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Thalamic neurons were identified by activity related to passive joint movement, active joint movement, tapping stimulation, and light touch stimulation during surgery to treat movement disorders. The neurons were classified into three types: movement-related neurons, tapping-related neurons, or superficial sensory neurons. Tapping-related neurons had characteristics of lemniscal sensory neurons and occupied the border area of movement-related neurons and superficial sensory neurons. Tapping-related neurons showed a laminar distribution 1.0-1.5 mm in width in the anterodorsal region of the nucleus ventrocaudalis. Results suggest that the distribution pattern of tapping-related neurons in the human thalamus is consistent with the functional distribution pattern found in the monkey thalamus.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of glutamine phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) amidotransferase from Escherichia coli have been determined to 2.0-A resolution in the absence of ligands, and to 2.5-A resolution with the feedback inhibitor AMP bound to the PRPP catalytic site. Glutamine PRPP amidotransferase (GPATase) employs separate catalytic domains to abstract nitrogen from the amide of glutamine and to transfer nitrogen to the acceptor substrate PRPP. The unliganded and AMP-bound structures, which are essentially identical, are interpreted as the inhibited form of the enzyme because the two active sites are disconnected and the PRPP active site is solvent exposed. The structures were compared with a previously reported 3.0-A structure of the homologous Bacillus subtilis enzyme (Smith JL et al., 1994, Science 264:1427-1433). The comparison indicates a pattern of conservation of peptide structures involved with catalysis and variability in enzyme regulatory functions. Control of glutaminase activity, communication between the active sites, and regulation by feedback inhibitors are addressed differently by E. coli and B. subtilis GPATases. The E. coli enzyme is a prototype for the metal-free GPATases, whereas the B. subtilis enzyme represents the metal-containing enzymes. The structure of the E. coli enzyme suggests that a common ancestor of the two enzyme subfamilies may have included an Fe-S cluster.  相似文献   

Detailed information regarding the contribution of individual gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-containing inhibitory neurons to the overall synaptic activity of single postsynaptic cells is essential to our understanding of fundamental elements of synaptic integration and operation of neuronal circuits. For example, GABA-containing cells in the thalamic reticular nucleus (nRt) provide major inhibitory innervation of thalamic relay nuclei that is critical to thalamocortical rhythm generation. To investigate the contribution of individual nRt neurons to the strength of this internuclear inhibition, we obtained whole-cell recordings of unitary inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) evoked in ventrobasal thalamocortical (VB) neurons by stimulation of single nRt cells in rat thalamic slices, in conjunction with intracellular biocytin labeling. Two types of monosynaptic IPSCs could be distinguished. "Weak" inhibitory connections were characterized by a significant number of postsynaptic failures in response to presynaptic nRt action potentials and relatively small IPSCs. In contrast, "strong" inhibition was characterized by the absence of postsynaptic failures and significantly larger unitary IPSCs. By using miniature IPSC amplitudes to infer quantal size, we estimated that unitary IPSCs associated with weak inhibition resulted from activation of 1-3 release sites, whereas stronger inhibition would require simultaneous activation of 5-70 release sites. The inhibitory strengths were positively correlated with the density of axonal swellings of the presynaptic nRt neurons, an indicator that characterizes different nRt axonal arborization patterns. These results demonstrate that there is a heterogeneity of inhibitory interactions between nRt and VB neurons, and that variations in gross morphological features of axonal arbors in the central nervous system can be associated with significant differences in postsynaptic response characteristics.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine has been implicated as an important neurotransmitter in the mechanisms of thalamic activation. Cholinergic mechanisms are thought to directly underlie the high level of excitability observed in thalamic relay neurons during waking and rapid eye movement sleep. We sought to determine if the cholinergic responsiveness of neurons in the ventroposterior nuclei of the thalamus in rat is consistent with this view. Neurons in the chloral hydrate-anesthetized rat were studied with extracellular recording and microiontophoretic application of cholinergic agents. In most cases (63% of 63 cells), the ejection of the agonist, carbachol, had no observable effect on spontaneous activity. Facilitation (25%), inhibition (8%) and inhibition followed by facilitation (3%) were also observed. Carbachol ejections that by themselves were ineffective in altering spontaneous activity proved capable, in 93% of 28 cells, of antagonizing the uniformly facilitatory responses produced by glutamate ejection. The putative M1-selective, cholinergic agonist, McN-A-343, was also ineffective alone in altering spontaneous activity in the majority of cases (74% of 27 cells) and produced only inhibitory responses in the remaining seven neurons studied. Interacting applications of McN-A-343 and glutamate resulted, in all cases, in antagonism of glutamate facilitation (N = 12). The various responses to applied cholinergic agonists were all capable of being antagonized by muscarinic receptor-blocking agents. Both the high proportion of inhibitory responses and the antagonism of glutamate facilitatory responses suggest that ventroposterior neurons in the rat differ from other thalamocortical relay neurons in the rat and cat with regard to cholinergic responsiveness. Additionally, the lack of predominantly facilitatory responding renders it unlikely that cholinergic mechanisms directly underlie increases in excitability of ventroposterior neurons observed during waking and rapid eye movement sleep.  相似文献   

