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介绍了高效萃取技术 ,讨论了并列多管型液体分配器及FG -Ⅱ+ 格删规整填料、FG -Ⅲ型波纹板填料支承的结构 ,及萃取塔在 18× 10 4 t/a丙烷脱沥青装置的应用情况。生产运行表明 ,高效萃取塔通量大、传质性能好、效率高 ,产品轻、重脱沥青油收率高 ,质量优良  相似文献   

李首先  龙军 《石油沥青》2002,16(2):13-16
研究了压力对溶剂脱沥青过程的影响。试验结果表明,在低于溶剂的临界温度下操作,压力对脱油沥青的收经和性质的影响不容忽视。以于同一种渣-溶剂体系,在其它条件(如温度、溶剂比等)不变的情况下,脱油沥青的收率随着压力的升高而降低,脱油沥青的蜡含量降低,而沥青脱油的收率随着压力的升高而增加。  相似文献   

为优化某油砂沥青改质厂溶剂脱沥青单元操作水平,分析了溶剂脱沥青装置运行状况及存在问题,通过研究溶剂组成和工艺条件对溶剂脱沥青单元效率和能耗的影响规律,结合理论计算和工业对标,提出该单元操作优化建议.该溶剂脱沥青装置使用纯度高于99.9%的n-C5H12,对溶剂质量要求苛刻,造成溶剂成本高;溶剂/渣油(质量比)高达7,造...  相似文献   

介绍了溶剂脱沥青装置的生产工艺,指出影响脱沥青油(DMO)收率和质量的主要因素是加工油种、溶剂组成、溶剂比、抽提器和沉降器的温度和界面。通过采取根据不同原料性质制定不同生产方案、保持溶剂成分合格、选择合格的两器温度、选择恰当的溶剂比,严格控稳两器界面这几项措施后,提高了DMO的收率。  相似文献   

蒸气萃取方法是一种在开采稠油和沥青方面经济上可行、环境上可接受的极有潜力的方法.虽然已经有人进行了一系列的实验室实验来研究蒸气萃取过程,但是仍然没有弄清楚蒸气萃取过程中重力泄油的采收机理.本文采用实验和理论相结合的方法来研究重力和毛管力在蒸气萃取过程中对重力泄油的影响.首先,应用悬滴实验中的轴对称液滴形状分析技术,在低于各自蒸气压的条件下,测量了不同压力下稠油样品与四种不同的溶剂(甲烷、乙烷、丙烷和二氧化碳)之间的界面张力.其次,分别计算了在稠油油藏和填砂物理模型中蒸气萃取过程的邦德数.结果发现在测试的四个稠油-溶剂系统中,稠油和溶剂间的界面张力随着压力的降低呈线性关系减小,相应的邦德数随着压力增加而增加.邦德数的增加表明重力对蒸气萃取过程作用相对增大,从而提高了采收率.  相似文献   

危建波 《广石化科技》2007,(C00):100-102,105
介绍了溶剂脱沥青装置的生产工艺,指出影响脱沥青油(DMO)收率和质量的主要因素是加工油种、溶剂组成、溶剂比、抽提器和沉降器的温度和界面。通过采取根据不同原料性质制定不同生产方案、保持溶剂成分合格、选择合格的两器温度、选择恰当的溶剂比,严格控稳两器界面这几项措施后,提高了DMO的收率。  相似文献   

介绍了高效萃取技术,讨论了并列多管型液体分配器及FG-Ⅱ+格删规整填料、FG-Ⅲ型波纹板填料支承的结构,及萃取塔在18×104t/a丙烷脱沥青装置的应用情况.生产运行表明,高效萃取塔通量大、传质性能好、效率高,产品轻、重脱沥青油收率高,质量优良.  相似文献   

南阳渣油溶剂脱沥青生产道路沥青的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
程健  张忠和 《石油沥青》2000,14(1):18-26
南阳减压油属典型的高含蜡渣油,南阳减压渣油溶剂脱沥青可以获得较高收率的优质脱肝油作为催化裂化原料,但脱油沥青只能掺竞为燃料油,不能生产合格道路沥青高在一定程度上制约了溶剂脱沥青工艺的应用,脱油沥青生产合格道路沥青是提高脱油沥青价值的有效方案,本研究对南阳渣油溶剂脱沥青生产道路沥青的技术方案进行了研究,究结果表明,通过采用本研究的技术方案,南阳渣油溶剂脱沥青的脱油沥青可以生产出满足要求的合格道路沥青  相似文献   

Cubic equation-of-state solid models are commonly-used to predict asphaltene precipitation behavior. Thermodynamic parameters are needed to model this behavior under different pressures and temperatures, and are usually obtained through fitting the model to multi asphaltene onset experiments. This paper introduces an empirical linear relation (tested on six oil samples) relating Asphaltene Onset Pressure (AOP) with injected solvent amount. In addition, waxes and aromatics correlations are utilized to obtain the thermodynamic parameters within the model. The two modifications decrease the number of tuning parameters of the model, as well as reduce the number of lab measurements needed to apply it. The model is tested on two oil samples, with previously published data, to predict AOPs. Using aromatics correlations provided more rational trends for AOP than waxes correlations. Besides, both correlations create a practical domain inside which the laboratory AOP values lie. The new additions enhance the prediction capabilities of the model in the lack of asphaltene experiments.  相似文献   

