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创新型人才是社会发展对教育的新要求。参照CDIO工程教育模式,结合专业特点和创新型人才培养要求,对能源与动力工程专业实践教学进行改进,取得了较好成效。分析了CDIO模式实践教学方法培养创新型人才的可行性。通过总结教学成果,构建了以创新型人才培养为目的的CDIO模式实践教学方法,并对实施过程中出现的问题及解决办法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于工作过程导向的机械基础类课程建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着工业的发展和产业结构的调整,培养高技能应用型人才是高等职业教育发展所面临的机遇和挑战。根据高技能人才培养的特点和规律,以培养应用能力为主线,根据行业、专业特点,积极探索职业岗位要求与专业教学有机结合的途径,创新人才培养方案,拓展"工学交替、半工半读"人才培养模式,按人才培养模式优化课程体系,制定基于工作过程导向的、适应高技能人才培养模式的课程体系,实现人才培养模式多样化。  相似文献   

新《音乐课程标准》在全国范围内的全面实施对中小学音乐教师的素质提出了更高的要求。为了完成培养合格的高素质的音乐教育人才的任务,音乐教育专业必须致力于音乐教学改革,从根本上改进人才培养模式,着重音乐专业师范生素质教育包括师范生的专业素质、职业道德素质、教育教学理论知识素质、教育实践能力素质、现代教育技术素质、教育科研素质及良好的人文素养。  相似文献   

"工学结合"作为高等职业教育人才培养改革的重要切入点,是高等职业教育理念的重大变革."2+1"人才培养模式是实践"工学结合"理念的大胆尝试.目前,国内学术界对"工学结合"人才培养质量的评价研究十分缺乏.文章以学习评价体系的构建作为研究方向,从理论与实践层面探讨如何建立"2+1"人才培养模式中"1"阶段的学习评价标准,并以高职商务英语专业为例,提出进行"1"阶段校外教学的具体操作办法.  相似文献   

为了探索高职院校经管类专业教育实现"以就业为导向"、"以能力为本位"、"校企合作、工学结合"教学转型路径,本文依据高职经管类专业教育的内在特点和要求.通过对人才培养方案设计思路和关键构成要素的探讨,重构了高职教育经管类专业人才培养方案,创新性地提出了体现"以人为本"教育理念的"平台+模块"的人才培养模式以及践行"工学结合"高职教育途径的"三、三、三"经管类专业课程开发模式.  相似文献   

以创新型人才培养机制为引导,构建"三赛三训三结合"机械类创新型人才培养模式,将创新创业竞赛和专业教育融入专业课和实践教学环节,教育教学与创新创业衔接,培养具有创新精神和创新能力的专业人才。  相似文献   

人才培养模式改革的重点是教学过程的实践性、开放性和职业性,"订单式"培养是高等职业院校实现"工学结合""校企合作",从根本上解决人才市场供需矛盾,实现高职学院又好又快发展的有效途径。山东工业职业学院在不断创新"订单式"培养理论和实践的基础上,走出了一条可持续发展的办学之路。  相似文献   

广东松山职业技术学院坚持践行高等职业教育的全面质量观,坚持"服务为宗旨,就业作导向,产学研结合"的思路推进专业结构和人才培养方案的优化调整,对人才培养模式与教学模式、教学内容与课程体系、教学方法与教学手段等诸多  相似文献   

高职院校要能适应冶金企业对技能型人才的需求,必须改变过去的人才培养模式和教学体系,该院的冶金技术专业在国家示范高职院校建设过程中,作为中央财政支持的重点专业进行了建设。在人才培养模式、建立新型课程体系、建设实习实训基地、建设双师型专业教学团队等方面做了卓有成效的工作。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平的不断提高,餐饮企业对人才的需求模式发生了根本转变,也对中等职业学校烹饪专业在"一体化"的教学改革提出了新要求.为了适应企业对人才需求的变化,中等职业学校烹饪专业在教学中推行以培养学历和技能应用型人才为目标的"双证"人才培养模式.是体现中职教育办学特色,提高学生就业竞争力的基本保证.  相似文献   

高职院校深化教学改革的目的是提高人才培养质量,以适应企业、社会发展的需要。本文阐述了教学改革的重要性,并对如何具体实施教学改革做了深入探讨。  相似文献   

Professional development (PD) is a broad, albeit vaguely defined, construct that underlies psychologists' education and training and is intrinsic to professional functioning, or professionalism, throughout psychologists' careers. This article resulted from the deliberations of a working group at the November 2002 Competencies Conference: Future Directions in Education and Credentialing in Professional Psychology. The authors propose a definition of PD and consider professionalism to be its outcome. They then focus on 2 elements of professionalism--interpersonal functioning and thinking like a psychologist--and address related development and assessment implications for training and practice. Recommendations and implications for professional psychology organizations and for training and lifelong practices of psychologists emerged for further consideration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the role of the clinical training environment and a medical education community in reaffirming medical professionalism among physicians-in-training and faculty. DATA SOURCES: Published articles on undergraduate and graduate medical education and sociology works on professionalism were identified through research. STUDY SELECTION: Studies were selected that illustrated barriers to professionalism in medical education and patient care and the professional conduct of medical students, residents, and faculty. RESULTS: Factors that undermined the medical education community were the specialization of medicine, the faculty reward systems, and the service demands of residency because of the economics of health care. CONCLUSIONS: Establishment of a firm system with a core teaching faculty, creation of mentoring and role modeling programs, implementation of a longitudinal curriculum on medical professionalism, evaluation of physicians on professional conduct, and evaluation of the clinical training environment are suggested as strategies to re-establish an education community and reaffirm professionalism in medicine.  相似文献   