In the thalamic ventro-lateral nucleus of parkinsonian patients, two main types of convergent cells were shown to exist: 1) units with irregular discharges (A-cells, 74%) and 2) units with bursts of unstable rhythmic discharges (B-cells, 26%). The functional brain changes were accompanied by modifications of A-cells activity into the transient rhythmic burst-like pattern, characterized by two different types of intrinsic structure burst discharges being in some cases similar to the structure of B-cells. A correlation between activities of these units and the type of parkinsonian pathology was revealed.  相似文献   

The pineal complexes of two deep-sea fishes, Bathylagus wesethi (family Bathylagidae) and Nezumia liolepis (family Macrouridae), were studied with both light and electron microscopy. Receptor and supportive cells were identified in the pineals of both species. The presence of receptor cells suggests that the pineals function in photoreception. Ganglion cells could be identified only in B. wesethi. A dorsal sac and a paraphysis were found in B. wesethi; both structures are absent in N. liolepis. Several trends were found when the results of this study were compared with those of a study on the pineal complex of another deep-sea fish, the myctophid Triphoturus mexicanus (McNulty and Nafpaktitis, 1976). Two of these trends, which are correlated with the vertical distributions of the species studied, suggest an increase in the photosensitivity of the pineals. These are: 1) an increase in the average number of outer segment lamellar membranes per receptor cell, and 2) an increase in the ratio of receptor cells to nerve fibers in the pineal stalks. A functional relationship between the dorsal sac, paraphysis, and pineal central lumen was suggested. The relationship may involve secretory activities.  相似文献   

We studied the high-voltage-activated (HVA) calcium currents in cells isolated from the ventrobasal nucleus of the rat thalamus with the use of the whole cell patch-clamp technique. Low-voltage-activated current was inactivated by the use of long voltage steps or 100-ms prepulses to -20 mV. We used channel blocking agents to characterize the currents that make up the HVA current. The dihydropyridine (DHP) antagonist nimodipine (5 microM) reversibly blocked 33 +/- 1% (mean +/- SE), and omega-conotoxin GVIA (1 microM) irreversibly blocked 25 +/- 5%. The current resistant to DHPs and omega-conotoxin GVIA was inhibited almost completely by omega-conotoxin MVIIC (90 +/- 5% at 3-5 microM) and was partially inhibited by omega-agatoxin IVA (54 +/- 4% block at 1 microM). We conclude that there are at least four main HVA currents in thalamic neurons: N current, L current, and two omega-conotoxin MVIIC-sensitive currents that differ in their sensitivity to omega-agatoxin IVA. We also examined modulation of HVA currents by strong depolarization and by G protein activation. Long (approximately 1 s), strong depolarizations elicited large, slowly deactivating tail currents, which were sensitive to DHP antagonists. With guanosine 5'-0-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP-gamma-S) in the intracellular solution, brief (approximately 20 ms), strong depolarization produced a voltage-dependent facilitation of the current (44 +/- 5%), compared with cells with GTP (22 +/- 7%) or guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) (7 +/- 4%). However, the HVA current was inhibited only weakly by 100 microM acetylcholine (8 +/- 4%). Effects of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-B agonist baclofen were variable (3-39% inhibition, n = 12, at 10-50 microM).  相似文献   

