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来自丹麦的尊宝(Jamo)。一向以外观造型美观。系列齐全的音箱产品而著称。并率先在业界提出”声音指南”的全新概念。推出为家庭用户提供全套组建家庭音响系统的声音解决方案。利用专门编撰的“声音指南手册”。以直观明了的手法。为不同需求的用户解决在音响搭配过程中遇到的问题。事实上。音响的搭配是一个复杂的系统过程。  相似文献   

您好。我是入门的。经济实力也有限。听音面积20平米。喜欢蔡琴、王菲、许冠杰。不喜欢劲歌热舞。对爆棚低音也不是很感冒。个人比较欣赏KEFQ1。因为水平低,对摆位什么的没研究。据评论.KEFQ1的皇帝位很宽。摆位容易,整体音响异常和谐融汇。音乐是整体性的,很有一种浑然天成的音乐气氛。气度温顺。所以我想选Q1,那我想问问。2000元以内的功放哪款推Q1最适合我的要求?2000元左右的CD机选那款呢?马兰士4000怎么样?另外还有平价的线材请推荐。  相似文献   

功能强大的DVD刻录机过去由于价格高。使用不方便,给人以浓厚的专业色彩。回头看一下中国的碟机市场,LD还未在中国普及.一场VCD风暴却已前所未见地掀起。DVD机的登场也是走出了一波步步高升的行情。但DVD刻录机的的市场命运却大不一样.从推出至今已经多年了。却仍然只有有限的消费群体。除了多年的格式之争外,相信最大的障碍就是价格了。当然还有就是便利性了。随着DVD刻录机的多年发展。现在已经到了广泛进入中国家庭的时候。使用多年的传统磁带录像机也该是淘汰的时候了。原因很简单。格式之争已经基本集中在DVD-R/RW及DVD+R/RW上。经PHILIPS DVD刻录机刻录的DVD+R/RW碟片都可以在任何DVD机或个人电脑中播放。绝无播放兼容性问题。价格下调相信是最大的驱动力了。整机价格由去年的9000元左右。下降到现时的3000多元。作为消耗品的刻录碟也有所下调。其价格下降之快着实令人吃惊。价格的金字塔效应是非常明显的。价格越低。消费者自然就越多。至于使用的便利性。同传统磁带录像机相比。已经有过之而无不及了。作为DVD刻录机的消费者。他们购买DVD刻录机的目的就是要用上他的刻录功能。那么现在市场上是否有一款易用.实用、简单.便宜、性能有保证的DVD刻录机呢?回答是有。它就是PHILIPS的DVDR 615。  相似文献   

近两个月来,本刊网站的论坛里又不太安静。有个叫"高清迷"的香港网友遭到了广东一些网友的质疑。彼此论战的焦点大部分在说香港电视好看或不好看。"高清迷"网友说大陆电视越来越好,水平已经超过香港的电视节目。广东网友们则是缅怀香港电视的辉煌历史。这原本是简单的我说你好你说我好,互相捧场的事情,但是网络的奇妙性在于事情并没有朝积极的方向发展,其结果是吵架不可避免的发生了。外来的和尚是不是会念经,我们先不去管他。重要的是我们要弄清楚自己是怎么回事。本文,是专业电视人对我国各省卫视台做的调查评估。让我们了解一下我国的电视台的现状吧。  相似文献   

我一直在思考一个问题:我国的扬声器及相关部件的生产厂家数以千计。是目前全球扬声器产量的第一大国。也是出口第一大国。但长久以来。我们在高档扬声器领域.一直缺乏可以与国外知名品牌抗衡的制作。虽然我们在不断努力,但离国外最优秀的产品终有不短的距离.以公平.公正.客观的态度去分析,会是什么原因呢?如果能够找出一些原因,并通过努力。去解决一些问题。也许我们的扬声器会有突破.会有飞跃。更会得到公认的评价与肯定。可喜的是。近年。随着无数电声设计师的努力,随  相似文献   

