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Recent advances in bone research have employed novel cell and molecular biology techniques to determine some of the fundamental mechanisms regulating bone function. Endocrine control of bone cell development and matrix turnover have been defined at a molecular level by studying the interaction of steroid/thyroid hormones with gene promoters. New steroid/thyroid hormone receptors have been cloned, suggesting that our current view of hormonal regulation of bone metabolism is far from complete. The function of one particular steroid hormone receptor, the vitamin D receptor, has come under close scrutiny following the observation that polymorphic variations in this receptor are linked to differences in bone mineral density. Detailed studies of bone cell differentiation have shown that cytokines may be particularly important targets for hormonal control in bone. The role of cell adhesion molecules in regulating bone resorption has also been explored; modulation of their activity may be of benefit in the treatment of diseases such as osteoporosis. Pharmacological intervention via the newly cloned calcium-sensing receptor offers another site for regulation of bone turnover.  相似文献   

The appropriateness of the recommended L-thyroxine dose (10-15 micrograms/kg/day) for the treatment of congenital hypothyroidism has been questioned because of the risk of iatrogenic hyperthyroidism. We report the outcome of 23 newborns with congenital primary hypothyroidism treated with 25 micrograms L-thyroxine per day (5.3-9.2 micrograms/kg/day) and followed for an average of 59 months. Serum thyroxine (T4) values increased (X = 11.4 +/- 2.7 micrograms/dL) within 4 weeks posttherapy; eight infants had T4 levels > or = 13 micrograms/dL on only half the currently recommended dose. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) values remained elevated in 18 of 21 patients for 2-21 months despite a high-normal T4. Psychometric tests were performed in 19 of the 23 patients. The mean Full Scale IQ for the congenital hypothyroid group (n = 16) was 101.4 +/- 13.2 with comparable Verbal and Performance IQ scores. Patients with a bone age (BA) of < or = 32 weeks or T4 < 2 micrograms/dL at initial evaluation had significantly Lower Verbal IQ scores. A standardized parent-report assessment of behavioral and emotional functioning revealed subgroup scale scores that were indistinguishable from nonclinical norms. We conclude that (1) average range IQ scores and positive behavioral adaptation are observed in congenitally hypothyroid children treated with L-thyroxine doses lower than currently recommended; (2) the L-thyroxine dose should be individualized to prevent iatrogenic hyperthyroidism; (3) TSH normalization should not be a primary objective of treatment, and (4) a prospective study comparing the advantages and risks of different doses of L-thyroxine is needed.  相似文献   

Superficial venous thrombotic (SVT) events are a feature of thrombophilic abnormalities, particularly those involving the protein C pathway. We have determined the incidence of SVT associated with pregnancy and the early postpartum period in a retrospective study involving 72000 deliveries. Fourty-nine cases occurring in 47 individuals were recorded, with an overall incidence of 0.68/1000 deliveries (95% CI 0.48-0.88). None had a previous history of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Most events occurred in the early postpartum period (0.54/1000 deliveries). Twenty-four/fourty-seven were screened for established thrombophilic abnormalities, with only 1 abnormality detected (FV(Leiden) heterozygote). Thrombophilia may play a minor role in the aetiology of SVT associated with pregnancy, although a larger study is required to confirm this.  相似文献   

We compared daily T4 therapy with 7 times the normal daily dose administered once weekly in 12 hypothyroid subjects in a randomized cross-over trial. At the end of each treatment we measured serum free T4 (FT4), free T3 (FT3), rT3, and TSH levels and multiple markers of thyroid hormone effects at the tissue level repeatedly for 24 h. Compared with daily administration, the mean serum TSH before the administration of weekly T4 was higher (weekly, 6.61; daily, 3.92 microIU/mL; P < 0.0001), and the mean FT4 (weekly, 0.98; daily, 1.35 ng/dL; P < 0.01) and FT3 (weekly, 208, daily, 242 pg/dL; P < 0.01) were lower. A minimally elevated serum total cholesterol during weekly administration (weekly, 246.8; daily, 232.6 mg/dL; P < 0.03) was the only evidence of hypothyroidism at the tissue level. Compared with daily administration, the mean peak FT4 following weekly administration of T4 was significantly higher (weekly, 2.71; daily, 1.59 ng/dL; P < 0.0001), as was the mean peak FT3 level (weekly, 285; daily, 246 pg/dL; P < 0.01). None of the tissue markers of thyroid hormone effect changed compared to daily T4, and there was no evidence of treatment toxicity, including cardiac toxicity. During weekly T4 administration, autoregulatory mechanisms maintain near-euthyroidism. For complete biochemical euthyroidism a slightly larger dose than 7 times the normal daily dose may be required.  相似文献   