Experiments in both conscious and anesthetized animals indicate that intrathecal (i.t.) strychnine (STR; glycine receptor antagonist) produces acute, reversible allodynia, as evidenced by inappropriate behavioral and autonomic responses to cutaneous tactile stimuli. Although STR is known to produce disinhibition of afferent input to the spinal cord, changes in spinal reflexes cannot fully explain the complex behaviors observed following i.t. STR. Which supraspinal sites are involved in STR-dependent allodynia and how this abnormal somatosensory message is relayed to these sites remain to be determined. The medial thalamus contains many nociceptive-specific (NS) neurons and is believed to be involved in mediating the affective-motivational aspects of pain. It is thus important to determine whether spinally administered STR elicits changes in the responses of medial thalamic NS neurons. Extracellular single-unit recordings were conducted in urethan-anesthetized rats (290-490 g). A detailed characterization of 20 thalamic NS units (1 per rat; 2 in 1 case) was conducted before and immediately after i.t. STR (40 microg). Initially, all of the units in this study were classified as NS, because they were excited by noxious pinch but not by innocuous tactile stimuli. After i.t. STR, all (formerly NS) units exhibited significant responses to innocuous tactile stimuli (brush and/or air jet) applied to lumbar or sacral dermatomes. This effect of STR on thalamic NS neurons was acute and reversible. The majority of units (11 of 20) also exhibited an increase in spontaneous firing rate. Although the complete pinch receptive field (RF) could not be determined for all units, the available data indicate that the RFs for brush stimulation after i.t. STR were substantially different from the pre-STR pinch RFs for all but three units. The same i.t. STR injection that caused the observed changes in medial thalamus also produced allodynia, in the form of brush-evoked cardiovascular or motor responses, in 18 of the 19 rats. The ability of NS cells in medial thalamus to respond to tactile input after i.t. STR suggests that the STR lowers the threshold of nociceptive neurons that project directly and/or indirectly to medial thalamus. These observations suggest that ascending nociceptive pathways and medial thalamic structures contribute to the expression of STR-dependent allodynia.  相似文献   

The hippocampal formation has been extensively studied for its special role in visual spatial learning and navigation. To ascertain the nature of the associations made, or computations performed, by hippocampus, it is important to delineate the functional contributions of its afferents. Therefore, single units were recorded in the lateral dorsal nucleus of the thalamus (LDN) as rats performed multiple trials on a radial maze. Many LDN neurons selectively discharged when an animal's head was aligned along particular directions in space, irrespective of its location in the test room. These direction-sensitive cells were localized to the dorsal aspect of the caudal two-thirds of the LDN, the site of innervation by retinal recipient pretectal and intermediate/deep-layer superior colliculus cells (Thompson and Robertson, 1987b). The directional specificity and preference of LDN cells were disrupted if rats were placed on the maze in darkness. If the room light was then turned on, the original preference was restored. If the light was again turned off, directional firing was maintained briefly. Normal directional firing lasted about 2-3 min. After this time, the directional preference (but not specificity) appeared to "rotate" systematically in either the clockwise or counterclockwise direction. The duration of normal directional discharge patterns in darkness could be extended to 30 min by varying the behavior of the animal. LDN cells required visual input to initialize reliable directional firing. After the rat viewed the environment, directional specificity was maintained in the absence of visual cues. Maximal directional firing was achieved only when the rat viewed the entire test room, and not just the scene associated with the directional preference of the cell. Thus, contextual information seems important. Also, a significant correlation was found between directional specificity and errors made on the maze during acquisition of the task. It was concluded that the LDN may pass on to the hippocampal formation directional information that is not merely a reflection of current sensory input. As such, the LDN may serve an important integrative function for limbic spatial learning systems.  相似文献   