家用投影机的销售方式是一个困难的课题。因为顾客需要通过亲身的体验才能够了解产品。从而做出决定。而普通的销售渠道是无法创造出一个能够打动人的接近家庭的视听环境的。富可视在进入中国市场后。以高档家电定位。重点采用了音响行业的渠道来销售。他们营造出专业的视听体验环境。并取得了不错的业绩。  相似文献   

五一长假的游兴未尽。十一长假的游程又渐渐成为车主们的议题。在自驾游中。车上装有高素质影音系统的车主享受了一个惬意的旅程。其他车主羡慕之余。对自己爱车的影音系统就难免动了改装的心思。下面所给出的汽车影音改装范例颇具特色。是华南地区改装技术水平较高的汽车影音改装店的得意之作。供车主们参考。  相似文献   

在AV时代。大部分人往往会被多声道音效所迷惑。甚至渐渐养成非多声道不闻的听音习惯。这在一些颇有资历的发烧友看来,简直是一件用来证明音响领域内“世风日下”的典型反例。痴迷于两声道立体声音响的发烧友。很不习惯用一套多声道系统来还原出音场、细节,他们更愿意用自己的耳朵。并通过器材间的最佳化匹配、均衡。来聆赏到最纯净、逼真的Hi-Fi之声。当然。  相似文献   

修房子,坚实的地基至关重要。十年,长还是短,不好断言。一个修房子的企业。用十年的时间来打地基,夯实自身基础,听起来似乎有些不可信。然而,在重庆铜梁。初秋,暑气未消,一家这样的企业正在十年庆典的欢喜中。正是他们。用十年,以蛰伏的沉着,坚定的信心,打大仗的从容。进入房地产开发、物业管理、金融等板块,成为重庆地产的新锐,令业界尊重和瞩目。成就了一个优质生活创作家——重庆来新居房地产开发有限公司。  相似文献   

在SACD/DVD-Audi0愈发普及化的今天。推出一款售价超过20000余元的CD机是需要有一定勇气的。DP-57配备了。MDS 转换方式。的24bit D/A解码。每声道采用两路德州仪器出品的PCM1796以并联方式输出来提高数据的处理精度。转盘控制部分为全数码模式。可以对每张CD设定最佳的伺服。  相似文献   

The relation between the power of the Brillouin signal and the strain is one of the bases of the distributed fiber sensors of temperature and strain. The coefficient of the Bfillouin gain can be changed by the temperature and the strain that will affect the power of the Brillouin scattering. The relation between the change of the Brillouin gain coefficient and the strain is thought to be linear by many researchers. However, it is not always linear based on the theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. Therefore, errors will be caused if the relation between the change of the Brillouin gain coefficient and the strain is regarded as to be linear approximately for measuring the temperature and the strain. For this reason, the influence of the parameters on the Brillouin gain coefficient is proposed through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.  相似文献   

DUV lithography, using the 248 nm wavelength, is a viable manufacturing option for devices with features at 130 nm and less. Given the low kl value of the lithography, integrated process development is a necessary method for achieving acceptable process latitude. The application of assist features for rule based OPC requires the simultaneous optimization of the mask, illumination optics and the resist.Described in this paper are the details involved in optimizing each of these aspects for line and space imaging.A reference pitch is first chosen to determine how the optics will be set. The ideal sigma setting is determined by a simple geometrically derived expression. The inner and outer machine settings are determined, in turn,with the simulation of a figure of merit. The maximum value of the response surface of this FOM occurs at the optimal sigma settings. Experimental confirmation of this is shown in the paper.Assist features are used to modify the aerial image of the more isolated images on the mask. The effect that the diffraction of the scattering bars (SBs) has on the image intensity distribution is explained. Rules for determining the size and placement of SBs are also given.Resist is optimized for use with off-axis illumination and assist features. A general explanation of the material' s effect is discussed along with the affect on the through-pitch bias. The paper culminates with the showing of the lithographic results from the fully optimized system.  相似文献   

The parallel thinning algorithm with two subiterations is improved in this paper. By analyzing the notions of connected components and passes, a conclusion is drawn that the number of passes and the number of eight-connected components are equal. Then the expression of the number of eight-connected components is obtained which replaces the old one in the algorithm. And a reserving condition is proposed by experiments, which alleviates the excess deletion where a diagonal line and a beeline intersect. The experimental results demonstrate that the thinned curve is almost located in the middle of the original curve connectivelv with single pixel width and the processing speed is high.  相似文献   

