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悉尼QT酒店于2012年9月开业,酒店拥有200多间客房,是由Gowings百货大楼和国立歌剧院改建而成。在这个城市两个曾经最具标志性的建筑改造之后,悉尼QT酒店成为了这里的新地标,成为悉尼核心商务区的重要成员。这里曾经是文化、艺术、时尚、美食和设计活跃的地方,国立歌剧院在过去的80年里面用舞台和屏幕给人们带来了无数次的惊喜,如今这个艰巨的任务将由QT酒店延续。  相似文献   

景观改造主要在蒙德哥河两岸的城市滨水公园和人行道系统下进行。改造是为了保护这个女修道院片区免受洪水袭击,同时营造一个公共绿色区域。人们可通过条车辆来往密集的地下隧道,从河流左岸到达蒙德哥绿色公园。我们设计了三条不同的人行道:一条引导人们前往蒙德哥绿色公园;另条穿过新建筑堤的低位区,保护圣塔·克拉修道院,  相似文献   

王建德 《城镇供水》2010,(1):77-78,70
<正> 如何有效实施自来水"一户一表"改造的问题,许多同志都已发表过很多的见解。在这里,我也就此谈几点自已的认识和具体做法。一、实施自来水"一户一表"改造是社会发展的必然随着改革开放的深入,我国经济发展已取得了举世瞩目的成就,人们生活水平在不断提高,开始追求高质量的生活方式,原计划经济时期的总表计量户表  相似文献   

“先有什刹海,后有北京城”,什刹海地区是北京的历史文化保护区,存有大量传统院落和街巷,老百姓们依旧在这里过着接地气的传统合院生活.对我来说,在这样的一个地区做改造更新设计,并试图完成文化的复活乃至旧区的复活,无疑是一件充满挑战的事情.我希望进行一些积累经验的尝试,也希望我们改造的小院能成为片区改造的范例,延伸到整个什刹海片区.  相似文献   

刘珩 《世界建筑》2014,(3):92-99
<正>1980年代建造的厂房在工业区的渐进更新中逐渐衰败,曾经的工业巨人被遗忘在城市边缘。2013深港双城双年展的策展团队和建筑师们希望通过"轻轻的触碰"去唤醒厂房沉睡的活力,并以全新的"价值工厂"形象展示于公众。南沙原创建筑工作室承担了主入口及砂库片区的改造设计。应该说,南沙原创主动选择了主入口和砂库片区这类典型厂房改造,是希望带有更广泛的保育(conservation)的普适性意义,而不是单纯的修  相似文献   

BP公司遗址公园   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新落成的滨海遗址公园占地2.5万平方米.位于威弗敦(Waverton)半岛。这是北悉尼的滨水地区中第一个被改造成公园的工业场地。早在1997年.新南威尔士州政府就决定将威弗敦一带的三处滨水工业场地改建成公园.否决了将这些地块出售并开发成住宅的提议。于是,BP澳洲子公司的这块被污染的场地在经过改造后,变成一个后工业风格的现代公园。  相似文献   

正这是一座"举重若轻"的建筑,似"浮云",很轻很简单也很随意。设计背景20世纪80年代建造的厂房在工业区的渐进更新中逐渐衰败,曾经的工业巨人被遗忘在城市边缘。2013双年展的策展团队和建筑师们希望通过"轻轻的触碰"去唤醒厂房沉睡的活力,并以全新的"价值工厂"形象展示于公众。南沙原创建筑工作室[NODE]承担了主入口及砂库片区的改造设计。应该说,南沙原创主动选择了主入口和砂库片区这类典型厂房改造,是希望带有更广泛的保育  相似文献   

悉尼纳拉宾湖是一处不为人知、如宝石般珍贵的资源。我们希望通过组织漫步小径,对现有沿湖漫步道进行改造设计,让人们更容易地亲近这处珍稀的自然资源,同时塑造多层次的沿湖亲水空间,供步行和骑车者使用。沿湖漫步道总长约为2.5km,从悉尼北边沙滩上的深河(Deep Creek)一直延伸到中河(Middle Creek)。步道的两旁灌木丛生,环境优美静谧,与深河上的一座新建的行人/单车两  相似文献   

编者:请从文化立市的角度谈谈您对中航苑片区城市更新改造的看法。从文化的角度看中航苑片区的城市更新改造,我以为至关重要的一个方面就是提升这个片区的文化品位。与过去的深圳相比,我们现在进行城市设计和规划的时候,面临的是一个变化了的深圳。这个城市的目标和定位都有了调整,而中航苑片区过去给人的感觉是,没有围墙的大院,它没有融入城市,融入市民的生活。我们说加强中航苑片区的文化感,并不能简单地理解为一定要在硬件上建设多少文化设施,更重要的是气氛的营造,城市设计、城市建筑本身就是营造文化氛围的一种有力手段,它直接关系到片区的生活品质,生活趣味。这就是文化。  相似文献   

叶燕锋 《现代装饰》2013,(3):120-125
正Thai Alley泰爱里餐厅是一家国际餐饮连锁品牌在中国的首间旗舰店。首次驻点选择在有着悠久文化历史的佛山岭南天地,这里是佛山市禅城区祖庙东华里片区的重点改造区域。为了能与周围环境相融,新餐厅的设计同样采用改造的手法,既保留了历史建筑原有风情,也充分迎合了现代时尚的生活情调。  相似文献   

牟誉 《景观设计》2009,(3):I0034-I0039
该项目由澳大利亚HASSELL设计集团负责设计,是悉尼霍姆布什湾悉尼奥林匹克公司中最新完成的区域。  相似文献   