Advances in our knowledge of the biochemistry of coagulation have facilitated the development of sensitive and specific assays that are able to detect the generation of coagulation enzymes in vivo. It has been demonstrated that the factor VII-tissue factor pathway functions under normal conditions to generate factor Xa and convert prothrombin to thrombin. Furthermore, the factor VII-tissue factor pathway is also mainly responsible for the activation of factor IX with minimal contribution from the contact phase. However the relatively high levels of factor IXa generated are unable to convert factor X to factor Xa under basal conditions. Prospective studies are required to determine whether "biochemically" hypercoagulable individuals (i.e., those with elevated levels of free factor VIIa, activation peptides of factor IX, factor X, or prothrombin) are more likely to develop arterial or venous thrombosis.  相似文献   

Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) occurs in 1/3 500 newborn infants. Interest in newborn screening for CH has been widely demonstrated in most countries. It was introduced in France in the last 70's; by the measurement of serum TSH level from an eluate of whole blood collected on filter paper on 3 days of life. It allows earlier diagnosis and treatment preventing most of the serious sequelae of the disease such as postnatal neurological damage. Their neuropsychological evaluation has shown normal mental development in most cases. Although CH with eutopic gland (15% of the cases) has recently been recognized as associated with different molecular defect, the cause of thyroid agenesis (85% of the cases with athyreosis or ectopic gland) remains unknown. These latter forms are usually sporadic but familial cases are described.  相似文献   

A series of 77 gallium-67 citrate (67Ga citrate) scans of the abdomen revealed lymphoma in 12 cases (nine of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, three of Hodgkin's disease). Scanning was undertaken (i) to confirm the suspicion of lymphoma, or (ii) as part of a staging procedure when the diagnosis of lymphoma had been established, or (iii) as a follow-up investigation after treatment of lymphoma. The diagnosis of lymphoma in the upper part of the abdomen is difficult with conventional techniques such as lymphography, and it is in this area that 67Ga citrate scanning is shown to be of value.  相似文献   

Most of the acquired hypothyroidisms are related to chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis which reduce the functional thyroid parenchyma, determine acquired organification disorders or rarely generation of blocking anti-TSH receptor antibodies. In subjects with genetic predisposition, autoimmunization against the thyroid involves recognition of thyroid antigens, cooperation between B and T lymphocytes and production of cytokines. Biologic markers of antithyroid autoimmune disorders are now widely available. Nevertheless therapeutic approach of autoimmune hypothyroidisms is still symptomatic: thyroid hormone is able to correct hypothyroidism, to reduce the volume of goiter if present and also to lower the biological evidence of thyroid autoimmunity.  相似文献   

To investigate the seroprevalence of HTLV-I in Kanagawa Prefecture (central Japan), we tested the sera of 8,264 healthy volunteers and 2,414 pregnant women. Of the 8,264 healthy volunteers, 66 (0.80%) were seropositive. The seroprevalence of HTLV-I in the pregnant women was 14/2,414 (0.58%), and this rate was almost identical to that in the healthy female volunteers 15 to 44 years of age (0.59%). These figures indicate that the seroprevalence of HTLV-I in Kanagawa Prefecture is very low and that sexual contact may not be an important contributory factor.  相似文献   

Brain excitability has been inconsistently reported to be increased both in hypo- and hyperthyroidism, but there have been few studies on the effects of thyroid hormones on brain excitability in children. With this in mind, we investigated the incidence of febrile convulsions (FCs) among patients with congenital hypothyroidism, who have been taking L-thyroxine since the age of 1 month. The incidence of FCs among congenital hypothyroid patients was 1.6% (1/63) which was significantly low (p < 0.05) compared with that of normal control children who visited our hospitals as outpatients (28/341, 8.2%) and that of others (322/3301, 9.8%) investigated 33 years ago in the same area. The incidence of FC among siblings of the 63 patients (7/74, 9.5%) was not statistically different from the controls. At least 8 of the 126 parents (6.4%) had experienced FC, however, only one child was affected in the 8 families. In conclusion, it seems likely that patients with congenital hypothyroidism on regular L-T4 replacement are less prone to experience FC. More studies on the incidence of convulsive disorders in children with thyroid diseases are needed to clarify the effects of thyroid hormones on brain excitability.  相似文献   

