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We fabricated and characterized on-chip Fabry-Pérot (FP) vapor sensors for the development of on-column micro-gas chromatography (μGC) detectors. The FP sensors were made by coating a thin layer of polymer on a silicon wafer. The air-polymer and polymer-silicon interfaces form an FP cavity, whose resonance wavelengths change in response to the vapor absorption/desorption, thus allowing for rapid detection and quantification of vapors. For proof-of-concept, two polymers (PDMS and SU-8) were used independently and placed in an array in a microfluidic channel, and showed different sensitivities for different vapors. A sub-nano-gram detection limit and sub-second response time were achieved, representing orders of magnitude improvement over those previously reported. This on-chip design will enable the unprecedented integration of optical vapor sensors with μGC systems.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first development of high-performance, silicon-glass micro-gas chromatography (/spl mu/GC) columns having integrated heaters and temperature sensors for temperature programming, and integrated pressure sensors for flow control. These 3-m long, 150-/spl mu/m wide and 250-/spl mu/m deep columns, integrated on a 3.3 cm square die, were fabricated using a silicon-on-glass dissolved wafer process. Demonstrating the contributions to heat dissipation from conduction, convection, and radiation with and without packaging, it is shown that using a 7.5-mm high atmospheric pressure package reduces power consumption to about 650 mW at 100/spl deg/C, while vacuum packaging reduces the steady-state power requirements to less than 100 mW. Under vacuum conditions, 600 mW is needed for a temperature-programming rate of 40/spl deg/C/min. The 2300 ppm//spl deg/C TCR of the temperature sensors and the 50 fF/kPa sensitivity of the pressure sensors satisfy the requirements needed to achieve reproducible separations in a /spl mu/GC system. Using these columns, highly resolved 20-component separations were obtained with analysis times that are a factor of two faster than isothermal responses.  相似文献   

Microfabricated preconcentrator-focuser for a microscale gas chromatograph   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The design, fabrication, and testing of a preconcentrator-focuser (PCF), consisting of a thick micromachined Si heater packed with a small quantity of a granular adsorbent material are described. The PCF is developed to capture and concentrate vapors for subsequent focused thermal desorption and analysis in a micro gas chromatograph. The microheater contains an array of high-aspect-ratio, etched-Si heating elements, 520 /spl mu/m (h)/spl times/50 /spl mu/m (w)/spl times/3000 /spl mu/m (l), bounded by an annulus of Si and thermally isolated from the remaining substrate by an air gap. This structure is sandwiched between Pyrex glass plates with inlet/outlet ports that accept capillary tubes for sample flow and is sealed by anodic bonding (bottom) and rapidly annealed glass/metal/Si solder bonding (top). The large microheater surface area allows for high adsorption capacity and efficient, uniform thermal desorption of vapors captured on the adsorbent within the structure. The adsorbent consists of roughly spherical granules, /spl sim/200 /spl mu/m in diameter, of a high-surface-area, graphitized carbon. Key design considerations, fabrication technologies, and results of performance tests are presented with an emphasis on the thermal desorption characteristics of several representative volatile organic compounds as a function of volumetric flow rates and heating rates. Preconcentration factors as high as 5600 and desorbed peak widths as narrow as 0.8 s are achieved from 0.25-L samples of benzene at modest heating rates. The effects of operating variables on sensitivity, chromatographic resolution, and detection limits are assessed. Testing of this PCF with a micromachined separation column and integrated sensor array is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

声表面波延迟线振荡器的频率对沉积在延迟线表面上的薄膜很敏感,在延迟线路径上覆盖一层具有选择性的吸附薄膜,这层薄膜吸附对其敏感的气体物质后,其质量密度、弹性参数、介电常数、电导率都将发生变化。给出了传感器的理论分析,根据检测需要,设计最优化的气体传感器。  相似文献   

A method to determine an approximate lower bound buckling load for a nonuniform column is presented. The method is applicable to both hinged-hinged and cantilever columns. A finite difference scheme is used to represent the equilibrium equation for the column. Recursion relations are developed for the coefficient of the characteristic equation from which an approximate lower bound buckling load may be calculated. One advantage of the present method is that it can be programmed on a programmable calculator with as few as 15 data storage locations and 200 program steps.  相似文献   

