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The placenta is an endocrine fetal organ, which secretes a plethora of steroid- and proteo-hormones, metabolic proteins, growth factors, and cytokines in order to adapt maternal physiology to pregnancy. Central to the growth of the fetus is the supply with nutrients, foremost with glucose. Therefore, during pregnancy, maternal insulin resistance arises, which elevates maternal blood glucose levels, and consequently ensures an adequate glucose supply for the developing fetus. At the same time, maternal β-cell mass and function increase to compensate for the higher insulin demand. These adaptations are also regulated by the endocrine function of the placenta. Excessive insulin resistance or the inability to increase insulin production accordingly disrupts physiological modulation of pregnancy mediated glucose metabolism and may cause maternal gestational diabetes (GDM). A growing body of evidence suggests that this adaptation of maternal glucose metabolism differs between pregnancies carrying a girl vs. pregnancies carrying a boy. Moreover, the risk of developing GDM differs depending on the sex of the fetus. Sex differences in placenta derived hormones and bioactive proteins, which adapt and modulate maternal glucose metabolism, are likely to contribute to this sexual dimorphism. This review provides an overview on the adaptation and maladaptation of maternal glucose metabolism by placenta-derived factors, and highlights sex differences in this regulatory network.  相似文献   

目的研究孕妇妊娠期血糖控制水平与围产结局,降低糖尿病孕产妇及其围产儿死亡率。方法将62例妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)产妇分为2组:a组为经产前血糖筛查发现并确诊,血糖控制达理想程度者45例,b组为产前确诊但孕期血糖控制不理想者9例,未经诊断的8例,共17例。收集并比较分析2组孕产妇及围产儿并发症情况。结果孕妇血糖控制不良其妊高征、羊水过多、羊水过少、胎儿生长受限、剖宫产、巨大胎儿、新生儿窒息和呼吸窘迫综合征、低血糖的发生率明显升高。结论控制母体血糖水平,降低围产期并发症,及时诊断治疗,确保孕产妇及其围产儿的安全与健康。  相似文献   

Globally, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death. Most concerning is the rise in cardiovascular risk factors including obesity, diabetes and hypertension among youth, which increases the likelihood of the development of earlier and more severe cardiovascular disease. While lifestyle factors are involved in these trends, an increasing body of evidence implicates environmental exposures in early life on health outcomes in adulthood. Maternal obesity and diabetes during pregnancy, which have increased dramatically in recent years, also have profound effects on fetal growth and development. Mounting evidence is emerging that maternal obesity and diabetes during pregnancy have lifelong effects on cardiovascular risk factors and heart disease development. However, the mechanisms responsible for these observations are unknown. In this review, we summarize the findings of recent experimental studies, showing that maternal obesity and diabetes during pregnancy affect energy metabolism and heart disease development in the offspring, with a focus on the mechanisms involved. We also evaluate early proof-of-concept studies for interventions that could mitigate maternal obesity and gestational diabetes-induced cardiovascular disease risk in the offspring.  相似文献   

One of the most common complications during pregnancy is gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), hyperglycemia that occurs for the first time during pregnancy. The condition is multifactorial, caused by an interaction between genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. However, the underlying mechanisms responsible for its pathogenesis remain elusive. Moreover, in contrast to several common metabolic disorders, molecular research in GDM is lagging. It is important to recognize that GDM is still commonly diagnosed during the second trimester of pregnancy using the oral glucose tolerance test (OGGT), at a time when both a fetal and maternal pathophysiology is already present, demonstrating the increased blood glucose levels associated with exacerbated insulin resistance. Therefore, early detection of metabolic changes and associated epigenetic and genetic factors that can lead to an improved prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes and future cardio-metabolic pathologies in GDM women and their children is imperative. Several genomic and epigenetic approaches have been used to identify the genes, genetic variants, metabolic pathways, and epigenetic modifications involved in GDM to determine its etiology. In this article, we explore these factors as well as how their functional effects may contribute to immediate and future pathologies in women with GDM and their offspring from birth to adulthood. We also discuss how these approaches contribute to the changes in different molecular pathways that contribute to the GDM pathogenesis, with a special focus on the development of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as an impairment of glucose tolerance, manifested by hyperglycemia, which occurs at any stage of pregnancy. GDM is more common in the third trimester of pregnancy and usually disappears after birth. It was hypothesized that the glycemic status of the mother can modulate liver development and growth early during the pregnancy. The simplest modality to monitor the evolution of GDM employs noninvasive techniques. In this category, routinely obstetrical ultrasound (OUS) examinations (simple or 2D/3D) can be employed for specific fetal measurements, such as fetal liver length (FLL) or volume (FLV). FLL and FLV may emerge as possible predictors of GDM as they positively relate to the maternal glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels and to the results of the oral glucose tolerance test. The aim of this review is to offer insight into the relationship between GDM and fetal nutritional status. Risk factors for GDM and the short- and long-term outcomes of GDM pregnancies are also discussed, as well as the significance of different dietary patterns. Moreover, the review aims to fill one gap in the literature, investigating whether fetal liver growth can be used as a predictor of GDM evolution. To conclude, although studies pointed out a connection between fetal indices and GDM as useful tools in the early detection of GDM (before 23 weeks of gestation), additional research is needed to properly manage GDM and offspring health.  相似文献   

