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The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of vapor injection techniques on the heating performance of a CO2 heat pump. The performances of the flash tank vapor injection (FTVI), sub-cooler vapor injection (SCVI) and FTVI with a suction line heat exchanger (FTSX) cycles were measured and analyzed with variations of the outdoor temperature, compressor frequency, and injection mass flow rate. At the outdoor temperature of −15 °C and compressor frequency of 55 Hz, the heating capacity and COP of the optimized SCVI cycle were 12.1% and 12.7% higher than those of the optimized FTVI cycle, respectively, because the total mass flow rate in the SCVI cycle was higher than that in the FTVI cycle by the large temperature and pressure differences in the sub-cooler of the SCVI cycle. In addition, the optimum injection flow rate ratios in the vapor injection CO2 cycles yielding the maximum COP were determined at various compressor frequencies.  相似文献   

An economical, fixed geometry, bypass orifice was invented to control more precisely the refrigerant flow in an inverter heat pump system. Flow characteristics of the bypass orifice were investigated as a function of orifice geometry and operating conditions. Experimental results of bypass orifices were compared with those of capillary tubes. The bypass orifice showed the best flow trend as a function of frequency: the flow slope of the bypass orifice with respect to frequency was the highest among the orifice, capillary, and bypass orifice. The performance of an inverter heat pump with a bypass orifice and then a capillary tube was measured with a variation of frequency in the psychrometric calorimeter. It was observed that the performance of the inverter heat pump was enhanced with the application of the bypass orifice in the system instead of a capillary tube. The improvement of COP in an inverter heat pump with a bypass orifice versus the capillary tube was prevalent at the low frequency region.  相似文献   

制定低温热泵用涡旋压缩机试验方案,对研制的原型机进行性能测试。试验结果表明:在冷凝温度不变的情况下,随着蒸发温度的降低,原型机的制热量有所减少,但减少的速度低于普通热泵系统用涡旋压缩机;压缩机的电功率有所增加,但增加的幅度不大,且压缩机的排气温度也有所降低,故在低温工况下采用准二级压缩热泵用涡旋压缩机比采用普通热泵用涡旋压缩机可以更有效地提高空气源热泵的低温制热性能,是寒冷地区用小型空气源热泵比较适宜采用的压缩机。  相似文献   

This paper examines air-to-air injection heat pumps (HPs) and proposes a method to determine both heating capacity and coefficient of performance (COP) in situ, allowing analyses of already-installed setups and long-term observation. Due to the uncertain nature of air enthalpy measurements, this method instead uses refrigerant enthalpies calculated from pipe contact temperatures and steady-state energy balances to determine the COP. However, these energy balances are highly dependent on the hypothesis that the working fluid remains strictly monophasic in certain locations, which is not always true in practice. A parametric variable analysis is conducted on the refrigerant vapor quality to calculate the deviation in the COP due to diphasic conditions at the compressor inlet, injection port, and condenser and flash tank outlets. A final in situ COP uncertainty is presented, due to both the measurement and vapor quality uncertainties.  相似文献   

针对空气源热泵型冷热水机组(以下称机组)运行中经常出现的蒸发器(板换)冻裂问题,分析导致蒸发器冻裂的主要因素,提出采用单风机运行模式来防止机组运行中可能出现的蒸发器冻裂。通过不同机型的试验分析了低环境温度下的低回水温度和低流量状态下单风机运行时,蒸发器(套管换热器)人口处温度以及压缩机吸气压力的变化。试验结果表明,采用单风机模式防止套管换热器的冻裂是可靠的。  相似文献   

分析一种喷液旁通对空气源热泵性能的影响,并进行额定制冷和制热验证试验。结果表明:当旁通率较小时,制冷能力和能效比对旁通率的变化不敏感;旁通率微调到一定区间时,制冷能力和能效比出现一定程度的提升,压缩机排气温度明显下降;当旁通率较大时,制冷能力和能效比显著下降。在额定制热条件下,旁通率微调到一定区间时,制热能力和性能系数出现一定程度的提升。  相似文献   