Neurons in the ventral partition of the medial geniculate body are able to fire high-threshold Ca2+-spikes. The neurons normally discharge such spikes on low-threshold Ca2+-spikes after the action potentials of a burst. We studied membrane mechanisms that regulate the discharge of high-threshold Ca2+-spikes, using whole-cell recording techniques in a slice preparation of rat thalamus. A subthreshold (persistent) Na+-conductance amplified depolarizing inputs, enhancing membrane excitability in the tonic firing mode and amplifying the low-threshold Ca2+-spike in the burst firing mode. Application of tetrodotoxin blocked the amplification and high-threshold Ca2+-spike firing. A slowly inactivating K+ conductance, sensitive to blockade with 4-aminopyridine (50-100 microM), but not tetraethylammonium (2-10 mM), appeared to suppress excitability and high-threshold Ca2+-spike firing. Application of 4-aminopyridine increased the low-threshold Ca2+-spike and the number of action potentials in the burst, and led to a conversion of the superimposed high-threshold Ca2+-spike into a plateau potential. Application of the Ca2+-channel blocker Cd2+ (50 microM), reduced or eliminated this plateau potential. The tetrodotoxin sensitive, persistent Na+-conductance also sustained plateau potentials, triggered after 4-aminopyridine application on depolarization by current pulses. Our results suggest that high-threshold Ca2+-spike firing, and a short-term influx of Ca2+, are regulated by a balance of voltage-dependent conductances. Normally, a slowly inactivating A-type K+-conductance may reduce high-threshold Ca2+-spike firing and shorten high-threshold Ca2+-spike duration. A persistent Na+-conductance promotes coupling of the low-threshold Ca2+-spike to a high-threshold Ca2+-spike. Thus, the activation of both voltage-dependent conductances would affect Ca2+ influx into ventral medial geniculate neurons. This would alter the quality of the different signals transmitted in the thalamocortical system during wakefulness, sleep and pathological states.  相似文献   

To better understand the input-output organization of the midline thalamus, we compared the distribution of its peptidergic and monoaminergic afferents, which were visualized by using immunocytochemistry, with the distribution of neurons projecting to different basal forebrain structures, which were mapped using retrograde fluorescent tracers. Serotonin and most of the peptides were found throughout paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PV) and in other midline and intralaminar nuclei (type 1 pattern). Neuropeptide Y, alpha MSH and the catecholamine synthetic enzymes were largely restricted to dorsolateral PV (type 2 pattern). Vasopressin was found in dorsomedial PV and intermediodorsal nucleus in a pattern complementary to the type 2 distribution (type 3 pattern). Neurons projecting to accumbens core were present in paraventricular, intermediodorsal, and other midline nuclei. Neurons projecting to accumbens shell and to central amygdaloid nucleus were found in dorsal PV. The peptidergic zones were only loosely correlated with the distribution of different classes of projection neurons. The type 2 pattern overlapped best with neurons projecting to accumbens shell, and to a lesser extent to central amygdaloid nucleus, while the type 3 pattern overlapped best with neurons projecting to core of accumbens. This partial overlap suggests that some brainstem and hypothalamic nuclei preferentially affect different basal forebrain targets through the midline thalamus, and may allow, for example, information about stress to specifically influence accumbens shell and central amygdaloid nucleus. Nevertheless, most of the peptidergic afferents (type 1 pattern) to midline thalamus cover neurons projecting throughout the basal forebrain, which suggests that all of these neurons receive a variety of brainstem and hypothalamic inputs.  相似文献   