Pregnancy causes significant metabolic and hemodynamic changes in a woman’s physiology to allow for fetal growth. The inability to adapt to these changes might result in the development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (hypertension, preeclampsia or eclampsia), gestational diabetes and preterm birth. Contrary to previous beliefs these complications are not limited to the pregnancy period and may leave permanent vascular and metabolic damage. There is in addition, a direct association between these disorders and increased risk of future cardiovascular disease (CVD, including hypertension, ischemic heart disease, heart failure and stroke) and diabetes mellitus. Despite abundant evidence of this association, women who present with these complications of pregnancy do not receive adequate postpartum follow up and counseling regarding their increased risk of future CVD. The postpartum period in these women represents a unique opportunity to intervene with lifestyle modifications designed to reduce the development of premature cardiovascular complications. In some cases it allows early diagnosis and treatment of chronic hypertension or diabetes mellitus. The awareness of this relationship is growing in the medical community, especially among obstetricians and primary care physicians, who play a pivotal role in detecting these complications and assuring appropriate follow up.  相似文献   

Pregnancy complications are a major cause of fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality in humans. The majority of pregnancy complications initiate due to abnormal placental development and function. During the last decade, the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in regulating placental and fetal development has become evident. Dysregulation of miRNAs in the placenta not only affects placental development and function, but these miRNAs can also be exported to both maternal and fetal compartments and affect maternal physiology and fetal growth and development. Due to their differential expression in the placenta and maternal circulation during pregnancy complications, miRNAs can be used as diagnostic biomarkers. However, the differential expression of a miRNA in the placenta may not always be reflected in maternal circulation, which makes it difficult to find a reliable biomarker for placental dysfunction. In this review, we provide an overview of differentially expressed miRNAs in the placenta and/or maternal circulation during preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), which can potentially serve as biomarkers for prediction or diagnosis of pregnancy complications. Using different bioinformatics tools, we also identified potential target genes of miRNAs associated with PE and IUGR, and the role of miRNA-mRNA networks in the regulation of important signaling pathways and biological processes.  相似文献   

Understanding pathophysiology and identifying mothers at risk of major pregnancy complications is vital to effective prevention and optimal management. However, in current antenatal care, understanding of pathophysiology of complications is limited. In gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), risk prediction is mostly based on maternal history and clinical risk factors and may not optimally identify high risk pregnancies. Hence, universal screening is widely recommended. Here, we will explore the literature on GDM and biomarkers including inflammatory markers, adipokines, endothelial function and lipids to advance understanding of pathophysiology and explore risk prediction, with a goal to guide prevention and treatment of GDM.  相似文献   