Hypertonic acetate solution in small volumes greatly improves cardiac output and corrects acid-base disturbances in hemorrhaged animals. We hypothesized that the combination of alpha alpha-crosslinked human hemoglobin (alpha alpha Hb), an oxygen carrier and vasoconstrictor, with hypertonic sodium acetate (HAHb), a vasodilator, may be effective for small volume resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock. Six pigs hemorrhaged to a mean arterial pressure of 40 mmHg for 60 min (bled volume: 23.6 +/- 2.5 ml.kg-1) received a single bolus of 4 ml.kg-1 of HAHb infused over two min. HAHb restored arterial pressure, increased systemic vascular resistance and caused a modest increase in cardiac output and SvO2, while pulmonary arterial pressure and vascular resistance were markedly increased. In two animals, transient severe hypotension and low cardiac output may have been due to acute pulmonary hypertension during injection. Compared to our previous study, in which animals received 4 ml-kg-1 of alpha alpha Hb alone, HAHb produced higher cardiac output and a smaller increase in systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance. However, slower, titrated infusions may be needed when hemoglobin solutions are combined with drugs or solutions that cause vasodilation in order to decrease the likelihood of acute hemodynamic instability.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In this study, we sought to determine the outcome of patients with ischemic colitis, comparing patients with segmental disease with those with total colonic ischemia. METHODS: Patients with the diagnosis of ischemic colitis over the past six years were selected and reviewed for demographics, presenting symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. RESULTS: Forty-three consecutive patients with ischemic colitis were identified and were grouped into those with segmental ischemic colitis and total colonic ischemia. Mean age was 68.8 years; 28 of 43 patients (65 percent) were males. Diagnosis was established by colonoscopy in 31 of 43 patients (72 percent), whereas in the remainder, diagnosis was made in the operating room. Ischemic colitis developed in the hospital in 17 of 43 patients (40 percent) during admission for an unrelated illness. In 6 of 43 (14 percent) of these patients, ischemic colitis developed following surgery. Thirty-one of 43 patients (72 percent) were found to have segmental colitis; 11 of 31 patients (35 percent) were successfully managed nonoperatively. Segmental colitis was present in 31 of 43 patients (72 percent), and 12 of 31 (35 percent) of these patients were successfully managed nonoperatively. In the patients with segmental colitis who required surgery, the 30-day mortality rate was 22 percent. Among 12 of 17 patients (71 percent) with segmental ischemia treated by resection and stoma, 9 of 12 (75 percent) underwent eventual stoma closure. All 12 patients with total colonic ischemia required surgery, and 9 of 12 patients (75 percent) died. CONCLUSION: Ischemic colitis occurs commonly during an unrelated hospital admission and following previous surgery. Most patients treated by resection and stoma undergo stoma closure. Total colonic ischemia carries a worse prognosis than segmental colonic ischemia.  相似文献   

In uninephrectomized rats on 1% NaCl solution to drink, aldosterone (0.75 micrograms/h subcutaneously for 8 weeks) raises blood pressure and causes marked interstitial and perivascular cardiac fibrosis, effects not seen in animals on a low salt intake. In extending these initial findings, we have shown that cardiac fibrosis (i) is not reversed by correction of mineralocorticoid-induced hypokalemia; (ii) appears not to involve the plasma or tissue renin-angiotensin systems, as fibrosis is largely unaffected by concurrent administration of Losartan or Perindopril; (iii) is independent of cardiac hypertrophy, in that it is equally seen in right and left ventricles, and in rats rendered hypertensive without cardiac hypertrophy by the administration of 9 alpha-fluorocortisol; (iv) is independent of elevated blood pressure, in that it is found in normotensive animals infused peripherally with aldosterone and intracerebroventricularly with the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonist RU28318; (v) is via classical MR, in that it is blocked by concurrent administration of the MR antagonist potassium canrenoate; and (vi) may or may not be a direct cardiac effect, inasmuch as data for in vivo effects on collagen formation by cardiac fibroblasts are conflicting. Although there is a high probability that the action of aldosterone to cause cardiac fibrosis in this experimental model is an effect via non-epithelial MR, the locus of aldosterone action remains to be established, as do the molecular mechanisms linking MR occupancy by aldosterone and collagen deposition. In addition, and in particular, the mechanisms underlying the crucial contribution of high salt intake in this model of mineralocorticoid excess await exploration.  相似文献   