The pontine parabrachial nucleus, which is a key structure in the central processing of autonomic, nociceptive and gustatory information, is rich in a variety of neuropeptides. In this study we have analysed the distribution of parabrachial neurons that express preproenkephalin messenger RNA, which encodes for the precursor protein for enkephalin opioids. Using an in situ hybridization method, we found that preproenkephalin messenger RNA-expressing neurons were present in large numbers in four major areas of the parabrachial nucleus: the K?lliker-Fuse nucleus, the external lateral subnucleus, the ventral lateral subnucleus, and in and near the internal lateral subnucleus. Many preproenkephalin messenger RNA-expressing neurons were also seen in the central lateral subnucleus, and in the medial and external medial subnuclei. Few labeled neurons were found in the dorsal and superior lateral subnuclei. Injection of the retrograde tracer substance cholera toxin subunit B into the midline and intralaminar thalamus demonstrated that the enkephalinergic neurons in and near the internal lateral subnucleus were thalamic-projecting neurons. Taken together with the results of previous tract-tracing studies, the present findings show that many of the enkephalinergic cell groups in the parabrachial nucleus are located within the terminal zones of the ascending projections that originate from nociresponsive neurons in the medullary dorsal horn and spinal cord, as well as from viscerosensory neurons within the nucleus of the solitary tract. The enkephalinergic neurons in the parabrachial nucleus may thus transmit noci- and visceroceptive-related information to their efferent targets. On the basis of the present and previous observations, we conclude that these targets include the intralaminar and midline thalamus, the ventrolateral medulla and the spinal cord. Through these connections, nociceptive and visceroceptive stimuli may influence several functions, such as arousal, respiration and antinociception.  相似文献   

The effects of two types of general anesthetic on the neurophysiological properties of the primate somatosensory thalamus were correlated with effects on frontal cortex electroencephalographic (EEG) power and spectral properties. Graded doses of the intravenous agent methohexital sodium (METH) were studied in 12 cells in three monkeys on a halothane baseline anesthetic. Low doses of METH (0.2-1.0 mg/kg) produced a reduction of EEG power but had no effects on spontaneous or evoked thalamic activity. EEG power showed maximal attenuation after 2.0 mg/kg METH, whereas decreases in thalamic activity were first noted over a similar moderate dose range (2.0-5.0 mg/kg). The physiological parameter most sensitive to METH was the spontaneous activity, which showed initial changes in rate and moderate doses followed by marked inhibition at higher doses. Finally, the high dose of METH (10.0 mg/kg) produced marked reduction in all neurophysiological parameters with recovery over the following 30-45 min. The effects of the volatile anesthetic halothane were studied on 15 cells in four monkeys anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. The low dose of halothane (0.25%) produced a facilitation of responses to cutaneous stimuli as well as decrease in the rate and burst patterns in the spontaneous activity. The power in the EEG was not affected at this concentration. The responses of the cells to the mechanical stimuli at moderate doses (0.5-1.0%) of halothane returned to the baseline magnitude, whereas spontaneous activity remained unaffected compared with initial effects. EEG power was reduced by 1% halothane. Finally, all neurophysiological parameters showed profound reduction at the highest halothane concentrations (2.0-3.0%) with recovery over the next 30-45 min. In conclusion, the two classes of anesthetics most commonly used for acute neurophysiological studies in the primate show well-defined thresholds at which changes in the response properties of thalamic neurons are produced. This threshold for the barbiturates and halothane can be predicted by monitoring of cortical EEG.  相似文献   

The thalamic nuclei at the medial border of the medial geniculate body (i.e. the suprageniculate nucleus, the medial division of the medial geniculate nucleus, the posterior intralaminar nucleus and the peripeduncular nucleus) which relay sensory information to the amygdala are thought to receive convergent input from multiple sites. In order to delineate the organization of these multimodal thalamic nuclei, the locations of superior and inferior collicular neurons projecting to these nuclei were studied by means of retrograde transport methods. Small injections of the tracer Miniruby were made into single paralaminar thalamic nuclei. Injections of Miniruby into the suprageniculate nucleus labelled predominantly neurons in the stratum opticum of the superior colliculus, whereas injections into the medial division of the medial geniculate body, the posterior intralaminar nucleus and the peripeduncular nucleus labelled predominantly neurons in the deep layers of the superior colliculus. These injections also labelled neurons in the inferior colliculus. The majority of retrogradely labelled neurons were found in the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus and here predominantly in layer 2. Injections focused onto the medial division of the medial geniculate body additionally labelled magnocellular neurons in layer 3 of the external nucleus and a few neurons in the central nucleus. More ventrally located injections, focused onto the posterior intralaminar and peripeduncular nucleus, almost exclusively labelled neurons in layer 1 of the external nucleus and the dorsal part of the dorsal nucleus. After injections into the suprageniculate nucleus, only neurons in layer 2 were found. Neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus were only found after injections that involved the medial division of the medial geniculate body. The present results suggest that, despite a considerable degree of convergence in this thalamic region, each of these thalamic nuclei receives a unique pattern of projections from the superior and inferior colliculi. It appears that the thalamic nuclei may be concerned mainly, but not exclusively, with a single sensory modality, and give rise to parallel multimodal and unimodal pathways to the amygdala.  相似文献   

