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In this work we present our progress in the field of Intelligent User Profiling. Our objective is to build a user profile that captures users’ skills rather than classical users’ interests. Thus, we propose a novel approach to learn users’ skills by observing their behavior during a very common activity: playing games. Specifically, we automatically identify users’ skills to manage abstractions by using digital games. Abstraction skills identification is important because it is related to several behavioral tendencies such as career preferences, aptitudes, and learning styles. Traditional skills identification is based on questionnaires whose application implies many complications, including non-intentional influences in the way questions are formulated, difficulty to motivate people to fill them out, and lack of awareness of the consequences or future uses of questionnaires. To address these limitations, we built a user profile that collects users’ actions when playing digital games. Then, we built and trained a Hierarchical Naive Bayes network to infer users’ skills to manage abstractions. The experiments carried out show that digital games can help us to identify abstraction skills with a promising accuracy.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been much debate about the concept of digital natives, in particular the differences between the digital natives' knowledge and adoption of digital technologies in informal versus formal educational contexts. This paper investigates the knowledge about educational technologies of a group of undergraduate students studying the course Introduction to eLearning at a university in Australia and how they adopt unfamiliar technologies into their learning. The study explores the 'digital nativeness' of these students by investigating their degree of digital literacy and the ease with which they learn to make use of unfamiliar technologies. The findings show that the undergraduates were generally able to use unfamiliar technologies easily in their learning to create useful artefacts. They need, however to be made aware of what constitutes educational technologies and be provided with the opportunity to use them for meaningful purposes. The self-perception measures of the study indicated that digital natives can be taught digital literacy.  相似文献   

Interest in using digital games for formal education has steadily increased in the past decades. When it comes to actual use, however, the uptake of games in the classroom remains limited. Using a contextual approach, the possible influence of factors on a school (N = 60) and teacher (N = 409) level are analyzed. Findings indicate that there is no effect of factors on the school level whereas on a teacher level, a model is tested, explaining 68% of the variance in behavioral intention, in which curriculum-relatedness and previous experience function as crucial determinants of the adoption intention. These findings add to previous research on adoption determinants related to digital games in formal education. Furthermore, they provide insight into the relations between different adoption determinants and their association with behavioral intention.  相似文献   

Despite major advances in infrastructure and instrumentation, proteomics-driven translational applications have not yet yielded the results that the scientific community has envisaged. In this viewpoint, the perspective of proteomics-based diagnostics in the field of clinical psychiatry is explored. The challenges that proteomics faces in the context of translational approaches are outlined and directions toward a successful clinical implementation are provided. Additional challenges that psychiatric disorders pose for clinical proteomics are highlighted and the potential of proteomics-based, blood tests for psychiatric disorders is being assessed. Proteomics offers a valuable toolkit for clinical translation that needs to be handled in a pragmatic manner and with realistic expectations.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that the enormous amounts of information on the WWW are influencing how we work, live, learn and think. However, information on the WWW is in general too chaotic, not reliable enough and specific material often too difficult to locate that it cannot be considered a serious digital library. In this paper we concentrate on the question how we can retrieve reliable information from the Web, a task that is fraught with problems, but essential if the WWW is supposed to be used as serious digital library. It turns out that the use of search engines has many dangers. We will point out some of the possible ways how those dangers can be reduced and how dangerous traps can be avoided. Another approach to find useful information on the Web is to use “classical” resources of information like specialized dictionaries, lexica or encyclopaedias in electronic form, such as the Britannica. Although it seemed for a while that such resources might more or less disappear from the Web due to attempts such as Wikipedia, some to the classical encyclopaedias and specialized offerings have picked up steam again and should not be ignored. They do sometimes suffer from what we will call the “wishy-washy” syndrome explained in this paper. It is interesting to note that Wikipedia which is also larger than all other encyclopaedias (at least the English version) is less afflicted by this syndrome, yet has some other serious drawbacks. We discuss how those could be avoided and present a system that is halfway between prototype and production system that does take care of many of the aforementioned problems and hence may be a model for further undertakings in turning (part of) the Web into a useable digital library.  相似文献   

