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Drs. Burling and Shah examine the second part of the pharmaceuticals manufacturing process, in which formulations for drug delivery are determined. Several types of formulations and their potentials for occupational exposure are reviewed.  相似文献   

邱文涛 《云南冶金》2010,39(3):70-75
介绍了链式SVG的基本原理、性能特点。并与其他无功补偿装置进行了比较。在此基础上。重点以静止无功发生器(Static Vat Generator,SVG)在某冶金企业的应用为例,介绍了SVG的功能和在治理电能质量方面的综合补偿效果。  相似文献   

The Medical Devices Agency of the UK Department of Health continues to receive and investigate reports of incidents that arise from the use of infusion devices. In 1996, the Medical Devices Agency received some 4300 reports of incidents, over 400 of which were classified as infusion-, transfusion-, or dialysis-related. There is, however, a trend towards more active management of medical devices focusing on aspects such as purchasing, training, clinical use, and maintenance, and clearly, nursing staff have an important role in developing such policies. Also, nurses with the responsibility for setting up and overseeing infusions should be aware of some of the problems that can arise during routine use, as an awareness of potential hazards allows users to manage the risks more effectively. This article examines some of the risks associated with the use of infusion devices; in particular, problems that arise while loading the administration set or syringe into the pump, the risks of fluid free flow and syringe siphoning, and the risks from air embolism, flow rate accuracy and infusion pump pressure.  相似文献   

Definitions of 'marine biotechnology' often refer to the vast potential of the oceans to lead to new cures for human and animal disease; the exploitation of natural drugs has always been the most basic form of biotechnology. Although only initiated in the late 1970s, natural drug discovery from the world's oceans has been accelerated by the chemical uniqueness of marine organisms and by the need to develop drugs for contemporary, difficult to cure, diseases. Current research activities, while primarily within the academic laboratories, have generated convincing evidence that marine drug discovery has an exceedingly bright future.  相似文献   

0 前言去年 ,是我国加入WTO的第一年 ,根据中国政府遵守WTO/TBT承诺的要求 ,国务院办公厅和国家认证认可监督管理委员会于 2 0 0 2年 2月发出通知 ,对全国合格评定领域的工作进行整合和整顿。一年来 ,全国管理体系认证认可工作开展得轰轰烈烈 ,卓有成效。合格评定包括产品认证、管理体系认证、实验室认可和人员注册管理几部分 ,近年来 ,培训机构和咨询机构的管理也纳入了合格评定的管理范畴。合格评定的主要作用是减少第二方评定 ,促进贸易的发展 ,为顾客、为组织提供信任。一个国家 ,合格评定领域工作的效率和有效性直接关系到国际贸…  相似文献   

Discusses accreditation programs and the quality assurance efforts associated with them. The demands of consumers and purchasers of services, expressed in governmental action, have forced more direct and systematic efforts to assess and assure service quality. Time- and cost-efficient methods for assessing quality are available, but their use is resisted by organized medicine, which controls most accreditation and quality assurance activities in health care. The involvement of psychologists in the programs is discussed. (5 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

在2020年的新年钟声敲响之际,我们谨向奋斗在全国钢铁战线的广大干部职工和为钢铁工业发展做出过贡献的老同志及家属致以新年的问候,并向关心和支持中国钢铁工业发展的国内外各界人士表示衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

When two-layered artificial teeth are used, acrylic resin occlusal parts can be removed from base parts and used directly as resin patterns for casting, which facilitates fabrication of metal occlusal surfaces. Because these teeth were made of acrylic resin, it was easy to modify occlusal morphology before converting to metal. Application of two-layered artificial teeth to achieve lingual contact occlusion brought about sufficient masticatory forces and denture stability and resulted in patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

For several years now, users have been waiting for standards allowing medical images to be exchanged, managed, stored and manipulated. Standards are prerequisites for the development of PACS and IMACS systems. It is because of the lack of standards that PACS have not yet widely been implemented. The ACR-NEMA committee (American College of Radiology--National Electronical Manufactures Association) are developing an image communication standard: DICOM 3.0. This should allow interconnection of different imaging modalities and other PACS nodes. Part of the DICOM 3.0 work will be demonstrated at RSNA 93 with involvement of Europe. In the European Standardization Committee (CEN), the technical committee responsible for the standardization activities in Medical Informatics (CEN TC 251), has agreed upon the directions and the scopes to be followed in this field. They are described in the directory of the European standardization requirements for health care informatics and programme for the development of standard adopted on 28 February 1991 by CEN TC 251. Top-down objectives describe the common framework and items like terminology, security, while the more bottom-up oriented items describe fields like medical imaging and multi-media. Since CEN TC 251 started working, an important coordination took place between Europe and the US and Japan, resulting in a common future approach. CEN TC 251 is setting the scene for a more technologically independent standard on a mid term basis. This standard will first have to be proto-typed before it can be published, because it must be possible to implement the standard, too much complexity will not be accepted by the industry. The European imaging standardization work based on the ISO/IPI standard, will be briefly explained; as well as the general framework model and object oriented model; the interworking aspects, and the relation to ISO standards. One should realize be realised that a standard is needed, which is not too ambitious. Because DICOM 3.0 will be ready soon, Europe has decided to support these activities and will concentrate on the next step to be taken.  相似文献   