A prototype transcritical CO2 heat pump was constructed for heating water to temperatures greater than 65°C while providing refrigeration at less than 2°C. The heating capacity was 115 kW at an evaporation temperature of +0.3°C and a hot water temperature of 77.5°C, with a heating coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.4. Performance data is presented for each of the compressor, the gas cooler, and the recuperator as well as for the overall heat pump system. Equipment performance data was incorporated into a computer model to enable parametric investigations of heat pump performance. Model predictions showed that the hot water temperature could be increased from 65 to 120°C with a relatively small reduction in heating capacity and heating COP of 33 and 21%, respectively. Model predictions also highlight the potential for significant capacity improvements by eliminating the recuperator in favour of a larger gas cooler.  相似文献   

Frost formation on a louvered fin microchannel heat exchanger was experimentally investigated in this paper with the aim of determining the dominant factors affecting the time of frosting and frost growth rate. A novel methodology was developed to measure frost thickness and frost weight at intervals during the frosting period. Frost mass and thickness growth rates, corresponding coil heat transfer, capacity degradations and air pressure drop are measured and discussed. The experimental data showed that at a given air dry bulb temperature, the fin surface temperature and air humidity are the primary parameters that influence the frost growth rates. Water retention and air velocity had a secondary impact on the frosting performance. From digital images of the frost growth it was observed that frost does not nucleate from the water droplets retained in between fins but it developed from the leading edges of the fins.  相似文献   

为了解决多联机空气源热泵常规除霜时间长、室内环境恶化等问题,提出多联机热泵相变蓄能除霜方法。针对提出的新方法,设计系统流程和试验方案,并在模拟室内外环境条件下完成试验研究。相对于常规除霜,新的除霜方法可以有效缩短33.7%的除霜时间,显著改善机组的除霜性能和室内供热环境。  相似文献   

空气源热泵热水机高温工况运行研究与实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍空气源热泵热水机高温工况运行时的两种常规控制方法,分析各自的优缺点,对两种控制方法提出使用建议。最后简要介绍一种适用于单风机机组和小型机组高温控制的根据压力调节蒸发面积的方法。  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted on a heat pump equipped with a distillation column. The system was operated with R32 and with a 30/70% by mass mixture of R32/134a to examine the difference between the transient performance trends with a pure fluid (R32), and those with a zeotropic mixture (R32/134a). Additionally, the effects of varying heat transfer fluid mass flow, compressor speed, and accumulator sump heat input were examined. Each test was 1 h in duration. The heat pump capacities did not generally achieve steady state during the R32/134a tests. Steady state was generally achieved during the R32 tests. As a percentage of the final (end-of-test) capacity, the rate of capacity increase was greater during the R32/134a tests than during those conducted with the pure fluid. The R32/134a tests exhibited capacity oscillations early in each transient that were not present during the R32 tests. The results show that circulating refrigerant mass and composition are the primary controlling factors with regard to transient capacity.  相似文献   

The performance of the heat pump can be improved further when running under low temperature conditions when an ejector is used in a heat pump system coupled with economized vapor injection (EVI) scroll compressor. In this paper, the design method of the heat pump system with ejector (EVIe) is presented, and the process for designing the heat pump with ejector has been summarized. The optimal location of the vapor injection inlets is at the place where the vapor can inject into the working chambers when they just be closed. The reasonable value for the entrainment ratio u of the ejector is between 0.1 and 0.2. One prototype heat pump was designed under the condition of the evaporation temperature of −20 °C, and an experimental setup was established to test the prototype. The measured results demonstrated that the heating EER of the heat pump system with ejector could reach about 4% higher than that of the system without ejector when the heating capacity remained nearly constant.  相似文献   