Computer game programming has been touted as a promising strategy for engaging children in the kinds of thinking that will prepare them to be producers, not just users of technology. But little is known about what they learn when programming a game. In this article, we present a strategy for coding student games, and summarize the results of an analysis of 108 games created by middle school girls using Stagecast Creator in an after school class. The findings show that students engaged in moderate levels of complex programming activity, created games with moderate levels of usability, and that the games were characterized by low levels of code organization and documentation. These results provide evidence that game construction involving both design and programming activities can support the learning of computer science concepts.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and analyzes BitCoin features which may facilitate BitCoin to become a global currency, as well as characteristics which may impede the use of BitCoin as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value, and compares BitCoin with standard currencies with respect to the main functions of money. Among all analyzed BitCoin features, the extreme price volatility stands out most clearly compared to standard currencies. In order to understand the reasons for such extreme price volatility, we attempt to identify drivers of BitCoin price formation and estimate their importance econometrically. We apply time-series analytical mechanisms to daily data for the 2009–2014 period. Our estimation results suggest that BitCoin attractiveness indicators are the strongest drivers of BitCoin price followed by market forces. In contrast, macro-financial developments do not determine BitCoin price in the long-run. Our findings suggest that as long as BitCoin price will be mainly driven by speculative investments, BitCoin will not be able to compete with standard currencies.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 944 respondents who were recruited from 20 elementary schools in South Korea, this research surveyed the factors that lead to smartphone addiction. This research examined the user characteristics and media content types that can lead to addiction. With regard to user characteristics, results showed that those who have lower self-control and those who have greater stress were more likely to be addicted to smartphones. For media content types, those who use smartphones for SNS, games, and entertainment were more likely to be addicted to smartphones, whereas those who use smartphones for study-related purposes were not. Although both SNS use and game use were positive predictors of smartphone addiction, SNS use was a stronger predictor of smartphone addiction than game use.  相似文献   

The Asian Economic Crisis presents perhaps a final opportunity for Australia's IT&T industry to make its presence felt on the world stage. As a centre of innovation and a desirable location for IT&T facilities, Australia has often been overlooked as its near neighbours to the north gain all the attention. This paper summarises the main obstacles Australia has to overcome in order to gain mind-share amongst the global IT&T supplier community.  相似文献   

Some Facebook games are offered by developers who also offer gambling games, possibly indicating that gambling content (GC) could be found in their Facebook games. This study measures the presence of GC in Facebook games and documents their presentation. It verifies whether GC is more present in games offered by developers offering gambling games as well. The 100 most popular Facebook games were played for 10 min and recorded for content analysis purposes. GC was detected and classified into standard gambling simulation, non-standard gambling simulation, and gambling references. The results indicate that 54% of Facebook games present GC. The GC most often used alluded to slot machines (22%). Facebook games which offer GC are not associated with gambling game developers. However, when gambling references are found, they were most often in games offered by gambling developers. GC as a medium for familiarization with gambling is discussed.  相似文献   

In the same way that Wikis have become the mechanism that has enabled groups of users to collaborate on the production of hypertexts on the web, Semantic Wikis promise a future of collaboration on the production of semantically linked and ontologically structured hypertexts. In this paper we describe our efforts to convert an existing ontologically structured web site called Framework Reference Model for Assessment (FREMA) into a Semantic Wiki specifically to enable community contribution. We compare a number of existing Semantic Wikis, and explore how the notion of semantics-on-demand affects a system's ability to control the creation of useful ontologies and annotations. The FREMA case study introduces a number of the problems we encountered and solved, and sets the template for others considering implementing web-based knowledge bases using Semantic Wikis. Our conclusions will contribute to the agenda for those implementing the next generation of Semantic Wikis.  相似文献   

Many service providers (e.g. mobile network operators) want to turn their business into fully digitalised regimes and offer personalised services. To do so they need access to the consumers’ personal data and must explicitly ask consumers for consent. In this cross-national study, including representative samples from seven countries covering Scandinavia, Central-Eastern Europe and South-Eastern Asia, we investigate the effect of trust vs. privacy concerns and the moderating impact of culture when consents are requested. The study shows that trust in service provider has stronger impact on consent giving than privacy concerns, and indicates that ‘digital native’ more than ‘digital immigrant’ providers should focus on trust building activities when they enter countries with an individualistic culture. The analyses were made within a PLS-SEM framework.  相似文献   

