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Summary This paper uses United States patent classification analysis to study the development of core technologies and key industries in Taiwan over the last 25 years, from 1978 to 2002. After counting the number of Taiwan-held United States granted utility patents, the authors divide the years into three phases: from 1978 to 1994, with less than 500 patents each year; from 1995 to 1999, with 500-2,500 patents each year; from 2000 to 2002, with annual patents greater than 2,500. The results show that for both Taiwans core technologies and key industries, there was a great diversity at the first phase, while a mainstream forms and matures at the second and the third phases. However, industrial development at the third phase was more concentrated and focused than previous ones. Overall, Taiwan has clearly moved from a manufacturing-based economy to an innovation-based one, with its focus on high-tech industries during the previous 25 years.  相似文献   

The network of patents connected by citations is an evolving graph, which provides a representation of the innovation process. A patent citing another implies that the cited patent reflects a piece of previously existing knowledge that the citing patent builds upon. A methodology presented here (1) identifies actual clusters of patents: i.e., technological branches, and (2) gives predictions about the temporal changes of the structure of the clusters. A predictor, called the citation vector, is defined for characterizing technological development to show how a patent cited by other patents belongs to various industrial fields. The clustering technique adopted is able to detect the new emerging recombinations, and predicts emerging new technology clusters. The predictive ability of our new method is illustrated on the example of USPTO subcategory 11, Agriculture, Food, Textiles. A cluster of patents is determined based on citation data up to 1991, which shows significant overlap of the class 442 formed at the beginning of 1997. These new tools of predictive analytics could support policy decision making processes in science and technology, and help formulate recommendations for action.  相似文献   

以中国发明专利数据库为基础,采用文献计量分析的原理和方法,研究了我国农业技术发明专利的产出情况,从量化角度直观地分析了我国农业技术创新能力的现状,得出了我国农业技术创新水平逐年提高,创新主体呈现多元化发展的格局,但同国外企业相比,国内企业的技术创新能力不强,在农业技术创新中的主体地位并没有确立的结论.此研究结果对于我国...  相似文献   

This study attempts to identify the areas of technological strength of the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, whose economy is heavily based on natural resources, by analyzing patent information. 606 US patents held by Saskatchewan organizations were identified. The results show that inventive activities are steadily growing and Saskatchewan’s technological development has experienced three stages. The Initial stage (1971–1985) was dominated by traditional resource-based technologies; the Emerging stage (1986–1995) was characterized by the emergence of new technologies in the Drugs & Medical field; and the Developing stage (1996–2009) was marked by more of a balance between traditional and new technologies. In Canada and worldwide, inventive activities in Computers & Communication field have been most prominent since the last decade. However, Saskatchewan demonstrates a different path from the rest of the world. While traditional technological fields still dominate in the province, it is gradually building its strength in the Drugs & Medical field. The results present a possibility to diversify the provincial economy if policy makers develop strategies to facilitate the transfer of new technologies to industries.  相似文献   

曾宪权 《中国测试》2015,(2):101-104,128
为提高电梯管理水平,有效避免电梯安全事故的发生,设计和开发物联网(IOT)远程电梯监控系统。该系统将电梯工作现场采集的电梯运行状态信息封装成数据包,通过中继器上传到数据中心进行处理,利用富客户端技术(Silverlight)实现监控客户端浏览器与服务器的双向交互。提出物联网远程电梯监控系统的拓扑结构,研究物联网电梯监控系统中客户端浏览器和服务器信息交互、数据中心管理以及终端硬件设计等关键技术及其实现。实践证明:系统能够实现对电梯进行全面智能化监控和管理,具有良好的应用前景和实用价值。  相似文献   

Studying the distribution of the patent cooperation networks from the perspective of assignees provides a very important reference to improve the analysis of the market situation, master the layout of industrial technology and seek partners or mergers and acquisitions. This study uses the Derwent patent database and the patent metric approach to investigate the cooperative network structure of the assignees. The overall patent output in the artificial intelligence field on a global scale exhibited a rapid growth, and the proportion of cooperative patents significantly increased; the cooperation structure between the assignees was loose, and the innovation efficiency was low.  相似文献   

刘伟  刘璇  檀润华 《工程设计学报》2013,(5):361-367,382
蠕动泵是一种结构简单、应用广泛的容积泵,自20世纪50年代诞生发展至今已经积累了大量专利.通过对有关专利资料的研究,总结出蠕动泵设计过程中最常出现且应当解决的7个关键问题:胶管安装、更换不便;胶管寿命短;胶管内液体回流;泵体防腐、防泄漏;主轴受径向力;对胶管适应性差;出口压力脉动.而后总结了专利中曾出现的针对特定问题的解决方法.在设计或改进蠕动泵时,可以参考已有的优秀解决方法,开阔思路,避免疏漏,并提高设计质量和响应速度.  相似文献   

Text mining methods allow researchers to investigate technical documents (tech mining) and specifically explore patents for valuable information (patent mining. To the review literature and analyze the evolution of patent analysis and patent mining methods, bibliometrics analysis and keyword-based network analysis is applied on 143 papers extracted from the 'Web of science' database. Bibliometrics analysis was applied to determine top players researching in patent mining. Applying cluster analysis on the keyword network shows three main stages of patent analysis evolution. Also, it is discussed how patent mining is evolutionized in terms of information retrieval, pattern recognition and pattern analysis.  相似文献   