坐落在悉尼佩尔士湾水陆交接地的那些建筑和空地是一个有着浓郁化氛围及商业与零售场所的新居住区。对威尔士湾及其周围用地的更新与开发结合了对历史的保护和适度的再利用,并建立了一种新的建设模式,使这个重要的未被很好利用的滨水地段能够获得新生。  相似文献   


The concept of designed green outdoor spaces that can be included in inner-city Sydney residential areas has recently generated much interest among savvy developers and architects alike. Given the paucity of open park-like spaces in inner Sydney and the current drive for urban consolidation—though the concept has been endorsed—yet, the detailed implications of such green spaces in the design and layout of residential complexes have received less attention. Drawing on ‘architect-user’ interface for analysis, this article centres discussion around a study that was conducted at designed residential complexes with perimeter block configuration in an inner Sydney precinct. It uses a questionnaire survey, architects’ interviews and observations. T-tests for equality of means are carried out on use variables of outdoor spaces to find out whether there is a significant difference between the dwelling height groups and complex groups. A narrative of space use is then drawn in with the responses of involved architects. Some of the questions that we probe are the following: Do the users in particular higher density residential settings value thoughtfully designed spaces? Are designers aware of the users’ responses to the outdoor spaces? Given the fact that designers rarely revisit a completed project—is there congruence between the users’ perceptions of the outdoor spaces and the designers’ initial intentions? Results show that designed features and green spaces are equally effective in creating successful outdoor spaces.  相似文献   

A transit oriented development (TOD) approach for Perth, Western Australia has been employed as one means of reducing car dependency. Planning for Subiaco Station precinct, one of the first Perth TOD precincts, commenced two decades ago. Drawing on a resident survey, an analysis of the extent that TOD has influenced transport mode choice is provided. The findings reveal that, over time, public transport use has increased and car use decreased, but the latter remains the primary mode of transport. Further reductions in car use could be achieved by addressing “within precinct” factors including improving the quality of pedestrian infrastructure and reducing generous car parking standards; and “beyond precinct” by improving metropolitan wide public transport accessibility in order to better link the precinct to other destinations. In addition to precinct design, addressing attitudes towards car use is necessary in order to change behaviour.  相似文献   

Work precincts are recognized for their significant role as generators of employment and associated commerce within urban areas. This study describes a method for analyzing the physical characteristics of urban work precincts in promoting the health and wellbeing of their occupants. The following physical parameters are analyzed: public transport accessibility, green and blue spaces, food environments, fitness facilities, supermarkets, and grocery stores. The parameters are assessed using quantitative spatial analysis based on street network data, as well as point of interest data acquired from OpenStreetMap (OSM). The streets and their intersections are stored in the OSM database as links and nodes, respectively. The evaluation of the performance metrics involves measuring the street network distance from each node to the closest node of interest for each parameter. The metrics are then combined, forming an urban health and wellbeing index (UHWI), which can be used to compare the performance of different precincts. The method was tested by investigating four work precincts in Sydney, Australia, all hosting a large office building belonging to the same business institution. Our results identified two of the four precincts with a high UHWI and resulted in the identification of one underperforming precinct.  相似文献   

在分析"绿色大学园区评价标准"的基础上,探讨了山东建筑大学新校区在构筑绿色大学园区评价标准方面的一些实践。  相似文献   

王华  闫春林 《华中建筑》2005,23(Z1):40-42
结合枣阳市香草亭步行商业街的设计背景,该文阐明了今天再开发传统步行商业街的动因,并着重论述了香草亭步行商业街的设计理念和设计要点,为探索传统步行商业街在当代城市的再开发和再创造提供实际素材和参考.  相似文献   

Stephen Hamnett 《Cities》1984,1(5):442-448
On 11 September 1824, 29 convicts, 14 soldiers and a small mixed group of administrators, surveyors and botanists together with their dependants, under the leadership of John Oxley, landed at Moreton Bay, about 1000 kilometres north of Sydney and 650 kilometres south of the Tropic of Capricorn on the eastern coast of Australia. Their purpose was to establish a new penal colony for the ‘worst kind ofconvict’1 from the main settlement for transported British felons, founded at Sydney Cove in 1788. Oxley's party selected a site at Redcliffe on the shore of the bay, but this soon proved to be ‘unhealthy, unsatisfactory and unsafe’2 and in February 1825, the settlement was moved to an inland site on the north bank of the Brisbane River, at a point where a sharp bend in the river enclosed a low-lying peninsula. This site is now the core of Brisbane, the centre of a metropolitan area of over 1 million people at the heart of south-east Queensland, one of the most rapidly-growing regions in Australia.  相似文献   

芙蓉街历史文化街区是济南古老的传统商业街区,也是济南目前保存较多历史遗存和文化内涵,集中体现泉城特色的历史文化街区.但近年来,该历史文化街区正面临着功能结构失衡,活力衰退的困境.为保护其特色风貌,复兴其活力,文章从保护其空间格局肌理,历史建筑、活力空间,非物质文化遗产以及原居民的社会网络等方面对该历史文化街区的活力复兴提出了建议.  相似文献   

武汉光谷世界城步行商业街完全体现了第三代商业步行街的特征强词人、强调文化、强调环境、强调人与自然的融合、强调经济价值和社会价值的双赢.它浓郁的世界建筑文化气息传承了城市文脉,使之参与城市生长,与城市共生.它以城市和建筑为表现手段,以人和生活为骨架,其本质功能是为城市生活而存在,是组成城市的一部分,其特征是多元的、混合的、开放的,不仅满足城市的物质生活的需要,而且给市民、居住者、体验者带来文化和精神上的享受.  相似文献   

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