《Card Technology Today》2001,13(6):10-12
Independent US software developer Scott Guthery thinks that the smart card industry suffers from a lack of creative applications. This is primarily due, he says, to the fact that the independent application development community has been marginalised by the industry, rather than energised.  相似文献   

Viega  J. Vuas  J. 《Software, IEEE》2000,17(6):19-21
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a novel topic in the software engineering and languages communities. AOP appears to have the potential to significantly improve the reliability of programs, particularly by modularizing error-handling policies and allowing for easier maintenance and better reuse. In this article, we introduce AspectJ, the first AOP language, and demonstrate how you can use it to construct more reliable software  相似文献   

We study the complexity of finding extreme pure Nash equilibria in symmetric (unweighted) network congestion games. In our context best and worst equilibria are those with minimum respectively maximum makespan. On series–parallel graphs a worst Nash equilibrium can be found by a Greedy approach while finding a best equilibrium is NP-hard. For a fixed number of users we give a pseudo-polynomial algorithm to find the best equilibrium in series–parallel networks. For general network topologies also finding a worst equilibrium is NP-hard.  相似文献   

Activated sludge systems are commonly used for robust and efficient treatment of municipal wastewater. However, these systems cannot achieve their maximum potential to recover valuable resources from wastewater. This study demonstrates a procedure to design a feasible novel configuration for maximizing energy and nutrient recovery. A simulation model was developed based on literature data and recent experimental research using steady-state energy and mass balances with conversions. The analysis showed that in the Netherlands, proposed configuration consists of four technologies: bioflocculation, cold partial nitritation/Anammox, P recovery, and anaerobic digestion. Results indicate the possibility to increase net energy yield up to 0.24 kWh/m3 of wastewater, while reducing carbon emissions by 35%. Moreover, sensitivity analysis points out the dominant influence of wastewater organic matter on energy production and consumption. This study provides a good starting point for the design of promising layouts that will improve sustainability of municipal wastewater management in the future.  相似文献   

Previous studies have pointed out that computer games could improve students’ motivation to learn, but these studies have mostly targeted teachers or students in elementary and secondary education and are without user adoption models. Because business and management institutions in higher education have been increasingly using educational simulation games in recent years, factors influencing the continuing use of business simulation games by higher-education students are worth probing into. This research adopted the technology acceptance model, expectation confirmation theory, and agency theory as its theoretical base. Moreover, learning motivation and classroom climate from the perspective of learning, as well as perceived attractiveness and perceived playfulness from the perspective of playfulness and attractiveness were also added to the final research model. A total of 185 valid student respondents in Taiwan’s higher education who have used business simulation games in their classes participated in the survey. The results show that perceived playfulness and learning performance positively influence students’ satisfaction, which further influence the intention to use computer simulation games. Furthermore, perceived ease of use and perceived attraction play a critical role in determining perceived playfulness. Perceived ease of use was also positively influenced by perceived attraction. The research results on the students’ perspective provide a strong support for the teachers to adopt or continue using computer simulation games in classrooms. However, the agency theory failed to be sustained as a useful tool in motivating students’ learning activities, which is worthy of further research.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that bystanders are even less likely to intervene with online compared to offline bullying. Given that receiving social support following bullying can buffer victims from maladjustment, it is important to consider specific factors influencing bystanders' intention to intervene and help the victim in online contexts. The current experiment examined how cybervictims' disclosures (i.e., sharing personal information) on Facebook influence bystanders' attributions of blame, empathy, and intention to intervene on behalf of a victim following a cyberbullying incident. Participants (N = 118) were randomly assigned to view the Facebook profile of a cybervictim who posted an update ranging in personal disclosure (high vs. low) and valence (positive vs. negative). Results indicate that viewing the high disclosure profile (i.e., more personal post from victim), regardless of valence, caused participants to blame the victim more and feel less empathy for the victim, which in turn predicted lower likelihood of bystander intervention with the bullying incident. These results are discussed in terms of implications for encouraging positive bystander behavior in response to incidents of cyberbullying.  相似文献   

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