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郑朋超 《中国冶金》2020,30(8):10-14
通过试验研究了在不同球团矿配比、不同烧结矿粒度和不同料层厚度条件下,高炉块状带透气性指数的变化规律。粒度小于10 mm的烧结矿会使高炉块状带的透气性急剧变差;在保持料层炉料粒度组成不变的情况下,如果料层厚度增加,则高炉块状带的透气性降低;随着球团矿配比的增加,料层压差呈先升高后趋于稳定的状态,高炉块状带透气性升高。  相似文献   

高炉内软熔带区域的透气性是影响高炉稳定顺行的重要因素,并由炉料的软化融化特性决定.当炉料内部发生软化融化时,炉料内对气体的粘性阻力系数及内部惯性阻力系数发生巨大变化,从而导致透气性变差,内部最大压差增大.本研究旨在通过预还原实验及软化融化实验,探明混合料的还原度对软熔带的透气性影响.结果表明:在不同软融阶段,同一还原度混合料层的最大压差明显不同,当料层温度进入融化区时,粘性阻力系数突增导致压差突然上升.由于惯性阻力系数的变化,压差曲线在达到融化温度之后还会继续发生波动.还原度较低时会出现二次压差峰值,随着还原度增加,二次峰值现象减弱.当还原度达到90%时,二次峰值消失,最大压差曲线在融化开始温度后逐步下降.试验结果对提高软熔带透气性,保证高炉内部稳定顺行具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

对于以钒钛磁铁矿为主要原料的高炉,研究钒在高炉中的行为规律具有重大意义。通过理论分析和模拟试验研究,探索钒在高炉块状带的还原机理。热力学计算表明,钒和铁可以无限互溶;随着铁相的出现,钒氧化物还原的热力学条件将大大改善。经过对承钢钒钛烧结矿的XPS和XRD检测证实:承钢钒钛烧结矿中钒的价态表现为+5价,承钢烧结矿以钛磁铁矿、钛赤铁矿为主,V、Ti固溶于钛磁铁矿中。通过对V_2O_3纯试剂、Fe_2O_3和V_2O_3的1∶1混合试剂及承钢钒钛烧结矿的还原试验研究,结果表明,在1 000℃范围内CO不能还原V_2O_3纯试剂,在高炉块状带间接还原中钒的氧化物不能被还原出单质钒。  相似文献   

在高炉喷吹煤造气冶炼条件下,研究在低温区块状带不同H2含量和不同温度对矿石还原情况的影响。试验结果表明:当还原温度为900℃时,还原速率随着H2含量的增加而逐渐变大,当还原气氛一定时,还原速率随着还原温度的增加而逐渐变大;还原后的球团主要物相是单质铁,并含有少量的镁钛铁矿(Mg,Fe)(Fe,Ti)O3、镁铝尖晶石(Mg Al2O4)和镁橄榄石(Mg2Si O4);随着还原温度的增加,镁钛铁矿(Mg,Fe)(Fe,Ti)O3首先开始消失,镁铝尖晶石(Mg Al2O4)和镁橄榄石(Mg2Si O4)逐渐减少,并且随着还原温度的增加,H2的还原能力显著加强,铁矿石失氧速率增加,生成的金属铁发生聚集,导致球团内部留下小细孔。  相似文献   

吕青青  杜屏  周俊兰 《钢铁》2016,51(1):13-18
 模拟高炉块状带气流和温度条件,研究了粒度、熄焦方式和焦炭类型对焦炭劣化影响,以及高炉上部碱金属K2CO3和Na2CO3催化焦炭与CO2的反应机理。结果表明:小粒度焦炭和湿熄焦炭失碳率较高,产生的粉末量多;捣固焦炭在反应开始时劣化程度低于顶装焦炭,随着反应时间增加,劣化程度高于顶装焦炭;碱金属会与焦炭中的灰分形成催化复合物,导致焦炭与CO2反应的起始温度降低,破坏焦炭的微晶结构,失碳率增加,粉化加重;K2CO3的催化作用高于Na2CO3的催化作用。  相似文献   