文章阐述了企业员工培训中存在的问题。提出了积极推行科技兴企的发展观,深入基层,做好调研,构建员工教育培训体系,加强管理,完善机制,不断优化师资队伍,从实际出发,按需施教等改进措施。  相似文献   

为了加深学生对采矿知识的理解和直观印象,又避免到矿山现场实践所带来的低效率和高风险,基于Virtools软件开发了一个虚拟矿山教学平台,通过该平台,使得学生不仅能够非常直观地观察到矿山的三维布局和各种采矿作业过程、而且能够身临其境地在井下漫游、甚至虚拟操作典型矿山设备,并自动得到操作的正确程度评价.该教学平台成果的开发,大幅提高了采矿教学的直观性、效率和安全性,提高了采矿专业教学质量.同时,该平台在矿山人员培训、虚拟采矿试验等领域也具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

Presents an American Psychological Association Task Force report on some basic principles and the content of standards for psychological services. Implications of standards for the development of service contracts between provider and consumer, for legislative and regulatory actions, training for professional and support personnel, organizational structures, and accreditation procedures are examined. Definitions of the major terms used in the standards (e.g., "provider" and "psychological services") are presented, and standards related to programs, environment, and accountability are set forth, along with interpretations of each section. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The American Psychological Association 2010 Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training and Award for Distinguished Contributions to Education and Training are given by the Board of Educational Affairs in recognition of the efforts of psychologists who have made distinguished contributions to education and training, who have produced imaginative innovations, or who have been involved in the developmental phases of programs in education and training in psychology. There was no award given in 2010 for the Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training award. Rosemary E. Phelps is the 2010 recipient of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Education and Training. The 2010 Award for Distinguished Contributions of Applications of Psychology to Education and Training acknowledges psychologists who contribute to new teaching methods or solutions to learning problems through the use of research findings or evidence-based practices. The 2010 winner is Michael Cole. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Awards for Distinguished Education and Training Contributions are given by the Education and Training Awards Committee in recognition of the efforts of psychologists who have made distinguished contributions to education and training, who have produced imaginative innovations, or who have been involved in the developmental phases of programs in education and training in psychology. These contributions might include important research on education or training; the development of effective materials for instruction; the establishment of workshops, conferences, or networks of communication for education and training; achievement and leadership in administration that facilitates education and training; and activity in professional organizations that promote excellence. Each year the Education and Training Awards Committee presents 2 awards. The Distinguished Career Contributions Award recognizes continuous significant contributions made over a lifelong career in psychology; the Distinguished Contributions Award recognizes special but major contributions to education and training. This year (1997), the Education and Training Awards Committee nominated 2 psychologists for the Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training in Psychology Award: Geoffrey Keppel and Edward P. Sheridan. The citations, biographies, and selected bibliographies of the awardees are presented here. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Awards for Distinguished Education and Training Contributions are given by the Education and Training Awards Committee in recognition of the efforts of psychologists who have made distinguished contributions to education and training, who have produced imaginative innovations, or who have been involved in the developmental phases of programs in education and training in psychology. Each year the committee presents two of these awards. The Distinguished Career Contribution Award recognizes continuous significant contributions made over a lifelong career in psychology; the Distinguished Contribution Award recognizes a specific but major contribution to education and training. The 1993 recipient of the Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training in Psychology is Richard M. Suinn. Suinn's citation, biography, and selected bibliography are presented here. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Teaching outpatient procedures is a major responsibility of family practice residencies. This requires equipment, faculty expertise, and curricula. This report documents one residency program's attempt to enhance the teaching of outpatient procedures. METHODS: We tabulated all office procedures completed during the years 1993 through 1996 at a family practice residency program in the southeastern United States. We compared the number of procedures and dollar charges before and during an educational intervention designed to increase the number of procedures performed and to improve procedural training of residents. The intervention consisted of hiring a full-time procedural nurse and new procedural equipment. RESULTS: The residency program spent $177,000 over 4 years to improve procedural training, but income from procedures was estimated to be only $127,000. From 1993 to 1996, the total number of annual procedures increased from 322 to 540. Both the number of procedures and procedural income declined in the final year of the project when the procedural nurse assumed other clinical and administrative duties. CONCLUSIONS: Volume and teaching of common procedures in a family practice residency program can be enhanced by a dedicated effort, but this effort requires considerable staffing and financial resources.  相似文献   

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