索应变率对破坏机理的影响.结果表明:室温下铸造镁合金AZ91具有明显的应变硬化性质;在准静态压缩过程中材料对应变率负敏感,当应变率达到7×103 s-1时,AZ91镁合金表现出明显的应变率敏感性;在准静态破坏和动态破坏下,材料断口的微观形貌具有很大不同.  相似文献   

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