"The purpose of this investigation was to provide a better method of evaluating the sales efforts of different state sales organizations in the marketing of automobile insurance. Nineteen measures representing quantitative production achievements, manpower statistics, over-all market statistics, amount of business in the area, and combinations of these were factor analyzed. Five factors emerged, two of which were not evaluative measures and three that might ultimately be used as such. The five factors were: Absolute Size, Potential per Agent, Over-all Effectiveness, Manpower Utilization, and Rate of Growth. Although the first two factors were not directly associated with the evaluation of the states, their presence gave some additional knowledge about the other three factors." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

要大力发展并利用可再生能源,电能的存储是关键。锂离子电池是一种综合性能好、清洁环保的新型储能电池和动力电池。小型锂离子电池,以高品质钴酸锂为主导;锂离子动力电池,以高品质磷酸铁锂为主导。湖南省锂离子电池正极材料研究生产有良好的产业化基础,应加大研发投入力度,组建战略性新能源材料研发中心和大力发展先进电池材料产业。  相似文献   

This article discusses the current federal role in the collection of information about the mental health problems of children and the provision of mental health services to children. It also describes the federal programs that help finance mental health services, support their coordination, and provide funding for research and training of mental health researchers and clinicians. Recent changes in federal policy are also described. This article, and the Office of Technology Assessment report on which it is based, conclude that although it is in some ways considerable, the federal role in providing mental health services to children is fragmented. This lack of cohesive policies toward children and across service programs may create difficulties for those who would move public policy toward the continuum of care that many observers conclude is needed to address children's mental health needs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A rapid, simple assay procedure was developed for simultaneous analysis of aspirin (ASA) and salicylic acid (SA) in aspirin delayed-release tablet formulation by 'zero crossing' second-derivative UV spectrophotometry. The zero-order absorption spectra and second derivative spectra of ASA and SA were recorded in diluting solution acetonitrile-formic acid (99:1). The accuracy of the method was demonstrated by the determination of ASA and SA in five tablets formulations (each 20 tablets of the same batch) by the described method and by high performance liquid chromatographic method, and the results were in good agreement.  相似文献   

The American Psychological Association Council in February 1987 passed a resolution declaring that "the discipline of psychology, and the academic and professional activities of psychologists, are relevant for securing and maintaining human rights" and resolving that "the APA applauds the ongoing efforts of the United Nations to defend and protect human rights and undertakes to recommend the main UN human rights instruments and documents to the attention of its boards, committees, and membership at large." To help to implement this resolution, the present article first provides information about the development of human rights concepts and instruments; treaties and declarations concerning torture are used as examples, and the impact of these international agreements is shown in a recent history-making U.S. legal decision. Second, the article reviews APA human rights policies and actions and offers some conclusions about them. Third, it calls attention to a number of specific international statements of human rights that are relevant to psychology. Fourth, the article suggests some further steps that APA could take to implement its resolution. Finally, it provides references to sources that include the texts of the United Nations' human rights instruments and information about them. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to improve conditions for in vitro maturation and activation of porcine oocytes. Experiments were designed to compare: (i) electrical pulse frequency, (ii) methods of oocyte preparation, (iii) maturation conditions, and (iv) electrical poration medium on development. Oocytes were harvested by follicle dissection or aspiration, co-cultured with follicle shells in M199 based medium with or without media changes at 38.5 degrees C in 5% CO2 under non-static conditions for 48 h and electroactivated using single or multiple pulses (current strength 1.0 kV/cm for 50 microseconds in 0.28 M inositol or mannitol based media with 10 mM histidine) at different time intervals. The results showed: (i) neither the pulse frequency nor the pulse interval influenced rates of pronuclear formation but multiple pulse activation (3 pulses at 5 min intervals) induced a higher incidence of development and progression through the 4-cell block in contrast to one pulse activation; (ii) both the rate of nuclear maturation (88.6% vs. 77.6%) and post-activation cleavage (89.8% vs. 67.4%) were higher (P < 0.05) when oocytes were collected by follicle dissection rather than by aspiration; (iii) while changing to a hormone-free medium at 24 h was without effect on maturation (91.9% vs. 91.7%), rate of cleavage (81.6% vs. 72.3%, P < 0.05) at 24 h was enhanced by the medium change; and (iv) oocytes activated with 3 pulses 5 min apart in mannitol based medium at 48-49 h and at 53-54 h formed pronuclei at a comparable rate but subsequent parthenogenetic development was higher in the older eggs. By contrast, inositol-based medium supported development of young and old eggs equally well. Calcium and magnesium ions are, however, necessary in both mannitol and inositol media for activation of porcine oocytes matured in vitro. The present results suggest that optimal parthenogenetic activation and early development of IVM pig oocytes could be obtained if oocytes are harvested by dissection, cultured for 24 h in hormone-containing medium before being placed in hormone free medium and activated at 48 h in inositol based medium using a three pulse activation system.  相似文献   

A growing number of organizations have enacted policies intended to recognize and affirm sexual diversity in the workforce. This research demonstrates that the more prevalent these policies, the less likely sexual minority members are to experience treatment discrimination. Further, as expected, more equitable treatment was associated with higher levels of satisfaction and commitment among lesbian and gay employees. Treatment discrimination was also systematically related to the use of 3 identity management strategies (i.e., counterfeiting, avoiding, integrating). Findings also illustrate the importance of considering individual attributes in diversity research. In particular, group identity attitudes were associated with work-related attitudes and identity management. Overall, the research demonstrates the importance of organizational efforts to affirm sexual diversity and highlights the need for future research in this area. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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