Three alternative schemes for secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) deployment over the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) are proposed and analyzed. The proposed schemes enable a mobile node to voluntarily establish an IPsec-based secure channel to a private network. The alternative schemes differ in the location where the IPsec functionality is placed within the UMTS network architecture (mobile node, access network, and UMTS network border), depending on the employed security model, and whether data in transit are ever in clear-text, or available to be tapped by outsiders. The provided levels of privacy in the deployed VPN schemes, as well as the employed authentication models are examined. An analysis in terms of cost, complexity, and performance overhead that each method imposes to the underlying network architecture, as well as to the mobile devices is presented. The level of system reliability and scalability in granting security services is presented. The VPN management, usability, and trusted relations, as well as their behavior when a mobile user moves are analyzed. The use of special applications that require access to encapsulated data traffic is explored. Finally, an overall comparison of the proposed schemes from the security and operation point of view summarizes their relative performance. Christos Xenakis received his B.Sc. degree in computer science in 1993 and his M.Sc. degree in telecommunication and computer networks in 1996, both from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens, Greece. In 2004 he received his Ph.D. from the University of Athens (Department of Informatics and Telecommunications). From 1998–2000 was with the Greek telecoms system development firm Teletel S.A., where was involved in the design and development of advanced telecommunications subsystems for ISDN, ATM, GSM, and GPRS. Since 1996 he has been a member of the Communication Networks Laboratory of the University of Athens. He has participated in numerous projects realized in the context of EU Programs (ACTS, ESPRIT, IST). His research interests are in the field of mobile/wireless networks, security and distributed network management. He is the author of over 15 papers in the above areas. Lazaros Merakos received the Diploma in electrical and mechanical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1978, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the State University of New York, Buffalo, in 1981 and 1984, respectively. From 1983 to 1986, he was on the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. From 1986 to 1994 he was on the faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. During the period 1993–1994 he served as Director of the Communications and Digital Processing Research Center at Northeastern University. During the summers of 1990 and 1991, he was a Visiting Scientist at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. In 1994, he joined the faculty of the University of Athens, Athens, Greece, where he is presently a Professor in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, and Director of the Communication Networks Laboratory (UoA-CNL) and the Networks Operations and Management Center. His research interests are in the design and performance analysis of broadband networks, and wireless/mobile communication systems and services. He has authored more than 150 papers in the above areas. Since 1995, he is leading the research activities of UoA-CNL in the area of mobile communications, in the framework of the Advanced Communication Technologies & Services (ACTS) and Information Society Technologies (IST) programmes funded by the European Union (projects RAINBOW, Magic WAND, WINE, MOBIVAS, POLOS, ANWIRE). He is chairman of the board of the Greek Universities Network, the Greek Schools Network, and member of the board of the Greek Research Network. In 1994, he received the Guanella Award for the Best Paper presented at the International Zurich Seminar on Mobile Communications.  相似文献   

Characteristics of gradually doped LWIR diodes by hydrogenation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The hydrogenation effects on HgCdTe diode performance are presented and the mechanism of hydrogenation is revealed. By the hydrogenation, R0A is increased by 30 times and photo-response is also improved. It is supposed that these are explained by the increased minority carrier lifetime by the hydrogenation. However, it is found from LBIC measurements that the minority carrier lifetime doesn’t increase by the hydrogenation. An important clue that explains the hydrogenation effects is found from Hall measurements. It is found that, after the hydrogenation, the doping concentration of Hg-vacancy doped substrate decreases and the mobility increases. For the heavily hydrogenated bulk substrate, it is also found that the hydrogen passivates the whole Hg-vacancy and reveals the residual impurity and p-type doping concentration is exponentially graded. From these measurements, the diffusion current model of gradually doped diode is proposed. This model shows that the diffusion current of the graded junction diode is 2 orders of magnitude smaller than that of the abrupt junction diode, which clearly explains the R0A increase by the hydrogenation. Medicisimulation to investigate the change of LBIC signal by the doping grading also coincides with the measurements. From these measurements and model, the hydrogenation effects are attributed to the grading of Hg-vacancy doped p-type substrate by the diffused hydrogen.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to increase the waveguide coupling efficiency in hybrid silicon lasers. We find that the propagation constant of the InGaAsP emitting layer can be equal to that of the Si resonant layer through improving the design size of the InP waveguide. The coupling power achieves 42% of the total power in the hybrid lasers when the thickness of the bonding layer is 100 nm. Our result is very close to 50% of the total power reported by Intel when the thickness of the thin bonding layer is less than 5 nm. Therefore, our invariable coupling power technique is simpler than Intel's.  相似文献   