Metformin is the first-line treatment for many people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) to maintain glycaemic control. Recent evidence suggests metformin can cross the placenta during pregnancy, thereby exposing the fetus to high concentrations of metformin and potentially restricting placental and fetal growth. Offspring exposed to metformin during gestation are at increased risk of being born small for gestational age (SGA) and show signs of ‘catch up’ growth and obesity during childhood which increases their risk of future cardiometabolic diseases. The mechanisms by which metformin impacts on the fetal growth and long-term health of the offspring remain to be established. Metformin is associated with maternal vitamin B12 deficiency and antifolate like activity. Vitamin B12 and folate balance is vital for one carbon metabolism, which is essential for DNA methylation and purine/pyrimidine synthesis of nucleic acids. Folate:vitamin B12 imbalance induced by metformin may lead to genomic instability and aberrant gene expression, thus promoting fetal programming. Mitochondrial aerobic respiration may also be affected, thereby inhibiting placental and fetal growth, and suppressing mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity for cellular nutrient transport. Vitamin supplementation, before or during metformin treatment in pregnancy, could be a promising strategy to improve maternal vitamin B12 and folate levels and reduce the incidence of SGA births and childhood obesity. Heterogeneous diagnostic and screening criteria for GDM and the transient nature of nutrient biomarkers have led to inconsistencies in clinical study designs to investigate the effects of metformin on folate:vitamin B12 balance and child development. As rates of diabetes in pregnancy continue to escalate, more women are likely to be prescribed metformin; thus, it is of paramount importance to improve our understanding of metformin’s transgenerational effects to develop prophylactic strategies for the prevention of adverse fetal outcomes.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to test the hypothesis that maternal lipid metabolism was modulated during normal pregnancy and that these modulations are altered in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). We tested this hypothesis using an established mouse model of diet-induced obesity with pregnancy-associated loss of glucose tolerance and a novel lipid analysis tool, Lipid Traffic Analysis, that uses the temporal distribution of lipids to identify differences in the control of lipid metabolism through a time course. Our results suggest that the start of pregnancy is associated with several changes in lipid metabolism, including fewer variables associated with de novo lipogenesis and fewer PUFA-containing lipids in the circulation. Several of the changes in lipid metabolism in healthy pregnancies were less apparent or occurred later in dams who developed GDM. Some changes in maternal lipid metabolism in the obese-GDM group were so late as to only occur as the control dams’ systems began to switch back towards the non-pregnant state. These results demonstrate that lipid metabolism is modulated in healthy pregnancy and the timing of these changes is altered in GDM pregnancies. These findings raise important questions about how lipid metabolism contributes to changes in metabolism during healthy pregnancies. Furthermore, as alterations in the lipidome are present before the loss of glucose tolerance, they could contribute to the development of GDM mechanistically.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small vesicles ranging from 20–200 nm to 10 μm in diameter that are discharged and taken in by many different types of cells. Depending on the nature and quantity of their content—which generally includes proteins, lipids as well as microRNAs (miRNAs), messenger-RNA (mRNA), and DNA—these particles can bring about functional modifications in the receiving cells. During pregnancy, placenta and/or fetal-derived EVs have recently been isolated, eliciting interest in discovering their clinical significance. To date, various studies have associated variations in the circulating levels of maternal and fetal EVs and their contents, with complications including gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, ultimately leading to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Furthermore, EVs have also been identified as messengers and important players in viral infections during pregnancy, as well as in various congenital malformations. Their presence can be detected in the maternal blood from the first trimester and their level increases towards term, thus acting as liquid biopsies that give invaluable insight into the status of the feto-placental unit. However, their exact roles in the metabolic and vascular adaptations associated with physiological and pathological pregnancy is still under investigation. Analyzing peer-reviewed journal articles available in online databases, the purpose of this review is to synthesize current knowledge regarding the utility of quantification of pregnancy related EVs in general and placental EVs in particular as non-invasive evidence of placental dysfunction and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and to develop the current understanding of these particles and their applicability in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Complications of pregnancy represent a significant disease burden, with both immediate and lasting consequences for mother and baby. Two key pregnancy complications, fetal growth restriction (FGR) and preeclampsia (PE), together affect around 10%–15% of all pregnancies worldwide. Despite this high incidence, there are currently no therapies available to treat these pregnancy disorders. Early delivery remains the only intervention to reduce the risk of severe maternal complications and/or stillbirth of the baby; however early delivery itself is associated with increased risk of neonatal mortality and morbidity. As such, there is a pressing need to develop new and effective treatments that can prevent or treat FGR and PE. Animal models have been essential in identifying and screening potential new therapies in this field. In this review, we address recent progress that has been made in developing therapeutic strategies for pregnancy disorders, some of which are now entering clinical trials.  相似文献   

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance that appears or is for the first time diagnosed during pregnancy. It can lead to many complications in the mother and in the offspring, so diagnostics and management of GDM are important to avoid adverse pregnancy outcomes. Epigenetic studies revealed the different methylation status of genes in pregnancies with GDM compared to pregnancies without GDM. A growing body of evidence shows that the GDM can affect not only the course of the pregnancy, but also the development of the offspring, thus contributing to long-term effects and adverse health outcomes of the progeny. Epigenetic changes occur through histone modification, DNA methylation, and disrupted function of non-coding ribonucleic acid (ncRNA) including microRNAs (miRNAs). In this review, we focus on the recent knowledge about epigenetic changes in GDM. The analysis of this topic may help us to understand pathophysiological mechanisms in GDM and find a solution to prevent their consequences.  相似文献   

The liver is one of the richest organs in mitochondria, serving as a hub for key metabolic pathways such as β-oxidation, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, ketogenesis, respiratory activity, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, all of which provide metabolic energy for the entire body. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to subcellular organelle dysfunction in liver diseases, particularly fatty liver disease. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is a life-threatening liver disorder unique to pregnancy, which can result in serious maternal and fetal complications, including death. Pregnant mothers with this disease require early detection, prompt delivery, and supportive maternal care. AFLP was considered a mysterious illness and though its pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated, molecular research over the past two decades has linked AFLP to mitochondrial dysfunction and defects in fetal fatty-acid oxidation (FAO). Due to deficient placental and fetal FAO, harmful 3-hydroxy fatty acid metabolites accumulate in the maternal circulation, causing oxidative stress and microvesicular fatty infiltration of the liver, resulting in AFLP. In this review, we provide an overview of AFLP and mitochondrial FAO followed by discussion of how altered mitochondrial function plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AFLP.  相似文献   