 高炉上部悬料是高炉生产过程中常见的问题,影响高炉的顺行与高产。块状带压差反映了高炉上部悬料的可能性,更精确地计算块状带压差对高炉生产有重要的指导意义。为了使块状带压差计算结果更符合高炉实际,在原有计算模型的基础上考虑了温度变化影响。基于此模型研究了高压操作与料柱透气性、高炉顺行之间的关系;以迁钢2560m3高炉为例进行计算,计算结果与高炉块状带压差的实测值相符。研究发现:随着顶压的提高,炉料孔隙度、粒径变化对块状带压差的影响幅度越来越小。将该模型应用于处理高炉上部悬料问题时,根据实际炉况计算出在不同顶压下块状带压差随鼓风量的变化曲线,预测操作过程中块状带压差的变化趋势,为定量化处理高炉上部悬料问题提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

研究了五种具有不同反应性的焦炭对高炉块状带含铁炉料还原的影响规律,并对料层的压差、CO体积分数以及含铁炉料的还原程度进行了分析.当炉内通入的原始气体中CO体积分数(仅考虑CO和CO2)为72.22%时,随着焦炭反应性的增强,焦炭气化速率加快,含铁炉料颗粒周围的CO体积分数升高,含铁炉料的还原度依次增高,还原度从使用低活性焦炭时的33.18%增大到使用高活性焦炭时的53.83%;而当原始气体成分中CO体积分数为66.67%时(低于900℃还原FeO的平衡气相体积分数),使用高反应性焦炭也可还原出金属铁.由此可见,适当增加入炉焦炭的反应性,可促进焦炭与含铁炉料间的耦合反应,提升料层CO体积分数,提高含铁炉料进入软熔带区域的金属化率.  相似文献   

高炉块状带焦炭反应性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了高炉块状带内焦炭的碳素损失情况及焦炭反应性的变化情况.结果表明,在高炉块状带内,焦炭的碳素损失从上到下呈增加的趋势,但增加不超过10%;在高炉炉身上部及中部,焦炭反应性指数变化不大,但是从炉身下部开始明显增加,至炉腹部位,焦炭反应性指数高达60.75%,几乎是入炉焦的3倍;焦粉热重反应性指数与块焦焦炭反应性指数有...  相似文献   

 Reasonable control on CRI (coke reaction index) is one of the key factors for BF (blast furnace) low-carbon smelting. However, there are contrary opinions. One is increasing CRI to improve reaction efficiency in BF and the other is decreasing CRI to suppress coke degradation in furnace. Different methods are adopted to realize effective catalysis (increasing CRI) and passivation (decreasing CRI) of coke. Simulation tests of coke in BF lumpy zone under gradual temperature rising have been done. Effect of CRI on gas composition, ore reduction, burden column permeability and heat reserve zone′s temperature under non-isothermal condition are studied. Then combined with iron making calculations, a novel BF operation suggestion is proposed as coke nut with small size be catalyzed and mixed with ore while skeletal coke with large size be passivated and separately charged into BF.  相似文献   

The gas flow from tuyere to raceway zone by blasting involves three distributional zones, such as dripping,cohesive, and lumpy zone. The gas flow distribution in lumpy zone directly affects the gas utilization ration and smooth operation in the blast furnace. However, the furnace closeness brings about great difficulty in the study of high-temperature gas flow. The charging and blasting system affecting the gas flow and whether the top gas flow distribution could reflect its inner condition as well as the furnace state, such as hanging or scaffolding, which have become the main problems for the research on gas flow. Recently, several researches overseas studied gas flow distribution using the numerical simulation method; however, such a research was rare amongst the natives. In this study, the flow model of gas in cohesive and lumpy zone was established using the numerical simulation software and the gas flow distributions with uniform distribution of burden permeability, scaffolding of wall, and nonuniform charge level were analyzed. As a result, the effects of cohesive zone and lower parts on the gas flow are very limited and the charge level largely affects the distribution of top gas flow. Therefore, it was found that the distribution of top gas flow could hardly reflect the inner gas flow. The process is called "redistribution" effect, which means that the gas flow after passing through the raceway, dripping, and cohesive zone is distributed when it flows into the lumpy zone.  相似文献   