位屏蔽多叉树搜索射频识别防碰撞算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
莫磊  陈伟  任菊 《电子学报》2018,46(5):1200-1206
针对RFID树型防碰撞算法中时隙数多、数据通行量大等问题,提出了一种改进的多叉树防碰撞算法,阅读器准确检测碰撞位并向标签反馈碰撞位信息,标签对阅读器已知的ID位进行屏蔽,把ID号转换成连续碰撞的序列号.阅读器利用屏蔽位信息和标签返回的碰撞位编码信息,对标签进行分层分类搜索.通过对标签ID进行屏蔽,阅读器和标签间仅发送对方不知道的碰撞位信息.该算法减少了碰撞时隙和识别时隙,避免了空闲时隙,减少了阅读器和标签间的数据通信量.理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法减少了系统的时隙总数和数据通信量,提高了阅读器的识别效率.  相似文献   

The collected spectrum of the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and the loss of the detected optical power are discussed with respect to the 3-dB bandwidth of a Fabry-Perot (F-P) type tunable optical filter (TOF), respectively. And the optimized parameters of the TOF are obtained consequently. It is demonstrated that the relationship between the transmission wave- length of the TOF and its drive voltage is nonlinear. A new method to compensate the nonlinearity of the TOF is proposed. The linear sweeping of the transmission wavelength of the TOF is achieved through modifying the drive voltage using interpolation algorithm. It is observed that the average error and the maximum error of the transmission wavelength are reduced sharply under linear fit. The dynamic strain sensing is realized by use of a reference FBG and moving averaging algorithm in this system.  相似文献   

用FFT对8FSK信号进行解调方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐锐 《通信技术》2003,(2):36-37
随着DSP技术的发展,快速傅里叶变换(FFT)的应用越来越广泛。利用FFT算法对频移键控(FSK)信号进行频谱分布,通过比较FFT计算结果来确定信号的频率,可以实现对FSK信号的解调。采用MIL-STD-188-141A中的8FSK调制信号作为仿真信号,用MATLAB6.1对解调进行仿真。在提到的三种FFT的检测方案中,在没有频偏的情况下,第一种要较好;但当有频偏存在时,第二种方法较好。  相似文献   

王晶  申娇  丁利华  杨星  邱柯妮  张伟功 《电子学报》2018,46(10):2486-2494
单粒子翻转是空间环境下微处理器发生异常的重要诱因之一,随着集成电路特征尺寸的缩小,单粒子翻转不仅会引发单位错误,还会引发大量的多位错误,如何有效解决处理器所面临的多位故障是容错处理器设计面临的新挑战.本文提出了一种基于周期粒度的级间寄存器备份机制的容错方法,采用双流水线冗余结构,通过比较器对比两条流水线的级间寄存器以检测单粒子故障;以周期粒度对级间寄存器的内容进行备份,当检测到单粒子故障时,使用2个周期对流水线进行恢复;为避免脏数据流出流水线,在数据缓存和寄存器堆的入口设置写缓冲,通过延迟写入保证信息可靠性.本文基于实际的SPARC V8结构处理器,对提出的方法进行了具体实现,在实验平台上进行了仿真,仿真结果显示,本文提出的容错方法能够以一定的面积开销实现对SEU、SET、和MBU故障容错,加固处理器的主频最高可以提升70%.  相似文献   

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