Radioactive end labeling can be used to determine the hydrolytic rates of nuclease mimics on moderate to long lengths of RNA or DNA. However, the reliability of end labeling as an assay can vary depending on how well the unincorporated label is removed from the labeled RNA or DNA products. Therefore, gel filtration, acid precipitation, membrane diafiltration, and paper chromatography were tested to determine which technique was the most effective at such separation. The results in order of decreasing contamination by [gamma-32P]ATP were gel filtration (40%), acid precipitation (5%), diafiltration (2%), and paper chromatography (1%); and, in order of decreasing loss of RNA, were acid precipitation (30%), diafiltration (11%), gel filtration (10%), and paper chromatography (1%). In order for the resultant radioactive counts to be linearly proportional to the number of cleavage sites, the total ATP in the end-labeling reaction should be in excess of 5'-hydroxyl ends by a factor of 10 or more. Interference by nuclease mimics in the end-labeling reaction should be accounted for by including the mimics when developing a standard curve based on known concentrations of 5'-hydroxyl ends.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical approach was used to characterize the morphological phenotype of neurons containing the calcium-binding proteins calretinin (CR), parvalbumin (PV), or calbindin-D28k (CB) in the normal human striatum. The protein CR occurs in at least four morphologically distinct types of neurons. Apart from the numerous medium-sized aspiny interneurons and the less abundant giant aspiny interneurons, CR also labels some medium-sized spiny neurons morphologically identical to striatal projection neurons. This finding indicates that CR is not only confined to striatal interneurons but also may be involved in the function of certain projection neurons. Some small and peculiar bushy-like aspiny neurons also are enriched with CR. These neurons could correspond to the dwarf or neurogliform neurons first described by Ramón y Cajal (1911). Three types of PV-immunoreactive striatal neurons can be visualized in the human striatum: 1) the common medium-sized aspiny leptodendritic neurons, 2) some smaller and profusely arborized aspiny neurons, and 3) a few large and intensely stained neurons with conspicuously beaded and poorly branched dendrites. The protein CB labels virtually all medium-sized spiny projection neurons located in the striatal matrix but also identifies a small subset of large and more intensely immunostained aspiny neurons. The latter finding indicates that CB is not entirely confined to striatal projection neurons but also may play a role in local circuit neurons. These normative data should help our understanding of the chemical anatomy of the human striatum in both health and disease.  相似文献   

Gustatory thalamus is the functional name for the parvicellular region of the ventroposteromedial nucleus of the thalamus. It is the penultimate nucleus in the thalamocortical pathway of the central gustatory system. Early research encouraged the view that the gustatory thalamus was important for taste detection and recognition. Consistent with this analysis, lesions of the area were found to induce profound deficits of innate taste preferences and aversions, salt appetite, and conditioned taste aversions (CTAs). More recent research using discrete lesions placed with electrophysiological guidance has, however, demonstrated that these deficits were due to damage to structures outside of, rather than within, the boundaries of the gustatory thalamus. In fact, the new data show that the gustatory thalamus is not essential for taste detection, sodium appetite, or CTA learning, but is critical for the preparatory (i.e. food-seeking) rather than the consummatory (i.e. food-eating) aspects of taste-guided behavior.  相似文献   

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