A wireless electronic nose system (WENS) is designed for the real-time quantification of ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and their mixtures. The WENS hardware consists of a microcontroller for obtaining measurement data from a micro-gas sensor array, and an RF transceiver for transmitting the data sets to a master sensor node. Meanwhile, the WENS software analyses the binary gas mixtures using a fuzzy ARTMAP classifier and a fuzzy ART-based concentration estimator with multiplicative drift correction based on reference gases. A virtual instrument is developed in the LabVIEW environment for monitoring the analyzed gas mixtures. The performance of the proposed WENS is also assessed and compared with the minimum and product inference methods. The proposed WENS adopting the weighted inference method produces the best concentration estimations as regards the root mean square error.  相似文献   

Column-oriented indexes—such as projection or bitmap indexes—are compressed by run-length encoding to reduce storage and increase speed. Sorting the tables improves compression. On realistic data sets, permuting the columns in the right order before sorting can reduce the number of runs by a factor of two or more. Unfortunately, determining the best column order is NP-hard. For many cases, we prove that the number of runs in table columns is minimized if we sort columns by increasing cardinality. Experimentally, sorting based on Hilbert space-filling curves is poor at minimizing the number of runs.  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了气相色谱仪的构造以及工作原理,结合气相色谱仪在各个领域内的应用,阐述了其在CD-R光盘染料配置中的操作应用及其影响因素和注意事项。  相似文献   

An architecture for a memory-resident, Parallel and Persistent Object STore (PPOST) is proposed. Different object-oriented data-bases might be built on top of PPOST. The term memory-resident (or main memory based) means that the primary storage device is main memory. Persistence is guaranteed automatically by managing secondary and stable storage devices (such as main memory with uninterrupted power supply, discs and tapes). The architecture is able to take advantage of available idle main memory in a parallel or distributed environment. Thus, transactions can be actually performed with memory-speed, without being limited by the size of the memory of a given computer. Such an architecture is especially advantageous for applications requiring very fast response, such as CAD or high-performance simulation.  相似文献   

Based on the well-known Newmark method for the solution of stability problems, a new method for solving strut overall buckling problems, based on the Picard iteration technique for the solution of differential equations, is developed. The method is easily programmed, and has the advantages of simplicity and speed of convergence. Five case studies of elastic struts are examined, and the results are shown to be very accurate with only a small number of iterations. The method may easily be extended to treat material and geometric nonlinearity including nonprismatic members and linear and nonlinear spring restraints that would be encountered in frames.  相似文献   

M. España  I.D. Landau 《Automatica》1978,14(4):345-355
The distillation columns are considered as compartmental systems. Because the inputs act linearly upon the transports matter flows, it is possible to include this type of system in the class of bilinear systems. By considering as output the distillate concentration of one of the products contained in the distilled mixture, the distillation column can be assimilated to a compartmental system with three compartments each of them replacing a set of distillation plates. These considerations finally permit a characterization of a distillation column by a minimal bilinear model having only three state variables and eight structural parameters. An identification algorithm permitting the identification of such a reduced order bilinear model is presented and is based on the minimization of the output error. Simulation results obtained by using as reference a complete non-linear model of a distillation column are presented. These results illustrate the validity of the approach proposed as well as the performance of the identification method. The reduced order bilinear model obtained is robust and valid for large variations of the inputs and of the working points. The use of the resulting bilinear model for control purposes is discussed.  相似文献   

The prime objective of this work is to demonstrate the potential of neural network modeling for advanced nonlinear control applications. In particular, for the case of a single composition distillation column, a model-based neural controller is developed to regulate the composition of the distillate stream. The neural controller relies on process inversion for the evaluation of the actuator action on the manipulated variable (reflux flowrate) to maintain the controlled variable (distillate composition) at the prescribed value.The performance of the neural controller is assessed and compared with that of a conventional temperature control loop and of a neural inferential control structure. The neural controller by far outperforms the other two in terms of the response speed by which the upsetting loads are compensated.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a design and fabrication pipeline for creating floating forms. Our method optimizes for buoyant equilibrium and stability of complex 3D shapes, applying a voxel‐carving technique to control the mass distribution. The resulting objects achieve a desired floating pose defined by a user‐specified waterline height and orientation. In order to enlarge the feasible design space, we explore novel ways to load the interior of a design using prefabricated components and casting techniques. 3D printing is employed for high‐precision fabrication. For larger scale designs we introduce a method for stacking lasercut planar pieces to create 3D objects in a quick and economic manner. We demonstrate fabricated designs of complex shape in a variety of floating poses.  相似文献   