We evaluated the circulating levels of GH, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), GH-binding protein (GHBP), and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) before L-T4 therapy in 19 infants with congenital hypothyroidism (CH), aged 12-29 days, diagnosed by neonatal screening and in a group of age- and sex-matched control infants. The same parameters were reevaluated after several months of treatment. Serum GHBP was measured by the high performance liquid chromatography-gel filtration method; serum GH, IGF-I, and IGFBP-3 levels were determined by commercial kits. The hypothyroid patients, before beginning therapy, presented significantly lower GHBP values than controls (P < 0.0001); during treatment, these values increased significantly; however, after 6 months they were still significantly lower than control values (P < 0.01). The pretreatment levels of GH were not significantly different from control values; after 1 month of treatment, GH did not show the decrease observed in controls and, therefore, was significantly higher (P < 0.01). The pretreatment levels of IGF-I were not significantly different from control values, but were lower in patients with severe than in those with mild hypothyroidism. They decreased at about 4 months of life and became significantly lower than control values at about 7 months of age (P < 0.05). In conclusion, it may be hypothesized that the condition of CH induces a change in GHBP expression, perhaps beginning in fetal life. The intrauterine production of IGF-I seems to be independent of the levels of GHBP and partially affected by fetal thyroid function.  相似文献   

A high prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) has been described in Turner's syndrome (TS) but the extent of this association is controversial for the prevalence of thyroid autoantibody and the clinical impact of thyroid dysfunction. In this study we searched for thyroid disease and thyroid autoantibodies in patients with TS. Seventy-five unselected TS patients (age range 3-30 years) were studied. Sera were tested for thyroid hormones, thyrotropin (TSH), thyroglobulin (TG-ab) and thyroperoxidase (TPO-ab) antibodies. The TSH-receptor antibodies with thyroid-stimulating (TS-ab) or TSH-blocking activity (TSHB-ab) were measured in the IgG fraction using a bioassay. Ten out of 75 (13.3%) TS patients had AITD: eight had autoimmune thyroiditis (AT) (six with subclinical and two with overt hypothyroidism and one with euthyroidism) and one had Graves' disease. The prevalence of AITD increased significantly (p < 0.05) from the first (15%) to the third (30%) decade of life. The prevalence of TPO-ab and/or TG-ab (20%) was higher (p < 0.05) in TS than in age-matched female controls and increased from the first (15%) to the third (30%) decade of life. Clinical AITD was diagnosed in 46% of TS patients with TPO-ab and/or TG-ab. Thyroid-stimulating antibody was detected in the hyperthyroid patient, and TSHB-ab was found in one of eight patients with hypothyroid AT. It was concluded that: TS patients are at higher than average risk of developing AITD not only in adolescence and adult age but also in childhood; hypothyroidism, mainly subclinical, is the most frequent thyroid dysfunction; elevated TPO-ab and/or TG-ab alone do not imply thyroid dysfunction; TS-ab or TSHB-ab are always associated with thyroid dysfunction although most cases of autoimmune hypothyroidism are not due to the latter antibody.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with hypothyroidism are usually treated with thyroxine (levothyroxine) only, although both thyroxine and triiodothyronine are secreted by the normal thyroid gland. Whether thyroid secretion of triiodothyronine is physiologically important is unknown. METHODS: We compared the effects of thyroxine alone with those of thyroxine plus triiodothyronine (liothyronine) in 33 patients with hypothyroidism. Each patient was studied for two five-week periods. During one period, the patient received his or her usual dose of thyroxine. During the other, the patient received a regimen in which 50 microg of the usual dose of thyroxine was replaced by 12.5 microg of triiodothyronine. The order in which each patient received the two treatments was randomized. Biochemical, physiologic, and psychological tests were performed at the end of each treatment period. RESULTS: The patients had lower serum free and total thyroxine concentrations and higher serum total triiodothyronine concentrations after treatment with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine than after thyroxine alone, whereas the serum thyrotropin concentrations were similar after both treatments. Among 17 scores on tests of cognitive performance and assessments of mood, 6 were better or closer to normal after treatment with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine. Similarly, among 15 visual-analogue scales used to indicate mood and physical status, the results for 10 were significantly better after treatment with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine. The pulse rate and serum sex hormone-binding globulin concentrations were slightly higher after treatment with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine, but blood pressure, serum lipid concentrations, and the results of neurophysiologic tests were similar after the two treatments. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with hypothyroidism, partial substitution of triiodothyronine for thyroxine may improve mood and neuropsychological function; this finding suggests a specific effect of the triiodothyronine normally secreted by the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

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