针对高温热泵的工业需求,设计并分析以水为介质的闭式高温热泵系统,系统引入喷水螺杆式水蒸气压缩机,利用喷水实现压缩机排气为饱和状态,满足工业应用高温升(高压比)的技术要求的同时,克服高排气温度会导致的机械及安全问题。计算结果表明:系统在蒸发温度为90℃,冷凝温度为100℃时,COP高达31.48,压缩机喷水注入比为0.019;蒸发温度为75℃,冷凝温度为100℃工况下,系统COP为5.99,对应的压缩机压比为7,注入比为0.103;压缩机比功率随压缩机压比升高而增加,增加幅度随蒸发温度的升高而增大;系统COP随注入水温度的升高而降低,但变化趋势并不大。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a thermoelectric-assisted vapor compression cycle (TVCC) for applications in air-source heat pump systems which could enhance the heating capacity of the system. Performances of TVCC are calculated and then compared with that of basic vapor compression cycle (BVCC). The simulation results show that when coefficients of performance (COPs) of the two cycles are almost equal, the TVCC under maximum COP condition of the thermoelectric modules still performs better than BVCC by 13.0% in heating capacity through selecting the appropriate intermediate temperature. In addition, the TVCC can also achieve an improvement of 16.4%–21.7% in both the heating COP and capacity when compared with the BVCC with an assistant electric heater that is provided with the equivalent power input of thermoelectric heat exchanger. Thus, the TVCC could be beneficial to the applications in small heat pumps if there is always need for auxiliary electric heat.  相似文献   

用空气焓差实验法,在制冷工况下对一台热泵型空调器进行最佳充注量的实验研究,同时,分别在制冷工况和制热工况下测量冷凝器和蒸发器管壁的温度分布。实验结果表明,空调系统中存在一个最佳制冷剂充注量,使得空调系统的制冷量和能效比达到最大值。根据实验结果,分别给出在制冷工况和制热工况下进行冷凝器和蒸发器换热计算时,制冷剂与管壁之间的平均温差。  相似文献   

当前的国家标准和国际标准中就环境温度对静态日蒸发率的影响采取了线性修正法,根据高真空多层绝热传热机理的分析可知导热和辐射是漏热的主要途径.通过改变环境温度,分别测量得到对应的蒸发流量;并对常规测量环境下蒸气流量的变化规律进行了测试与分析.研究表明环境温度对高真空多层绝热性能的影响是明显的,且结合传热机理分析,建议加入对辐射换热的修正来替代线性修正法.  相似文献   

对新型混合工质ZCI-10与HcFc22和R417A在不同蒸发温度下的制热性能进行试验研究,并对其物理和化学性能进行分析。结果表明,ZCI-10能够用于原使用HCFC-22的系统,并且环境性能、制热量和能效比均优于R417A,是较理想的HCFC-22替代工质。  相似文献   

介绍电热式干衣机和热泵式干衣机的工作流程及原理,分析电热式干衣机和热泵式干衣机的理论能效值,并设计一套热泵式干衣机试验系统。对电热式干衣机和热泵式干衣机进行试验研究,并根据试验数据对除湿量、单位除湿能耗和热泵能效比进行对比分析,结果表明热泵式干衣机在节能方面有很大优势。  相似文献   

The equipment configuration of a landfill gas (LFG) fueled biogas engine driven air source heat pump system was studied. The process flow for collecting and purifying LFG was analyzed, and the LFG collection and purification method was determined. An experimental apparatus was set up, and the effect of biogas engine speed variation on LFG consumption, exhaust fume temperature of biogas engine, recovered waste heat from exhaust fume and cylinder liner, coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump and primary energy ratio (PER) of the system were experimentally tested. The results indicated that LFG consumption and biogas engine exhaust fume temperature increased with biogas engine speed. When the biogas engine operated in the 70%–90% rated speed range, the system heat output and exhaust fume waste heat recovery rate would be relatively higher. In addition, the maximum COP and PER reached 4.2 and 1.4 respectively.  相似文献   

通过试验对降膜式蒸发器用高效传热管的换热性能进行研究,并将其与之相对应的池沸腾换热性能进行比较.由比较数据可知:样管池沸腾换热性能均随热流密度的增大而增强,降膜蒸发性能在一定热流密度下随喷淋流量的增大而增强;在恒定热流密度和恒定喷淋流量下,光管降膜燕发性能低于池沸腾性能,强化管降膜蒸发性能高于池沸腾性能;池沸腾性能高的强化管降膜蒸发性能也强.  相似文献   

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