冯常  王从政  赵建平  程勇  蔡根  窦普  廖礼斌 《光电工程》2020,47(10):200338-1-200338-11



Research activities on solar energy has been growing and use of patents becomes an important innovation source for many types of studies. This paper aims to analyze solar photovoltaic (PV) patents and describes its assignees cooperation profile. PV patents based on IPC Green Inventory code were selected from 1990 to 2014, filtered out co-ownership patents and use social network analysis (SNA) to find PV technology development networks. Main findings are an increase of patents assignees over the years and a general concern for develop technologies “Devices adapted for the conversion radiation energy into electrical energy”, “Assemblies of a plurality of solar cells” and “Silicon; single-crystal growth”. SNA enabled to identify four countries clusters that presented cooperation behavior and shared similar concerns in PV technology development. The USA, China, Spain and Korea were main countries of each cluster. Furthermore, through network statistics, it implied that a country that had more patents was not the most important on that technology development. The USA, Germany and UK were the most relevant countries in PV technologies because they were the ones with more cooperation with other countries and with the most collaborative countries overall. Thus, these countries are the largest holders and influencers in PV technologies development. Based on the structure and interaction between country clusters, it is possible to understand who cooperates or competes with whom. So, this information allows establishing strategies of partnerships, or even of competition, between countries, firms and research centers.  相似文献   

Currently, the electric vehicle (EV) technology is of great interest in China and around the world. This paper first conducts a comprehensive review of China's EV policies and the development of China's EV technology, and then analyzes the domestic performances of China's EV technology and its international competitiveness by adopting the recently developed concept of transnational patents. The results show an outstanding performance for China's EV technology in the domestic market, but a relatively poor performance in the international markets. Finally, several main factors causing the inconsistent performance of China's EV technology are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

合理的专利布局设计能够使企业全面掌握行业内的技术实力,准确识别竞争对手,抢占技术制高点.专利地图可以将相关专利信息系统化、直观化、图形化,为了解行业动向、指引研发方向,从而进行专利布局提供依据.从专利布局角度出发并结合专利地图知识,将企业专利布局设计流程简化为4种模型,即专利数据采集模型、企业发展状态模型、竞争对手定位模型和技术潜力发展模型,通过对每一种模型的制作和分析,使企业明确自身的发展状态、竞争者的威胁以及行业技术发展潜力,从而有效地进行专利布局设计,提高竞争力.最后以金刚石工具行业中的某企业为例进行验证.  相似文献   

This study examines technological collaboration in the solar cell industry using the information of patent assignees and inventors as defined by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Three different collaborative types, namely local (same city), domestic (different cities of the same country), and international collaboration, are discussed. The general status of solar cell patent collaborations, transforming trends of collaborative patterns, average numbers of assignees and inventors for three collaborative types, and international collaboration countries are studied. It is found that co-invented patents and co-assigned patents have both increased in numbers during the four decades studied, and that collaboration between technology owners is very low while the collaboration between inventors is active. Domestic collaboration is the main collaborative pattern for both assignee collaboration and inventor collaboration. The other two collaborative types show contrary trends: international collaboration has slowly risen in the past decades while local collaboration has dwindled. The US has the largest number of internationally collaborative patents worldwide, though such patents account for a low portion of total US patents. In contrast, China has a small total number of patents and internationally collaborative patents, however its international collaborative shares are higher. The international collaboration patents among countries are few. A co-assigned patent analysis indicates that the main international cooperation partner of the United States is Japan. Based on an international co-invented patent analysis, the main international collaboration partners of the United States are Britain, Japan, and Germany; and the United States is also the most important collaboration partner of China.  相似文献   

Lee  Changyong  Lee  Gyumin 《Scientometrics》2019,121(2):603-632
Scientometrics - This research responds to the need for the use of quantitative data and scientific methods for technology opportunity analysis by focusing on idea generation. Interpreting...  相似文献   

Recently, China has experienced a surge in patenting and become the leading applicant nation worldwide. The technological substance of this growth, however, has become increasingly doubted as China's governments continue to promote patenting as a target per se. Against this background, the paper explores the structure of Chinese patenting from a regional perspective. Firstly, it analyses the technological profile, public component and outward orientation of specific provinces' technological ecosystems. Secondly, it connects these specific profiles to regions' recent growth in patent applications. Concluding, it finds that there are indications of both politically induced and technologically substantial growth in applications.  相似文献   

分析了目前最新的卫星导航定位系统——伽利略系统所采用的若干关键技术.从卫星轨道布置方式、信号与频率设计方法、伪卫星技术及信号服务等几个方面与GPS进行了对比研究.研究结果表明,Galileo系统具有定位精度高、兼容性好、功能全等优点,在新一代导航系统中具有重要地位.  相似文献   

干盘管系统中关键技术的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出在干盘管系统设计过程中所需解决的“保障风机盘管运行全程干工况”、“新风再热方式”、“水系统组织形式”三项关键技术,列举并分析解决各项关键技术的可选方案。以TRNSYS为仿真平台构建干盘管系统仿真器,从系统层次上进一步分析比较“新风再热方式”、“水系统组织形式”二项关键技术的可选方案。  相似文献   

电动汽车的产业化面临整车性能、成本和可靠性的问题,HFF6112GK50EV型电动客车作为国内第一款列入国家发展与改革委员会车辆产品公告的电动汽车,在关键技术的研究过程中充分考虑了这些问题。电动客车的关键技术包括动力系统、整车车身结构设计与分析、整车控制和能量管理系统等。对上述关键技术进行了研究,试验结果显示,在有效控制整车成本的基础上,该车动力性和经济性均超过合同规定的指标并达到国内先进水平,并且通过了5 000 km可靠性考核试验,目前正在接受公交工况的运行考核。  相似文献   

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