以首钢炼铁原料为基础,对高炉喷吹煤与废塑料条件下的矿石还原粉化性能进行研究。结果表明:温度是影响炉料低温还原粉化的主要因素,500℃时粉化最为严重,900℃时炉料的低温还原粉化基本结束,在500~900℃,炉料粉化率随温度的升高而降低;相同温度条件下,炉料的低温还原粉化率随H2含量的增加而增加,随CO2含量的增加而减少;喷吹煤与废塑料后,炉料的低温还原粉化性能不会影响高炉的顺行;烧结矿的低温还原粉化率较大,球团矿、块矿较小。  相似文献   

 The gas flow from tuyere to raceway zone by blasting involves three distributional zones, such as dripping, cohesive, and lumpy zone. The gas flow distribution in lumpy zone directly affects the gas utilization ration and smooth operation in the blast furnace. However, the furnace closeness brings about great difficulty in the study of high temperature gas flow. The charging and blasting system affecting the gas flow and whether the top gas flow distribution could reflect its inner condition as well as the furnace state, such as hanging or scaffolding, which have become the main problems for the research on gas flow. Recently, several researches overseas studied gas flow distribution using the numerical simulation method; however, such a research was rare amongst the natives. In this study, the flow model of gas in cohesive and lumpy zone was established using the numerical simulation software and the gas flow distributions with uniform distribution of burden permeability, scaffolding of wall, and nonuniform charge level were analyzed. As a result, the effects of cohesive zone and lower parts on the gas flow are very limited and the charge level largely affects the distribution of top gas flow. Therefore, it was found that the distribution of top gas flow could hardly reflect the inner gas flow. The process is called “redistribution” effect, which means that the gas flow after passing through the raceway, dripping, and cohesive zone is distributed when it flows into the lumpy zone.  相似文献   

 The reduction degradation characteristics of typical sinter, pellet and lump ore were tested with the reducing gas conditions simulating two kinds of iron-making processes. The results show that, in the same condition of gas composition and temperature, the reduction degradation degree (RDI<3.15 mm) of sinter is high, RDI<3.15 mm of lump ore is low and RDI<3.15 mm of pellet is in the middle level. With two kinds of gas composition simulating different iron-making processes, the reduction degradation indices (RDI) of three kinds of iron ores all present the tendency of “inverted V-shape” in the temperature range from 450 to 650 ℃, and the RDI reach the maximum value at 550 ℃. The reduction degradation degrees of iron ores are extended when mixing the gas with hydrogen to increase the reduction potential, and the influence extent is discrepant for different iron ores. Colligating the increase amplitude of grains in small size fraction, the influence of reducing gas on lump ore is the greatest, the influence on sinter is the second, and the sensitivity of pellet on the reducing gas properties change is relatively small. As for the degradation form, lump ore and sinter both present the degradation of cracking, and the distribution of small grains generated from the cracking is in the range from 0.5 to 6.3 mm uniformly. The lump ore presents surface cracking, while sinter presents integral cracking. The pellet presents the degradation of surface stripping, and the proportion of grains smaller than 0.5 mm is the highest, which is up to 90% in the grains smaller than 3.15 mm.  相似文献   

The structural changes and reduction degree of chromite ore in blast furnace werestudied by optical micrograph analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy disper-sive X-ray analysis (EDXA). The smelting reduction mechanism of chromite in blast furnacewas primarily discussed.  相似文献   

薛方 《山西冶金》2012,35(5):10-12,34
通过研究澳大利亚块矿的冶金性能,并且与目前使用的另外四种块矿进行比较,得出在当前原料条件下该块矿的使用方法,为实际生产提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

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