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an obstetric complication that affects approximately 5–10% of all pregnancies worldwide. GDM is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy, and is characterized by exaggerated insulin resistance, a condition which is already pronounced in healthy pregnancies. Maternal hyperglycaemia ensues, instigating a ‘glucose stress’ response and concurrent systemic inflammation. Previous findings have proposed that both placental and visceral adipose tissue play a part in instigating and mediating this low-grade inflammatory response which involves altered infiltration, differentiation and activation of maternal innate and adaptive immune cells. The resulting maternal immune dysregulation is responsible for exacerbation of the condition and a further reduction in maternal insulin sensitivity. GDM pathology results in maternal and foetal adverse outcomes such as increased susceptibility to diabetes mellitus development and foetal neurological conditions. A clearer understanding of how these pathways originate and evolve will improve therapeutic targeting. In this review, we will explore the existing findings describing maternal immunological adaption in GDM in an attempt to highlight our current understanding of GDM-mediated immune dysregulation and identify areas where further research is required.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of strong evidence associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and thrombophilia in pregnancy. These problems include both early (recurrent miscarriage) and late placental vascular-mediated problems (fetal loss, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption and intra-uterine growth restriction). Due to poor quality case-control and cohort study designs, there is often an increase in the relative risk of these complications associated with thrombophilia, particularly recurrent early pregnancy loss, late fetal loss and pre-eclampsia, but the absolute risk remains very small. It appears that low-molecular weight heparin has other benefits on the placental vascular system besides its anticoagulant properties. Its use is in the context of antiphospholipid syndrome and recurrent pregnancy loss and also in women with implantation failure to improve live birth rates. There is currently no role for low-molecular weight heparin to prevent late placental-mediated complications in patients with inherited thrombophilia and this may be due to small patient numbers in the studies involved in summarising the evidence. There is potential for low-molecular weight heparin to improve pregnancy outcomes in women with prior severe vascular complications of pregnancy such as early-onset intra-uterine growth restriction and pre-eclampsia but further high quality randomised controlled trials are required to answer this question.  相似文献   

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is the most common metabolic complication in pregnancy, which affects the future health of both the mother and the newborn. Its pathophysiology involves nutritional, hormonal, immunological, genetic and epigenetic factors. Among the latter, it has been observed that alterations in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) methylation patterns and in the levels of certain micro RNAs, whether in placenta or adipose tissue, are related to well-known characteristics of the disease, such as hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, inflammation and excessive placental growth. Furthermore, epigenetic alterations of gestational diabetes mellitus are observable in maternal blood, although their pathophysiological roles are completely unknown. Despite this, it has not been possible to determine the causes of the epigenetic characteristics of GDM, highlighting the need for integral and longitudinal studies. Based on this, this article summarizes the most relevant and recent studies on epigenetic alterations in placenta, adipose tissue and maternal blood associated with GDM in order to provide the reader with a general overview of the subject and indicate future research topics.  相似文献   

Telomere length (TL) influences the development of lifestyle-related diseases, and neonatal TL may influence their prevalence. Various factors have been reported to affect neonatal TL. Although the fetus is exposed to multiple conditions in utero, the main factors affecting the shortening of neonatal TL are still not known. In this study, we sought to identify factors that influence fetal TL. A total of 578 mother-newborn pairs were included for TL analysis. TL was measured in genomic DNA extracted from cord blood samples using quantitative PCR. The clinical factors examined at enrollment included the following intrauterine environmental factors: maternal age, assisted reproductive technology (ART) used, body mass index (BMI), gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), maternal stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, preterm delivery, small-for-gestational-age, neonatal sex, and placental weight. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were used to verify the relationship between neonatal TL and these clinical factors. The median neonatal TL to single-copy gene ratio was 1.0. Pregnancy with ART was among the 11 factors associated with shorter neonatal TL. From multiple regression analysis, we determined that neonatal TL was significantly shorter for pregnancies in the ART group than in the other groups. We conclude that pregnancy with ART is associated with shorter neonatal TL.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance and altered maternal metabolism in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) may impair fetal arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) status. The objectives were to test the hypothesis that fetal polyunsaturated fatty acids would be altered with GDM and identify factors related to fetal phospholipid (PL) AA and DHA. Maternal and cord vein erythrocyte PL fatty acids were determined in GDM (n=13) and healthy pregnant women (controls, n=12). Cord vein erythrocyte PL AA and DHA concentrations were significantly lower in GDM vs. controls. Maternal blood hemoglobin A1C was inversely correlated to fetal erythrocyte PL DHA and AA in controls and GDM (n=25). Pregravid body mass index was negatively associated with fetal PL DHA. The data support the hypothesis that there is impairment in fetal accretion of DHA and AA in GDM.  相似文献   

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