Baiji oil refineries produce 3000–3500?m3/year of oily sludge. This sludge is hard to be biodegraded, contains large quantities of crude oil, and hard to be transported into landfill sites. The aim of the present work is to treat this oily sludge by solvent extraction in order to separate this sludge to many components that are easy to deal with and recover the valuable crude oil. Different solvents types are used in this work: light naphtha, heavy naphtha, kerosene, gasoline, and methyle ethyle keton. The results show that methyle ethyle ketone gives crude oil extraction efficiency of 95%, solid separation of 24%, and water separation of 94% under 60?°C.  相似文献   

在363~423 K条件下,采用静态法测定了质量分数为55%的乙醇-水复合溶剂(以下简称试样1)及质量分数为25%的对氨基苯酚-乙醇/水复合溶剂体系(以下简称试样2)的饱和蒸汽压。用Antoine方程对实验数据进行了非线性回归。结果表明,试样1的Antoine方程常数项A,B,C依次为16.042,-3 305.400,-64.496,相关系数为0.999 97。试样2的上述各值依次为10.525,-605.260,-269.020,0.999 94。试样1的计算值与实验值的平均偏差为0.60%,最大偏差为1.27%;试样2的分别为0.95%,2.30%。  相似文献   

以大庆催化裂化油浆为原料,N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)与反抽提剂复配作为抽提溶剂,研究了复配比对催化裂化油浆抽提效果的影响.结果表明:当溶剂复配比增加,抽出油的收率增加,芳烃含量先增加后降低,芳烃的分配系数α和分离系数β均先增加后降低,说明合适的溶剂复配比有利于催化裂化油浆的抽提分离,溶剂复配比为2.3左右时,达到较...  相似文献   

针对目前提液井出现的一系列问题,在分析提液提高采收率机理的基础上,利用数值模拟技术,研究了不同地质条件和开发条件下提液的效果,确定了提液的政策界限。模拟结果表明,正韵律模型随渗透率级差的增大,提高采收率幅度先增加后减小;反韵律模型随渗透率级差的增大,提高采收率幅度一直减小;提液幅度大约为140%,提高采收率幅度最大;提液时机越早,提高采收率幅度越大;在提液方式中,高低渗提液比大约为0.6时,效果较好。  相似文献   

目前,对于含酚油中的酚类提取,存在脱酚率低、酸碱用量大,环境污染等问题,针对现有技术的不足,选取合适萃取剂,利用溶剂萃取法提取含酚油中的酚类化合物,以达到绿色化工环保技术的要求。通过筛选有机溶剂,确定以乙醇胺为萃取剂提取含酚馏分油中的酚类化合物。精馏切取含酚油中170~210℃富酚馏分作为萃取原料,进行萃取实验,在充分振荡、充分静置的前提下,得到适宜的萃取条件:萃取温度为室温25℃,萃取剂与原料油质量比为0.4,在此条件下,其单级萃取率可达95%以上。  相似文献   

针对某炼化企业在石油储运过程中产生的罐底油泥,进行了特性分析及萃取工艺优化实验.结果表明,该罐底油泥含水率约为16.1%,随着烘干时间的延长其脱水速率越来越低;当罐底油泥含水率为4%时,各溶剂的萃取效果均最佳,且溶剂萃取效果从优至劣的顺序为石脑油、120#溶剂油、正庚烷;以石脑油为溶剂时,适宜的萃取条件为:萃取温度50℃,萃取时间30 min,溶剂/罐底油泥(质量比)5,在此优化条件下,可萃油分萃出率大于62%.  相似文献   

Boscan asphaltenes were precipitated from the crude oil using mixtures of toluene and heptane at temperatures of 24, 50, and 80°C. Another process of extracting solid n-heptane asphaltenes (24°C) using the same solvent systems and temperatures was also investigated. Asphaltene yield is different by the two processes at similar conditions although both increases in temperature or toluene content lead to lower solid yield. This way the asphaltene continuum was investigated from incipient flocculation to total n-heptane precipitated asphaltenes. The asphaltenes were analyzed using elemental analysis, fluorescence spectroscopy, vapor pressure osmometry, and HPLC size exclusion chromatography. The distribution of porphyrins was also measured using absor-bance spectroscopy. The asphaltenes were found to follow a regular trend in elemental ratios, H/C and N/C, indicating increased aromaticity and nitrogen content as the solid yield decreases. Also the molecular weight was seen to increase. Size exclusion chro-matograms and fluorescence spectra were found to be different comparing solids from the two separation processes. This indicates that the asphaltene fractions obtained by extraction of solid asphaltenes are altered relative to asphaltenes obtained by ordinary precipitation. The porphyrin concentration was found to diminish rapidly with solid yield decrease in both precipitation and extraction experiments, the latter fractions, however, containing significantly less asphaltenes indicating an adsorption step in the coprecipitation of porphyrins. Soluble fractions were found to exhibit relatively low molecular weights and an apparent lack of indications of association up to a point of solubles exceeding 50 % of the total asphaltenes. The-latter have implications for the further understanding and experimental investigation. of the associating nature of asphaltenes such as concentration effects during analytical characterization.  相似文献   

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