The postcritical analysis performed for a structure optimized only for buckling constraints shows that the behaviour of the designed element after buckling is in many cases unstable. That should be considered as a drawback of the standard design because the applicability of such an unstable optimal structure may be questionable. Recently, the new concept of structural optimization against instability has been proposed. The postbuckling analysis is included directly in the optimization problem and the modified design is formulated. As a result, the modified optimal structure with stable behaviour after buckling is obtained. Many modified design problems for structures exposed to elastic instability have already been formulated and numerically solved. The aim of the present paper is to develop an analytical approach to optimization of columns for stable postbuckling path. A perturbation method combined with Crolls manoeuvre makes it possible to derive general formulae for the subsequent corrections for the force and hence to analyze stability in the postbuckling range. Based on that, the analytical formulae can be obtained. The constraint imposed on the second correction of the force allows obtaining s stable postcritical designed structure locally that is in the vicinity of the critical point. The relevant optimization problem is then expressed as an isoperimetric problem of the calculus of variations. The optimizations of the Stern column and of a column loaded by a vessel containing liquid are presented as examples.  相似文献   

Single-strips for fast interactive rendering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Representing a triangulated two manifold using a single triangle strip is an NP-complete problem. By introducing a few Steiner vertices, recent works find such a single-strip, and hence a linear ordering of edge-connected triangles of the entire triangulation. In this paper, we extend previous results [10] that exploit this linear ordering in efficient triangle-strip management for high-performance rendering. We present new algorithms to generate single-strip representations that follow different user defined constraints or preferences in the form of edge weights. These functional constraints are application dependent. For example, normal-based constraints can be used for efficient rendering after visibility culling, or spatial constraints for highly coherent vertex-caching. We highlight the flexibility of this approach by generating single-strips with preferences as arbitrary as the orientation of the edges. We also present a hierarchical single-strip management strategy for high-performance interactive 3D rendering.  相似文献   

Hamiltonian triangulations for fast rendering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High-performance rendering engines are often pipelined; their speed is bounded by the rate at which triangulation data can be sent into the machine. An ordering such that consecutive triangles share a face, which reduces the data rate, exists if and only if the dual graph of the triangulation contains a Hamiltonian path. We (1) show thatany set ofn points in the plane has a Hamiltonian triangulation; (2) prove that certain nondegenerate point sets do not admit asequential triangulation; (3) test whether a polygonP has a Hamiltonian triangulation in time linear in the size of its visibility graph; and (4) show how to add Steiner points to a triangulation to create Hamiltonian triangulations that avoid narrow angles.  相似文献   

A Lyapunov-based controller for the composition control of binary distillation columns has been developed. It takes into account physical constraints on the inputs and ensures the global asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system with robustness to modelling errors and with the capability of performing set-point tracking and (approximate) disturbance rejection. This controller requires the knowledge of the internal state of the model and this leads to the design of an exponentially converging 'high-grain' observer. We arrive at the global asymptotic stability of the whole control structure (the controller+ the observer) by proving a somewhat general nonlinear separation principle.  相似文献   

With basic components for active drive systems (like coils, magnetic components like yokes and cores, and guides) available and their fabrication processes well established, the emphasis shifts to further optimize them. This may be accomplished by applying new materials or by further improving the fabrication technologies. This paper presents recent developments in the field of materials and technologies for components of the microactuator drive systems, as well as the latest results in optimizing the microactuator’s guides.  相似文献   

介绍了AD04—03气相色谱易制毒化学品检测仪的设计与实现。该仪器以气相色谱技术为基础,采用双色谱柱双检测器技术,能够实现单或混合物的定性、定量分析,可用于现场快速测易制毒化学品。实验结果表明,仪器对易制毒化学品可实现一次进样,同时出峰。  相似文献   

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